
Grooming: How To Shave Your Butt

It’s always a divisive discussion when it comes to body hair. Some people like to keep it natural, while there are those who like their bodies and their partner’s bodies to be smooth like a baby’s bottom.

There really isn’t a correct answer — it’s your body and your free to do with it as you please. This post, however, is for those looking to have a smooth bottom, either for their own benefit or their partner’s benefit. If you’ve always wanted to know the right way to shave your ass, you’ve come to the right post.

Check out our step-by-step process on how to shave your ass and achieve that smooth bottom.

1. Take a shower and clean yourself thoroughly

Just like your pubic area, your ass isn’t the place where you want to skin irritation to be present — a red ass is only hot if it’s because your partner’s been slapping it. Take a shower and make sure you clean thoroughly so you don’t end up irritating your skin when you start shaving because you’ve introduced new bacteria to it.

If you’ve got the hot water to spare, use it, as it helps soften the hair and prepare your skin for shaving. If you’ve got fresh towels to spare, use those as well. Re-using an old towel may end up introducing bacteria to your skin that may end up irritating it.

2. Make sure the razor you’re using is clean

All that care you’ve taken with your shower or bath isn’t going to mean anything if you’re going to use a rusty old razor. Use a fresh razor if possible. But if that isn’t happening, make sure to thoroughly clean your razor before letting it go anywhere near your ass.

Clean your razor of any remaining hair by running the blade under a heavy stream of water and tapping it against the sink. Use a little bit of rubbing alcohol on it to kill any bacteria that may be there.

For electronic razors, clean it by opening it up and removing any stray hairs. You can disinfect it by using a cotton swap dabbed in alcohol to wipe the blades.

3. If the hair down there is too long, trim it first

Long hairs may end up clogging your electronic razor or snagging on your non-electronic one, and it goes without saying that that could end up being really painful for you. So you avoid all of that, be sure to trim it first with scissors that are specifically dedicated for that purpose.

4. When applying shaving cream, do it one cheek at a time

Why should you only do it one cheek at a time? Because at one point in this process you’re going to have to pull your cheeks apart, and if they’re going to be both covered in shaving cream that is going to be a slippery and possibly dangerous situation. You don’t want to end up nicking your ass cheeks, or worse!

5. Shave with your butt facing the mirror

Unless you’ve got some sort of super flexible neck, it’s hard to shave your butt just by sight alone. Have your butt facing the mirror as you shave so you don’t end up straining your back or your neck too much.

If your skin gets easily irritated, shave with the grain to minimize this. If you want as close a shave as possible, you’re going to have to shave against the grain. Also, make sure to constantly rinse your manual razor in between each stroke so you dislodge any hairs stuck on it.

6. Have a handheld mirror around for when you shave your hole

Once again, unless you’ve been a contortionist all your life, shaving your hole isn’t something you do by sight alone. So you don’t end up having to take off the bathroom mirror from the wall, have a handheld one ready to use.

Put the handheld mirror on the floor, facing up, and then squat above it. This lets you see exactly what your working with, and you can now begin shaving. As in step five, make sure to constantly rinse your manual razor in between each stroke.

7. Rinse and dry

Once your ass looks the way you want it to look, rinse throughly with cold water, making sure that any excess shaving cream and hairs are washed off. Afterwards, dry yourself with a clean, fresh towel. Like we said in step one, the fresh towel is to ensure that you don’t end up introducing unknown bacteria to your ass.

8. Use antiseptic and body powder after

The antiseptic is to take care of any razor bumps you may have. Allow it to dry first before you apply the body powder. The powder is to prevent chafing and itching, and just to keep you feeling drying and fresh. Keep on applying the body powder for the first few days after you shave.

9. Exfoliate your butt after a few days

This is something that you need to do so that you don’t get any ingrown hairs or irritated skin. No fancy products necessary — a simple exfoliating cloth will do. Keep doing this every few days.

We hope that this step-by-step guide helps you out when you shave your butt. Adam4Adam blog readers, do you have any other tips to share when it comes to maintaining a smooth and shaven butt? Share it with the rest of us in the comments section below!

There are 25 comments

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  1. Mike Jones

    Whats with all this shaving bullcrap ? Shaved balls make my go LIMP ! I wanna wake up with a mans pubes stuck in my teeth ! And to the guys who shave everything “down there”… look like you have a womans pussy ! If ida wanted one of those I wunna married me something that smells like….3 DAY OLD DEAD FISH !! BUTCH UP and be a MAN I SAY !!

    • Dallas

      Oh look, someone who thinks a man is defined by what his pubes look like. I blame people like you for body shaming people in the community. No wonder the gays grow up with so many self esteem issues. People like you slap a label on everyone. Here’s a label for you. Prick.

      • anonimatovato

        yes what a prick and a misogynist. who wants fucking hair in between your teeth when performing a blowjob anyways? yuck lol! as for the ‘fish’ comment, cut that foolishness out, like if men always smelled that good anyways. nobodies perfect.

  2. bjjj

    Well, I don’t shave my public or butt hair, however in order to share you ass hair, I think it would be a lot easier to have someone else do it for you. I can’t imagine trying to do it yourself in a mirror. My BF has some nice kinky public hair and I personally think it’s kind of sexy.

  3. Luigi Nonono

    BUTTS DO NOT NEED SHAVING! Stop planting body-shaming ideas in the minds of vulnerable gay men. I can just imagine trying to stop the bleeding from a razor cut, the risk of infection. What a stupid post. Stop this track. We are beautiful as we naturally are. Live with it. Deal with it. We do not need tons of beauty products and body modifications.

    • Dave

      Ok not because you love hairy butt crack that the world needs to like them too!
      I used to shave mine and I had it lazer’ed and tops like my smooth butt! 🙂

  4. BJ

    I love a smooth butt. Mine and my partners. Mine because it’s clean and easier to wipe. His because I hate licking hair. One suggestion: shave while in the shower. Much easier!

    • Marcus

      BJ, You said exactly what I wanted to say word for word. Emphasis on easier to clean, stays fresh smelling longer and much easier to wipe clean.

  5. Edward

    Guys like and enjoy different things. I can’t understand people that criticize guys that shave or guys that not. They are missing the point of having fun whatever, turn you on!!

  6. Franklin

    Actually I never liked the hair on my butt, from the time I came into puberty at age 11 on, and I think my dislike has more to do with aesthetics than with “body shaming”. Figuring out that I could shave my butt and not be made fun of by other gay men was actually very liberating. Mind you, I like a hairy butt on some men–just not on me. I’d love to go in for laser work, only I’m shy to bring it up to my (presumably straight) dermatologist–like she would care!

  7. Hunter0500

    No thanks. Not for me. Nothing I’d need from a bud. I like men to have hair. Whether it’s a little or they’re Trog, it’s who they are. Smooth reminds me of a woman or young boy … neither of which I’m fired up by.

    if it’s something you need to do to yourself or something that you just have to have from another guy, great. Go for it.

  8. Alex

    Its a preference matter. I like my ass to be smooth, and I also like my hubby to have a hairless shaft/base, the skin on skin feeling (plus gliding) is amazing. However, I personally dont like shaving cause once the hair starts growing, its too pokey. I’d have to be shaving every 3 days or so. Who has time for that??? I use hair removing lotion, 15 min, easy peasy ans voila! 2 weeks smooth butthole and shaft. *dives in*

  9. NotNelly

    Get real, guys. Some of us have too much hair down there, and *need* to shave for hygiene. Some of us have just a little silky fuzz that is only removed for aesthetic reasons. Some of us appear to have paraphilias based upon foul hygiene and stinking fur, and are asking for throat infections, among other diseases and conditions which are less often as treatable as they once were. Shaving the contact zone between the cheeks is different from shaving the buttocks, as well; good hygiene is not “feminine,” nor is bad hygiene necessarily “masculine,” as there are plenty of dirtbags of both sexes who enjoy stinking like filthy animals. Hair pulls condoms, and condoms pull hair; shaven contact zones encourage proper safe procedure, even if you *are* on the slut drugs. So shave if you want to, and crouch down in a hot shower, with good lather and a clean razor, and shave on both sides of the cleft, away from the anus. Follow up with swipes both up and down the crack, on both sides, with fresh lather and a well-rinsed razor. If a guy has a problem with you being cleaner than average, it’s *his* problem, not yours.

  10. Bubblecakes

    Shaving is cool but a bit more work. Nair or Veet with Aloe Vera, Almond Oil, or Coconut Oil does the job for me. It typically lasts longer than shaving and the hair texture isn’t as coarse or rough when it grows back. I only use a razor when inbetween bottles and don’t feel like making a store run. Apply it while in the shower after you cleanse your body and exfoliate. Exfoliating before will lift hairs, soften them, and help remove dead skin and potential bacteria and debris in the follicles and pores. If you are hyper sensitive you may desire to exfoliate after you use the depilatory cream. A little hair on the cakes is fine, but no wolf or bear pussy for me. Lol I will pass, but to each their own. Guys eat it like it’s their last supper.

  11. Jake

    Suprising the number of comments on the dislike of a man having any hair on his ass lol. I don’t mind if a guys cheeks are a little furry. I think it’s especially hot and love eatingi a guy out that has some in the crack of his ass or around his hole.
    I think the thing that wasn’t pointed out that unless you laser or have say waxing that shaving is only cutting it off at the surface. So unless you’re going to do it before we hook up so it’s baby smooth I’m not looking to run my tongue through a stubble filled ass crack lol.
    I don’t think this whole body shaving issue is every going to go away where guys feel the need to remove every scrap of hair from their bodies. Honestly it’s sad because men with body hair and like I mentioned above are beautiful and sexy to me. Turns me on to be rubbing up against another man and feeling his hairy body against mine or with my hands.

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