
Watch This : How Not to Interview an HIV-Positive Person


Last week The View’s Candace Cameron Bure (formerly of Full House) and Raven-Symoné (once of The Cosby Show) sat down with former Who’s The Boss? child star Danny Pintauro, who recently opened up to Oprah Winfrey about his HIV-positive status. The interview was cringeworthy from beginning to end. Whether it was Symoné’s assertion that there are “different ways to catch AIDS” or Bure’s decision to ask Danny if he takes “responsibility for his promiscuous behavior or even Danny’s relatively new role as an HIV-positive advocate, the interview was a train wreck.

The truth is, almost every single question that Danny was asked served as an example of what not to ask a person who just revealed their HIV-positive status. And in the hope that Bure and Symoné can pinch off five minutes from watching reruns of their glory days to read this, let’s correct their horrendous line of inquiries, piece by piece.

After Bure asked Pintauro why he chose now to come out about his status, Symoné followed with this:

“It goes back to when you were 27 years old, and, uh, how did it start? How did the meth problem start?”

Save for some poor wording, there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this question. But as Danny begins to detail his experience with a drug that is plaguing the gay community, he asserts that it isn’t just because he was a former child star, Symoné rudely interrupts.

“Stand up for that. Let’s say that again, it is not just because we are child stars that we go through this. It’s not just because of that.”

Yeah, because this interview is all about you. That’s so Raven. Moving on…

As Pintauro continues to fumble through his answers, Bure asks him to recall the day he found out about his status. Danny begins his story of finding out on his lunch break and returning to work, where he finished the shift, then went home to cry.

To emphasize this next point, let’s stress that Danny’s last sentence ended with “went home and cried.”

This is not the end of the question. It is just the beginning. The process of accepting your status is a long and cumbersome one, and the first day a person finds out is usually a big blur. But instead of pressing Pintauro further on his experiences to invite the audience into what a person goes through when newly diagnosed, she abruptly switches gears.

That’s when it happened.

“I want to know, do you … do you take responsibility for your actions, for being promiscuous, going into a lifestyle of having heightened sex because of the meth that you were using? I want to know what the message is because you are the new, you want to be the new face of HIV.”

First, promiscuity doesn’t cause HIV. Unprotected sex does. A person can have sex with as many people as they want and sleep well at night knowing that they have nothing to worry about. But here is a problem with The View. A journalist conducting an interview shouldn’t have one — a view! Or, at least, a journalist shouldn’t let it be known. Bure fails miserably at this, because we know exactly what her view is, and it is one filled with pseudo-moralizing shame and judgment.

Second, by coming out of the closet and making himself completely vulnerable to the unintentionally ignorant views of people like Symoné and Bure, he is “taking responsibility” for his actions. He is sharing his story and holding nothing back so that others who may suffer from the same addictions do not make the mistakes he has made.

Not to be one upped by her View antagonist, Symoné chimed in with her now-trademark  tone-deaf zingers.

“There’s also different ways to get AIDS, it’s not just through sex, it’s a lot of different ways.”

Are you tired yet? Because I am tired. Tired of continually correcting these dum-dum statements that should be as long gone as Bill Cosby’s career. No, Symoné, there is only one way that a person can be diagnosed with AIDS. AIDS is a diagnosis given when a person’s HIV has progressed to advanced stages and their T-cell count dips below 250. There are many ways to contract HIV, and a person who is diagnosed with HIV today may never be diagnosed with AIDS as long as they stay on the proper treatment.

Simone followed up with a question that wasn’t for Pintauro but for his husband, who was sitting in the audience.

“I have a question for your husband. Please tell me if this is too personal … Um, hi, I have a question for you … You guys have been together for three and a half years, do you have protected or unprotected sex?”

Then, the camera focused in on Pintauro’s husband, who appeared visibly uncomfortable, and for good reason.

Not only is this too personal, it is incredibly offensive and rude. First, she is assuming that his husband is HIV-negative. Second, she is including someone who has not agreed to be interviewed about his HIV status. Third, she missed an incredible opportunity to allow Danny to educate the TV audience. She could have asked the ways in which Danny and his husband stay safe together. She could have asked Danny about the methods he uses to keep from transmitting the virus. But no, instead she chose to fumble on the biggest opportunity she had to elevate the discussion around HIV and educate her viewers about how, in 2015, an HIV-positive man or woman can partake in healthy, loving, and virtually limitless sexual and romantic relationships.

Pintauro is new to the game of HIV activism. Therefore he gets a pass for letting Bure and Symoné get away with their stigmatizing approach to questions. But HIV-positive people will soon expect him to sharpen his responses and quash such an inappropriate and insulting exchange in the future.


(Tyler is the senior editor of HIV Equal Online, an online publication that covers news and views central to issues related to sexual health and HIV awareness. To learn more about the HIV Equal, visit or follow Tyler Curry on Facebook or Twitter at @iamtylercurry.)

There are 28 comments

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  1. Angel-Falls

    I thought the interview was fine until she asked his husband about their private sex life. That’s none of her or anyone else’s business, and had it been asked of me I would have said, “I’ll be glad to answer that question as soon as you are willing to discuss your private sex life with your partner on national tv too.” I’d also just like to add that I don’t agree with him about tying meth with sex. Maybe it’s a phenomena in the gay community and since I’m not a part of that I simply have no idea how prevalent that is. But I think there are plenty of people who are being super promiscuous and having unsafe sex who are putting their lives in danger on a regular basis. I see it online here and on other sites and on ads for sex on Craigslist as well. I think meth is a separate issue. It’s a shame that this man is now somehow an example of who and what gay men are like. There are many straight people across the country who think that every gay man is a sex obsessed whore and also do drugs on a regular basis. I appreciate him wanting to “come out” with his story, but somehow I’m not feeling overly sympathetic or that he is somehow a good representative of our community, though I don’t presume to say he’s not a good person. I’m sure he is . . .

  2. MistrFistr

    WTF…you get on an idiot show like “The View,” you expect idiotic questions and statements. That’s what they do. He asked for it, he got it. What an überfail way to try to restart a failed career!! As for Raven-Symoné, well…just WHAT do you expect from a vaporhead like that anyway…analytical analysis? Fuck, she can’t even spell or punctuate her name correctly. What this “interview” (I’ll say it’s JUST south of a Jerry Springer free-for-all) did is show the antipathy of the blacks against HIV-positive gay men. She was baiting him, all the way, and that, my friends, happens ALL…THE….TIME in real life. Don’t feel sorry for Pintauro, though…booty bump yourself up with some meth, take a roomful of anon men BB, THAT’S what HAPPENS. “I got it from oral sex….” SUUUUURE, ya did! As for appearing on The View, if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen!

  3. RootsWithWings

    Good lord woman. When did your problem start with the hair and the phony eyelashes. Fake tits and real lies.
    Go away woman.
    OK blond woman, exactly when does your brain kick in and start to think.
    The kind of sex other people have is not asked on national television, Have some class bitches. First, you share the kind of sex you have before you ask someone else.
    Totally classless and uncalled for.
    Not professional at all.

  4. Les

    I really like that he was totally open about his being HIV and honest about the whole thing. I would want to know where he got that pin from?

  5. Rusty

    This pisses me off, those two women on the View seem to act so superior to this guy…it can happen to anybody. He’s a brave man to come on this show…props to him. How dare they ask a question if they have unprotected sex…WTF

  6. Purebalance

    The interview was fine. Yet another example of A4A baiting. First of all, I’m almost 100% sure they presented him with all the questions they were going to ask before the show. So all the comments about the unprotected sex and how dare they are silly. He wanted that question asked so he can get on his soap box about undetectable. Hence Candace had her little statement about it already ready in hand. Not a single thing was cringeworthy about the interview. About the only thing that was cringeworthy was what a joke Raven Simone looked like. I mean I don’t even think Danny could look at her straight as most of his weird expressions were when he looked at her.

    There was nothing wrong with asking about him taking responsibility for his promiscuity because THAT IS HOW HE ENDED UP THERE. He admits that is how it happened. It’s not like he had 1 random sexual encounter and got HIV+. He was having a ton of sex and meth and it caught up to him.

    Stop sponsoring this drivel from these awful writers who have no clue about what they are writing.

  7. Artsy

    Nothing wrong with this interview. Didn’t go smoothly but, it was fine. Awkward topic. Awkward interview. Surprised Candace agreed to do it. I think she was more uncomfortable than he was.

  8. Todd

    This interview was perfectly fine. All the questions were justified. There should be more honesty in the world. HIV has got to stop and the only way to stop it is to test everyone!

  9. Christopher

    I don’t agree with a lot of the responders. The interview was NOT fine. Candace asking if he “takes responsibility” for his promiscuity is so judgmental. I would have called her on that question. He’s sharing with the world that he has an illness that is still stigmatized all these years later. He’s attempting to do SOME good with his so-called celebrity status. How many celebrities will hide away after going through this? If he wasn’t taking responsibility, he wouldn’t be talking about it. I expected her to slap his knuckles with a ruler or to absolve him of his sins after she asked that question. As far as her asking the husband the question, I think that was entirely too personal. He’s not a spokesperson and hasn’t signed up to be. She could have asked Danny and I would have been perfectly fine with it since he is the one who signed up to be interviewed. The sole question that she asked the husband was terrible.

  10. Frank860

    I dint see anything wrong with the interview other than the having protected sex. That’s none of our business or there’s.

  11. Brian Smith

    Candace Cameron Bure and Simone are a couple of fucking ignorant cunts. Candace is just as ridiculous as her brother Kirk, who I had a crush on in the 80s. Simone…well she’s just ghetto trash. They should be ashamed of themselves. I used to watch The View but it’s gone to hell in a handbasket and deserves to be pulled of the airwaves.

  12. Get Real

    and why would a question about his intimacy be off-limits? slightly off-topic, perhaps, but when he admitted that his partner and he have unprotected sex, it was good that the view offered up statistics on that risk.
    his partner should be on prep.

  13. sparks

    I personally love Raven for asking the hard questions no one likes to ask for the sake of being “too personal.” Its not a taboo subject yet people are still afraid to ask about it. The question of safe/unprotected sex is all curiosity. And ya she didn’t use the right word usage but can you autocorrect on national TV talk shows?
    I admire people coming out on their status but should also be ready for those hard questions once they open themselves up to the world

  14. Hardwilly69

    I would have gone into the graphic description of every part of sex. From prep to clean up. Total XXX rated… end of interview.

  15. jeff

    I didn’t perceive any unexpected level of discomfort on either side of this interview. Valid questions and straightforward answers. I don’t see anything here for anyone to be bellyaching about, smh

  16. JX

    I see nothing wrong with their line of questioning. People shouldn’t have to read the “What is appropriate to ask a gay person” handbook every time they interview a gay person. I see this article as basically stomping one’s foot in anger because the spot light was shown on a gay person and it wasn’t complimentary. If you can’t take the heat then don’t come out of the closet.

  17. Hunter0500

    I read Tyler Curry’s article before watching the video. Tyler lives in the past. Danny was not the victim assaulted by the hosts as he was made out to be. He was a compensated contracted guest. The questions were highly personal but nothing that could not be expected from the View. He responded with humility, grace, dignity. He remained in control and educated viewers about his reality. Tyler Curry should take lessons from him, step out of the past, and embrace gays and straights coming together. Instead, he played the Gays Are Always Victimized; Let the Biggotry Live On card.

  18. Seaguy

    Totally inappropriate questions. And coming from Raven “I don’t want to be labeled gay or black” Symone and Candace “religious nut like her brother Kirk” Cameron-Bure two idiots who have turned the View into the Pu-uh as in it stinks now!

  19. Jay

    The interview is a perfect reflection of how puritanical and, in turn, ignorant the great majority of people in this country of ours still remains after all these years.

    Kudos to Danny for having the balls…

  20. DLand57

    I saw the Oprah interview yesterday and thought it was fantastic. I’m not surprised at anything on the boisterous and confusing The View. Danny seems like a very genuine man!

  21. GRman

    I could never figure out why anyone would even watch the View let alone agree to come on the show. It is a lame show with too morons who should be called Dumb and Dumber. Had no idea that Candice person was a sister to that Kirk dude, that i still contend is a closeted gay man.

  22. Marko

    First off, even appearing on this show demonstrates a inherit lack of judgement. Just by showing up on the show lends creditably to it. It’s entertainment for people who suffer from a severe inability to comprehend common sense as well as a failure to think for themselves due to being intellectually bankrupt. The name is appropriate, as its their view of the world. Labeling it as “NEWS” or flattering them by even considering them “JOURNALIST” is really a misuse of the English language. Pretending the view has any shred of credibility is like quoting the National Inquirer as a reliable source.
    Only a complete and utter total DUMASS would even entertain appearing on the show to discuss such a topic, or consider talking about anything personal or sensitive with room full of post menopausal nostalgic for choice washed up skang skags pretending to be important or even remotely relevant in the real world. Again it amounts to really sad entertainment and not much more. I for one am not disappointed as I never expected anything better.

  23. Ken94110

    I didn’t really see anything wrong with that interview as our over-sensitive blogger “Dave” presented it! Yes, it could’ve been a bit more “PC” and Candace could be more sensitive and less judgMENTAL and condescending! But Raven was OK and more compassionate.

    I couldn’t help but notice Danny’s meth teeth. I’ve never done drugs in my life and hopefully no intention ever, but ever since I signed up for these hookup apps, I get a lot of parTy offers! I don’t understand why so many gays do meth, it ruins your teeth and your life. Does it intensify sexual pleasure? Is that why they do it?

    As for unsafe sex or being on prEp, I think a lot of guys go on it just to have bareback sex and I also think a lot of online profiles lie about it and say, “on prEp” just to BB you!

    I have always had issues or love/hate relationship with anal sex, with or without condoms, when I look down in the bowl and see what comes out, I ask myself, how do so many of us convince ourselves that it’s ok to stick it where all that stuff comes out? Even if you’re lucky & never end up getting urethral infection, surely you’ll get one of the many strains of warts or herpes, and catching HepC is just a matter of time. Almost all sexually active adults carry one of the many strains of genital warts and either carry herpes passively or actively and there’s no cure for any of them.

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