
Speak Out : Gays & Politics

(This post was written by a member of A4A. If you want to us to publish an article on the blog, send it to blog at

Over the weekend I went to a local theater to see their presentation of “Bent,” a play about gays in the Holocaust. There is a movie based on the play with Clive Owens that I had seen a long time ago. The play was great and had some really amazing actors and some hard to look at scenes.

It got me to thinking about how little this was covered when I was in school. I remember learning about what happened to Jews in the Holocaust but never really learned anything about how the gays were treated lower than the Jews.

Fast forward to 2016 and look at the progress we’ve made and the danger of that progress being taken away from us. If you have followed politics lately, you’ll understand what I am talking about. So many of the Republicans are trying to do away with marriage equality and in some states make it illegal to be gay. It’ll be almost like we are going to go back in time if the GOP takes office. I’m still amazed at the joke of a front runner they have who has criticized Mexicans, Muslims, women and anyone he determines is an idiot, stupid or a loser.

The Iowa caucuses are this Monday and I implore anyone living in Iowa and the other states that have caucuses to please do your research and think hard about making your selection. I’m not going to push who I want to be president, but I encourage everyone to know what the candidates stand for and to pick someone who has the same beliefs you do.


A4A SN: ncboy1982_

There are 60 comments

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  1. puftwaffe

    I’m sorry, but the portion of this post dealing with the current political climate is absolute garbage. Unless there is a massive shift in the composition of the Supreme Court in the coming years which leads to a reversal of course, there is no realistic threat that elected politicians can “do away with marriage equality” or “make it illegal to be gay”. This is just needless alarmism absent any understanding how our government and its laws work. This type of fear-mongering is precisely what both parties count on to drive uneducated voters to the polls for their side. At least the last paragraph contains some solid advice to research the positions of each candidate and not merely be a mindless drone for one party or worse, a single-issue voter.

  2. Mike

    Pufftwaffe…who do u think nominates judges to the court??? U need to read up on the current justices and who put them there and how they are connected to politics … It is frightening how political and partisan they are….

  3. Parke Maxwell

    Call me crazy but I want Trump as president. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind or be intimidated by “any” group that has an issue. The retard we have now has done enough damage for 10 presidents.

  4. letstalk

    Excellent post Jason! You have hit the nail on the head. Its really sad to see people following the Republican front runner. This is not about being politically correct (what ever that means). We are a civilized society and many people are certainly not acting civil at all. He may be authentic but that doesnt mean he is the right person to run our country. He is a corporate bully and really doesn’t know the life of the average joe. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so you tell me how he is supposed to help the middle class? I also think its a good idea to research candidates and vote for the one who will be improving your life, especially as a gay male.

  5. UD

    “If you have followed politics lately, you’ll understand what I am talking about. So many of the Republicans are trying to do away with marriage equality and in some states make it illegal to be gay.” That is a lie.

  6. puftwaffe

    And yet, a majority of those same political and partisan current justices delivered Lawrence, Windsor, and Obergfell, decisions which shut the door on Congress and state legislatures passing laws to the contrary. Of course, the next President will have the opportunity to nominate at least a couple of a justices, but they still have to make it through a relatively balanced Senate. No Roy Moores are getting nominated, and they’d have zero chance of confirmation even if they did. That is not to suggest that we should drop our guard entirely, but the wildly alarmist tone of the post above is well out of line with what is realistic over the next couple of years.

  7. JaysSN

    Puftwaffe, only one conservative justice voted in favor of marriage equality. If others are nominated and confirmed, especially to replace Breyer or RBG, they will certainly reverse that and likely Roe vs Wade. If a republican is elected president, we are in deep trouble, for this and many reasons (guns, the economy, foreign policy, etc).

  8. Jim

    ANYONE THAT VOTES FOR CLINTON DESERVES JUST WHAT THEY GET. SHES A TOTAL WICKED BITCH. I don’t care that much for TRUMP, but hes opening a lot of eyes as to whats going on or has gone in Washington far too long, but he’s not presidential material, but would vote for him before the BITCH…….

  9. blog

    I don’t know much about American politics, but Hilary seems great no? In Canada we have a new Prime Minister who’s already doing great things, couldn’t be happier. He is young and open minded, so races, sexual orientations, same sex families, women, youth, are all on the same level, this is amazing!

  10. puftwaffe

    And Clarence Thomas could have a stroke tomorrow and be replaced by a much more liberal justice. Anything is possible with both the election and the future of the Court. Acting as if the sky is certainly falling, however, is ridiculous.

  11. leathernine

    Trump is the Joan Rivers of the his party. He say like it is take it or leave it. Most rep. cand. do not like us gay we have to power vote if we all go out and vote. All OF THOSE YOU DO NOT VOTE THIS YEAR SHUT UP and you have no one to blame but yourself.

  12. educate me

    I like Clarence Thomas cause Im sure he has a BBC. I like Hilary for being a Bitch. That’s what ya need to run tho place.

  13. morrowman06

    What a load of disinformation! Nobody can or will make it illegal to be gay. The main goal of our next president will be to fix all the damage the current resident of the White House has done. Secondly, they must keep that lying criminal Clinton as far away from Washington as possible. Maybe we can find Hillary a room in Benghazi? We should have no fear of a Republican president no matter if it’s Trump,Bush, Cruz or any of the GOP field.

  14. tom

    I do think Trump is not the one to be worried about. Ted Cruz on the other hand is more dangerous. He’s much more smarter and a hell of a lot more devious. The genies are already out of the bottle, (gay marriage, Roe v Wade, legalized medical marijuana). Going to be hard to change things back.

  15. Coach

    Does the original poster understand what traditional Muslims do to gay people? That by itself puts a “+” next to Trump. Does the original poster understand that Trump has no interest in overturning gay marriage? Dear Lord, people, do some research. Stop buying into the whole, “I’m gay so I must vote against any GOP candidate no matter what.”

  16. Collin

    “Trump isn’t afraid of anyone”
    Except for Muslims, Mexicans, gay people, black people, women, China, Fox, Megyn Kelly and the list goes on.

    Stop saying he’s strong and isn’t afraid when he’s the weakest candidate we’ve had in years.

  17. Wayne

    This why the gay movement can’t be taken serious. Republican hate anything just look whose sucking up their meanness. Gay republicans are the worse with their secret sex lives… meaning they will fuck someone of another race but head to polls and vote against that person even if it hurts them too. Lot of racism lies within the republican party and those who talk the loudest often get caught. Have fun with that but I’ll pass on them and sexing you too.

  18. Strong1nc

    Being a gay man, who has suffered much from religious persecution, in my community, illegally, wretchedly the religious idiots there, and as well here where I currently live. I would outta experience to advise all gay men, as well as women to watch Rachel Maddow’s Show on Jan.15, 2016 as she clearly exposes the religious idiots that the Republican Tea Party Conservatives Are in Bed with, and know that Donald Trump Swore allegiance to this group of conservative nuts !! You Been Warned !! All I can say..I have permanent Injuries from the warfare with the religious idiots, that think if they stop sin, and especially the gay “sin”. God will Bless them all for their persecution of others with their Christian Califate They hide under the surface of their actions.

  19. Greg

    One only needs to look at the composition of the Supreme Court in 2000, when George W. Bush was chosen as president by the court, to see how political partisanship affects the court’s actions. The five conservative justices voting in favor of Bush were appointed by Republican presidents (Nixon, Reagan, and George H. W. Bush). Although Gore clearly won the popular vote, 48.38 percent to 47.87 percent, the court handed the presidency to George W. Bush. It is always very important for gay people to keep in mind when voting for president that the appointment of justices to the court is a presidential power that has long-lasting effects. And which side of the court has voted for gay rights? Certainly not the conservatives.

  20. Strong1nc

    For going on 7 yrs. I have fought against the liars, that claim to be Christians. Who do you think the crooked Law Enforcement Works For ? Be advised Lambda Legal on makes referrals for legal help, they will not tell you of the ideological/political positions of the attorneys they make referrals to. And if you are Financially dispositioned from your battles, they do provide legal assistance to you. If you find a Gay Attorney that could help you, he will not because he will not work Pro-Bono for you. Also be advised that GLADD only serves the New England States, and also probably does not provide any legal aid if needed. So if you live anywhere else in this country, know that unless you have money to hire a Attorney, there is NO LGBT Organizations gonna Help you outta the mess these crooks will make outta your life and You !! And this is the Reality of being Gay in the USA.

  21. morrowman06

    My previous comment did not pass the cen I mean editor. But I think the writer is paranoid and ignorant. A dangerous combination. Research your candidates. Don’t just go with the hype. Find the truth and vote with your conscience.

  22. mark

    Voting for a person to lead our great country is certainly important. To have someone who understands the discrimination that still exist in this country is indeed very important. You can have laws on the books but if they are not enforced, there can be problems. This has been part of the black experience for decades. Gays have to be vigilant to elect someone who will make sure antidiscrimination laws are enforced as well as marriage equality rights. Any person who is willing to openly discriminate against one group could be ready to discriminate against a group that you might be in. Fear is weakness. Any person who prays on your fears is making a fool out of you. This country was built by people who fearlessly beleive they deserved better. We should vote for someone who represents those long standing positive values. No canidate will be perfect but hopefully, he or she will do their best to move our country forward. Despite what many people say about Obama, he has done a better job than what many expected. Many republicans have admitted that his action have been one of trying to move our country forward. Hopefully, we can get a president who will continue to lead our country forwad with all the future challenges and successes that await the USA.

  23. Bad_Influence

    We could be a Muslim country in 20 years and under Islamic law… There are many places in Europe that gays can no longer go safely. Visit Paris or London sometime and see for yourself.

  24. Chris

    @puftwaffe – 35 years ago there were stats that would lock you up for being gay. That’s less than a lifetime. There are several political leaders at the local, state and federal level across the US who believe hosexuality is a choice and that those who choose the deviant lifestyle should be behind bars or dead.

    For those of you who speak of Trump as a good option- the man has outsourced his business to china and Mexico so there’s not much he has done to make America great other than invest our potential jobs in other countries. Coupled with how ignorant he is, I can easily see a repeal of gay rights under his administration.

  25. AMAZED

    It is totally amazing that the lack of concern and general knowledge that many members have on this site! What gays in the past and in most places today are encountering even in this country is completely lost to some of these responding. Anyone who has any comprehension of the U.S. political system would know that all the gains nationally can be wiped out in a very short time. These gains are in reality not realized in many states even today, especially the solid Republican areas. Half of these comments criticizing this excellent and right to the point post are prefect examples what is the problem in our society and the gay community in particular, concern for me only!

  26. AMAZED

    Excellent post Jason!! Half of these responses show a totally lack of knowledge of the US political system and the American society outside of the large cities. The gay community needs to wake up to reality and respect the work done in the past and the reality of what was done to gays in the past and present and also could be done in the future.

  27. salmon rushdike

    child puleez. im voting for MOI for president. ill have that white house looking so fabulous, those wonderful folk from iran will be coming over to have tea in my fabulous china room. dont fret folk. I’ll serve pork chops that are hallel or whatever they call it. aint nobody takin away my chitlins. SNAP, CRACKLE, POP. im getting the vapors yall.
    on that note, i say vote TRUMP. gotta love miss ivankas shoe collection. next topic…..

  28. headsupguy

    I wouldn’t have chosen Clarence Thomas as an example. If he had a stroke tomorrow, who would notice? He is the most disengaged stuffed robe sitting on the supreme bench. I don’t see “wild alarmism” in the contributor’s original post; I see serious concern. Perhaps a recalibration of sensors is in order. Acting as if the sky is falling may be ridiculous, but so is assuming that all threats to gay equality have been neutralized.

    Trump is not opening anyone’s eyes. He’s pandering to conservative extremists and low-information voters as he plies his skill at attracting cameras and microphones. Outrageous loudmouth opining is just Trump’s schtick. Where does this misogynistic frothing and gnashing of teeth over Clinton come from? Have you met her?

  29. Art

    The Presidency and Congress was bought and paid for over a century ago. This political posturing and jockeying means nothing, because the powers that be are still going to get their way regardless who lives in the WH or crawls through the cesspool of Capitol Hill… Nevermind gay rights, these cretins will sacrifice your human rights if given enough rope.

  30. Sparky1952

    Recently I saw a show on Rachel Maddow and she presented a bone-chilling expose of what could happen in America concerning gays. 3 presidential contenders attended A meeting of gay haters and I was stunned at the amount of hatred and vitriol expressed by this speaker. We have come a long way in the past 30 years but it could all turn around with one presidential election and it changes in the Supreme Court. I urge you to check out this show on Rachel Maddow before you consider a Republican for the presidential seat. Bernie Sanders has been consistent in his stand on gay rights for 30 years. I would vote Republican before I would vote for Hillary Clinton.

  31. Mike

    Jim, why is Clinton a bitch ? And don’t tell me you care about some stupid emails either…. She has dedicated her whole life to public service… She’s the one who brought a national healthcare to the lips of anyone in Washington …and was vilified for doing so… By the way, the republicans want to do away with healthcare in the worse way… Obama already in January had to veto their first attempt ! Bernie is a 1 trick pony…. He won’t be very effective , and although trump is entertaining, I don’t think he can get much done either…. Clinton is more than experienced and I’d like to see a woman president ….

  32. New Yorker

    The founding fathers gave us an amazing Constitution, most powers were left to the individual states, and the three branches of government provided checks and balances so on one branch could get out of control. Unfortunately, the current trend is for the President (executive branch) to issue ‘orders’, appoint ‘czars’ and bypass the voters and the courts. This tyranny opens the door for the next president to rule as a king instead of a public servant.

    Honestly, get the facts before you speak. Republicans cannot send you ‘back’, the Supreme Court ruling took care of that. Many Republicans push following the Constitution which defines our freedoms, including freedom of speech and assembly. Democrats plan is to stir up a massive crisis every day, for which the only solution is more big government regulation, more 10,000 page laws that criminalize us all.

    Exactly how free are when you’re on camera 24/7 while you’re out in public, watched ‘for your own good’? This Federal government rewards countries where gays are subject to death, women don’t have it much better. Get the facts, do you want more tyranny or less?

    It’s OK for different States to have different laws, our Constitution was designed this way- they call it a ‘republican form of government’. Read up on it and go out and vote on election day.

  33. Jim

    When you say that you will vote for Trump, please be careful. Voting for any Republican could be damaging to your health. When you bash Obama, you are bashing the one president who supported marriage equality. Even if that doesn’t matter to you, I hope you would think carefully about the candidates who would support equal rights and equal opportunity for us and for those who need protection from the tyranny of the majority. There are many people who would just as soon eliminate us as support us and no one should forget that fact. For me, I will support Sanders or Clinton because they at least think about the common good as opposed to the wealthy class.

  34. Army Dad

    As retired Army DAV, I’m voting for Chris Kensington for President Re-elect No-one for Congress

  35. baci444

    Politically correct to a fault, the USA is almost to the point of no return. This mass hysteria that someone of color, ethnicity, religio or alternative lifestyle be offended has made us a bunch of pussies with no common sense or clear logic.
    Unless however, you wish to deride a white, conservative Christian, then it is game on.
    Until we decide to identify as American first and regain our prde in being the best of the best we are doomed to continue to spiral into a mess of lazy, entitled socialists happy to settle for whatever one can suck from the governments teat.
    Shed the contempt and jealousy of the rich…this is the only country in the world where anyone can attain wealth. Yu just have to be smart enough and be willing to outwork everyone else to attain it. Be American, get off your asses and compete. So damn simple.

  36. Butchtexx

    The Supreme Court marriage equality decision was a 5 to 4 decision. The contention that we are all safe from political change is false. Ruth Ginsberg was appointed by Clinton and is in poor health and she is one of the most liberal justices. The next president will get to appoint her replacement. Do you really believe a trump (reality t.v host) or a Ted Cruz would appoint someone who supports gay rights? Have you studied what either republican front runner stands for? I don’t really love Hillary either but when it comes to choosing the next president you might consider the consequences of your choices. Wake up and smell the coffee!

  37. R

    I agree that the one front runner is a corporate bully, whose “genius” is sycophants who are too cowed to let his delusions fail. His brash, immoderate postulations are designed to inflame, and all you medical types know what happens to conscience and intellect, in a mob. We have seen the historical precedents in other countries. As to the other front runner, I know the history of her spouse as well as you do, and I am not sure his old home state’s felony warrants have expired. His hollow promises brought “Dont ask, don’t tell” and still caused scores of people to be discharged, with no protections. I do not trust either. As an independent, I had rather see a Libertarian elected, as their platform never changes: if the Bill of Rights speaks it, they support it, no exclusions. But one young Republican recently caught my eye, with his courage, realism, earnestness, humanity, and middle class roots. When he had the nerve to encourage us to do our part, not get swept up by dependency, using a quote from Jack Kennedy, I was moved. The fact that this “unimportant” candidate is now being targeted by some bogus gay scandal allegations, makes me think the big dogs are scared, scared of a man who belongs not to them, but to The People. I now more strongly believe, not only that he is viable, but that he will understand the stress of how easily orientation can be targeted, a good reason to stand against that oppression. Do your research, see what I mean. But absolutely, positively, I could not support Trump or Clinton. If I have to write in a name, I will.

  38. Doug

    You tube Kevin Swanson, Cruz was there to speak at his church, republican have cause so many problem, Google all the candidates and read up on what the stand for!

  39. Firmhand32819

    Oy veh!
    “Gay”, “Centrist Republican” (not really as oxymoronic as I suspect will be claimed subsequent to this post), “husband” “father”, “Disabled Veteran”, “Rotarian”, “brother”, and yes, “over-educated, over-weight, over-privileged middle-aged white guy”. I will own ALL those labels–as long as NONE is followed by “…-American”. THAT label stands on its own. ALL are a part of me, yet none, by itself, defines me.

    Yup–we’re here, we’re (each in our own way) Q/queer–get over it. And the wonderful thing is, increasingly, it’s just not that big a deal to the very people who we were most fearful of. Yes, jerks will still enjoy their 15 min of fame. But if we avoid the politics of division, that’s ALL they get.

    THAT is what has evolved since Stonewall, despite Watergate, Reagan, AIDS, DA-DT, Hiilary-care (fail), Bush(es), ODS, 9-11, GW-II, Afghanistan, Hillarycare Part Deux/Obamacare/ACA, Arab Spring, Bengazi, Sino-expansionism, global warming, nuclear-capable terrorism, reckless, soul-less hedgefund profiteering & predatory lending by a banking industry STILL poorly overseen. And the list goes on.

    If we have come so far, why the hell are we having this dialogue in the cyber-closet like the outcast pariahs we no longer are, and not openly, in the streets and on the airwaves like the MEN we are. Let us arm ourselves with REASONED, passionate, logical and well-articulated arguments as AMERICANS from all aspects of the political spectrum, and not cloak ourselves in victim-hood and rant shrilly and divisively.

    Our future, and that of our children, brothers, sisters, nephews, neices, parents, neighbors (get the point?) depends on it, now more than ever.

  40. Purebalance

    Oh please the Canadian PM is a sexist/racist in that he intentionally made a 50/50 male female cabinet rather than objectively looking at all candidates he could choose. I would be fine if he ended up with an all female cabinet by merit, but the fact that he intentionally went 50/50 is sexism.

  41. Centralil38

    This country already decide that we shouldn’t have 2 lunch counters, different bathrooms,riding in back of bus. The people in the gay community have lost jobs, places to live, been told to leave restaurants, stores, and other businesses. There is many cities and states. Right now trying to pass laws that will let business tell people to leave because of WHO they our. As I said at the beginning look at what we have gone through. Do you really want to go back words. As a openly gay man born and raised in central IL. I sure open this gay community, women, and all minority people VOTE. VOTE THE CORRECT WAY GET ALL GOP MEMBERS OUT OF OFFICE. If they win we all go back 50 years in time.

  42. Matt

    I cannot believe how blatantly and intentionally incorrect this post is. As it pertains to the current climate, there is virtually not a sing statement or claim with any factual basis.

    People that can’t write factually accurate ‘stories’ should be ashamed…

  43. Hunter0500

    Hillary … more of what Obama gave us. Have you checked the real (skyrocketing) costs of healthcare? Internationally, the USA is being laughed at. Beyond that , the usual pandering to whoever is in the media spotlight at the moment. And the usual influence over the “Machine” that exists in DC.

    Biden … if Hillary falls asunder to her inability to manage her email accounts in the face of national security, this will be what her part of the Democratic Party offers up in her place. He’ll lean on all he’s accomplished (ahem) as VP in the last 8 years.

    Bernie … no solid connections in DC; will be eaten up by the “Machine”.

    Cruz/Rubio … basic Right. $$ rule. Simple. As good at managing the “Machine” as Hillary to get what it want.

    Trump … raw truths that most people don’t want to hear. He’d shake up the “Machine”. Results of the shakeup are unsure. Could be great; could be ugly.

    I have one vote. If I don’t use it, I cannot bitch or cheer about the results. Will spend the next few months seeing who makes the lesser fool of themselves so I can, ONCE AGAIN, vote for “the best of terrible choices”.

  44. gs897

    I can’t believe what I’m reading with some of you guys.

    People SERIOUSLY would vote for Donald Trump? He’s all hot air and no substance. All of his claims are basically illegal, and he has given no actual details, just ludicrous statements. Same for the rest of the GOP.

    Pull your heads out of your collective asses.

  45. Matt

    I am gay and a Republican and no that is not me being a traitor to the cause. I will vote for ANY Republican that opposes Clinton (criminal) or Sanders (Socialist idiot).

  46. BC

    This is one of the most ignorant articles I have read on this blog. First you start talking about what the NAZI’s did to homosexuals and then you try to draw a parallel to the Republican Party. Fear mongering is usually a tactic used by the right wing nutjobs. There are more similarities between the Nazi’s and the Democrats if the truth be told. Hitler was a national socialist, whose government controlled everything much like how the Democrats want to control education, healthcare, guns, free speech, income inequality etc. I think all politicians suck, don’t be fooled the Dems are using you just like they have used the African Americans, they don’t give a shit about you, they just want your vote.

  47. headsupguy

    Oh, BC, come now! You want to read an ignorant article? Read the latest about dicks having personalities. Now, that’s ignorant!

    “… similarities between Nazis and Democrats if the truth be told.” Whose truth? Yours? Then you fall back on the tired old meme that they want to control everything …

    And how do you feel about One-Percenters controlling a Republican U.S. Government? To me, that’s a far more terrifying proposition. But the Republicans keep telling the ignorant masses, “Vote for us and you’ll be rich and independent like we are.” As if …

    At least we agree that all politicians suck, and not in a good way. But make no mistake; Republicans are using gun-lovers, Bible-thumpers, gay-haters, tax-haters, Mexican-haters, Muslim-haters, woman-haters – well, haters in general – to grab power. They don’t give a shit about their supporters either; they also just want votes.

    Can you honestly say that you support a party that would deny your civil rights if they could? Do you hate yourself that much?

  48. Daniel

    This isn’t politics.

    People aren’t things. That’s what those labels are intended to make you. That’s what the labels do to me.

    Shared joy builds connections. Empathy is connection. Sharing the same things because we are all the same is how we connect through empathy.

    What is represented in that picture, that’s not humans. It’s labels. Labels don’t have joy.

    I’m human. Please, take my hand. Please, share the meager joy I have. It’s just for you.

  49. Tom

    Those of us who are registered to vote need to be educated, and well informed particularly in the upcoming presidential election. I realize that Hillary Clinton may not be the best choice , but she is the only choice if you don’t want to see Obama Care repealed , Planned Parenthood to lose federal funding, and gay marriage to be illegalized. You can rest assured that if Cruz or Trump is elected those will be the first things to go. Sarah Palin and her right wing conservative pals will make sure of it. Regardless of your political party, just get out and vote!

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