
Grooming : Beyond Mustaches: Why Movember Matters

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Mo Bros, it’s Movember once again! Are you ready for yet another month of growing and grooming that best mo’ ever? Perhaps you are hearing about this event for the first time or maybe you’ve heard about it before but you don’t know why there’s a call for men to grow their mustache around this time of year?

The idea is quite simple, really. The participants of Movember—the Mo Bros—are encouraged to give up shaving for a month and donate their monthly budget for grooming (whether shaving, waxing, or trimming) to a cancer charity instead. The organization behind this event is the Movember Foundation and it focuses on “men’s health on a global scale” with hopes of stopping “men dying too young” and to “change the face of men’s health.” The funds raised are used to “fund world-class programs that are saving and improving the lives of men.”

But more than that, Movember is used to raise awareness on men’s leading health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.

Why focus on men though? It is because men are less likely to seek help from doctors and get proper treatment when they have health issues. Men tend to keep their personal and health issues to themselves. This is why, beyond the “silly mustaches,” Movember Foundation uses this event to encourage men to have their annual physical exams and check out family history for cancers and other hereditary diseases. Doing so could mean early cancer detection or early diagnosis and these thereby reduce the number of potentially preventable deaths among men around the world.

So, if you are reading this, it’s time to check with the men in our lives—our brothers, friends, SO, cousins, father, fuck buddies, grandfathers, etc.—and encourage them to take better care of their health. Of course, it goes without saying we also need to start with ourselves.

The Movember Foundation has been holding this event for 14 years now. To know more about Movember, click here. To participate, click here.

Having said that, do you celebrate Movember with your friends, family, colleagues? Share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below.

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  1. Leo

    I hate the term “Movember”. What is a mo?
    Therefore, I propose we start calling it “Homo-vember”. Time for fabulous beards!

  2. Hunter0500

    “monthly budget for grooming (whether shaving, waxing, or trimming)”

    While regularly donating to charities has always been part of my life, a monthly budget for grooming hasn’t been. A full goatee has been part of my life for a decade. For looks but also as a tool to use on buds when we’re on the workbench for fun. An average priced double blade disposable razor handles my daily shaving needs for the better part of a month. Not really a budgetable item. A basic electric groomer has handled my trimming needs above and below the belt for years. Nothing to budget there. If a friend or relative or co-worker hits me up for Movember, for sure I’ll get behind him with some cash.

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