
News: Mangiacapra on Why He Exposed the Priests

Photo Credits: Screengrab from Francesco Mangiacapra Facebook

In an interview with South Florida Gay News (SFGN), Francesco Mangiacapra—a self-confessed marchettaro or male escort/rent boy—explained why he exposed his 40 clients who happened to be gay priests and seminarians in Italy.  His exposé came with a 1200-page dossier containing names, photos, and text messages he received from his clients.

As to why he did it, Mangiacapra explained it’s not to “throw mud at the Catholic Church” but because he wanted to expose the “bad apples,” to “help her get rid of the rot that contaminates the healthy part.” Further he said, “The behavior of these priests is, in many cases, the fruit of bad leadership in which priests are allowed to do the opposite of what they preach.”

The role reversal, he says, has created a paradoxical relationship between him and the clergy wherein he, the sinner, is “denouncing the priests who are the supposedly moral leaders but are committing sin.” Mangiacapra added that, “Those priests throw stones from their glass houses and the bishops make sure that all those stone-throwers are never exposed!”

He says his dossier and his book titled, “Il numero uno. Confessioni di un marchettaro (The Number One: Confessions of a Male Escort)” shows there is a “real lobby of gay priests, a freemasonry, an underground.” But Mangiacapra reiterated that he did not do this because the priests and seminarians are gay, but because they are “not souls to be saved but only hearts and minds to be liberated from their hypocrisy.” Moreover, he described his sex work as a “ministry similar to that of priests, but more scrupulous.” Read the entire interview here.

Reports earlier this month said that Mangiacapra accidentally discovered one of his clients was a priest when he recognized him in his priest garb. He initially wondered how the priest could “afford expensive dinners and gifts.” Later, when a local television discovered the priest’s proclivities for cocaine, gay spa, and gay men Mangiacapra reported the aforementioned priest to the diocese of Massa Carrara-Pontremoli in Tuscany under suspicion of inappropriate use of church money.

Francesco Mangiacapra is a former lawyer turned marchettaro.

Having heard his side of the story in detail, was it right for Mangiacapra to expose the priests and seminarians? Why or why not? Share with us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

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  1. Southernboisb

    He’s damn right to call them out on their hypocrisy. Same as them molesting young children & nothing being done about punishing them.

  2. Hunter0500

    He was bought in confidence; he broke that promise.
    Thousands of Priests have helped tens of thousands of people in need .. if not more.
    Many Priests are LGBTQ positive. More every day.
    Yet he has now crapped on all of them
    Not saying there are some Priests with issues.
    But no.
    He’s an asshole. His 15 minutes of fame will come up short.

  3. Okzebra

    I think that what he did was right for two reasons. First, this demonstrates that human sexuality of the gay variety is natural. This should not be taught to be an immorality — especially by the leaders of the oldest institution in western culture. Second, the gap between teaching and action gives rise to hypocrisy. This, in turn, undermines all the other good and valid teaching such as compassion, helping the powerless, spreading knowledge through education, and social and economic justice. Without those, we become animals. But, men sleeping with men they love or women with women?? Not so much….

  4. Uncle Bob

    Not the brightest way to maintain ones client base, it seems that the real crimes were when the clergy were ripping off their parishes in order to hire an escort. One must but wonder about the mixed and muddled motives of all involved. Sexually being gay is about as normal as bring Irish I would suspect that not many eyebrows have been raised in the Vatican
    Given the misery in the world, this 1200 Page tome is a waste of time and effort

  5. Lamar

    Wow, this is powerful, I just LOVE this kind of exposure of such organizations, ’cause it isn’t about the “good of humanity,” but a corrupt business. Just like the trump admin., same thing, corrupt.

  6. anonimatovato

    ok so it’s good certain things get exposed. but the dude is still an escort, so wouldn’t people judge his job choices in the long run? I don’t think exposing closeted priest, the way he did it is a good way going on about it. Yes, it’s bad that these priest are living a double life, they need to take accountability and they support church policies that are anti gay, but from a personal level, think how this might affect there family dynamics?

    This also makes the gay community look really bad, it paints a negative picture, when the guy in question is an escort sleeping around with closeted priest.

  7. Roots

    Calling someone a sinner for doing what you are doing. What the hell is wrong with that picture.
    Get a clue Priests.
    Paying someone to take care of your lust, what is wrong with this picture?

  8. Thad

    Hypocrisy and corruption always need to be exposed. The Roman Catholic Church has to be one of the worst examples of hypocrisy and corruption — ever in the history of humanity. Expose the suckers!

  9. Chris

    Huh…”his dossier and his book”?? What a complete crock of shit! He was just looking for what he got: to be known and to make money.

  10. Dino

    I can believe in exposing people who engage in criminal acts such as pedophilia, but he should not have outed his clients who trusted him with the secrecy and confidentiality. What next? He puts people who don’t tip or prefer to pay buy credit card?

  11. Ryan

    I’m curious about when all you liberals at Adam 4 Adam will be writing an article that points out all the atrocities and evils committed in the Islamic faith. My guess is never… You people have no problems slamming Christians; but when it comes to Islam, you bend over backwards to protect its many, many sins perpetrated around the world.

  12. Ray

    I think he was right to expose the priests. Priests have, because of their power, the ability to seduce people against their wills. It is a total miss use of power and control by a bunch of men who run around in robes and little benny hats and believe in fair tales and myths. What could go wrong?

  13. andy19806

    Wrong, wrong, wrong. He was paid for his services and his discretion. Unless he was servicing the pope or a cardinal, the individual priest has little control over church policy, as wrong as it is. Unless the priest went out of his way to be cruel to gay people, his privacy should have been respected. Can’t approve of actions to achieve fame if they involve damaging lives of others.

  14. Vuur

    Definitely wrong of the priests to do the opposite of what they preach. Not one word of defense for their actions. But there are tons of married men also who are gay and who go to escorts: is he going to expose them too. Their “sin” is similar. One goes to an escort under the assumption that it will be kept confidential, in order to not be exposed? This is not what you expect of an escort (or pay for) and he will not last long in the business if people can’t rust him.

  15. YoYo Mama

    I keep seeing no comments, even though this is my third one. Censor much? What do you want people to say, that he’s some kind of hero? He’s not. He’s an attention-seeking whore, wannabe celebrity.

  16. Franz

    Ever since i was a little boy i always heard stories of religious lyin hypocites. this is old news to me an i find Mangiacapra to be gross too.

  17. jhnctytenn

    OMG Looks no one else has an opinion on this ass hole. he did it to promote himself. i am sick and tired of assholes like him who thinks it is there job to tell others business and how they are morally obligated to tell them how they are supposed to live there live. The gay community seems to think the same way as this jerk. it was not any of his business to out anyone. I am gay but don’t feel it’s my responsibility to run anyone else’s life. Like I said this article really pissed me off. He just did it to promote himself and get his 15 min. of fame. Personally i hope he rots in hell.

  18. Juan carlos

    This history inspire me, I’m going to do the same thing with all the married men I’ve sex with, I’m going to tell their wives, they have the right to know.

  19. joie

    this whore is full of shit. he did it for publicity, a book deal and miniseriers or movie saga. he is as bad as the priest who paid them. at least the took a vow of poverty, this slut, has one hand on his cock, the other on the “benjamin”. it’s one thing to expose priest for molesting boys, it’s another to ruin the lives of men, who pay your rent. talk about biting the hand that feeds!!! Mangiacapra is the rotten apple here. if you’re not happy being a “rent boy” get a “muthafuckin” job like the rest of the planet. what a sleazebag. disgusting, everyone involved.

  20. Ryan

    Hi. I’m curious about when all you liberals at Adam 4 Adam will be writing an article that points out all the atrocities and evils committed in the Islamic faith. My guess is never… You people have no problems slamming Christians; but when it comes to Islam, you bend over backwards to protect its many, many sins perpetrated around the world.

  21. Del

    This is awful. The sin is how badly we treat each other. You are a nice warm body for sex and beyond that I don’t care about you at all.

  22. Dylan

    This guy is still disgusting. He had no right to out these people. I know 2 members of the clergy who are closeted because their denominations would kick them out if they knew they were gay. The two men that I know have they never said anything against our community from the pulpit. In fact they are quietly trying to slowly champion change to eventually make the church more inclusive. I for one think the we benefit from their voices. No one deserves to be outed against their will. From what I can tell these priests entered into a consensual sexual relationship with another adult. This guy is a looser of the worst kind for violating their privacy!

  23. FJ

    The guy is very intelligent but their is a perversion to is intention whereby he is deceiving these men to expose while receiving sexual gratifications and lavish gifts. A hypocrite exposing the hypocrisy of hypocrites. It’s the only way to do it effectively. Smart move, he probably really enjoyed it. Seems like he has an EGO to match his INTELLECT, though.

    The Kiss And Tell Priest Fucker

  24. SCMG

    So, lessee…Mangiacapra was a lawyer who left that profession to become a hooker. Then he solicits sex clients, gets them, and fucks them…and gets paid to do it. Both he and his clients were adults so consenting adults can do what they want. No harm no foul. Then, the lawyer turned hooker thinks it is his responsibility to “out” and expose all the clients he thinks were priests because he thinks they are hypocrits? I have no problem saying that these priests need to do some deep work on themselves but why is Mangiacapra suddenly the judge and arbiter of what is right and wrong? Because he was a lawyer? Nope. Because he has such a high moral standard (he is, after all, a hooker)? Nope. Because he is a piece of shit? YES! And what goes around comes around Mangia-boy. Enjoy the payback.

  25. Okzebra

    I’m torn between exposing the hypocrisy, on the one hand, and seeing this as a vehicle to fame and money on the other hand. I’m disturbed by the anti-Catholics as corrupt as well as the “what about the Muslims” comment on the other — as if there are no righteous evangelical congregations today that would not execute gays, but for the law, or Muslim’s, and I know some, who are every bit as tolerant as any Christian liberal and deplore the ignorance and intolerance in their religion. In a phrase, there are tendencies in every culture and people who do not fit into it. I think that marchetto is gorgeous. I’d bottom for him except I don’t pay for sex.

  26. Art

    good for him for exposing these men and their hypocracy. Just because he is a prostitute does not mean he is not a human being.

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