
HIV: Scientists Cure HIV In Live Animals For The First Time

We’re getting closer and closer to an HIV-free future.

A “promising cure” for HIV has been discovered by researchers at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University after they successfully eliminated almost all of the disease from infected human tissue in mice.

In an article published in the journal Molecular Therapy, the scientists explain how they were able to remove HIV from a mice given human immune cells by using a gene-editing technique called Crispr.

After the scientists introduced the gene-editing protein to the mice, “successful proviral excision was detected … in the spleen, lungs, heart, colon, and brain.” This is the first time that this has been accomplished in a live animal.

What now lies ahead for the scientists is to test this same method on primates. Once that proves successful as well, human trials will then follow. The researchers also admit to encountering difficulty when it comes to effectively delivering the gene treatment into live animals, something that needs to be improved on in further tests.

While today’s retroviral cocktails have stemmed the onslaught of HIV-AIDS, it does not actually cure the disease. They only prevent the virus from replicating inside the body and becoming AIDS. There is still HIV in the person’s cells. If a person with HIV were to stop treatment, the virus will replicate once more and become a full-blown disease.

If successful, the new treatment removes the virus almost entirely, with it having no chance of returning should the person with HIV decide to stop taking the current cocktail of retroviral medication.

This is certainly good news! What do you guys think about these developments in finding a cure for HIV? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

There are 24 comments

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  1. SickOfIt

    “….ALMOST all of the disease….” You believe this line of crap, I have several bridges I’ll sell you.

  2. Antonio

    With every promise of a break through the pharmaceutical companies will find a way to make it disappear and a promise of HIV free society will disappear with all the findings it has happen before so why not again

    • SickOfIt

      Antonio got it right…Gilead does NOT want this, especially after their big profit killing on Harvoni and Sovaldi (HCV antiviral) wound up being a bust, depriving them of hundreds of millions of profit on pills that cost them around a buck each to produce. It’s all about obscene profit. A friend of mine, on Truvada for years, recently died due a fungal infection. His doctor told him, “Big Pharma doesn’t want to cure HIV; it’s too profitable for them, just as is cancer.” That’s a treating physician who said that.

  3. Anonymous

    This can’t be a bad thing. Bet the patent lawyers are already making plans. Will the cost be prohibitive and Rx excluded or included within the new Trump Obamacare reformation? Only time will tell. Kudos to the scientists and team at Temple U.

    • Rano

      What ever the excuse, big $$$, if the treatment can cured it, I am apploud for the success. It should try on human but I am affraid, after I read one article, many illness are human made by many rich to be and use scienctist to spread the disease. And majority of the scientists who involve in study and create a new disease are great one do they could win Noble Price. HIV is a human made disease so it’s an ebola virus. What is next. One disease is cured the make the new one and spread it to the poor the third world country. Now possible Africa country

  4. Jay

    Its awesome if a cure has been discovered I’m living with HIV my life would change forever if I’m cured from HIV… I would then consider getting married .

    Keep up the good work


    North Carolina

  5. mr anonymous

    This can’t be a bad thing. Bet the patent lawyers are already making plans. Will the cost be prohibitive and Rx excluded or included within the new Trump Obamacare reformation? Only time will tell. Kudos to the scientists and team at Temple U.

  6. Father Hennepin

    “Almost” is not entirely. HIV is nearly totally preventable. Other diseases need the research money, people with other diseases are sicker and need more help. Focus on them, especially not anyone who deliberately or willfully gets HIV.

  7. darlinglee43

    This is not just good news but a wonderful one, I have been poz since 99 and it’s about time for me to stop taking meds, and now fine someone to have sex with,lol.

  8. Ydnar Mahkcep

    Afraid to hope . . . been a long group of decades. First seeing my friends and loved ones dying and not knowing why . . . then finding out . . .

  9. LEO

    This is promising news for all of humanity. God willing this treatment is fast-tracked, eradicating HIV/AIDS from all infected persons.

  10. RLW

    I cannot believe that we are getting there! We are so close. The 20-something generations doesn’t understand or, it seems, don’t care what it was like during the “Gay Plauge” years where gay men were accused of fucking primates. Then from there to the outright and legal abuse and discrimination gay men suffered through just to get to a promising new “poison”, AZT. If they only knew how many of my friends I watched just drop like flies because we had a President in this country that didn’t believe HIV to be a threat to straight people. That we gays were “getting what we deserved. It wasn’t until Magic Johnson came out as HIV + did the country and the world really start to understand that it wasn’t a disease sent down by God to punish gays, but a flat out, serious plague that needed to be dealt with. Hundreds of thousands of deaths later, along came some of the medications that lead to what we have today. We are not given a death sentence any longer. We are given hope and a way in which to manage this disease. To have something so promising that looks like it could be a cure!!! Wow! I honestly thought that I would not see it in my lifetime!! Knowledge is Power!

  11. Jeremy

    This would be phenomenal.. and only something I could so gratefully have happen for me personally ,… there has been to many lives lost because of this disease
    I almost lost mine and almost died two years ago —back memorial day weekend 2015 -as my voice shakes thinking about it –and what it’s done to my life -it’s RUINED it

    —that being the biggest factor
    -it’s ruined any kind of possibility relationship …but really any kind of dating for starters ,, guys that are negative –some are compassionate but won’t give a chance beyond it . Others are and were like me b4 I got it . Just wouldn’t even phantom this at all in being involved with someone HIV+
    I’ve had to try and be so careful with my health as well -with my diet -how I eat -what I eat -trying to be physically active — and just living -knowing I have this —-regardless of the meds we have today …. when I was found two years ago ,I was found slumped over on the love seat passed out due to pneumonia , that I had been really struggling with the previous week until this final incident which led me to the ICU -POLICE ESCORTED AMBULANCE ….that’s how severe this disease is Guys .. snd to anyone
    so STOP JUST sleeping around and do get tested . It’s not a joke . You could kill someone in such irresponsible and VERY SELFISH BEHAVIOR –THIS pneumonia is the kind that killed many 30 +years ago -the type that kills due to this disease -it has affected my walking and physically it’s affected my hip -my walking because of how I was found positioned, I was found that morning of Memorial Day weekend EARLY Sunday 2015
    I was in ICU for two weeks due to the KIND OF Pneumonia which can kill because of HIV ( pneumocystic pneumonia), no fun to bounce back from. Lot of antibiotics . On a breathing apparatus.. had a chest tube due a complication due to my breathing and on oxygen even after two months at home
    It’s no Fucking joke what this can do …
    I’ve literally had to change my entire life because of this , I can only imagine what it was like 30 years ago with no meds and the millions of people that were dropping off like flies
    —I myself have had to literally redo my entire life ,so to find a cure would be amazing , and not to pass judgment On too many but with you all who have become infected and yet people that are promiscuous , engage in & have orgies -multiple partners -threeways -open marriages -open relationships where their having sex with multiple partners , who are HIV+ who have it even and don’t seem to still care or seem to act like because ,,, STOP IT TOU COUKD AFFECT SOMEONES LIFE AND ITS by no means Fair due TO YOUR SELFISH SELF INDULGENT BEHAVIOR … there’s this idea that people can now live and being with HIV Antiretroviral meds and- or on Prep —now that people that can live
    SERIOUSLY? ….still to continue to behave this way —
    I got mine ….mind you I am very monogamous ..genuinely very true romantic at heart , but due to someone being dishonest and it’s not to disclaim I’ve ever had unprotected sex .. but honestly I could only be so happy to be with out this disease , I could have a chance at a family possibly -possible kids and possibly donate blood . Perhaps even
    And really live the kinda life , I ve REALLY come to appreciate esp after this who ordeal .
    To those of Any who have lived with it for years . Hopefully you could do the same esp if someone infected you with disregard for you life like I was … REALLY THINK ABOUT YOUR BEHAVIOR AND CHOICES IN IN ENGAGING IN ESP RISKY SEXUAL ENGAGEMENTS . You could be killing someone if giving a person a life altering thing LIKE HIV .. and STDS that can be initially prevented in most cases . Be honest . Be open and candid about your status who you’ve slept with and what types of behavior youve engaged in honestly and think about what it could cause someone you might could sleep with and use condoms and get tested …. it does Ruin lives if you don’t

  12. Alex

    Amazing I’m in high hopes that they get to successful primate trials and human trials done in the next 5 to 7 years, may God bless them for pursuing a cure…

  13. Jdck

    I think this is a wonderful step towards ridding the world of a heinous disease as well help decrease the stigma associated with the LGBTQ community. Bravo scientist and keep up the good work.

    • EricRenard

      Thank you for your reasoned and compassionate comment. However, please allow me to share some unsolicited advice: never allow a teachable moment to pass unattended to. The outmoded stigma attached to the gay and bisexual community is misleading and dangerous. The majority of AIDS and HIV cases in the world are not spread by the gay and bisexual community. Heterosexual sex, intravenous drug use, and in-utero exposure are significant driving factors in the disease. Sharing that knowledge has helped stem the tide of new exposures.

  14. Hopefule

    I hope to god that this work’s, I’m 52 years old, and have been HIV+ since I was 23, none of my nieces or nephews ever knew a world with out aids, so now maybe my 5 great nephews, an 5 great nieces will.

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