Capture d’écran 2018-03-01 à 12.07.40

Russell Tovey Got Engaged with an Ex-Pornstar, Would You?

(Photo credits: Randy Blue)

Looking star Russell Tovey’s announcement of his “unexpected” engagement to his boyfriend, ex-rugby player Steve Brockman, caught people by surprise. But what really got them talking was the discovery that Tovey’s fiance used to be an adult entertainer, performing under the name Ryan Stack for studio Randy Blue.

Brockman and Tovey have been dating for quite some time now, so this information probably isn’t news to Tovey. But for a vast majority of gay men, ending up in a relationship with an attractive adult entertainer — one that isn’t a business arrangement — is something that doesn’t happen very often.

Because of the rarity of such a thing happening to ordinary people, we couldn’t help but wonder: How would Adam4Adam blog readers react to a revelation from their current partner or the person they’re dating that they used to engage in sex work?

Most people won’t have to endure the sudden scrutiny that Brockman and Tovey’s relationship has endured since the reveal. But they probably would get asked questions by family and friends, especially if they find out about your partner’s sex worker past before you did.

There’s also the fact that your partner having a past as a sex worker might foster some insecurity. Especially if you’re prone to that. If you find it difficult having a conversation about exes, that difficulty may be multiplied when it comes to a partner who used to do sex work.

We’d love to know what the Adam4Adam community thinks about this. How would it affect your relationship if you find out something like this about your partner. Would it be a big deal? Or do you just take it as a given that in this day and age, everybody has participated in one form of sex work or another. Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

There are 31 comments

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  1. Thad

    I would LOVE to be boyfriend with or engaged to an ex-porn star or current one, for that matter! I would tell everyone, even my 84-year-old mother. I would not expect everyone to understand, but fuck them. If any current or ex-porn stars out there want an older, intelligent, good-humored guy, contact me! Every guy out there, have a great day! marcUPguy

  2. More Al Than Some

    Who the hell is Russell Tovey? He can’t be any kind of serious actor with a big splotch of tattoo on his shoulder. If I was a celebrity, I certainly wouldn’t consider such a match, though an exhibitionist might appeal to an egoist. Someone who has done it before, may do it again. Not something I’d want to deal with. And if I was an actor, I would not alter my body with ink, because I know that I’d want to be able to play any role, which I certainly can’t do with the same visible tattoo showing in every part. Young people are so incredibly stupid in their drive to be trendy. I would never cast an actor with tattoos unless they were always going to be fully clothed, but even then, I would not want anyone that stupid or shallow or lacking in esthetic sense.

    • David

      You obviously have no experience in the movie industry or with any kind of celebrity. MANY celebrities have tattoos. They are covered for movies with makeup etc. so yes you can play any role with a tattoo. You are the problem with the gay community… judgmental and ready to put someone else down.

      • Hunter0500

        Let’s ponder the response from David for a bit…

        Judgmental means “having or displaying an excessively critical point of view.”
        And a response was “so judgmental and ready to put someone else down”.

        Isn’t that response pretty darned judgmental?

        In this thread, the purpose of a tattoo is to adorn the body to change/enhance its look, draw attention to it. Much like being an attention whore.

        If an individual draws attention to themselves through their actions or changes they make to their looks, they cannot complain, feel judged, or call themselves a victim when anyone gives them feedback which may not be positive. When the feedback is positive, that’s ever so wonderful. But when the feedback is negative, it’s ever ever so … judgmental.

        If someone doesn’t want to be judged, they should not do anything that invites feedback that might get their panties in a bundle. Or at least, not throw flames at others who disagree with them. Let’s not get our undies in a bundle; let’s just move on.

        Ok, so I’ve drawn attention to myself with an opinion. “Everyone has a right to be who they” are (or so it’s touted on this Blog from time to time). And since I’ve expressed it, let the praise … or judgmental-ing … begin.

      • Pierce

        The same could be said of you and your terrible writing ability. My 5 year old niece has better grammar than you mister David.

        Not to mention you insult the original poster for insulting people. Then do the exact same yourself.

  3. Mike

    As much promiscuity that runs rampant in the gay community (this site capitalizes on it) it would be highly hypocritical to even be bothered by that. Why should sex work be any different than any other work. Just as well ask if you’d be bothered dating a barista. I’m glad Tovey is able to treat a “sex worker” with respect instead of implying some sort of uncleanliness and dehumanizing the people that answer the demand of the porn industry. People treat dating porn stars like it’s a novelty or notch for your bed post.

  4. freakslutboi

    ROFL How would I feel about my partner if I found out they used to be a sex worker? Pffft easy, Since I love them I wouldn’t judge them. Since I value strength and will to forge ahead with their own path, I would feel even more attracted to them. Since I deeply appreciate honesty about ones own past, I would respect them more.

  5. Douglas Dean

    In a freaking heartbeat if the chemistry was there. EVERYONE has a past, so unless you’re completely insecure what’s the deal? OBVIOUSLY the guys into you otherwise there wouldn’t be a relationship, right? You should take it as a supreme compliment that Mr. Former Sexworker finds you the right guy to want to have a relationship with. Guess it means you don’t suck in the bedroom skills department.

  6. PostGayGrandDad

    It doesn’t bother me at all if a guy is a former performer or even sex worker. But it’s really a shame about the tattoo.

  7. Marc

    Why is this a topic of discussion? Why do gay men feel the need to judge and put each other down? Why aren’t we celebrating their love for each other as another example of gay men being able to marry and share their commitment in front of friends in family. Everyone has a past some pasts are more public than others. Is this article trying to say that because this man did adult videos years ago he’s not worthy of love now? I really think A4A needs to have a real soul search about this blog and if it needs to exist. It seems to only exist to “shade” people, sow discord, and not promote real positivity. Especially with the state of the world of today, members of marginalized groups need to come together and support each other in a loving a positive way.

    • Hunter4B

      Oh Man, you really nailed it; personally, I like reading the blogs because I came to this party very late in life and so I am still learning a lot! However, I am totally disgusted by the guys who constantly comment negatively to EVERYTHING. Some comment methodically, spewing opinion as fact and denigrating everyone. Most shamefully, is the lack of respect and support for our brothers in the community. When I read about the guys being tortured in the Ukraine, I was horrified. With tears in my eyes, I immediately donated money. When I retured a week later, I read all sorts of nasty quips like they should get them I read excuses for the lack of fraternity here — ‘not my responsibility,’ I don’t need to ‘wave a flag’ … nope – what a disgrace. Just a few weeks ago I read a great blog about Gus Kenworthy, and all sorts of guys weighed in on his looks, his politics, etc., mostly shallow with very few thoughtful remarks made … I realized that not being considered ‘interesting’ here just might be a great thing! I agree with you Marc – we should keep the blog and lose the attitudes …

  8. "Randidan"

    I would have no problem with a partner who had performed in Porn, or is doing so currently. Old-fashioned ideas about such things simply are not allowed to hold sway in my mind.

  9. Jacob

    Ahhhh how sweet!
    I’m sure next we’ll hear about them having a baby… wonder which one will wear the white dress at the wedding.

  10. JOHNNY H

    i’m a former porn star, when I was on the road in some states an other countries they think it’s morally wrong to do porno.i found them to be old fashion an would chuckle at them.

  11. Davis

    ROFLMAO…. oh, brother. Married to a ticking test-tube time bomb, not knowing for the “rest” of your life if some disease would show up to either one of us?? Not only no, but hell no. It’s hard enough as it is finding somebody that isn’t carrying 94 diseases.. let alone, a porn prick.

    • g899

      LOL you think STD’s show up out of nowhere? There’s this cool thing called ‘testing’. Also ‘safe sex’. Don’t be such a neanderthal.

  12. Earl

    Hell id thinand is you k he was a smart one most gay men have several sex partners period this guy was smart enough to get paid for it as long as we both get tested and clean what wouldit matter plus you would be able to brag about him to all your buddies plus you could watch his porns to see if there is something he likes that you dont do and make him a happy man personally id be very happy with that

  13. Hunter0500

    Past actor … Aren’t e supposed to be accepting people for who they are?: So on the one hand “so what?” … unless it’s something that somehow NEVER came up in all the months you were dating before the “unexpected” engagement. On the other hand, this site glorifies porn and the men in it, so wouldn’t it then be “fantastic!”?

    …”everybody has participated in one form of sex work or another.” Maybe in the world of “Rodeo Drive Gays”, but is that true for the gay guys living on Main Street?

  14. nd

    It doesn’t matter. They are lucky to have found each other. I wouldn’t reject a guy just because he’s done some sex work. What would matter is if he could still express warmth and intimacy…

  15. Greg

    Only if he was a top. Because then he can use those skills off camera and not lay there like a dead fish! Seriously though, if it were me, I’d be in love with the person, not their job/career. Whether that’s a porn star, an Uber driver, or the poor schlep who has to clean up the cum on the porn sets.
    But, regardless, congratulations are due to Russell Tovey and his partner. As others said, love is love.

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