
Dating : Have You Lied About Your Age Online?

If the comments on our earlier blog post “Dating : 7 Reasons Why Dating Older Men Is Hot”  are any indication, the topic of age is still a touchy subject in the gay community. Both sides have a lot to say about each other, and they aren’t always complementary.

One of the comments on the article, for instance, declares that they wouldn’t “touch a Millennial with a ten foot pole. Self-centered, ADHD to the max, drug-addicted, who knows WHAT panoply of bugs they carry.” Down the comment thread, other people called them “immature”, “brainwashed”, “boring”, and “leeches”.

The millennials are giving as good as they’re getting, though. One commenter disputed most of the seven reasons mentioned in the article, saying that he’s met “plenty of older men that have very little to talk about and can’t hold a conversation to save their life, at least not in person.” Another said that “these older guys don’t know where the hell they are going, they get with younger so they feel younger but usually have to pay for it”.

And then there are the magical ones who have found a connection with guys several years their junior or senior. One commenter shares “I love my old man. He cares about me more genuinely than any young [one] I have been with. He’s invested in my happiness. And may I debunk the theory that older men don’t want or avoid healthy sexual relationships. His libido is stronger than mine!”

With the subject of age being such a touchy one and prone to either turn off someone or start an argument, have you ever considered lying about your age online? Did it work out for you? What happens if the other person wants to see up? Share your stories with us in the comments section below!

There are 21 comments

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  1. Darryl

    I haven’t lied about my age online. It’s not very hard to figure out that the age you list is alittle off when you meet in person, so why try to bs someone. It makes you look desperate. I’ve always dated guys around the age I was when I was younger. I still do that today, sure there are some exceptions, but they tend to be a rare breed. As with age, beauty fades, so hopefully what you put out there, cums back to you in a good way.

  2. einathens

    I don’t lie about my age online or in real life. why bother?

    I’m proud to be a grown man, and I prefer companionship that is the same.

    wouldn’t care to relive my youth, even vicariously.

  3. al

    I am a 66 year old bi married male. for the past 4 years i have been celibate at least heterosexually. i have an affinity for younger men. several years ago, i met and fell in love with a 19 year old. Although the relationship lasted only about 6 months, (he moved away) it was intense. I have now met a 26 year old who i really like and he too is a great lover. but i also have older friends who i enjoy getting together with whether it is for a round of golf, or a beer or sucking cock. I do not discriminate against anyone because of age, nationality, religion, or anything, as long as they have a penis.

  4. Randy

    I do not lie about my age. I will be 50 in 3 and a half months. I have talked to other guys online that I think have, mostly in phone sex chat rooms. I do not go for younger guys at all. I always prefer older. Even when I was younger I still preferred older guys.

  5. John Edwards

    Do I “lie” about my age online? Yes, but not in the way you would expect. As a general rule, I have always rounded UP to the next convenient number. At present, I am 58, but I generally state that I am 60. I do this for two reasons.

    First, it became a habit in my work environment when I was much younger. At 21 years of age, my job entailed supervising over a straight dozen men who were all 10 and 20 years older than myself. To offset the “young = stupid” paradigm, I told everyone I was 30. I found that if my employees thought I was older than my actual age, they tended not to challenge my judgment nearly as often. By the time I actually was 30, I opted for 35. Even at 40, I competed at International Mr Leather as a supposed 45-year-old.

    Secondly, I now claim to be older than I actually am specifically because our society is so youth-obsessed. Claiming to be older than I actually am is my way of contesting the social norm. And since I live in Palm Springs, California, it is great fun to mess with the heads of all the local gay men. For those who may not know, PS has a far greater percentage of the total population that is gay than does the average US town or city. And the average age of those gay men is skewed high as well, falling in the high 50s (PS is a town of “gays and grays,” and gray gays). Sadly, a very significant percentage of those older gay men are themselves youth-obsessed, leading them to seek out longevity specialists, to take HGH and other steroids, to live in a gym, to dye their hair, to have hair pugs, to have multiple plastic surgeries, and to dress in ridiculously inappropriate outfits better suited to teenage club kids. In fact, the owner of the largest local gay gym is himself an MD who practices longevity medicine, and his medical office is incorporated into the gym itself. I find it sad that so many gay men are so unhappy with ageing that they are willing to go to such extremes. I give them all the middle finger by claiming to be older than I actually am.

  6. Kirt28202

    I have never lied about my age online or in person. I know a lot of guys in their 20’s lie about their ages too. They want to seem more mature…….burp.

  7. Shawn

    Maybe a few years off when I was younger. Now I’m almost 50 and look low 40’s…so I’ve been told. So why lie…people always are pleasantly surprised when we meet and see a sexy DILF who’s 50 and looks 40…and fucks like he’s 30! Wear your age like a badge of honor…if something good comes of a hook up and you have to fess up sooner or later, so why start on a lie??

  8. Kevin

    I’m 25 and have never had to lie about my age. I’m just looking for hook ups though, so maybe that makes a difference? I haven’t had any guys turn me down due to age. I was always under the impression that younger guys are always in higher demand, so it seems strange to me that people would be turning them away. Just my thoughts, not sure how much weight they have.

  9. Litleb

    Hi guys, thanks for reading my comment.
    I always believe that is much better to hear “wow! Really?!?! You don’t look your age! I thought you were a lot younger!
    ” WTF happened to you?!?!? You must have had a bad time in your life!! Let me give you my grandma’s plastic surgeon’s number” with a lot of work done he’ll make you look the age you’re claiming to be”
    Well probably they won’t say it to your face but one thing for sure they’ll think about it.

  10. Dan

    I’m 37 now. When I was younger I was always attracted to men in their 30’s and up. Now that I am this age I’m attracted to men around my age and up. Younger than say 25 doesn’t do it for me and that’s stretching it.

  11. Howard

    I exaggerated my age online by doubling the real age but kept all the other real information the same with face and body photos. Just one fact I like to keep it discreet online since rarely a full profile exists in Adams; however, if a guy really wants to know it then we can exchange IDs at face meeting. Of course, I’m Asian so I can get away with looking younger than my real age. LoL

  12. AV8RAK

    I have NEVER, EVER lied about mine. But I’ve met SEVERAL guys who lie about theirs. Three in my home area:
    One is an Asian guy who claims 35 but is actually 45. It’s a shame- he’s quite attractive, and I don’t know why he can’t be honest.
    another is a white guy who claims 39, is 49, and looks 59.
    The last was a guy I met up with, who said his online age must have been a typo.
    My problem isn’t with their actual age- I actually think older guys can have a lot more to offer than younger ones, sometimes.
    My problem is that they can’t just tell the truth about something so silly.
    So anymore, when I’m texting a guy who blatantly lies when I ask him his age, I simply reply that he’s not old enough for my tastes. That throws them a curveball! You should watch them backpedal!

  13. Dean Kg

    I don’t lie about my age online. However, I look at least 10 years younger than my actual age. No one has ever guessed my correct age when they meet me in person. They always guess it much younger. I stopped aging and I think that’s a plus in the gay community.

  14. steve

    id just like to point out the humor in the following two posts being posted one right after the other….

    Howard on 8 December, 2016 at 01:23

    I exaggerated my age online by doubling the real age but kept all the other real information the same with face and body photos. Just one fact I like to keep it discreet online since rarely a full profile exists in Adams; however, if a guy really wants to know it then we can exchange IDs at face meeting. Of course, I’m Asian so I can get away with looking younger than my real age. LoL

    AV8RAK on 8 December, 2016 at 03:34

    I have NEVER, EVER lied about mine. But I’ve met SEVERAL guys who lie about theirs. Three in my home area:
    One is an Asian guy who claims 35 but is actually 45. It’s a shame- he’s quite attractive, and I don’t know why he can’t be honest.
    another is a white guy who claims 39, is 49, and looks 59.
    The last was a guy I met up with, who said his online age must have been a typo.
    My problem isn’t with their actual age- I actually think older guys can have a lot more to offer than younger ones, sometimes.
    My problem is that they can’t just tell the truth about something so silly.
    So anymore, when I’m texting a guy who blatantly lies when I ask him his age, I simply reply that he’s not old enough for my tastes. That throws them a curveball! You should watch them backpedal!

    • howardangel

      I just happened to reread the age post and my eyes caught your comment. Gay men are so vain about looking young you have to admit that. By the way, just to make sure that my post is different than what AV8RAK experienced about guys lying about their ages: I purposely inflated my age number just to discourage some chicken hogs out there and anyone can tell I can’t be that OLD. For example, If I’m 29 years old, I would post my “age” as 58 but my picture would show my most current taken and anyone can judge from how young I look (I’m pretty proud that I can look as young as 21 compared to other Asians.) Thanks for the repost. HowardAngel

  15. jonnynct

    I have never lied about my age and did not stop changing it when I hit 40 nor 50. I can understand it to a point – I realize that at 52 I am a senior on these apps. But I am honest about everything and expect the same. If you lie about one thing, you probably do about more than that one thing. I would rather not be with someone than have someone lie to me – it comes out and what if you really connect with someone even in a quick-fling? You lied at the start, not a way to start any type of relationship.

    What amazes me is that the different sites and apps tend to have the same people on them and the profiles for the same person do not match (even when it’s supposedly current). With respect to age, I laugh at many of the guys on these apis and sites – guys that were once older than me now are younger than me and some use the same pic as ten years ago.

  16. 203allen

    Nope, in my late 50’s my age is readily apparent. I did recently meet a gent who led me to believe that he was in his mid 60’s, turned out he was in his early 70’s.

  17. anonimatovato

    I never lie about my age, although some of my hook ups did lol

    I can’t stand those old profile pics taken 10 years ago. What’s the point? Once you meet up, you will know how he really looks like.

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