
Member Of The Week : The Amazing Frostx


I receive lot’s of email from you guys and I always read all of them (except the hate ones)….But when I get a email like the one I received from Jess (aka Frostx on A4A), it brightens my day! That is why I decided to feature him as the Member Of The Week! I love his attitude, and I admire him for his look and how his independence goes beyond social boundaries.

I have a lot of friends like him around me. From straight guys to fag hags, to drag queens and transsexuals – to feminine guys or muscle jocks and chubby guys, from asians to blacks..really all types, sizes and colors…but they all have one similarity: They are who they are and they don’t judge a book by its cover. I eliminated all the fake and negative people around me, because they drain me. I  don’t like people who don’t accept others. Sometimes different people can bring you so much: culture, different point of views, love, true friendship etc.

As the gay community, we need to learn to love each other and accept that we are all different. If we don’t accept each other, who will? I hear some of you say “He is a man he should dress and act like a man!” To this I say “who the fuck are you?” We all can be whoever we want to be, nobody needs you to tell them who they should be, how they should dress, how masculine they should be… If you are not attracted to butch guys with a beard, well don’t date guys with a beard and if a guy is too fem for you, just don’t fuck with these guys…But don’t send them hate emails or laugh at them when they walk beside you in the gay village! Cause you know what? YOU are the moron if this is what you are doing, YOU are the one who acts like a kid!

Ahhh it feels good to say things like that to defend my people 🙂

Here is what Jess had to say:

“I would just like to start by saying that more than anything, I just want to promote acceptance among the gay community! I definitely love and embrace everyone’s right to be opinionated, but I am very disgusted by all of the gay-on-gay bashing that I see among peers. I saw a comment made about someone’s profile, stating that “men are not suppose to shave.”  We are all HUMANS with the freedom to look and feel as we please and we cry so much about straight people not accepting us falling in love with the same sex, when we cannot even completely accept one another for who we are.

I’m so sorry to go on, but long story short, the word I’d use to describe myself is free. I am only 20 years old, but I have completely come to terms with loving myself and embracing my look. My style is definitely very androgynous and provocative and, as an aspiring novelist and artist, I just like to stir shit up and get people talking. I always say, the objective in life isn’t to make everyone love or hate you, but to remember you in a positive way. Ultimately, I think people will remember me as being fearless.

I always explain to people that the point of my fashion is not to “look like a woman” or dress in drag. I just believe in crossing lines and breaking boundaries, but I absolutely love men’s fashion. Most everything that I wear (despite the outcome) comes from men’s stores and then I just spice it up with something from the women’s section to give it a glamorous edge. Who says men can’t wear fishnets and pearls and still be proud of being a MAN?

After all, it is always sweet to get straight, jacked jocks to look at you with lingering eyes. 😉 At the moment, I am looking for men who can inspire me artistically, whether through creative collaborations, sweet romance, or passionate, invigorating sex. Which brings me to yet another point, I am still young so don’t shoot me if I am not looking for someone to get married to right now! Sometimes, a pretty guy just needs a hard man to have some ass-slapping fun with.”

To be featured as the Member Of The Week, email me at blog at with a short description of you, 3 pictures and few words on who you are!


There are 12 comments

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  1. CHRIS

    Amen! We all like what we like but you can still have friends of all different “types” and learn a lot from them. Great blog.

  2. Mitch

    I my self am a gay man that dress as a male strictly. I however have several friend that dress in drag and they are a riot. I think we should dress how we want. I think frostx looks great. I hate all those people in the gay community that won’t even talk to you as friends unless you have a premium membership at a gym and spa. It seems odd how gay-on-gay hate and bigotry I worse then str8-on-gay. All my straight friends don’t give a shit if your gay, and way it should be the same way that you dress in drag or adrogones who cares you look like you and that’s great.

  3. waner

    such a smart young man. and a great example for the community at large. too many times we see an overglorification of the perception of masculinity, which in itself is shrouded in insecurity, shame and secrecy.

  4. Jacob

    I’m an older guy, bi and very straight acting, and this type of guy is not my cup of tea, BUT I LOVE guys like this who are free enough to dress and act as they please. It’s fun to see guys who are ‘out there’ and makes the world a great and interesting place!! You go guy!

  5. James

    Being gay I’ve seen so much hate. When you don’t accept someone for who they are, or talk negatively towards them you hate them. We as a gay community should only hate “hate.” It baffles me to see anyone (especially gay to gay) show hate. It all needs to stop. All we need in this world is love, hugs, and acceptance.

  6. Hunter0500

    Great that Jess has a solid grasp on his freedom.

    Someone else found their freedom this week, Jason Collins, a player in the National Basketball League. He stated in a Spors Illustrated article that being someone he was not and conforming to social norms required a tremendous amount of energy. The Bostom bombing made him understand that life can be short and he should live as who he really is, regardless of any negative impact it could have on his career.

    He’s much less flayboyant than Jess, not urban, not young, and far from smooth, slim, or trendy. He’s a misfit when it comes to the sterotypical gay model that “the community” promotes, but he’s gay and has found his freedom as well.

  7. Parker

    Fishnet and Pearl! OH MY! I love individuality and fashion, this guy has both and a very new way at approaching the subject. Over the top – Yes, For me – no, Love to watch and see _ Great!

  8. Blackthorn

    True beauty and understanding only live when hate and stupidity are defeated…..

    Besides who care what the other side thinks…[email protected]#k ’em if that cant take a joke or enjoy a little sillyness now and then…Life is short have fun and do what makes you happy, dress like you want and screw or marry who u love…

  9. Frostx

    Thanks for all of the love and positive feedback, guys! I have appreciated all of the great messages and compliments in my inbox!

    Be free. 😉 XO

  10. Will

    Jess: You ROCK! Keep rocking, and don’t stop! I admire you… and God knows you’re inspiring many more of us to… just be! Whoever you are, wherever you are, just be!

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