
Watch This: HIV-Positive Man Asks for Messages from Passersby

Photo Credits: Screengrab from YouTube

Londoner George Hankers, an HIV-positive young man, has blindfolded himself and asked passersby in Trafalgar Square to write a message on the board he was holding that said, “I’M HIV+ Write your messages of positivity.”

Hankers revealed in an interview that the blindfold represents the feelings he had when he was diagnosed with HIV, one that left him with “very low self-esteem” and a feeling that he had “been blinded from hope.” He was only 19 when the diagnosis came. Read more about George’s journey here where he blogs to promote HIV awareness and safe sex.

I will not spoil the video for you, you will have to watch it yourself but I must admit I was a crying mess after viewing it. Hankers himself was in tears when he finally got the opportunity to read them and he said that his hope was restored after doing this social experiment. Watch the video below but make sure you have a hanky at the ready.

The video is a project of Shape History and is reminiscent of the one done by Finnish Janne Antin in 2015. In this social experiment, Janne stood in the middle of a busy town square in between signs that said, “I’m HIV positive. Touch me!”

Guys, if you were one of those passersby, what would you have written on his board? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section below.

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  1. Luigi Nonono

    How sad. With so much information out there, how can young men still be getting infected? They need to be more responsible, because it is not a tragedy. It is preventable. Not caring if one gets infected or not is disgusting. I am sick of the whole HIV/AIDS culture, and consider it a hoax at this point. With pretty effective treatment and prevention available, it is just another nasty disease one should avoid getting. One doesn’t deserve special treatment because of it. There are worse diseases affecting our community. Ones that are lifelong debilitators, where people with HIV can live normal lives. Enough focusing on it. It only glamorizes it.

    • Anon

      Luigi, for those of us who have been diagnosed, its debilitating, it becomes real… yes people life long healthy lives, but people dont understand the chronic illness, the blacking out, battery of tests, constant painful infections to follow for 2 years after treatment begins (for some people even longer)… the stigma of the disease is just as bad as having HIV is… Assuming people were azking for it, or not caring whether they have it is also discusting…. i for one was infected by a tattoo artist that i tristed, what did i know, i was getting a tattoo, i then passed it unknowingly to my husband… we ask for understanding, not special treatment, and trust and believe, theres nothing glampurous about it

  2. mike

    he’s an attractive white guy in an educated liberal city… of course he’s going to get a warm response. try doing this with an overweight black guy in the southern US.

  3. patrick

    This young man’s strength is something to be amazed by.I wish HIV and aids was has taken too many talented amazing people. Everyone should be treated with love kindness and respect. I hope and pray we find a cure for this.Young man I am 38 and I wish I had your strength and courage.Just wanted to say I don’t know you but I send you love .

  4. patrick

    This young man’s strength is something to be amazed by.I wish HIV and aids was has taken too many talented amazing people. Everyone should be treated with love kindness and respect.

  5. patrick

    This young man has so much courage and strength. We all need to walk in love and respect. I just wish HIV and aids was a thing of the past. Too many wonderful people are gone because ofit.lots of love my friend.

  6. Hunter0500

    It’s 2017. How many people have family members, friends, or coworkers who have AID, or are HIV+ or have Herpes? Infected individuals aren’t total social freaks anymore. A good thing.

    A good looking white guy asks for positive comments about his HIV+ status? No surprise at the outcome.

  7. Matt

    Really don’t understand why in 2017 with medical advancement the way it is why would a healthy individual with his medical condition under control feel that’s it important that everyone feel sorry for him. He looks fine and should focus on thanking God that modern medical have allowed him to be so blessed and healthy. He don’t owe total strangers shit. Those fuckers that left a message probably have more issues that he do. Christians like myself realize that living in this world EVERYONE have trials and tribulations. Just because this guy is infected with hiv doesn’t make his struggle any different from EVERYONE elses. I dispise when people feel sorry for them selves for their trials and allow other troubled-ass holier than thou individuals, to step aside from their issues and focus on yours to make them feel better about theirs…

  8. Chrus

    I think anyone can do it of course there is people that may say negative things but there always people saying negative things and he is brave no city is truly liberated only its people

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