
Speak Out : Do You Believe In Love?

(Photo : SeanCody)

Finding a fuckbuddy, a hookup, making friends are all easier than finding love. Am I right?

To find love, not only you need to be attracted to the person physically, but also mentally and sometimes even spiritually!

In the gay world, I feel it is even harder than in the straight world, depending on what you’re looking for in a relationship of course. But if you are looking for one love, in a committed 1/1 relationship, finding love can be difficult. Some of you found love on Adam4Adam and that always makes me smile when I receive an email from one of you, it makes me very happy and I’m proud that our work has helped you connecting with others.

I’ve been single for more than 3 years now, getting ready to start looking for love soon, still have a bit of work to do on myself before though….But I believe I will find love again. Maybe not in the city where I live, maybe on the other side of the planet who knows, but I believe there is someone out there looking for the same thing as me.

What about you? Do you believe in love? Do you think you will find YOUR man? Have you found him yet?

I like this video under the jump, it might make you believe in love again if you lost faith, check it out and let me know. You might shed tears, I’m warning you!


There are 68 comments

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  1. Allieddog1

    Yeah, I do believe in LOVE. However, humans are not designed to have one partner for life. Love between humans can die. Now LOVE from a dog is unconditional and a dog will love you for their entire life. No I am not speaking about sex with a dog. I have never had a human love me the same as a dog. Not even my parents showed me as much love as one of my dogs.

  2. shardy

    Yes i do.

    However, i don’t think males in general are capable
    of genuine love. Especially same sex oriented men.

    I think an intense sexual attraction and momentary
    interest could be considered “love” by some men,
    but i need only see just how MANY partnered/ married
    same-sex oriented men have profiles on hookup sites
    to effortlessly validate my point.

    I do not care how many times a guy can declare his
    ” love ” for another man, marry him in some cases,
    yet will always be looking for something on the side.

    For myself, love, TRUE and REAL love is emotional
    and sexual monogamy without much effort. Without tax or task.

    So in that regard, love is merely a construct that
    most males tend to have no concept of in any substantial way.

  3. Darryl

    Do I believe in LOVE? Absolutely, it brings many many fond memories of the guys I have dated, and the ones I have been in love with. They say that your body gives off pheromones when you’re in Love. And you have a glow about you that shines pretty bright, even in daylight. We all search for that special someone, but sometimes not searching frees you up to find the Man of your dreams.

  4. Kirt28202

    After watching the video, I did fall in love with the dark haired guy….lol. Enjoyed the video and do believe in love. I’m in my 50’s and time is running out, so I don’t think he is going to come along, so I must enjoy the rest of my single life. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Steve

    I’ve been in a relationship for 5 years and my boyfriend has an 11 inch dick I don’t know if I’m in love with him or his dick I question it sometimes

  6. Jason

    I def believe in love. I’ve been in it three times even though me and my recent ex have split. I found my last 2 relationships on adam4adam but I will agree that love is hard to find. There have been year gaps between my relating it’s and I am expecting the same now. I live in an area that doesn’t embrace my body type or personality. I’m a slightly overweight geek/techy kinda guy who has a fascination with Spanish men and the Spanish culture and it’s not easy to find someone to date here that I’m attracted to. But I have faith, at least it think I do, that there is someone out there for me.


  7. RoyalThings

    I will say gay love is harder to find than in the straight world. And then, if one does, it is much harder to keep the relationship. I have had a few exes that have left significant marks on my life. One that I think love is uncertain. This ex and I broke up 5 times in the course of a year and a half. He does live 2,000+ miles away, and we’ve never met, but we video chatted, texted, and called every day. When I text him and I’m sad he’ll respond until I feel better. For my birthday, we text for a long time, I was the only one who remembered when his mom died, we’ve gone through a lot together. He did ask what if he got married to which I said “Love is about putting the other person before yourself, I’d have to accept that you wouldn’t be mine anymore” I still have no idea where we stand, but I more so believe that love is attainable for the other people be it othe gays or straight people, just not me, but I have had a glimpse of what real love feels like

  8. J A

    I have always been a romantic….but finding love with another man, esp one that lasts , its a joke in alot of ways. most guys seem to want to just hookup, or be in Open relationships and or “committed” but yet they fuck around outside the supposed relationship or partnered setup. I find it really hard now esp finding out that I have HIV but at the same time I havent been really out or that anyone really knows as I am and have been healing from a horrible episode with PCP pneumocystic pneumonia that almost took my life eight months ago this past year….Memorial day weekend, but yes I would like to think I could have an LTR with someone , someone willing to take the chance with me, even with HIV, but just someone that I am , who can be too much for most people, I know I am outlandish with opinions or points of view I have but I am pretty cool I must say, much more open to things than even gay men claim they are to be, I dont worry about perfect guy syndrome since that doesnt exist, sorry gay boys, but you dont , nor will you ever be perfect , no matter if youre “goodlooking” , or whatever else you think is perfect, I look for care, sensitive, loving, someone that will let me love them and viceversa of what I just mentioned, but yet not give up when things get hard at times, I dont give up that easily…..but anyhow….this is a message to any and all. give someone a chance, regardless if they have long hair or earrings or piercings and whatever else that doesnt fit the “Gay” look, its all BS anyhow. honestly , it truly is what someone is inside and out, thats whats gonna matter, even if perfection is not met or will ever be met, HIV, or not, and any other imperfections or what have you that would keep you from trying on someone that could be someone for you.

  9. Aaron

    I could love you, Dave 🙂

    Im a romantic at heart but I’ve watched gay guys go in and out of all manner of relationships and I think it’s very rare to find a guy who holds to a monogamous 1:1 relationship. I was inspired by some friends of mine who had been dating for over 5 years and claimed monogamy. I believed them because I couldn’t find anyone who had been with them. then it became clear that they were just good at hiding it. they’d been bringing other guys in for a couple of years.

    I’m not outside the times, but it seems like “marriage” and “dating” just means that we find someone we can bang other people with and that’s love. I believe in the one on one relationship, but I’ve been single for 11 years now so…is probably more rare than I think.

  10. Richard

    Do I believe in love? My faith is wavering but yes. Reserved for the younger set? I think so. The men my age want a younger guy. The young guys want someone close to their age. Nobody goes on a real date anymore. The internet has ruined that. In the 70s you actually had to go out and meet guys. When I dated a guy we went to the movies, dinner, took a walk together. Held hands watching the movie. Did not always very little end ib sex. We gave each a sweet romantic kiss, said goodnight and parted. The temptation you have now with the internet to cheat has ruined it all. Gone forever. That is what I want and need. A 1970s real date. Not gonna happen. So here in 2015 that’s scary I don’t believe I will ever find love again. I’m destined to be by myself. No family or close friends. Remember gay men do not know how to have a proper friendship. There’s more to life than sex. Heard it before fellow family members. It’s true and happiness will always elude you because of that. Sex does not I repeat does not equal love.

  11. Pj

    Love, we’ll usually when I least expect it, when I’ve taken the plunge on getting my life togsther, it happens. And now I have to mix it all up again. But it has been worth it, even if it isn’t a 30 year thing. A great year with a great man is valuable. Some go 10 years and remain great friends. Just be open to it,not discounting any chances before it happens. You can’t discount the right man because of things neither can change. Older or younger, guys have a lot to offer and so do you.

  12. Clueless

    I use to believe in love, met a great man online 7 years ago, we were together for 6 years before he ripped my heart out and shattered it beyond repair. It has been a little over a year now since we split and I can’t even bring myself to go on dates, out of fear of being hurt again.

  13. blckdaddy4twink

    After either searching for it or not searching for it. For nearly 30 years. Nope dont really believe in love. The only love guys have shown me is a love for my cock!

  14. Rico

    Good luck, in your search for love. It is definitely not easy, but I found the love of my life, 9 years ago. I was all but done with men, because of horrible breakup with a sleezy piece of shit that wasted 2 years of my life. I had resolved to being single and definitely was not looking. I remember briefly turning on, and this European guy from Moldova, messaged me. I told him I didn’t have time to talk,because I had to go to work, but told him I may come on tomorrow around 3. He said he would be there. The next day at 3, he was waiting online for me. We talked about his life, his experiences, and his struggles. He told me he was looking for someone like me and wanted to be with me. I didn’t take it seriously, but everyday he kept showing up, and we kept talking. One day, he sung to me the song, “Nothing going to change my love for you”, and it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. It truly made me open up to him. So we continued talking, and one day he said I’m coming to be with you. I really didn’t take that serious, until he purchased a ticket for Charlotte, NC. It all became real then. He arrived July 4, 2007, at 4:30pm. He was absolutely the sexiest man, I had ever seen. And even though, we really didn’t know each other, we took a chance on each other. He is messy and I am OCD, he is quiet, and I’m extroverted, we were polar opposites. I could killed him the first six months for being so sloppy. However, opposites attract and we worked out the differences. We both had to give a little, but relationships are work. I am so glad we did and it was definitely worth it, because 9 yrs later, we are absolutely, positively committed to each other, and he still put a twinkle in my eye. I love him with all my heart, and I know he feels the same way. We are absolutely monogamous, and put our whole heats in our relationship. I am absolutely in love with him and he with me, and we are obsessed with each other. We have been married 3 years and he is my best friend. I love you Valera if you are reading this. ISo yes I do believe in love, I believe it real, and believe you both have to fight for it everyday! It is definitely worth the reward!

    • anonimatovato

      awww omg you’re putting some tears on my eyes. one thing i noticed though, do european guys still perform the art of dating? even when visiting, there’s always seems to be one willing to date or hang out to places, like that old school charm of ways before internet dating ruined it for us lol!

  15. Matt45342

    This is not the place to find LOVE but I bet it occasionally can happen. It’s not eHarmony on here its eFUCK. And if anyone doubts that take a look at the ad plastered all over the site. Do people in love need to see big black cocks tearing up a twink ass bareback? I think not. Just sayin….

  16. Terry

    Love is not a list of expectations given to your partner to meet to make your selfish self happy. Monogamy has little to do with love. Lust has little to do with love. Love happens when you are happy with yourself, and you find your own happiness in life. Then you meet someone else who is happy in life and happy with themselves and then you can share that happiness together. Monogamy is not something that works for very many human kind gay or straight. Idealizing monogamy when less then 5% of the species on the planet are in it, and if half the marriages wind up in divorce, and 80% of those that don’t divorce have extra marital affairs why all this glory about monogamy. I think it is far too shallow a concept of love. I want my partner to experience the pleasures of life and be happy in those pleasures. What love does, is respect you, it gives all it can to make you comfortable, peaceful, stable, and the ability to experience growth in education and the things in your own life that make you happy. Love is always happy to see ones partner happy… even if that is having sex with someone else for the next couple hours. Love stays, obviously it stays, it stays because it is content, it is happy with the day to day. Love labors for you, not just itself, love shares all that it can with you, love rarely keeps reserves for oneself but opens all of its life to its partner, and it gives without thought, love trusts all these things, and when that trust has been broken beyond your imagination by your partner, or you yourself have been guilty of breaking that trust, then it forgives, it forgives even when it doesn’t know how, love stays, even when it isn’t easy, love stays through the storms of life, love holds your hand even when it isn’t happy to, love always wants to build you up, even if the words are not spoken, and love expects you to aspire to do more, love expects you to be the best you can be, because we are only happy within our own hearts when we are striving to be that best we can be, and we must be truly happy within our own hearts before we can be happy with some one else. My relationship has only lasted the past 19 going on 20 years…Everyday I am glad I have met my Partner, above all else this matters to me, my priorities are right, I am not in a monogamous relationship, but I have lay down beside my partner and slept happily every single time I could, I know I am lucky to have found my best friend. I truly hope to never be looking for another one. May all your lives be blessed with sweet happiness,be in constant servitude of mankind and the planet and happiness will envelope you.

  17. Kuruption

    Do I believe in love? I believe in it, yes. As many others have stated, among gay men it seems to be as rare as snowflake in hell.

    I think a problem with sites such as A4A is the inherent anonymity. It seems the site has become a haven for the closeted, thieves, dudes who play games, and all others who want sex but nothing more. They hide behind profiles and pick and choose. They play games with people’s emotions without any care because there is no connection. Hell, how many of us in our respective cities have a difficult time meeting people within 3 miles of us we see everyday on Adam but you speak to ’em and they treat you like crap?

    So yeah…I think folk who answer this post will say they believe in love. Once upon a time I used to believe in Santa Claus. Now, the only love I believe in is the love I have for myself cuz in the end, I’m the only one that won’t let me down.

  18. Love Em And Leave Em

    I believe in love, however, in the gay world love can be more tricky than in the straight world. When I had my hubby for two years, there was always the worry that some other gay person was interested in him and they will persue! They don’t care that we are in a relationship and committed, they still try to coax the partner into sex. I think it’s sad. I had it happen in my relationship. We moved away from the city and quit the bars so we would have our own lives without that added drama and actual disgust. Leave us alone, we love each other. Don’t try and break it up! We need more respect for each other, honestly!

  19. Chris

    It’s a very quaint notion. Good luck! Thought I’d found it once. Yeah….not remotely going to even think about going for that again. I’d rather open up my heart with a Bowie knife. That would have been easier the first time

  20. mark

    Of course love and monogamy exist. It doesn’t or is extremely rare on site such as this. If you are even trying to find that here, then that is the first mistake. If you want real love, make sure youself is together emotionally, spiritually and fincially. Then go to places and organization of like-minded people. If you feel you deserve love you will get that. But too many guys think that someone is suppose to complete them and make them happy. Real love is a synergistic experience. It is something to be appreciated. If it was so easy to obtain, people wouldn’t appreciate it. But once you have it, you hold it and nuture that. If you don’t have yourself together, it will fall apart.

  21. George

    Perhaps if we had more love and not love of cock, we’d have less HIV, STD’s, etc. etc. What is disappointing to me is when I read the profiles and all these “soul mates” madly in love never to leave each other have to recruit third party cock. To me you want your cake and it to, u want to brag you have a lover and security, but you still want are a predator pig that can’t get enough cock.

    • anonimatovato

      i swear it sickens me! i keep getting hit on my guys in a open relationship like wtf! do i have to blast meghan trainor’s ‘No!’ to give them a clue!

  22. Damion

    Love is work. Love is conceding and not getting your way. Love is hanging in there. Love is sacrifice. Love is staying even when you’re disappointed. Love is sexless nights. Love is the hope that remains after the war.

    It is anything but the fantasy many of us dream about. Anniversaries are not the festive gatherings or the Big ‘fuck you’ to your exes for failing to get it right. Anniversaries are reflective moments of gratitude that you somehow managed to survive each other and everyone else. That some loved you enough to stick it out another milestone. That you gave a damn enough to put your all into it.

    Lasting love is being intelligent and diligent enough to maintain an effective strategy.

    Do I believe in love? As long as I have a pulse I believe.

  23. terry

    Ok. Here goes…I have been with my partner through thick and thin for 41 years. Our relationship is not based on sex or physical attraction because we do not have sex together, nor have we ever. I am not really sure if I would call it love as most people understand it. However, I also do not believe that most humans, male and female, really know what love is. Probably the closest that anyone gets to that would be a mother to her child.

    I agree with most comments here. It seems to me that most relationships, particularly in the gay world, are based on sex and physical attraction. I have found that a lot of gay men are incapable of anything other than an occasional hook up or even in a relationship, they are not monogamous. Don’t get me wrong. Sex is sex. It really has nothing to do with love, in my opinion. If people realized that, the world would be a much happier place. If one knows love, they are capable of loving without restrictions in an unconditional way. Humans are too immature in general to understand that. Those that do are very fortunate. Just my 2 cents worth.

  24. rangerdave

    Love as described by egotists is something a person gives or receives – hopefully both at the same time. This is perverse. In HIS image, we each are love. Or forget HIM, YOU are love incarnate. I am the definition of love. EveryOne is love. This is not something in which to believe, this is the basis for life and for living.

    If one is not behaving as the love they are, then they behave as fear. Giving responsibility for the love you are to another person, to allow you to feel ‘in love’ is to deny who you are in your heart. That is when people get into trouble – demanding of others, and of self, to behave in a manner of appeasement (not love) to maintain a relationship.

    As love, we do not need love to complete us. Be the love you are and when someone comes along that is not being the love they are, their intent becomes obvious. They feel lacking (of love) and expect someone else to fill the lack. This is irresponsible, and sadly is the foundation for relationships gay, straight, or otherwise.

  25. Dennis

    With another man I hardly think so. Married a female and to me most only for money and to be taken every where. Either living alone is best you only have yourself to please. Sure its all games with males. Had enough games in my life. I had one good male fb but he wants me to leave my wife; he dumped me in the end anyhow for another man. I enjoy sex byu myself and don’t need to worry I someone will please me.

  26. Pera

    I sometimes want to give up on the idea of having a love in my life. I’m open to the possibility but it seems to be very hard to find. The one’s that are in relationships, most of them are just partners in crime to continue to slut around. If this is what it means to have a relationship then i want no part of that. I can sex on my own no problem.

  27. Sherlock Steve

    In the last 40 years of my life, I can tell you that I’ve been in love before. Not just with women, but men are the best. I have enjoyed a wonderful relationship with men and mostly younger guys. But some times people get so jealous of my relationship that they destroy my partner more than me.
    I’ve seen my losses and my bitterness. I’ve seen all of my hunger hurting me for a guy’s dick to be in my mouth and in my ass.
    But most of all, I yearn for the comfort and warmth of the love of a man who knows how to kiss, cuddle, and say “I LOVE YOU” when he really means it. Love can be found. Just don’t give it up.
    Be ready to defend your partner, especially against other jealous people. Warn them if they break your relationship up, you can sue them for compensation for damages.

    I hope I find my love one day as much as you do.

  28. Andrew

    Love as a concept or as a desire certainly. Reality says otherwise. I would say I’ve been in love twice in my life, both times it was a one-way street. One the whole, no I don’t think it exits in reality.

  29. Jerry

    I would like to think I am a romantic type guy but in my life I have had two lovers both ended. Then I met someone that I really liked and he just knocked my socks off a great kisser, dancer, all around guy. Then financial wise he knew I was down and I thought finally after all these years someone really likes me and I have found Mr Right. However, I knew he had a roommate I did not know that were involved and so on Mother’s Day I moved in that year and I thought with 3 of it would be fun and a nice place to stay so on the day I moved in I opened the door went up to his bedroom to let him know I was moving in and when I opened the door there he was in the arms of another guy. So he said we need to talk if your going to stay here so he took me for a ride in his car and we talked and then told me that he was sorta involved with the other roommate and also this other guy that I found him kissing. I was crushed I was so in love thought I was the only one since he stayed at my place so many nights before I made the move but he told me that was cause either of the two guys and he were fighting so then I said so you never really cared and all those words you said to me as we made love means nothing and he said well that was just to get my rocks off with your help. He said I never liked you just someone to be around when there was no one else. I was so hurt I gave up my apartment for this and he knew financial wise he had me by the balls and in those days I never made much money. He then said that we could never make love or have sex again it was all pretend. So after that and too this day I was put on earth not to love again and that the only thing a guy wants from you is sex that is when ever he wants it. They say that there is someone for everyone I am here to sat that is total BS. There is no truth to that what so ever. I do not believe in love at least I do not think everyone will find love. I would though just once tell me he cared.. Sorry guys I do not feel that way and my only wish is someone to help turn my thinking. I am a nice guy and I do care how others feel.

  30. Jimmy

    Love is real, but requited love is a lot harder to have happen, especially in the cultures post-cinema, post-television, and now post-computers/smart phones. The expectations and ramifications and requirements are not as well understood, which makes things much more difficult to get two people making the commitment required and the reasons therefore.

  31. love22kd

    It is real, once your able to make that person your friend and then a lover. Why a friend at first? You get to know each other likes and dislikes. you exerperience a bond of a friendship that will cause you to loyal in various situations. Your able to see how you can deal with each other drawbacks.( we all have trust me) And if you keep developing this bond it becomes more of a intimate bond, one that will be lasting. What about that Dave? start out as friends and make it develop.” closer I get to you” Luther was a great guy.

  32. RootsWithWings

    YES I believe in Love.
    But for a man in his 60’s. Highly doubt it.
    What a shame to live life alone after the death of a mate.

  33. Travis

    I don’t anymore. And, sadly, apps like this and Grindr, etc. harbor on mens testosterone combined with feelings of lonliness and being closeted knowing it’s hard to find a gay relationship out there…that it pretty much reduced gay relationships to one night stands. I’ve given up on it. Everything’s reduced to race, looks and wealth. Idk how it is in the straight world but I think in my life time I may not see true love at all.

  34. John

    Yes, I do believe in love. And it’s something that may hit you when you less expect it to. I walked in a night club and seen a guy I never seen before and my heart was racing. He seen me looking and we went to his place that night. It was the best 7 years of my live before he died. We could finish one an other sentences. I found love again 8 years later and it didn’t come to me the same but, love is here.

  35. PARTYSIZE1955

    Met my 5 yr BF here. Let me tell ya when I hear LOVE, when he needs money for gas/beer/food/clothing/ car repairs/sex/ and a warm place to sleep when I throw his ass out of my condo!!!

  36. INYLN

    I found love and we were together for almost 10 years and thought it was forever until he fell in love with a friend of mine and moved away. It still hurts me and not sure if LOVE is real anymore since I was was told by him when we met that I was the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with.

  37. Ray Carioscia

    Does an almost 42 year relationship with my partner tell you what I think about Love and whether it exists!! Absolutely, as my partner and I face another challenge, he is currently undergoing Cancer treatments for the third time, you have no idea how much LOVE attracts you, keeps the relationship going when you think it is going to fall apart. It takes commitment and a strong desire to work out problems that every relationship, straight or gay, throws at us. One last comment, don’t confuse LOVE WITH SEX DESIRE. They are not necessarily the same nor should they be for any relationship that is based solely on sex will fail as the years go by and we lose our looks.

  38. Forever Ryan

    I remember the jump from junior high school onto high school itself–with the intensifying fire of hormones.

    Called hormones–for me–then, that moment, all I knew was the pain of experiencing them for the first time. It drove me and not I it. The shedding of tears and dreams of being with a crush yet never having him–really, today and believably I have not felt such an overall positive and memory-making intensity ever elsewhere.

    Closeted until age 25, only coincidentally then I lost my mind. Just note here that The Diagnostic Statistic Manual for mental health and psychiatry recognizes when and if any given male shows signs, symptoms, or complications of diagnoses of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia as examples–they will appear most commonly between ages 18 and 25.

    Without sharing my diagnoses, I personally believe to the best of my thoughts that because of having experienced depressive states that my burning intensities of hormones and then perhaps emotions have simply been suppressed. Probably subconsciously for self protection.

    I’ve decidedly had to end several recent relationships due to my inability to handle the emotional demands within each. One, I actually broke down and had him return to his home as I had another family member help admit me to a neighborhood psychiatric hospital.

  39. BetterSafeThanSorry


    Do people in love need to see Johnny Rapid’s .gifs and ads always plastered on this site being fucked in the shower, the office, in barns? Should the Sketchy Sex boys make “looking-for-love”ers want to log off A4A in protest, or are there ads okay because they are all white? Your original comment you made although valid comes across as nothing but pure ignorance and racist. There will be those that say I’m overreacting, but re-read that post and tell me you don’t see traces of racist overtones.

  40. jessemale

    Hmm, nice video. But the guys in the video are very attractive and good looking, so of course they will find love, once they settle down and realize that’s what they want. I was with someone for 8 years, been single almost two now. Its hard to find guys that im attracted to, then they have to be attracted back. I kinda feel like an old maid. I believe on love, but its hard for me to see it right now. And how do guys meet guys? The guys locally on a4a are not interested in me. The dating apps don’t really help. I don’t get hit on at the gay bars.

  41. Del

    Terry, thank you. Ditto. My hubby and I have been together for 19 years. 100% unconditional love was what the relationship strengthened over the years. There was an evolution from hot spontaneous hook-up, to FWB, to dating and finally getting to know each other while being open and honest, to a committed relationship, and then to marriage. My hubby doesn’t possess all the attributes of the “ideal man of my fantasy.” He ain’t perfect. I just love him the way he is and I allow him to love me as he can.

  42. byzmonk

    Does love exist? sure. Me and my dude were together 32 years. Still would be if he hadn’t died. The relationship was monogamous. When he died, I became a monk.

    He was the joy of my life the entire time.

    If a person, gay or straight, gets so into themselves that they can’t get into another…they probably will never experience love….just a string of infatuations that feel like it for a short time, but isn’t.

    To quote Ray from above: “One last comment, don’t confuse LOVE WITH SEX DESIRE. They are not necessarily the same nor should they be for any relationship that is based solely on sex will fail as the years go by and we lose our looks.”

    I’d add, if it’s based solely on sex and infatuation, the relationship will fail way before the looks do. After sex, there remains an awful lot of time to fill with one another every day. It takes more than sex to do that and remain happy.

  43. extwink

    I met my husband of 12years on a now defunct gay website. We had ups and downs, an good memories. He passed away in 2011, we exchanged rings, but he didn’t make it long enough to get the official paper, to make it “real” in short i lost everything we had. I would not trade that love we had for anything or anyone. (Outside looks fade, authentic lives keep going)

  44. Adam4Adam Blog » A4A : They Found Love On A4A

    […] In a recent post on our blog, we discussed about wether or not love exists. It does! You just need to be patient. And for those who said that A4A was a hookup site, yes it is, but it is also a dating site, a social site. Many of you have been there since the beginning, 2003, some of you developed friendship through A4A, some found love, some found sex parties, some found hookups. There’s something for everyone. […]

  45. Me

    I absolutely believe in love. And I found a man here on Adam4Adam! It was nice because you’d only posters a picture of his face and not his sex organs. I think that’s why I was first attracted to him. Love is much more than just a dick pic. We’ve been together for more than 3 years and are planning on marriage. I have no doubt but this man is the match to my soul, my heart and my mind. I love him like I have Never Loved Before. All thanks to a little dating site called Adam4Adam! Thank you for being there. Being in a smaller town, even in California, it’s hard to meet men who truly move you. I feel like the luckiest man on Earth!

  46. nailman

    I have know several gay couples who have had successful long term relationships, butt they are not the type who habituate this site. I have never believed in the concept of romantic love, but a fellow that I met here has a partner who I really feel that I have fallen in love with. He is in love with his partner butt is not monogamous, and I do not believe that is a contradiction. I think that I can love him without owning him. I think that sex is overrated as a measure of love.

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