
News : Mass Shooting At Pulse Gay Nightclub

Approximately 20 people are dead (UPDATED TO 50 DEAD AT 10:30AM) inside Pulse Nightclub, Orlando Police Chief John Mina said Sunday morning, just hours after a shooter opened fire in the club. At least 42 people have been transported for medical treatment, he said.

“It’s appears he was organized and well-prepared,” the chief said, adding that the shooter had an assault-type weapon, a handgun and “some type of (other) device on him.” Orlando authorities said they consider the violence an act of domestic terror. The FBI is involved.

“Everyone get out of Pulse and keep running,” the nightclub posted on its Facebook page shortly after the violence began.



Anyone who was at Pulse nightclub and was a witness are asked to go to the Orlando Police HQ, 100 S. Hughey Ave. If you are unable to go, authorities urged any witnesses to call ‘1-800-CALL FBI’ with any information.

For your information, there were 372 mass shootings in the US in 2015, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870, according to the Mass Shooting Tracker, which catalogues such incidents. A mass shooting is defined as a single shooting incident which kills or injures four or more people, including the assailant.

I would like on behalf of all the staff at Adam4Adam to send our love and prayers to all the friends and family of injured or dead people. When I wrote this article and did my research I couldn’t hold my tears as I saw photos and videos of the shooting. I am also very frustrated that a killer attacked my people, probably some users of A4A, some of our friends.

I will try to keep you posted on ur Facebook page, when I get more infos! Meanwhile, feel free to share the “PrayForOrlando” photo that is on our page to show your support and leave your condolences and thoughts in the comment section below.


There are 35 comments

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  1. Curtis Matheaus

    I am all for right to bear arms as a US Citizen, however, this is where ones thoughts have to go unfortunately. These AUTOMATIC WEAPONS ARE NOT being used by Americans to defend themselves, their families and home, THEY ARE NOT being used by the recreational Hunter on sporting expeditions, THEY ARE getting into the hands of terrorists and other like minded individuals that use them to do harm to other human beings. As much I value the opportunity to bear arms, something has GOT TO BE DONE to prevent these individuals from using these automatic weapons on human lives! And if that means giving up my rights to bear AUTOMATIC weapons, I would be the first to give them up. I mean really folks, would you use am automatic weapon to go hunting for game to feed your family? ABSOLUTELY NOT! That is if you wanted to have anything left to feed your family! So Congress GET YOUR Heads out of your asses and pass some legislation, whether you are Republican or Democrat, that shows you value HUMANKIND in itself with a boundary of political gain.

  2. Southern Guy

    My heart breaks over this tragic and senseless act of cowardism. I cannot find the words to describe the grief I feel for those lost, and for those will be forever affected by this tragedy. May the family & friends of those lost, as well as those responding, feel the prayers of this great country as well as all over the world.

  3. Alp3ng3ist

    My heart and thoughts go to the entire Orlando community and the entire LGBT population that this will affect all over the world.

  4. Dennis

    When and where does it end? So many lives taken, so many more lives impacted directly and even more who weren’t directly impacted.

    I neither favor one side or other on the issue of gun control. I think common sense, simple and logical standards are needed. There is no *reason* for automatic or semi-automatic weapons in private hands.

  5. Scarpien

    This is truly terrible. But what I can’t believe is Omar’s father saying this attack was not based on religion. What is he thinking? The very idea of homophobia is entrenched in/was “birthed” as a result of religion.
    He reminds me of Brock Turner’s father, defending his son’s behavior but in his case, he’s defending his religion.

  6. pharade

    This started when he saw two men kissing in front of his three year old son. It is being said it is not known if he had radical Muslim leanings. He was born in New York to parents that immigrated from Afghanistan. It is a shame that something like this happened. Keeping all of those affected in my thoughts.

  7. joey

    Curtis Matheaus: Unfortunatly, we the law abiding citizens abide by the law. Terrorists don’t get there guns legally, so we can pass as many laws as the books will hold till dooms day, as long as automatic weapons exist, they will get into the wrong hands to do it’s distruction in the world, no matter who or where you are.

  8. Babbu

    Please take down the homophobic tweet- you only serve their purposes by publizing it.

    Please think of the victims, families and friends…

  9. KG

    Sad thing now is that in LA some guy was just apprehended, looks like he was trying to disrupt the Pride Parade out there. Guys, be careful, live your life , lets watch out for each other.

  10. Greg

    I am sick about this. ISIS is alive and well in the US. The guy called 911 and said it. Unfortunately it will probably get worse before it gets better. It is not about guns, I have one and I dont even consider shooting people, it is about a sickness in people. Islamic fundamentalism and terror is a real threat to us all. We need to wake up they are coming for us. Just think of what is done to gays in the arab world? The chosen few can engage in gay sex the rest have to die. They are nuts

  11. Earl30

    My heart hurts for the LGBT community of Orlando…On the other hand I am pissed at our government for not trying or working hard enough to stop these type shootings…They all should be ashamed. The hatred that is still being shown against us as a Country and in our communities of color, sexual orientation, religion is frightening….Where is the justice…There will be none until it stops…

  12. Bad_Influence

    Sorry Curtis, these were not automatic weapons, but semi-automatic. i.e they fired one round per trigger pull, much like a revolver. The problem is not the inanimate object, but rather the evil that is using it. I guess the radical Islamic terrorist didn’t see the “Gun Free Zone” sign. But don’t blame guns for Islamic Terror. That’s just liberal nonsense. “An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it.” -Col. Jeff Cooper

  13. Tom

    I am glad to be Gay, even more so. How terrible. Too many haters that don’t know anything about lbgt. Religion sucks period. How shameful Lt. Gov Dan Patrick tweeted. Talk about gays? I am sick of these Jesus freaks. I know one think when I pass on I want to go to hell. Too many haters in heaven. Shame on him for tweeting that, he should be removed from office. He is not a fit human being.

  14. Marko

    What will it take for the leaders of the western world to finally admit the truth that radical Islam it’s nothing short of a mental disorder? America may not be art east with Islam, but it sure seems like Islam is at war with the western civilization.
    How many people must be butchered by our poor misunderstood Muslim friends?
    Tolerance of religion, sexuality and culture itself must be a two way street.
    Blame guns of you must, blame elections if you will, but in the end allegiance wasn’t sworn to gun makers or the right our the left of political parties, nope it was sworn to Islam by the shooter.
    Some time ago Americans stop being Americans. They morphed into I’m special-Americans.
    And the list is endless. The only time ours used correctly is as:Islamic-American, and why you ask?
    Because every single Muslim on the planet holds greater alegence to Allah then to anything else.
    Embrace your diversity, but know that while Americas leaders bicker or who can marry who and who can use what toilet, radical Islamist are justifying our deaths. Not because we are gay, not because we are Americans, not because we’re right or left handed. Nope it’s because we do not subscribe to the view of the world that they and they alone subscribe to.
    Right or wrong, left or right, top or bottom, gay or straight let this action remind is all that evil is out there in all forums and to meet let our guard down and to stay safe.
    Let’s all take a deep breath and a somber moment to remember those stolen from us in FL this morning. Let’s meet loser sight of who took them and why they were taken from us.
    Hating haters will not being them back or end senseless violence. But knowing the truth will keep us safer in the end.

  15. Marko

    To Curtis: just a reminder that the founding fathers (men far smarter the any of us) didn’t write the second amendment because the deer were coming.

  16. R

    I am as struck as anyone that a shooter could have run rampant in a club, because he was offended by something his child saw. The proper response is to explain that those people don’t believe what we do, so we don’t do that, and move on. Same as a Jehovah’s Witness explains about no birthday cakes. No muss, no fuss, everybody moves on. Now, the child gets traumatized because his father did this atrocious thing. Yes, a misguided man let his pride overcome reasons, and people are dead.

    Instead of reinforcing the value of choice, the need for self control, the proper way to teach children in a diverse world, we will succumb to hysteria that does not address the underlying issues, and will “handle it” by legislating away our rights. Do you know, there are states where, as long as you’re not drinking, you can carry your concealed weapon and proper permit, into a club? And in such places, a legally armed patron could have stopped that madman, who knew nobody would be armed.
    The police spokesman referred to an assault rifle. It may have looked like an “assault rifle”, but the thing they mean is “combat carbine”, and looks don’t make it true. They will use this to restrict the citizen’s rights to have weapons sufficient to overcome a heavily armed foe, punishing everyone for one man’s evil.
    I resent what he did, but we can’t let them use this to restrict freedom anymore. If extremists ever get in power, who will need to be able to defend themselves? Think about pink triangles, and don’t miss the point here.
    We need to rededicate ourselves against hate, not legislate away my right to have whatever I need to resist killers like that one.

  17. janus2005

    Whether or not you realize it or want to accept it, the third world war over religion and ideology is well on its way and gay men will be smack dab in the middle of it.
    Gay men, continue to party but learn to defend yourself and become combat ready, learn survival skills, put aside 20 dollars a month and create a three month reserve of for.

  18. janus2005

    *reserve of food.
    Learn to defend and fend for yourselves because no government, no group, no individual will defend you. You have to do it for yourself. Keep thinking that everything will be alright and it will lead to your death.
    To my gay brothers and sisters who were murdered in Orlando, rest in peace.

  19. Concerned

    Something so terrible to happen to this community. But I am very disappointed in the viewers of this blog. Let the post be about “straight guy liking blowjobs” and the comment section would have 100 comments. Something as serious as this and only 17. Actually I’m not shocked though this is the reason the LGBT community isn’t taken seriously.

  20. Darryl

    I have been thinking about how we have become so eager to judge a person based on this or that, but forget what’s truly important. This guy committed an act of Domestic Terrorism against People who he thought were less then human. Innocent patrons of a Bar which catered to the LGBTQ community. Many of which are of different backgrounds, Political leanings, Social Economic, and Ages. What they all had in common that night was that they were guilty of being there. The Hatred that Man felt towards people he didn’t know, was bad enough. How would he feel if someone else decided that he and his loved ones were equally less then human? Would he want the American People to join to morn his loss? The lesson is we have become Sub Human to the point where life does not matter at all. The conversation has to begin NOW!

  21. Fun_guy27

    This is very tragic and breaks my heart I want to take this time to extend my love prayers and codelences for all involved may God touch each and every person involved and watch over them as they get through this and move forward.

  22. Richard

    Tom — I find it rather distressing that you seem to be more angered by what some politician SAID than what an Islamic TERRORIST actually DID.

    You also seem to be more worried about “Jesus freaks” than the Muslim terrorists who are targeting the LGBT community. You didn’t say even ONE thing about the person who actually was the murderer. May one presume that you’re less angered by ISIL terrorists or Iranians that simply throw gay men off the roofs of buildings too? I dare say you’d find more haters in Hell, BTW.

    It seems to me that the LGBT community might want to be more worried about being targeted by Islamic terrorists than Christians…

    And to Curtis M. and Dennis: “Bad_Influence” pretty much nailed, quite correctly, about automatic weapons. They have been largely outlawed for DECADES. They are very expensive — many 1000’s of dollars to even purchase one that’s in rough shape, AND they are highly regulated by the ATF. Illegal possession of one is good for a one-way trip to a Federal pen for several years. So instead of trying to make it harder for people to simply defend themselves, myself included (and yes I do have a concealed permit), how about being more concerned with criminal control than gun control? Thanks.

  23. Lip Service

    Our family has lost so many great individuals. They were kind, friendly, considerate, creative, articulate, hardworking, energetic, handsome, pretty, smart, creative, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, motivators, graduates, caring,….The list has no end. The most profound characteristic they all share is a lighting bolt filled with LOVE ❤️ which will always represent the LGBT community. Please be safe all and continue to spread positive energy on this great planet.

  24. Alex

    The LGBT community must continue to be proud and not let this horrible tragedy stop our progress. We weep for our brothers and sisters who we lost to senseless violence. Please stay positive about this and give these people the support they deserve. Stay strong.

  25. dana

    This is what happens when a free society and a person from a culture filled with such self loathing and hate collide. Doesn’t matter if it’s a gun or anything else when a person with such hate in there soul decides to do evil I don’t know if it’s really possible to stop.

  26. Bulldozer

    Looks like gays picked the wrong time to come out the closet if u wana be who u wana be don’t be a flame and flair ur pride in every ones face cause not everyone accepts that behavior specially in public. Keep ur buisness behind closed doors and zipped up not all society accepts this abomination

  27. bruce

    dan Patrick and governor Gregg abbott of texas are just as evil as terrorism with their nasty comments typical texas TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. rodneyinSC

    I am saddened that this happened and the hate must stop. I am angry that the Baptist are agreeing with this. I hope there is a Hell for Baptist and terrorists.

  29. GnRSM

    My Heart is in tears for our Sisters and Brothers whose lives were taken from them. My prayers and thoughts for those who remain hospitalized in critical condition at the point in time, and for those Friends, family members of those were taken.

    Extra prayers, thoughts and HUGs for those who were there and are lived through this horrific event and suffer through (what is called) survivors guilt.

    Prayers to all those in Orlando.

  30. Richard

    So Bruce, are you going to say ANYTHING about the Imam that was a guest speaker at the Orlando mosque that this murderer attended who said the homosexuals should be killed — but, “out of compassion,” of course.

    Or how about Musab Masmari who wanted to “exterminate homosexuals” by trying to burn down a gay club in Seattle a few years ago?

    Or even known terror cell member Ali Muhammad Brown, who executed a Seattle gay couple in August of 2014?

    Like I said yesterday — it seems to me that a gay man should probably be FAR more worried about the actions by members of the group who like to beat, torture, behead, lash, and throw homosexuals off the tops of buildings. And that group certainly isn’t the Jews, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Amish, or Protestants.

  31. Richard

    Rodney, you must be talking about the vile, sick, twisted members of the Westboro Baptist “Church” here. They are NOT affiliated — at all — with any orthodox Christian church.

    The World Baptist Alliance and the Southern Baptist Convention have both condemned them. So please don’t lump them all together.

  32. tennis32801

    Thanks for the prayers to my city. But I wonder why you choose to not mentioned it was a radical islamist terrorist attack?

    • blog

      tennis32801 : we dont know anything yet, nothing is confirmed. Many rumours around. Maybe he was gay, maybe he was not, maybe he hated latinos, maybe he was with isis maybe not.

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