
HIV: The Gates Foundation Invests in Anti-AIDS Device

Since it was first introduced, PrEP has been a game-changer with regards to curbing HIV infection. And now, if the investment by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pays off, a new device may be introduced that will revolutionize the delivery of anti-HIV prophylactics into the human body.

The device that The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is investing upwards of $140 million dollars in is a Medici Drug Delivery System developed by Intarcia Therapeutics that intends to become the first one or twice-yearly anti-HIV prophylactic in the market. The investment comes after Intarcia secured $220 million in additional funding from Series EE Equity Financing. A third and final close is planed in the first quarter of 2017.

How does the device work? Jus the size of a matchstick, it can be implanted under the skin where it can release medication continuously. It uses the body’s own rhythms to pump a year’s worth of medicine in steady and consistent doses into the bloodstream.

“There’s a vital need for an HIV/AIDS intervention that allows those at risk to incorporate prevention more easily into their daily lives,” Sue Desmond-Hellmann, CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said in a statement. “We feel optimistic about our partnership with Intarcia and the prospect of an implantable prophylactic device that could make a world of difference for people most in need,”

How do you feel about this innovation in the fight against HIV? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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  1. Mike

    That is seriously cool. The biggest problem with PreP (besides the cost) is that it is only effective if the person remembers to take it religiously. Lots of people can’t even remember to take their vitamins every day. Hopefully this device will be made affordable for the masses and we can finally see this bug eradicated.

    • Ken

      I can’t say enough how much respect and admiration I have for Bill and Melinda Gates (btw, Melinda is looking good these days, too), but . . . how many people do you know that made billions and then retire early traveling the globe to eradicate disease and save human lives? Most of the wealthy out there spend 100% of their fortunes on themselves. But the Gates Foundation has given away BILLIONS already and they’ve not stopped yet. I believe the world is a better place for us all because of the Gates and I wish them well.

  2. Mike

    Every new drug or innovative way to deliver it is an important step to curbing the spread of this terrible disease.
    I just wish it were available at no cost to everyone who is at risk regardless of their financial status.

  3. Michael M

    Bill & Melinda Gates are only in anything that they do for the money. They are of the small group of people who believe that they are the only people who deserve to live. The few who they will allow to live will be their slaves. They are hateful, spiteful people.

  4. Rick

    Michael M is right. NWO here we come! While we are there, let’s implant microchips into our bodies so we can be corralled like good sheep for slaughter.

    • anonimatovato

      you don’t want microchips implants? have safer sex then, problem solved! but let’s be honest, accidents can happen, so it’s better to have that microchip implant than nothing!

  5. Cameron Lewis

    this is great! and it is great the the Gate’s are funding it. To the Nay Sayers, I have had the pleasure of working with the Gates Foundation on a number of occasions and believe me they are not in it for the money. HIV has become big business, it is a chronic infection that needs to be treated life long- the greedy ones are the stock holders in Pharma companies. PrEP has been an amazing boon to the prevention world- as pointed out consistency of use is the main problem- the folks who need it least are the best at taking it consistently while the ones who need it most are much more apt to blow off taking the pill- this new device will help the forgetful ones- Michael M and Rick- to date I have lost over 200 friends to HIV/AIDS friends I would give my eye teeth to have back in my life- if it takes a tracking chip so be it–for those of you who have not seen what an HIV/AIDS death looks like -it isnt something you want to see. I manage a medical practice that specializes in LGBTQ patients in a large city- Gay Men are in constant denial of the risks they take sexually, hiding behind things like “how dare you slut shame me” or other justifications for often drug induced stupidity- last year our little clinic treated over 500 cases of Gonorrhea(GC) – which many PrEP-ities are not worried about because there is a cure- reality is GC is the same path of infection as HIV- every one of those cases could have been positive for HIV, the vast majority of those folks were on PrEP– When I go back to work today I have to give a 19 year old gay male his Positive HIV results(as well as his GC positive results in throat, ass and urine) How easily this could have prevented with a simple inject-able device…(this kid is the 5th under 25 since Christmas and 10th new case in the same time period)…I say go Gates- put me out of this job.

    • Rick

      That’s great cam, perhaps you should be speaking to them about not having promiscuous sex and taking Tina at the same time. I’m sure that would pit you out of a job before any injectable needs to be put on the market. Gates has already agreed and proposed the we need depopulation by using vaccines……..if you don’t agree with me, simply find his speech online about depopulation. You would give up a million lives thinking you’re saving a few. Smh

    • anonimatovato

      and while we’re on that, people need to use condoms too. bb sex is being overly glorified in porn. i’m sorry not sorry, but with the type of information and prevention people have nowadays, there’s no excuse for a 19 year old to be hiv + at this stage, unless it was non consensual forced sex or a major drug user.

    • Dre

      Cam I totally respect all you do and appreciate you sharing your story. Ny condolences for all you losses and all the people you to unfortunately treat and watch go through the process. I would like to be educated more on this if you would keep contact with me please.

  6. Habba

    Same applies for TasP…which would b much more effective use of the technology

    Ps how about reviewing the preventionaccess dot org website?

    • Mike

      If more people had access to a very effective, very reliable, very consistent – dare I say “idiot-proof” HIV prophylactic, that might change. I will be honest, I’m guilty of it. I do not have access to PrEP (and even if I did, I honestly don’t think I’d remember to take it every single day), and HIV scares the living shit out of me. I am an oral top – I like sucking and swallowing. I contracted HBV from a partner who claimed to be “clean”. That was 6 months of hell waiting to see if it would clear on its own (thankfully it did) or if I would be looking at a lifetime of meds and a new liver down the road – and that was just the anxiety aspect, not even counting the two months of looking like Bart Simpson, peeing brown, being constipated 24/7 (except when I chugged mag citrate to thwart a bowel impaction), not being able to eat, itching everywhere, and however many days I slept away because I didn’t have enough energy to get out of bed. See, nowadays there’s a vaccine for that, but I found out I’m just a couple years too old to have gotten it as a kid. Had I known that I’d have just gotten the shots years ago.

      Until there is an effective way to prevent HIV and/or cure it (not just make it “undetectable” while on a lifetime med regimen), that’s not a risk I’m willing to take just to have a little fun. Were it a stable committed relationship that bloomed before any type of play, and if he were open and honest about it, and proper measures were taken, that would absolutely be a different story. Unfortunately that type of relationship hardly exists anymore today – even in the straight world.

  7. TiredOfIt

    LMAO! Oh boy, another way for Gilead to make MEGABUCKS off of irresponsible gay men! Duh….and this has the backing of Billy Gates…so I KNOW it’ll have something wrong with it. Remember, this is the doofus who once famously said, “Who’ll ever need more than 604K of RAM?” Duh…. NO THANKS! If you’re on PReP, you’re an idiot, in the first place…you’ll die of liver and kidney failure anyway, so it buys you NOTHING. Putting this wizmo under your skin to keep poisoning you daily just hastens the progression. SCREW THIS….PUT THE MONEY INTO TRULY KILLING THE VIRUS! Idiots…..

  8. BK

    There is no solid evidence that it causes liver and kidney issues if used correctly and monitored by a physician. also has a young gay male in your teens you have no access to prep and requires coming out which is difficult for many and look down on so sex is something that is always going to happen and maybe PrEP t can be used until they are more responsible if it was only accessible to the younger generation. we all need to think back when we were teenagers active teenagers and that it just happens

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