
News : Tim Kaine and His LGBT Bonafides

The Republican party nominating Donald Trump and Indiana governor Mike Pence as its ticket for the upcoming presidential election certainly isn’t good news for the LGBT community. Not only are the pair running on a GOP platform that defines marriage as “between one man and one woman”, Pence also signed into law Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Law and personally believes in the effectiveness of conversion therapy.


So how does Hillary Clinton’s newly-announced running mate, Virginia senator Tim Kaine, measure up against Pence on LGBT issues? As it turns out, pretty good!


Kaine’s views on marriage equality has evolved over the years. When he was running for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 2001, the Associated Press reported that while Kaine has spoken in favor of granting certain rights to gay couples in long-term relationships, he is also quoted as saying that he never “supported gay civil unions, gay marriage.” However, when he was Virginia governor in 2006, he campaigned against a gay marriage amendment from being added into the Virginia constitution


By 2011, his views on gay adoption had also changed from when he first voiced opposition against unmarried gay or heterosexual couples adopting. A 2011 interview with The Washington Post quotes him as saying that gay people should be allowed to adopt if a judge determines that it is in the best interest of the child.


He also passed Executive Order 1 during his time as Virginia governor, which prohibited state agencies from discriminating based on sexual orientation. By the time he was in the Senate in 2013, he was already a vocal supporter of marriage equality, and the Human Rights Campaign has given him a 90 percent rating on its Congressional Scorecard.


While early detractors have called him a “safe” and “boring” choice, he’s certainly looking far more appealing than the Republican candidate for vice-president. What do you guys think? Are you happy with Hillary choosing him as her running mate? Sound off in the comments section below.

There are 66 comments

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    • Arturo23

      It’s scary because Clinton has supported rapists as an attorney and slept through the night when our gay colleague, Ambassador Chris Stevens, was murdered.
      They see us as stupid, say whatever it takes to get gay votes. Not this time, I’d rather have Trump.

    • Sachi

      You got that right – HRC is a Marxist she accepts donations from Muslim countries that throw gays and lesbians off the top of buildings – that’s right folks Hillary doesn’t care about gays and lesbians she just cares about your vote. Nothing more. If she really did care about us then she wouldn’t accept that money – HRC needs to be in Prison – we have 2 choices and I refuse to vote for her.

  1. Edward Osborne

    this blog is so incredibly misleading that it embarrasses me as a gay man…..while he may have supported our cause while in office, he also has numerous ties to radical islam and will be working with Hillery on her quest to bring millliions more of those creatures into our society….they simply believe that gays are to be killed. you promoting these two monsters to the gay community will do nothing more than get numerous gays killed, you should be ashamed of yourselves.. while Pence does stand by his christian upbringing in regards to gays, Trump has always shown absolute support for the gay community. this article is nothing but a ploy to mislead you for your vote

    • Dave

      Edward, everyone is allowed to his opinion man. If you want to believe that Trump has been good for what he calls “the gays”, good for you, but don’t tell us what to believe. Go vote for your racists, misogyn, anti-gay Trump-ette :). He is nothing a modern society would want. He is worse than Hitler in my opinion. I’m happy I live in Canada actually. #ScaryShit

      • deepnhappy

        Thats one thing we agree on Dave, I’m happy you live in Canada,too. If you love Hitlerry so much, you can have her!

      • Jim

        Shame on you for invoking the ridiculous “atom bomb” argument of “Hitler.” I am so fuckking sick of it being inappropriately and inaccurately used to terminate discussions on how many different topics over the decades. Obviously, no one wants to be called “Hitleresque”, so someone ignorantly tosses out a “Hitler” reference, which effectively stifles discussion on whatever issue. ALL OF YOU: JUST STOP IT! Hitler arose in a different time and place and set of conditions, and indeed WAS the most evil man of the 20th century and has produced more long term deleterious effects traceable to the Nazis than any other single influence of that century. However, ignorant references to him simply get in the way of intelligent discussions of TODAY’s problems, which are NOT similar to the problems of the 1920s and 30s.

        • deepnhappy

          I stand by my term of “Hitlerry”. And no, I don’t care for Trump, either. It’s sad that we can’t come up with better choices for the President.
          So, keep those panties in a bunch, as far as I’m concerned.

          • anonimatovato

            i agree, i don’t like neither of them, and tim kane, while in my opinion is more balanced compared to most republicans when it comes to gay issues, i don’t really see him as ‘liberal’ as he should be, considering the party platform. he seems rather moderate if you ask me.

      • Rick

        Dave who exactly is “we” WHO LIVE IN CANADA……….. Ed is right and there’s more than one of us with this belief. Your fear is what calls Trump a racist. He’s proven time and time again throughout the years, which you haven’t experienced, that he’s for all people and all genders….. honestly Dave stick to your health and sex issues. You’re proficient in that area. BTW, most of us are glad you live in Canada as well. Be safe.

        • Dave

          Rick “we” everyone at A4A. I’m happy that most gays and women won’t vote Trump though. “For all people and all genders” you say? Ask Muslims, women, latinos, gays if they will vote for him… lol. Well there’s you and Matt.

          • anonimatovato

            Even though I’m latino and will NOT VOTE TRUMP, I’m amazed that there are certain latinos voting for Trump. Uncle Toms much?

    • Chic

      And look what happened to him, if you read WikiLeaks! Hillary gave him the shaft, it really was rigged. Too bad for all of us….

  2. Matt

    The Democrats only want LGBT voters for their votes. The hysteria they have inculcated into LGBT voters is epic. When looking at the issues dispassionately, the Democrats pay lip service, but nothing else. In 2012 Obama pretended to care about same-sex marriage to get votes, but he knew all along that it was a Supreme Court issue, but hysterical LGBT voters believe Obama made same-sex marriage the law. I cannot and will not vote for Hillary because of her criminality.

    • Cassie

      You know nothing about Hillary. So tired of people saying “I don’ trust her.” You don’t know, you go by what you hear from the haters. Trump is “hate in your face”. Team Hillary all the way.

      • Matt

        As an f-hag, not one man cares about your vagina monologues and no one is listening. You are pawn and too unsavvy to realize it which makes you laughable.

      • Joe

        Hillery is a communist….she did her thesis on Saul Allinsky, the anti-American.
        Cassie, you should join Dave up in Canada.

  3. Keith

    I am not a big Hillary Clinton fan but how anyone in the LGBT community can support a Republican platform that contains a plank authored by Tony Perkins promoting and encouraging gay conversion therapy is mystifying to me.

    • Jim

      Ah, yes, the 2016 election dilemma: the frying pan or fire? the evil 1 or evil 2? Clearly the election of the lesser of two evils. The “Republican” platform (bears little resemblance to the real Republicans of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Hoover, or Eisenhower) with the hijacking radical fundamentalist, anti-science nut jobs’ planks such as Perkins, et al., coupled with the VP religious nut job Pence, makes Trump’s promises hard to believe that he could ever bring the party into line with his better proposals, given the wing nuts loose of the other 16, such as Cruz and Rubio.

      And then there’s Hillary, who even has to outsource blow jobs…, with her level of incompetence and mistaken priorities (me! me! me! the emasculating feminist)….

  4. Melvin

    He sounds good. But I hope none of us make our voting decision on this one issue. There is a lot more to consider.

  5. Arturo23

    Kaine and Hillary seriously support the Iran deal, which probably means more power for people who hang gays in public.

    Supposedly Catholic, he favors expansion of abortions. In NYC there are thousands more abortions than live births already. Kaine has been against nearly all gay rights, until we became empowered. I don’t like either one.

  6. Jim47

    Indeed, there are a lot more issues to consider than just our own concerns. I have lived in Virginia most of my life. Tim Kaine is a decent human being. I don’t agree with everything he’s said or done but I do believe that he’s shown great courage in evolving. It’s not just a question of getting our votes. He is a thoughtful man who listens and he may change his views based on what evidence he hears. He’s congenial and a hard worker. Even his Republican colleagues in Virginia congratulated him on his nomination. I grow so tired of listening to the diatribes about Hillary Clinton…she’s bought and sold, she’s crooked. Tim Kaine comes as close to a clean politician as you can find. Together, this team can lead and it can protect our civil rights. Please don’t expect that from the Donald. If anyone is pandering to the LGBTQ community, it is he. Maybe none of us are real Hillary fans but she is by far the best option in this election.

  7. Chic

    Nah, he spend much more of his life being anti gay, one wonders if he didn’t change his mind just to win some votes. But this election is about many other things and we need honest leaders who know how to help working people with jobs and a good economy, not just platitudes and food stamps.

  8. Wayne

    This why I laugh at guys who be saying I like big black cock. Man we’re just a piece of ass or big to you guys. You don’t give damn about us after the sex is over. What’s this shit you pulling sexing us why voting republican, who you know hates our guts and other minorities as well. Do kid yourself the hate you too. HAVE FUN WITH THAT.

  9. Sol

    I hope like hell other things will be considered in your choice for President. He also is very friendly to some radical Islamic groups… that would very much want ALL of us dead. Something to ponder a bit over. Hmmmm

  10. Matt

    I get a kick out of how many of you disparage Hillary as some kind of “crook”. Were she actually guilty of ANYTHING within the last thirty years, the GOP machine would have had their teeth in a conviction. Instead we’ve as much a chance at proving the existence of UFOs as getting a conviction.

    Within days of becoming Secretary of State, Hillary granted all State Dept employees equal status regardless of the sex of your spouse. She imposed a policy of “equal marriage” long before Biden & Obama seized upon it because, to her, it was the right thing to do. The choice of Kaine isn’t about us. It’s about governing a divided country. For that, she chose a moderate pragmatist who has been able to work in varying levels of government. He’s kept his personal values, but not imposed them on others. We could do far worse… (And we might should we elect Trump).

    • Joe

      Hillery is a crook…just has not been caught for most things or prosecuted on others
      Bill was impeached…and stupid Americans still gave him millions for his speeches.

      • CTmascLooking

        Try thinking of yourself as American first…not Gay, LGBTQ or whatever fractional subset of the population might exist out there.
        Much bigger issues are at hand here

      • Michael

        Then the Republicans aren’t very intelligent, are they? (I know, rhetorical question). Thirty years of non-stop investigations, EIGHT investigations into Benghazi, eight conducted under full Republican control with every sophisticated agency and tool available to them and still nothing. again, 30 years they’ve been chasing (smearing) this woman and they haven’t come up with a single chargeable offense. So either they aren’t very intelligent or they’ve got no evidence. Or maybe she is that smart. I want somebody smart running the country. Not a bellicose con man who files for bankruptcy every time his cash flow tightens up.

  11. HeyHeyK

    Human Rights Campaign? A shill for the Demos. MOST LGBT+ will vote Demo, regardless of any other options. Like Bill Clinton once said about the African-American voter” Where else are they gonna go?”. In other words, it is Assumed!

  12. Dan

    How anyone can take Trump seriously is another example on why so many Americans ruin this country. By no means am I a big Hillary fan, but between the two, it’s a no brainer, vote Hillary.

  13. Tim

    Trump is a National Joke. A reality TV host. A man who has gone bankrupt more times than anyone would want. A hate and fear monger. A womanizing piece of garbage. I cringe when women say they support him. Desperate, sad women. No wonder I like guys.

    • Brad

      You clearly know nothing about Trump or business. His four bankruptcies is one of the lowest percentages of failure in the U.S. Less than 2% of all enterprises. Google and Apple, by comparison, have failure rates in the high teens. Get educated!

    • Lucas

      I recently returned from three countries in Europe. Without exception, every person I spoke with either did not believe Trump was being taken seriously or had such strong feelings against him, they could not believe the US could in any way support this bigot, racist, Herr Hitler (or better still Hair Hitler)How any decent person could support Trump but even more outrageous, how and gay person could support him is mind boggling. Yes, there are the Log Cabin Republicans who for a long time have supported people who were against their best interests. But now with Pence who has actively fought against equality for gay and lesbians for many years, being partnered with this horrible person who hates everyone, I sincerely hope that gay people who support Trump are the people who are most damaged by the supreme court and the people Trump will surround himself with in his cabinet, should the nightmare of a Trump presidency happen to occur. Unfortuantely, we will all suffer. Clinton is Mother Teresa and every other saint when compared with Hair Hitler sorry, i meant Herr Trump.

  14. Wayne

    Never we had so many gay racists… damn. I’m glad Trump woke minorities up to the people we thought were our friends…. truly sad.

  15. TallVirginian

    Hello all, as a Virginian, you all know whom I will support. But the question I have for all the Trump supporters. What exactly do LGBQ. Please don’t say Queer!

  16. Ray

    I wasnt a big Hillary fan either but with the 2 choices we have ,she is by far the best qualified for the job !! I am always surprised by how many people who are listening to the gossip that she is a crook ,,, does Anyone remember that in America, one is innocent until proven otherwise (unless your black)(whole nother issue )
    As I see the records of the two canidates ,I am far more impressed by Hillarys record than I am of the Apprentice Boss ,, Its every citizens right to vote for the canadit that you believe in and No one should condemn anothers choices or attack them personally its a part of what makes this country great ,freedom but that very freedom has a cost …..
    I want to remind everyone that it is also election time for Congress, this is where the actual power resides ,,Vote for your Congress person who has your best interests and those of all citizens of America… take a very good look at their own record (if they are seeking re election )
    So much of the problems in the US come from this level of government that all of us who vote must take a serious look at the canidates for election
    The president can only bring forth legislation that he/she wants to pass
    The presidency is a very important position, that showcases USA in the Worlds view ,do we have a soft spoken highly effective public servant or a brash un qualified liar represent america …
    If you only knew how the rest of the world is reacting to a candidate named Trump ,it may just make you rethink your own vote for him

  17. Scarpien

    Everyone keeps calling Hillary ‘crooked’ so I guess it goes without saying Donald is as squeaky clean as they come. Just because someone hasn’t had the label pinned to them doesn’t mean they aren’t that label. All it means is they’re better at hiding their ‘crookedness.’

    What I find interesting is that is all Trump can say about Clinton, and he says it every chance he gets. Why is that? If he shuts up long enough for Clinton to get a word in edge-wise would she, or even we, learn something about him that may not be so savory?

    Throughout my life I’ve always found the “fast-talkers/always have something to say-ers” to be the most crooked. I’ve yet to be proven wrong. So we’ll see.

  18. Roy

    How easy is it to to “believe” when you have been pandered to? Set the record straight, Obama was against same sex marriage when he first ran for potus, only Hillery has accepted hundreds of millions of dollars from muslin leaders and countries where LGBTQ people are killed without question, Where it’s fine to murder your sister, mother, daughter for something as simple as a face book post, where women have no rights and rape is all but not a crime, Hillery has never taken a strong vocal stance against what Muslims believe and has never refused a donation from them…
    Trump by example has employed people and trusted women and LGBT people without regard for anything other than can you do the job well…
    Many have come forward and spoken and endorsed him, many have come forward and spoken of his random acts of kindness to those in need… why are these same type people not coming forth for Hillery? do they exist? where are the long term friends of Hillery?

    I’m often amazed at those who have become dependent on a party that has not served them,

  19. Sam

    What has gotten lost in all the partisanship is that, despite the platform, Trump made an entire acceptance speech with nothing but positive words for the gay community. And one of the speakers who introduced him was openly gay. That’s progress!

  20. skyreaderr

    As gay men, we need to look at the Supreme Court justices Trump will appoint. They would try to cancel every stride made by gay and lesbians over the last 40 years. Also, look at Pence — a virulent homophobe who uses his alleged “Christian values” to promote hate. Look at the discriminatory bill he signed in Indiana, but was forced to “revise” it. Trump is no friend of gay folks — or any folks; just himself and his lust for wealth. The choice is clear. Frankly, some of the imbecilic, pro-Trump posts on here are beyond alarming.

  21. Brad Metz

    Trump will do more for LGBT than despicable Clinton. He is a good man who has been maligned by the Left and their willing allies in the media. Hillary is all about Hillary. Trump is about success for all Americans.

  22. Brian

    Honestly, do we really want to put LGBT issues at the top of the list yet again? What about fair trade, or medical insurance costs increases, or the borders, or terrorists, or the economy, or energy? I mean, let’s fix the shit that enables us to be a country first then worry about if some dick in some office cares about LGBT or not.

  23. Ken

    With Hilliary get ready for more events like Orlando, Paris etc. wake up guys. Islam is tossing gays off buildings like they were debris in the wind. That’s what the Dems are flooding what’s left of our country with. That’s how desperate they are for votes. They talk like our friend while their policies are hurting our nation.

  24. Michael

    Set aside, for one moment, the obvious cliches tossed around about both of them. “she’s a car monger who can’t be trusted”, “he’s a racist xenophobe authoritarian”. The reason I will hold my nose and vote for Clinton/Kaine is quite simple. Trump has yet to annunciate a clear and cohesive policy statement on any matter of import. He throws around bar room bromides that he adjusts as people react. (I.e. His constantly drifting position on Muslim immigrants). The comments he has made about NATO and fiscal policy are downright dangerous. For all who think that Wall Street or Obama or Congress or a unicorn pulled us out of the economic debacle of 2008, understand that the number one contributing factor was America’s ability to sell debt through bonds. It is considered the safest bet in the world. So when you start telling the people that bought that debt that they are going to take a haircut like some two bit bankruptcy trustee, watch the world flee from us. Then sit back and watch the economic destruction it wreaks. SKyrocketing interest rates, rampant inflation, bank foreclosures on a massive scale that will make 2008 look like a walk in the park, cash shortages, etc. Did Hillary particpate in rigging the system for the wealthy? Hell yeah!!!!! Along with just about every other politician of the last 30 years. But if you think the ass hat Trump who knows ZERO about monetary policy is going to come in with his BS NYC tough guy persona and make the world heel……? You’re kidding yourself. He will destroy the economy… unfair as it may be now.

  25. Scorpionman56

    Seriously people, you want to vote for a felony criminal that lies to America’s face just like Obama, that says what slid stupid people want to hear just to get a vote. All the while helping Obama’s cause of splitting America into blacks against whites straight against gays just to make themselves richer on our dime. You must be complete idiots to even consider anyone that wants to continue to laugh in everyone’s faces showing his stupid and gullible the general population actually is. It’s Trump, or it’s death to the American way of life and freedom.

  26. Rasbear

    I still prefer Trump and Pence. There’s more at stake then one issue. Kaine supports groups such as Muslim brotherhood and other deemed extreme Islamic groups who find it okay by religion to kill gay ppl. They donated to him and they donate to Hillary. Besides Hillary and Kaine were very much against gay marriage until it benefit them election wise. To many that is to phony.

  27. david

    the CROOK Hillary and her Pro Islam stance like Obama should have everyone worried. they kill you in Islam for being a Gay or a Christian or a non-believer. Cut your damn head off. Orlando should have woke everyone up. Trump is clearly the better choice for safety of the lifestyle. Sharia law will be the death of us all. Hillary supports Sharia. Trump for Freedom yes, Islam no.

  28. dave

    My my I think there more important things out there to talk about then Clinton or trump and which one is best for gay community. I am tired of same old same old Washington telling us what is good for us according to them. I may be gay but I am a very conservative gay man that works hard pays taxes and employees other people. I am willing to help anyone that is willing to work but unfortunateky we have a bunch of lazy welfare collecting leaches way down our society. To many people think that we own them everything they need to survive. Sorry we have to many career politicians and other Leaches out there that expect everything given to them. Now I am registered Democrat and have been one since I turned 18. Now I don’t vote party I vote for the person and that issues that effect me. I am 6 the generation to live and work on our family farm. My family settled on our farm in 1774 in Pennsylvania and have been here ever since. My family members have served in every war and conflict since the revolution war to family serving in our service today. My family but our original farm ground from the Indians it was a land purchase of 300 hundred acres now some 242 yes. Later I own 1888 acres and raise 1500 head of beef cows and also raise 5000 head of hogs and I raise all the feed I need for my animals plus’s have to sell to help feed the world. I pay lots of taxes and I employ 10 people beside my family members. I have found that today’s youth are lazy want everything they can get for nothing and want paid 10 times what there worth and hell I am lucky if the can make it to work 2 days in a row but they never miss being there on payday. Well now I don’t want to get on my soap box to much but if you give a hard days work I pay you a fair wage for what you do. So here I am a die heart democrat and I am voting for change and the only choice I have for change is trump not Clinton so I am for trump 100% . its time for a real business man to try his hand at running this country and not another career politician and we have had to many bad years of poor leadershp and i am tired of what the government says what I can and can’t do. Dam shame we didn’t clone Ronald Regan now there was a real president and america and its citizens made money. So that’s give Trump and Pence a chance to straight up the mess in Washington and make America and its legal citizens great again

  29. Umberto

    the lesser of two evils is still evil. in favor of actual equality, i support a total abolition of the state and capitalism.
    sounds to me like kaine begrudgingly supports this issue for political expediency; hillary waited until 2013 to advocate for marriage equality, so why is she considered an ally, after 40 years of being a political figure? why do we need permission from a government in the first place?

  30. RichT

    My god reading these comments. I have to believe In my heart that this is fake people that are pretending to be gay saying such dumbness. Hillary a crook? Hillary bad? Blah fu**ing blah! How can any of you even consider not voting democratic??! There are so many things as stake most importantly the Supreme Court. Wtf!? Someone shot 49 of us down like cattle and the first legislation that the republicans passed were bathroom bills against us. They introduced a platform that defund AIDS programs and give money to conversion therapy. Wtf is wrong with you suckers on here. Bernie lost. Third party candidates won’t win! Shut up you dumbness. Meanwhile the democrats sat on the floor fighting for gun control being outnumbered but still fighting. The democratic president makes stonewall inn a national monument. We are in the fight of our lives and unless you all don’t get over your dumbness Donald trump will be president and we will be done in this country as a community. These people want to stop pride. They want to stop marriage equality. They don’t want us in their bathrooms. Quit your bitching and man up and go vote blue up and down the tickets so that American will be representative of all its citizens and no just the righteous.

  31. Rick

    “WE” is you and you alone and a few misguided , non informed gays that follow lip service and the media such as yourself who only build more fear for what they haven’t experienced. Good luck because you know nothing of women or legal Latinos that do it the right way. The only Muslims involved are the terrorists who of course wouldn’t want trump. Again, I’ll repeat, speak on what you know, not what you just read. Oh btw, it’s more than Joe and I……

  32. Peter

    As an Aussie currently visiting my next favorite people in the world, Americans, I really hope Trump does not become your next president, I think he is homophobic and this will be made clear if he wins. he will repeal the gay marriage laws and take America back to the 1950’s. I love Hilary and know in my heart she will make a fantastic President and she will honor her commitments and promises to the gay, lesbian and transgender communities more than Trump ever will. If Trump wins, I doubt I will visit here as much as I love America and Americans, I feel that the tragedy of 9/11 will look like a picnic in the park because of all the races and people Trump has insulted all around the word who will seek retribution on the USA. Trump is a 5 year old in a man’s body and has the temperament of a 5 year old who should never have access to your nuclear weapons, god help the whole world if he wins, the world will be doomed.

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