News: Survey Shows Gays Better For Business
The Trump administration may be doing its best to undermine any advances made by the LGBTQ community when it comes to equal rights, but it would seem that the data out there doesn’t support the policies of this administration.
According to a survey conducted by the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, putting LGBTQ people in managerial positions results in higher overall performances and better business outcomes.
The survey included 88 companies and concluded that in companies with LGBTI people at senior levels, there were higher “levels of organizational performance, social and environmental corporate social responsibility, workforce quality and utilization, as well as high performance human resource management practices”.
For instance, the report says that when it comes to environmental corporate social responsibility, companies with at least one LGBT person in a top leader position showed a statistically significant mean difference compared to those without LGBTQ people in positions of power.
Companies with LGBTQ representation in top leadership positions also showed a statistically significant mean difference when it came to high performance HR practices, the quality of the workforce, and even the performance of the firm.
It’s definitely a rebuke of the current situation for LGBTQ people in the workplace. A study put out by the IZA Institute of Labor Economics revealed that gay men are “significantly” less likely to reach high-level managerial positions.
The study found out that despite having the same skills as straight men, gay men are less likely to climb higher in the corporate ladder. Despite being outperformers in lower level managerial roles, they are less likely to be considered for higher-level managerial positions with higher status and higher pay. Gay men who are also racial minorities are even further impacted by this “gay glass ceiling”.
It’s not just gay men who are experiencing it either. Both bisexual men and women are “significantly less likely than otherwise similar heterosexual adults to have any of the types of workplace authority.”
The paper called on corporations to put more sexual minorities in higher-level managerial positions to combat this disparity, saying it “potentially increases access for those further down the managerial/supervisory ladder.”
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Don’t quite understand your qoute about Trump trying to undermine advances in LGBTQ. Thinking about it, the only thing Trump has had input on was Trans people the Military…That kinda makes sense. Want to transition, join the Army, get free surgery and hormone replacement therapy the rest of you life, serve your three years and get out. Financially, very hard on the Military Budget, how ready for deployment would someone be after they had their balls cut off. Alot of things attributed or blamed on Trump just aren’t real.
Exactly, well said
LAWRENCE 7 HOWIE, LOL! Go ahead and paint yourself into a corner, as Trans people surgery constitute LESS than the cost of straight soldier VIAGRA … and either way, really? Who cares? IF they are BOTH CITIZENS willing to die for their country? TODAY, Gays proudly serve, just as they ALWAYS had, only NOW they do not HAVE to lie about it, and THAT is where your point goes off the rail, anyone willing to serve, deserves that SAME RESPECT for their service.
You speak in fallacy, the sad fact is Trump is a GOP Chump, willing to say the crazy racist thing that gets the attention and allows an underground movement of hate that hasn’t reared its ugliness in years, Well, UNTIL CHARLOTTESVILLE that is … where Trump said BOTH SIDES had good people right?! Best part, you back Trump, and man who SHOULD have served, but was so slick, he got OUT of his service, now he sets policy on the people who DO SERVE and BASHES those, whose service, he would not have been manly enough to attempt (McCain a real GOP hero who wasn’t afraid of LGBT boogey-men)! Trump is a STRAW MAN!
MARK, the Liberal Left should talk to the Conservative Right, and vice versa! THERE SHOULD BE DIALOGUE, and NOT this constant silly DEBATE. There ARE FACTS, it is not opinions when it comes to sexuality, otherwise, people like you would check themselves and lives lives more EVIDENT!
HUNTER500, every time I think you are going to say the wiser thing, you step back two big hops, IF your last sentence was TRUE, then the former EXECUTIVES sexuality shouldn’t have mattered (not even sure why you included the second example? was he gay? was he straight? doesn’t matter as your point, either way, would be well taken that any FOOL can do damage), in the incident, however, since most are AGAIN, missing the correlation, that MEN (who perhaps due to more personal time, less traditional familial obligations, and better business practices) such as many gay men may possess, just might BE BETTER at BUSINESS. An idea so DANGEROUS you always attempt to troll DAVE by pointing out an opposite theory … bravo! on your ability to always find the gay negative in the blogs silver clouds … now what does all that effort give you HUNTER500?
DAVE, TONY, DETVERSTOP, OKZEBRA2, & LAMAR, THANK YOU GUYS for towing the line against what the quasi-homophobes ABOVE are saying … THEY sound like Lenin, stating that Capitalists will sell the Communist the rope with which to hang themselves, only THEY constantly (same guys every blog) sell out OUR own community! THAT is why true, unabashedly unashamed GAYs and BIs need to step forward and LEAD, because silly self-loathers like THEM would sell us out to the likes of Trump.
Very much agreed Lawrence, President Trump is doing a good job in my opinion. The liberal left and Democrat base just plain hate anybody that is for America first. I welcome it quite frankly.
There was a report done showing a very low impact on the budget so if your statement was true about why they join it still has nothing to do with Military Budget
This is great news! A former gay executive at my firm was found to have embezzled thousands of dollars in expensive product premiums. Another manager’s work as soon as he was on his “way up” was fraught with incorrect data and upon any questionning he became accusative of people.who had nothing to do with it.
In the end, workers should be promoted based upon work quality and overall contributions to the the company’s success, not just upon sexual orientation.
@Lawrence McCloud, Trump has actually done plenty to prove that he hates us, if you pay attention. His current Supreme Court nominee would probably love to yank our right to marry, given a chance. As for trans military personnel, if there’s anyone I’d want in a foxhole next to me, it’s someone who was willing to go through the hell of persecution, shaming, hatred and peacetime personal violence to be able to go through the hell of combat with me. And actually, very few people would request military-paid gender reassignment. The experience of other countries who’ve already enacted this will tell you that.
Lawrence McCloud comment is either a troll or a log cabin partisan spreading lies in denial of reality or both. The doj has taken the view that sexual minorities are not protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. What is that? And, besides, the gratuitous (get a dictionary as you’ll likely need it) comment about testicle removal was pointedly sarcastic and mean-spirited —just like the dork the comment defends.
Because of my own personal experiences, I’m not surprised, really, regarding in my case; being both blk and gay. American Express was a real eye opener in Minneapolis, they love your contribution just not your “sexual orientation” and that goes double, mostly, if you’re a black, gay-male. Imagine, if, you happen to be blk and lesbian; three strikes against you. I felt more a child being smothered in the cradle, as office politicking goes. openly gay?
Lets just say, that, people can “read between the lines”, “do the math,” ect., I didn’t have say, “I’m gay.” Larger than life, handsome, masculine; what, no girlfriend, not talking about “conquests of the opposite sex”= playing the field or that field anyway, lol, no kids, it all adds-up. You’re not fooling anyone, those of you that ‘think you are, unless, you’re fabricating stories, of course. I’m not one to lie about who I am, period.
We’re all, up-against the “good ole boys” and their ideologies about masculinity and the roles of such. Gay and or of color, female
I work for a fair and tolerant fortune 100 company, and have seen that alot of gays and lesbians do “marry” their jobs, and rise up the ranks in the process. as long as your’re efficient flexible and work well with others, you become you’re contribution to the company. yes, people “know” yet everyone is respectful of each other as it should be.