Pride Adam4Adam

Speak Out: What Does Pride Month Mean to You?

(Photo Credits: Paul M. Walsh [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons)

It’s 2018, guys! What do Pride and Pride Month mean to you in this day and age? And how do you celebrate Pride? For many, Pride Month is a time for celebration and a time to be thankful for the people who sacrificed many in order to help shape the LGBT community to what it is today. For others, it is mostly a time to celebrate the LGBT community’s challenges and victories but also a time for reflection of what’s next for us. Some, like Alison Camps, say Pride for them “represents reawakening” and that celebrating it “feels like being part of a family.” Others say Pride Month means the opportunity to raise people’s LGBT awareness and to promote LGBT rights and equality.

For others however, Pride isn’t just one month but a constant—the whole year though if you may. That Pride is, in essence, “living every day out with integrity and honesty in order to make a difference for others, to give hope and strength for those afraid to come out.”  In addition, some say that Pride means being “unapologetically yourself” while others say that for them, Pride means “visibility” and living their truth. Feelings and sentiments that resonate with me.

Indeed, Pride and Pride Month could mean many things. And clearly, it also means different for each of us, so what about you? What does Pride Month mean to you—our dear Adam4Adam members—and more importantly, do you take part in Pride celebrations? Why or why not?

Speaking of celebrations, the NYC Pride Week is currently underway. Have you participated in any of their events so far? How did it go? Are you going to the NYC Pride March this Sunday? You may view the NYC Pride March 2018 route here. What’s more is that Kylie Minogue is going to be at the LGBTQ music festival Pride Island, NYC this Sunday, June 24. Check this out for more information.

We want to hear your thoughts and Pride Month stories so please share it with us in the comments section below.

There are 59 comments

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  1. PostGayGrandDad

    It means nothing to me, really. I have never lived in an area where pride is on the agenda. It seems to be something that happens in urban centers.

    • ron

      Same here, means nothing to me, don’t relate at all to the alt-left gay men that demand everyone embrace and accept them…sorry the world just does not work that way, don’t relate to gay men at all, guess that is why I am single!

      • PostGayGrandDad

        I can relate to them, but I’m not _attracted_ to in-your-face flaming. No the over-the-top machismo of biker types. Where are all the normal guys who like dick? Why doesn’t UPS send me a cute driver?

      • Rouge79

        I agree 100%. I also think that a new stereotype of the rainbow has been created. There were children out there I could see them from my block. So what about the children? When they see a “rainbow” right away it’s a “gay” thing. How disgusting.

  2. Matt

    Pride demeans gay men who do not want to be a part of the intolerant, bigoted political cabal. Pride marginalizes gay men by making their only accomplishment that they are gay as opposed to men of purpose. It’s disgraceful.

  3. Matt (Black)

    I think its ridiculous and promote divisiveness. We don’t have heterosexual pride month. I think its too big and exaggerated like most gay people. I think its an huge excuse for horny gay people to gather in one or more areas to fuck like crazy. Great excuse to meet new people to fuck. Being proud of who you are is good but please don’t throw in people’s faces that frankly don’t give a fuck.

  4. rem

    back n the day pride stood for something
    aids cure n research now days go to pride see booths for insurance an half naked drunk n high tweekers who wasn’t round when fight for equality was “real” as in real rocks being tossed at you beig bashed beaten an even killed when it was a life n death struggle now the kids of today ride on the coattails of queer heros so they can act like drunk n stoned fools lol

    • PostGayGrandDad

      A friend who lived in NYC in the 70s told me he and his few gay friends sat in a cafe watching a gay pride parade go by were all commenting on how the marchers didn’t represent them. There were the drag queens, then the biker gangs, then the theatre groupies, then the S&M contingent. None of them meant anything to my friend and his friends. Then a group came by with a simple sign “We Are Everywhere”. My friend recognized his fellow AA members, left the cafe and joined them to march.

  5. Lamar

    I think of “Pride” as being one individual, chosen by nature not to reproduce. That doesn’t mean, that I don’t deserve to as a (human-soul) learn to love and be loved, that’s where the pride comes in at.

    I take pride in being me, which does not mean being what someone thinks I should be relegated to being. Which is hands down; something lesser than what I’m capable of being, even among other gay people, too; misguided notions of color/class of course.

    It also means, being a role-model for the upcoming-younger generation, correcting the mistakes prior generations have made. “We” have so many more freedoms of how we’re going to conduct ourselves, we have bars you can openly go to, there’s no need any longer to settle for the back-alley sleaze, unless, of course, that’s the way you like it.

    There’s much less barriers in your way, so don’t let the ‘dark-side’ of the gay-lifestyle, stand in your way either, that so many have. That, is the true way to honor gay pride all of your years, period, because the next generation is also watching.

    • Hunter4B

      Hey mate, it’s time I call you out!
      Every time I see you post, I KNOW I have to read it because it will be a thoughtful and well constructed perspective. Today, I am writing you because as someone ‘newer’ here, I read all the nastiness that came before your post (though some may be valid, even then I still understand why scantly clad guys also make the point that ‘like it or not’ WE are HERE; in an IN YOUR FACE, but no less valid way), and I realize that YOU are someone who seems to give a damn about THIS community.
      I love reading what you have to say, and I appreciate how you touch upon several points of views. You address concerns, but always leave me (the reader) feeling uplifted, and like there is more for me to do to help out OUR community. I have never been to Pride, and perhaps some is because growing up, I only saw the extreme parts the media showed, but I want you to know that what you said here is as much a guideline for how WE SHOULD carry ourselves at events, as it is a support of the event itself.
      Also, thanks for always making the effort to speak your mind in a quality way – I truly enjoy reading what you have to say, if only others here had as much ability and class!

      • dls245

        I totally agree with you Hunter! Great to read yours and Lamar’s posts on here. Very uplifting and moving forward.

  6. Matt

    What it normally means for me is the worst of the gay community comes out, and knowingly make a gigantic sexual spectical out of the LGBT community.

    They preach that they want exeptance, and to live amongst the rest of society without any bias or segregation. Yet these parades and events embody everything that society chooses to keep behind closed doors.

    These pride events are usually nothing more than a huge taboo fest, in disguise as an equality event.

    Society has placed rules of conduct in place. Being fully clothed, not going too far with public displays of affection. Not engaging in sexual activities in open plane view of people whom might not want to see that. And every race, culture, and creed seems to get that, except the most demanding, hateful, non inclusive, and irresponsible group on the planet. The gay community.

    I find my life as a gay man to be fairly lonely. See, I choose to just be another human who happens to like the same sex. However, I don’t try to push my personal life on others. Just like if I was dating a woman, I do not flaunt it, nor do I even care past the person I share my heart or bed with.

    I choose to respect thT a 10 year old girl walking down the street doesn’t want to see a gay man in a cock pouch thing, with entrance only painted on his ass cheek and an arrow pointed at his barely covered up ass hole. Or a bunch of guys making a circle around two dudes blowing eachother..

    Or idiots walking around I singles so tight that nothing is left to the imagination. Do I like these things. Yeah, but I’m respectfully and responsible enough to leave them at home where they belong.

    The gay community wants to be accepted into society, and while there are a lot of people like me out there who just want to live normal lives. Unfortunately there is just as many who view these events as a chance to be voyeristic, and live out fantasies, or just to act depraved. And for some unknown reason everyone just let’s it happen.

    I remember when pride events used to be people actually looking for acceptance and equality. Now it’s just a gay sex circus freakshow. That i no longer support.

    • PostGayGrandDad

      Despite that we all went “off to join the circus” we don’t need to put the circus on display. You’re so right and have the right word for it — (even though a friend is a former RBB&B ringmaster and I appreciate the _real_ circus culture) — circus.

  7. Libertarian Queer

    To me, it represents virtually nothing of any real value. All I ever see of it appears to be delusional self aggrandizement similar to that of the Hollyweird crowd. The only difference being the Hollyweird crowd gets paid for it while the pride crowd is largely viewed with derision by the population at large. I think the use of the word “pride” is sorely misapplied given rate of suicide among the pride group versus the general population and the fact that the hetero group doesn’t hold parades celebrating their sexuality. I expect to be roundly criticized for my views on this by the readers of this site; for a group who claims to be tolerant, I’ve found the gay community to be very intolerant of any view that doesn’t align with their own. I think a better name for this celebration of LGBTXYZ345TUV ad nauseum sexual preference would be something along the lines of “Freedom Month”. After all, it wasn’t very long ago that a person could be jailed for being the way they are. But, unfortunately, I doubt that moniker for the celebration would be appropriate either since so many gay people believe in “freedom for me and not for thee”.

  8. Josh

    I went to numerous Pride events in my region from 2013-2015. Everywhere I turned, there were always some dudes prouncing around in skimpy outfits, getting drunk, making out, or even having sex. The gay community has forgotten what Pride was meant to be…one of the many reasons I hate being a gay man.

  9. anonimatovato

    I actually think Pride parades is still a good thing to have, but they should also show the ‘boring’ side of being gay and not just drag queens and go go boys (which, by the way, most aren’t really gay, and do it for our pink money, go figures). Not all Pride parades are created equal, so many people judging it like they’re all the same thing.

  10. Who cares

    It means stupidity on gays parts. What normal person goes out in public holding banners announcing their sexuality. Thats like blacks saying only black lives matter. Nothing but a bunch of self absorbed narcissistic sexual deviants advertising their stupidity. What would you all say if pedophiles or rapists did stupid shit like this.? What about ms13 running around taking over the streets? You’d all Be outraged, wouldn’t you. No one needs you to advertise or walk around in stupid costumes. Remember all the stupid women in vagina costumes. Look at yourselves. Stop being fucking drama queens or drama queers. Just stfu and be humans not fucking animals. No offense to the actual animal kingdom. You’re smarter than this.

    • Centralflbttm

      I’m very comfortable with being gay and I have attended pride events before. I just wonder why you’re feeling the need to voice your contempt so vociferously Mr. Obviously Closeted Conservative Guy? I hope your wife/beard doesn’t come across the fact you’re surfing a gay hookup website like Adam4Adam as well as probably others. I’m sure it will make for an uncomfortable conversation when she does. Toodles!

      • Matt

        That is bullying speech. If you want tolerance, you have to be tolerant of those who disagree with you and be OK that they do.

        • Hunter4B

          Sorry Matt, it is illogical to call someone who takes on the BULLY, a “bully” … they are actually a very small class of individual known as an UPSTANDER and they separate themselves from all the BYSTANDERS who sit quietly and accept the unacceptable. Please tell me you can see WHO CARES comparison of PRIDE to pedophiles and rapists … and yet you defend it? MS13? F-ing drama queens … stupid women in vagina costumes? Drama queers .. yeah, he means EVERYONE except HIM … well part of taking back PRIDE in this community means no one gets abused, not physically, and that includes verbal bashing as well! PRIDE is NOT a request for tolerance, as tolerance is an antiquated ideal – PRIDE is THIS community demanding equity and respect which is guaranteed to us through our constitution as CITIZENS, not based on or sexuality, or allotted to us by bigots (including the bigots in THIS community).

          • Hunter4B

            Is THIS a different MTT POSTGAYGRANDAD? If not he certainly appears to be backing up the ‘intolerance’ …

            Matt on 24 June, 2018 at 12:41

            To me Pride Month means people acting like gutter trash in public. Nothing I’ve ever wanted to be a part of. It’s now another bullshit bandwagon for people to jump on and for Verizon to use for marketing. It needs to go away.

    • Hunter4B

      LOL, “blacks” saying ‘only blacks lives matter’? To save time here, rather than repeating your statements, just going to say lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, &11 (in line 12 you actually apologize to the animal kingdom, that was NICE, in the trite sense of the word) … Who speaks of an entire group in absolute stereotypes? Dictators, autocrats, and the obviously and obliviously powerLESS YOU do!!
      If you wish to apologize to anyone, apologize to your former teachers; your grammar needs serious work! Better yet, take a college course, maybe Logic and Semantics 101, because even in your rage of self-loathing bigotry [Yep genius, YOU are here on a gay website ‘David Duke Dennison’] you completely fail to support your arguments. CENTRALFLBTTM nailed you in his call out, we BOTH believe WHO CARES doth protest too much! Had you been comfortable with yourself, you would be less concerned with the behavior of others, it is a fact about self-actualized individuals. Also, though I am not ‘black’ I can easily see WHY many in America are concerned with the abnormally high rates of police violence against African Americans, furthermore, I believe the Black Lives Matters Movement IS attempting to address that fact within the concept that ALL lives SHOULD matter. Who are you to speak for anyone, your bigotry prevents you from drawing logical connection, and conclusions. I will not stake any claim to your actual intelligence … I do wish to point out that in the creation of my points and arguments NO ANIMALS were hurt and no foul language was used, see the ways an education can benefit us all?

  11. Matt

    To me Pride Month means people acting like gutter trash in public. Nothing I’ve ever wanted to be a part of. It’s now another bullshit bandwagon for people to jump on and for Verizon to use for marketing. It needs to go away.

  12. Whocaresdoyou

    It means stupidity on gays parts. What normal person goes out in public holding banners announcing their sexuality. Thats like blacks saying only black lives matter. Nothing but a bunch of self absorbed narcissistic sexual deviants advertising their stupidity. What would you all say if pedophiles or rapists did stupid shit like this.? What about ms13 running around taking over the streets? You’d all Be outraged, wouldn’t you. No one needs you to advertise or walk around in stupid costumes. Remember all the stupid women in vagina costumes. Look at yourselves. Stop being fucking drama queens or drama queers. Just stfu and be humans not fucking animals. No offense to the actual animal kingdom. You’re smarter than this.

  13. Samaj

    I totally agree with what the majority of you all are saying . Pride has become nothing more than a excuse to look at judge each other rather than pushing for equality and self awareness and bringing change. I did not enjoy Pride the way I should have. I chose to be around people who sometimes don’t always have the best intentions , and ended up angry and going home. I do believe in myself and love that I can express myself more freely. I will hope for the best next year and also bring it in with my own group friends. Believe that!

  14. Pete

    The original parades were a good thing and brought about awareness of the gay community. Now it is too much about fetishes and really bizzaro behaviors and does not help the gay image, but rather is offensive to the average person. There is a point where sexuality should remain in the bedroom, not on the streets. And too much now, the sense of masculine is being distorted, and this distortion is being forced on little kids in schools.
    There is also this distorted attitude in the gay community, as seen by DeNIro at the Tony Awards, of bashing Trump. Trump does support the gay community, always has. He is a NYer. What people need to know is that HRC is a lesbian pedophile, a pedovore, a murderer, a satanist who sacrifices little boys to her ‘god’ Molack, a traitor (letting terrorist related Huma and her brother have access to Classified docs), and worse. Why do you think Bill chases anything in a skirt with a dyke at home? HRC is not a native NYer. She only moved there to run for office. Total Fake.

  15. Zipidy

    Other than your opening statement Dave, I see that you haven’t “chimed” in. I agree with all the comments here. What are your thoughts Dave?

  16. Hunter0500

    Years ago it promoted acceptance of gays. But then it became an outlet for the segment of gays who needed to shout “we’re here. We’re queer. Deal with it!” Or “I’m gay! I’m gay” I deserve a parade!” And, for some reason, they claim that it was they and they alone who caused the level of acceptance for gays we see today.

    But then there’s the segment of gays who for decades lived quietly. Brothers, coworkers, shop owners, business men, pastors … men from all walks of life … who did not need such an outlet. If/when people found out they were gay, the expression usually was “well, I suspected it, but he never made an issue of it so neither did I.” These guys also brought us to arrive at the level of acceptance for gays we see today.

    There’s still a ways to go for gays to be totally accepted. Personally, I think that Pride events slow that process. They have become more about partying, sex, drugs, drunkenness, and nudity (look at how some posters on A4A recount their past Pride experiences here) than education, acceptance, and social change.

  17. Smoke2017

    Honestly, to have a celebration is the greatest thing ; but , to have individuals prance around half nude in front or near children is not appropriate. Liberation is only effective if one has good taste and character. Much of pride and several states has become offensive and inappropriate. It has lost the positive candor it was intended to be .

  18. R17HmR

    Being a millennial Pride makes me yearn to be part of the NY CLUB SCENE. Reading and researching the scene brought out an unified understanding that it doesn’t matter who you were and what you are or what you think you are no one will judge you for being you and stop you from having a great time. No cliques or segregation like you see at prides today but a true melting pot of different culture and ethnicity merging into one huge DANCE PARTY! #LongLiveLIMELIGHT! Oh Ya Pride sucks cause everyone walking is stupid and morons cause they knew Pride themselves on aestethics rather than NUERON STIMLUATION. Sad uh.

  19. Stewie_Griffon

    Pride means nothing to me. It is a ridiculous event.

    The events advertise for diversity & people are welcome to bring their family.

    I had witnessed a Pride event before. It was filled with horny, drunk, & drugged up horny guys parading in underwear. We had even saw a couple of guys nonchalantly having sex in the open, dirty tissues, & used condoms on ground. A lot of the guys were filming & taking pictures of group orgies happening in broad daylight as people walked around.

    The vendors were filled w/ adult videos, sex toys, & men soliciting online/phone sex. The vendors also had men parading in thongs, jocks straps, & other revealing outfits drawing in consumers while they were shamelessly groping each other.

    What part of this is suppose to bring awareness to public, if the events become one giant orgy? Nothing a night club cannot already accomplish. It is definitely not appropriate for the general public, nor is it a “family” event.

  20. Tread

    It means absolutely nothing. By the time this pathetic day of yelling and screaming for no reason, its back to a normal day the next day. So your ignorant, anti-American rants and your so called wannabe diverse, isn’t, because it’s the crazy people that have a parasite stuck in their brain that go out and puke offensive anti-American slurs that makes people even in the gay community hide. This is just a demonstration of how disgusting the homosexual culture has become and how sad and embarrassing it is for the ones who dread to participate.

  21. dls245

    Living in Nebraska having Pride is to get out, have fun and meet new people that rarely go out. It’s a celebration of just being you and others like yourself. From all the earlier comments on here, maybe us older folk need to start showing the younger generation what Pride is and the reason we have Pride. Happy Pride!!

  22. Rouge79

    It means absolutely nothing. By the time this pathetic day of yelling and screaming for no reason, its back to a normal day the next day. So your ignorant, anti-American rants and your so called wannabe diverse, isn’t, because it’s the crazy people that have a parasite stuck in their brain that go out and puke offensive anti-American slurs that makes people even in the gay community hide. This is just a demonstration of how disgusting the homosexual culture has become and how sad and embarrassing it is for the ones who dread to participate.

  23. Kirt28202

    It means more gay boys will show up at the gym (with cell phones of course) a week before it starts. That was easy…….

  24. Andy

    Nothing. Why should I celebrate pride month with a community that doesn’t respect their own community? Same people who yelling for equality and vice versa doesn’t even respect their own because they don’t have a certain “look” to them. The only time they’re together is pride month and if someone in the gay community was wrongfully murdered. Not to mention them all over the place shaking their asses, getting drunk, tweeking, having unprotected sex in alleyways. I seen this type of stuff happened few years ago that I went for the first time and I said I will never go again.

    • Oskar Kovac-Vagner

      and str8 people doesn’t do these shity thing you mentioned. You’re being completely ignorant right now. I am gonna correct you by saying. there is a risky behaviour not risky type of group or person. And the fact that some people act like trash, that doesn’t mean all people are trashy. And if you want it more correctly, look a little bit better in the crowd when you see these people shaking their asses and getting drunk. How many of them are actually str8 girls.
      You know, i will say this again, you americans take everything for a granted. but imagine countries where i am coming from, where is illegal to be gay. They will fire you from work , beat the shit out of you, laugh at you or publicly humiliate you. years ago when i came to my first pride, i cried so hard from the emotions i could barely breathe from my heart beating in my throat. but that actually made me realize. what is a pride parade about. For you people doesn’t mean anything, because you never had to fight for nothing.

      • Andy

        And I wasn’t talking about straight people number one. Have a valid argument because the discussion was about pride day. So your opinion, which I respect, but it’s invalid because you’re going. On another subject

  25. Chris

    It’s a ridiculous display of the worst stereotypical perceptions of who gay people are. I’m actually embarrassed by it and only reinforces my choice to not be out to this side of me.

  26. anonimatovato

    So many bitter people here, yes, in certain ways Pride parade might be too much with half naked men, but damn, really people?! I feel like the newer generation have forgotten how tough it was being gay in the ‘good old days’. It’s still a tough life seeing the number of (with all due respect) dl guys here, so hush butter cups lol! The irony that some gay men use the ‘f’ word. Until the day nobody has to hide their sexual orientation and have those stupid religious political gay bashers, then we might not need Pride.

    • Rouge79

      It’s not about being bitter, it’s about morality and respect for other people! You cannot change people by wearing a tight miniskirt and nipple clamps at work and expect someone to say, “sure that’s fine”.
      Wake up and realize that this is not American values but alien concepts that are really not welcome in parts of the world! So deal with it!

  27. DAMIAN

    !!! HAPPY PRIDE 2018 !!!
    What does that mean? Who am I supposed to be happy about this pride with? The people that mean the most to me would never celebrate this day with me so what is there to be proud of?
    When I was younger (early20s) pride weekend felt like my first couple times going to Coachella. The experiences were always full of fresh new faces and people from around the globe. Young and gay and proud to be a part of it. Somewhere along the way life happened and through life experiences my thoughts and views of pride weekend has changed greatly. I imagine it has a great deal to do with everything I have seen with my own eyes, good and bad, both as a gay male in the gay community and as a male and a member of my community in general. I have seen all types of men and women from all corners of the planet do things that they feel is acceptable behavior to other people who are not as aware or who have not yet lived and it can have life altering and life changing consequences on both ends. Some People live their entire lives in a bubble . For some that bubble is a place of security and safety and for others that bubble is a prison cell that keeps them safe from the evils of society. People want to be a part of something bigger and greater than just ourselves. Somewhere we feel acceptance, inclusion a sense or worth. Some of us are blessed beyond belief and never have to leave the the safety of the community that raised them and are able to see their families grow throw generations. Dont take that for granted. Growing up in An environment where being gay was something that was not something that was accepted, always joked about, laughed at and something of disgust and wrong in gods eye. I didnt feel I had to Hide who I was or something I felt i should be ashamed of but I did. Why? knew I was was loved or at least that what i was told to my face. But love is unconditional and love is without borders. So as life continues I am who I am every single day of my life, Im not just a one day a year gay. No one can ever take that from me. What im trying to say is….Life is meaningless if you are lost in the shuffle! Be proud of who you are and embrace the struggles life presents you. You are the gift God has givin to this world!

  28. Alex

    New Orleans pride is the first one I was able to attend because my ultra conservative family, it’s nice especially if you are able to get to a urban center, while I might have been a bit drunk skipping down bourbon st, I didn’t feel alone and isolated and that pretty much meant the world to me. For me personally it gave me a better perspective on my life outlook. 🙂

  29. Rouge79

    All that it represents is bickering toward people who are sane, educated, and conservative. These people in these events have no class, or shame, and embarrass the low key humble handsome men in the homosexual community. Not only does it dig the “gay” community deeper in an unwanted attitude, but it shows the heterosexual community how much of a disgrace we all are. Keep it up, your doing a great job

  30. Fred

    Roflmao bet the guy who wrote this didn’t expect such overwhelming vitriol directed at “Pride”. Face it, Pride jumped the shark 20 years ago. It’s a bloated crass overpriced display of excess that has zero to do with creating unity and love in the community.

    • PostGayGrandDad

      I have to admit I had to look up “jump the shark”, but the term is exactly the right one. That is what happened to Pride and you nailed it.

      I wonder what other new idioms I’ve missed by not having television?

  31. Mirch

    Okay I have seen one pride parade. No wonder people think we are sex crazed perverts. Do you think they remember the gay police a firemen or the pflag group. No the only thing they remember is the men dressed up in peacock mardigra dresses and the sexy hung boys in thongs making their dicks flap around in underwear barely able to contain them. Something was swelling up in me but it wasn’t Pride.

  32. Rob

    In my mid 20’s, in the mid 90’s living in cosmopolitan Austin Texas, my friends called me a flag waver. I had a pride flag on my back pack a good size one. I bike rode or rode the bus everywhere with it on. I would say, if in We live in the shadows they will say We have something to be ashamed of. I said, We have to be visible so they know We are here too. On my Greyhound bus trip leaving Wisconsin, I told myself I would never be in the closet again. The minute get I off the bus I am out! All my friends would know who I am. No “there’s something I have to tell you” talk. No hiding who I am. Gay pride to me means the celebration of the blood, struggle and tears of the many who came before us, with the courage to be Out. There is nothing more empowering than being who you are.

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