
Entertainment : Marvel Reveals New Gay Iceman Solo Series

Marvel Comics announced on Twitter earlier this week that gay superhero Iceman will have his own solo comic book series coming out. Finally.

Iceman #1 is set to be released in Spring 2017. Titled ResurrXion, it will be the first new series to become part of the Post-Inhumans versus X-Men line. It can be recalled that Iceman, aka Bobby Drake, came out as gay some time last year in All-New X-Men #40 when teammate Jean Grey, using her mind-reading powers, outed Iceman’s younger self.
This is Iceman in his teenage version, who had time-warped in the present day. The present-day, older Iceman, we have loved for so many years has been living his life as a straight man! So, in the comics, Jean Grey called out teenage Iceman for “saying inappropriately sexual things” about Magik, their mentor. Teenage Iceman then counters by asking Jean “How can my older self not be [gay], but I am?” He proceeds to answer his own question: “Because maybe he couldn’t handle being a mutant and gay in a society that had issued with both?” And then suddenly, Iceman becomes the world’s most famous LGBT/ gay superhero. (He is not the first gay superhero though, to openly come out as gay character to in Marvel Comics –Northstar is. Other LGBT X-Men also includes Karma, Rictor, Anole, Shatterstar, and Benjamin Deeds.)
Ever since Iceman’s orientation was revealed—or confirmed finally—fans, most especially from the LGBT community, have been requesting for a series that put Iceman in spotlight. Iceman is a classic character of Marvel Comics X-Men, an original member of the 1990s X-Men Gold Team. Apart from being one of the founding members of the X-Men, Iceman is also part of the original Defenders, Champions, and is also a founding member of the X-Factor.

Iceman has had 2 self-titled mini-series—the first one in 1984 and the second one in the 2000—but ResurrXion will be his first ever full solo ongoing titled series. (It is by creator Brian Micheal Bendis/ @BRIANMBENDIS.) Will the younger Iceman help his older, present-day self come to terms with being closeted for the most part of his years to finally come out himself?

We are all excited to see how Marvel plays along with this fresh new project—and also hoping that Iceman’s Inhuman friend “Romeo” from the All-New X-Men #13 also makes an appearance. reports “X-Men’s Iceman Is Getting Some Love in Gay Romeo and Juliet Plotline”—definitely some sexy gay Mutant-Inhuman affair to watch out for.

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  1. RoosterHoover

    Um. OK, I guess this isn’t intended to be consistent with the representation of Ice Man from the original series in the 80’s. Specifically, the Iceman limited series showed him as being sexually attracted to the daughter of some demon, I think. I had them but gave them away, and Google isn’t being very helpful. Incidentally, Northstar was represented as gay shortly thereafter, in the early 90’s, and was shown as being “uncomfortable” in X-Men vs. Alpha Flight when Rogue kept coming onto him (showing that it wasn’t just an afterthought to have him come out as gay).

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