brain porn

Health : Watching Porn Changes Your Brain

Pornography physically changes the brain. Porn is like other addictive substances that flood the brain with the chemical dopamine, and when this dopamine “rush” happens often (when you watch porn over and over again) it changes the entire makeup of the brain as the chemicals rewire the brain’s so called “reward pathway.” This can result in even more appetite for porn (porn addiction), which leads to several other related intellectual problems.


In the last two decades, one of the most interesting developments in the science of the brain is that scientists have discovered “Neuroplasticity”—the idea that our brain works much like an endless game of Tetris. It constantly lays down new “pathways” based on our everyday experiences. (Neuroplasticity comes from the words “neuro” (brain) and “plasticity” (ability to change).)


To explain further, brain scientists coined the statement “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” It simply means that when our brain cells (neurons) get activated simultaneously by something that you “sense” or experience, they release certain chemicals that further strengthen the connection between them. For instance, your brain releases the “feel-good chemical” dopamine when you eat something delectable, or oxytocin whenever you hold hands with a person you care about, helping you bond.


Here’s another example: You would most probably start feeling great about your uncle if every time you went to visit him he would give you a bear hug then take you out for some ice cream. This is because when positive things like this happen, your brain is building brain “reward pathways” connecting your thoughts about your uncle with feelings of being loved or being happy.


We have different pathways for these kinds of “good” experiences like riding a bike, playing with a dog, etc. When you look at porn, your brain also builds pathways for that. The only caveat is that the “good feeling” from porn can be dangerously addictive.


Like other addictive substances, dopamine floods the brain whenever you look at porn, and with constant use of porn, the overload of chemicals overwhelms the brain so much the brain responds by taking away some of its receptors for the chemical dopamine. (It “deafens” the message of the dopamine.)


With fewer receptors now, the result is that you almost no longer feel the effect of the dopamine even if your brain is receiving the same amount of dopamine whenever you watch porn. This is the main reason why the usual porn you used to enjoy doesn’t seem as exciting or arousing anymore. Many porn users start learning to hunt for other porn, or more hardcore porn, wanting to get the same level of effect they used to get from their earlier porn use.


At the same time frequent porn use can also leave one feeling down, desperate, or uneasy for more porn, most especially when they don’t go looking at porn for a while—they start craving the old feeling—thus, the reason why porn can be so addictive. And once addiction for porn sets in, you get a whole new set of brain-related problems.


For more than a decade, studies suggest that drug addiction can cause our brain’s frontal lobes to shrink (the “frontal lobe” is basically that part of our brain that controls decision making and logical problem solving). And recent studies show that it is not just drug substances that can actually cause this kind of “brain damage”—the same effect shows up with other types of addictions such as Internet addiction, overeating, and sexual urges.


Addiction can damage the brain’s limit-setting system, that part of our brain which helps us process thought properly so we can make sound decisions. And the scarier part?—the more porn you watch, the more severe the damage to your brain gets and the more difficult it is for you to break free from the addiction and its damaging effects. That is according to Neuroplasticity.


However the good news is that: Neuroplasticity also works two ways(!) It means you can undo the damage to your brain when you get away from the unhealthy habit and replace it with good ones.



Porn Changes the BrainFight The New Drug. n.p., 8 Aug 2014. Web. 1 Aug 2016.

There are 20 comments

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  1. Not in a relationship yet...

    Porn addiction is real. I know a good friend whose had some troubles with his partner due to it.

    Both very attractive men that as far as I know are still love each other a lot and have good sex when they do. But one partners job having them away from the house a little less plus consistent porn watching from the other (and a good wank to go with that) has helped lead to less sex overall and the new job partner being a bit frustrated due to that. They seem to be working through it now but as for me Im taking that as a lesson.

    I love my porn, but when I hit my own status in a long term relationship, I hope I can keep up a good dialogue with the future man if issues come up from either of us so we can keep the relationship strong. Sexual incompatibility in a relationship seems like it can be almost as troublesome as money issues or not spending time together.


    While I was unclear on the overall effects,I have not been blithely unaware of the debilitating effects of OD-ing on porn. YIKES!
    This explains so much.

    It’s gonna suck,but porn rehab starts today.

  3. CCTXoCleOH

    I’m sorry but this seems to contradict itself. If an addiction of any kind, mental or chemical, causes brain shrinkage, then wouldn’t replacing “bad addictions” with “good addictions” be the exact same effect? Addiction doesn’t operate on morality of good versus bad like being addicted to cherries or a certain type of sports drink flavor versus smoking cigarettes or marijuana. I have spouts of food addictions where all I want is steak or baked potatoes or spinach, so by the logic of this article this is supposedly causing my brain to shrink.

    I also haven’t seen anyone “addicted” in a sense to things like action movies or long walks on the beach, but if there are those who are addicted to that, I guess by this article that means their brain is shrinking and they need to find other things to be addicted to.

      • R

        Regarding your spates or bouts of food addiction, actually, that is food craving. I bet you are in touch with your health, and when such a person gets a craving for certain foods, the body is demanding the nutrients they contain. For example, if low on iron or muscle endurance, your body would want steak. Low energy or mood or concentration? The B vitamins and potassium in the potato. Cravings of that sort are preemptive or reparative. Cravings for porn or a cigarette or something actually is symptomatic of another need unfulfilled. Simple desire for them, as a wish for pleasure versus desperate withdrawsl avoidance, is not detrimental if regarded as nice but not necessary. The person who keeps his frontal lobe active during a pleasure process habituates himself to the reflex of thinking before pleasure. He thinks of circumstances, consequences, and other factors before acting, as a reflex to the impulse. So the same chemical feedback for the act also accompanies the act of thinking beforehand. That’s why some people feel less stress if the weigh it before moving. It’s why you can feel high with relief that you didn’t do the thing this time, because you foresaw a consequence this time, same as you had the high of pleasure when you did it where no consequences existed. But that depends on you not just being impulsive the first few times. Know you can say “no” and mean it. If not, maybe you do need to take a break, with help if necessary.

  4. BNSF

    This is true. However, I don’t think you have to be “addicted” for this to happen. Being dependent on porn is all too easy when it is so difficult to meet a man and have any kind of ongoing relationship. Everyone is looking for the mythical “friend with benefits” but they are as hard to find as a lover or mate. Sex is addictive as well. So maybe the negative connations should not be applied until one’s life is disrupted.
    The problem is, I got bored with my fantasies many years ago, and wanted something more real, and porn fit the bill. The problem there is having to wade through so much crap to find something you want to see. Particularly bad is that glancing exposure to extreme kinks. Porn is educational, but it also affects how guys have sex together. We do seem to be more accomplished at it, but a straight guy who is exploring seems more focused and more effective. Gay men are worried about performing, looks, relations, and straight men just focus on that cock and getting off.

  5. Jason

    I’m not giving up my porn especially when this lifestyle is full of whores. I’d rather watch porn than catch a disease… Gay men need to get their stuff together and have self respect.

  6. TiredOfIt

    About time someone broke the news about this. Now all we have to do is get the gay community to realize that they have a huge methamphetamine addiction problem.

  7. anonimatovato

    i find a4a to be pretty porno too. i was away to a family trip in another state, so of course i pause a4a and other ‘dating’ sites to keep it decent, but when i came back home from my trip, there i go again guy browsing on those sites.

    i’m noticing a pattern here.

  8. Alvin

    Biggest dopamine addiction in the world – that weekly paycheck. You have horrible meaningless corporate jobs, and you get that money rush , nothing like it, on payday, bitches!###!!!

  9. B

    Nice try. However this study is totally false. Please research statements like this before posting them. You sound similar to the crazy campaign.

  10. Hunter0500

    This is the news that those who say “porn, it’s just harmless fantasy” will resist hearing. For some guys, porn and “Hottie of the Day” (both porn in a more glitzy, yet crafty, form) replace reality and disrupt their ability to foster and maintain relationships with real men. The good news is, there is professional help and hope for those who wish to make their way back real life. We need to support those guys who admit they need help and seek it.

  11. Mark

    Ironic: a website which enables random hookups for its members as well as runs pornographic ads features an article about the negative effects of porn on the brain. Despite the helpful information, the overarching message is confusing, at best.

    In the spirit of the article, is A4A now going to value our neurological health by replacing its porn ads with adoptable shelter-puppy ads?

    • Dave

      Mark, we are not saying to stop watching porn in the article. Just talking about moderation. Like alcool. Too much can fuck you up!
      Everything is good in moderation:)

      • stowbiguy

        Guess if it pays the bills not a problem… Just drink enough so someone can earn a living no matter what it does for your mental health…okay got

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