sperm count

Health: Keep That Sperm Count Up


Keeping one’s sperm count up may not seem like a big deal for some gay men. After all, sperm is mainly for procreation, and “going natural” isn’t always the option that gay couples who want kids take.

But sperm count can also be used as a good barometer of one’s general health. Take, for instance, what causes low sperm counts in the first place. The Mayo Clinic notes that drug and alcohol abuse, obesity, and stress are not just causes of a host of health issues, but of low sperm count as well.

Here’s some tips that aren’t just going to keep your sperm count up, they’ll probably boost your overall health as well.


  1. Maintain an exercise regimen

– Much has been said about exercise releasing endorphins that trigger a feeling of happiness in the body, but did you know that exercise also releases testosterone into the body? Compound exercises and lifting heavy weights promote the release of testosterone, as well as letting your muscles rest and rebuild after each session. However, be careful not to overdo it! Too much exercise stresses your bodies and prompts the release of steroids, which lowers your sperm count. And it goes without saying that you shouldn’t take steroids as well.


  1. Eat healthy food

– However, this requires a specific kind of healthy food. Soy-based food has been found to have a mild effect on the body that mimics estrogen, which obviously isn’t good for your sperm. But if you have a high protein diet that includes fish, meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables, it’s going to be good for your sperm. And nuts like peanuts, walnuts, and cashews will be good for your…uhmmm…nut.


  1. Lose weight

– This is bound to happen if you follow steps 1 and 2 anyway. A French study notes that 42 percent of obese men have a lower sperm count than men with normal weights. While the reason for this is still unclear, scientists have speculated that this could be because the added weight heats up the scrotum, resulting in lower sperm production. The idea that fat tissues convert testosterone into estrogen, thereby disrupting sperm production, has also been floated.


  1. Reduce your stress levels

– It’s easier said than done, but it really does help out a lot. After a hard day of work, make sure that you get enough sleep so your body can recover and you don’t start the next day tired and cranky. Try to keep yourself calm during the work day, and maybe look into practicing yoga or meditation.


  1. Stop smoking and drink moderately

– Smoking doesn’t just lower your sperm count, it makes your sperm end up misshapen. And excessive drinking affects your liver, which causes a spike in estrogen levels in your body. And the more estrogen there is, the less sperm you’ll have.


  1. Go commando when you sleep

– The testicles are outside our bodies because they need to be cooler than the rest of our internal organs. An increase in temperature means less sperm produced. Going to sleep without any underwear keeps your testicles cooler. Also look into dumping those skinny jeans as the constriction could cause your testicles to overheat.

There are 7 comments

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    • Danny

      Depends how you wear them. If they’re so tight they restrict your walk like you just got…you know, yes they look stupid! They should just tightly hug your lower half not squeeze it !

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