
Health : Syphilis In USA

Late last year the Center for Disease Control (CDC) released the national rankings for sexually transmitted diseases and we thought we would bring all of you up-to-date with some statistics on STD’s in the United States that are specifically relevant to the men who have sex with men population.

The graph below shows the top 10 ten counties for primary and secondary syphilis. There are four stages of syphilis. The primary (characterized by a painless sore at the site of transmission) and secondary (multiple symptoms; however, the most common is a rash on the palms of hands and soles of feet) are the most contagious. Syphilis is passed through intimate skin to skin contact. Typically one person presents with a sore (painless and can be unseen – located in the anus or vagina) and the other person will unknowingly come into contact with the sore. The second person will then develop a sore in the location where the first person’s sore touched him/her. The sore can be present anywhere from 7days to 6 weeks. It is really important to see a doctor and request syphilis testing if you think that you may have a sore or if you think you came into contact with a sore on a partner.

Primary – Secondary Syphilis (2014) County Rankings by Cases

2014 P&S Syphilis Ranked by County

Counties across the United States are seeing a significant increase in cases among the men who have sex with men (MSM) population. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2014 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance report indicated “MSM continued to account for the majority of P&S syphilis cases in 2014. Of 19,999 P&S reported syphilis cases in 2014, 12,226 (61.1%) were among MSM, 2,513 (12.6%) were among men who have sex with women only (MSW), 1,840 (9.2%) were among women, 3,407 (17.0%) were among men without information about sex of sex partner, and 13 (0.1%) were cases reported with unknown sex. Among male cases with information on sex of sex partner, 82.9% occurred among MSM.” The report goes on to state that increases among the MSM population were seen in all races/ethnicities and that the age range for syphilis cases were from 15-44 years of age. Lastly, the incident rate of co-infection with syphilis and HIV continue to increase as well. “Reported cases of P&S syphilis continue to be characterized by a high rate of HIV co-infection, particularly among MSM. In 2014, 26 states reported both sex of sex partner and HIV status (HIV-positive or HIV-negative) for at least 70% of P&S syphilis cases. Among P&S syphilis cases with known HIV-status in these states, 51.2% of cases among MSM were HIV-positive, compared with 10.7% of cases among MSW, and 5.9% of cases among women.”

Prevention is the key with both syphilis and HIV. It is important to know your status and to get tested regularly. The rate of testing should be based on your sexual activity. If you are engaging in high risk behavior testing once a year is not enough. The CDC has a page where you can locate a testing site near you.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance. (2014). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

There are 8 comments

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  1. Billclitor

    With prep and BB dumb gays forgot that none cancelled other STIs so we should thank those who promote PreP in gay community completely ignoring the fact that it should be used in conjunction with condoms. Shame on us. Why str8 don’t buy the PreP bs but use old fashion rubbers?

  2. chris

    love see article/study on hepatitis b

    you don’t have to post this…just a suggestion for the future like to see what others have to say

  3. Jim

    I have had it for a year now and am having a hard time getting my ratio to a safe and acceptable level….the blood test is nothing…. its the 3 sets of shots in your ass cheeks thats a pain…
    No sores… never did. just cant get my level down from 1:8

  4. Addyboy

    The treatment is no fun, honestly 3 rounds of the most painful shot I have ever had. And expensive even with good insurance. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Live and learn. It’s not worth it.

  5. houseproud

    Syphylis is … aamazing. When your getting it good you might be getting something extra. Go away syphylys.

  6. Rob

    Ever notice nobody in the male gay community worried about catching anything like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, Hep C, herpes, genital warts, crabs, etc prior to the AIDS era that began in the 80’s? All these diseases were around back then guys, but nobody worried about them. Why? Because such a minuscule percentage of the gay male population is effected by these diseases. Does it happen? Of course it does. But you can get many of these things from non-sexual contact as well. Kissing can transmit Hep C & herpes, and oral or rimming can transmit the others just as effectively as fucking. It’s naive to think that wrapping up in a condom will keep you disease free. How about KNOW YOUR PARTNER instead guys!!! At least now with PrEP we can finally start to relax a little when it comes to HIV. But just make sure your partner or partners are healthy otherwise and you’ll be fine. And by that I mean make sure you KNOW THEM and that they make regular Dr visits with STD screenings. It’s not hard to do guys, so just do it and stay healthy, peace!

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