
Dating : Is Beauty Important?

Hi, guys! We have two questions for you today. First, how do you define beauty and second, how important is beauty for you in a relationship?

Yes, we are talking about a guy’s physical appearance not the beauty within although there is that. And no, I’m not going to kid myself, for me beauty really does count. I must admit it is the first thing that I notice in a guy.

Say I’m walking down the street and there’s a guy with a beautiful smile on the other side. My gaze would sure linger a while longer on him than it normally would and I may even turn around and look back because I have a weakness for beautiful smiles, especially guys who smile with their eyes.

Anyway, there is no single defining trait that makes me take a second look at a guy. For me it actually varies. Sometimes it’s his beautiful eyes or hands or kissable lips that draw me to him. Sometimes it’s his height, or posture, and the way he carries himself.

The last one is important because a guy who carries himself and dresses himself well tells me that that man takes care of himself, that he is confident, and that he is radiating good vibes. And yes, beauty is important in a relationship in this way, bearing in mind that we all age with the passage of time naturally. But a person who can take care of himself physically is beautiful and it is important because a person who looks good actually feels good. He can feel it inside and you will feel that he does. In addition, when he feels good, he feels confident, and it boosts his self-esteem.

If I’m going to spend the rest of my life with him it means I sleep and wake up beside him every single day. He’s got to be someone I love looking at. He’s got to be beautiful in my eyes. Mine. He is not necessarily the “white, tall, and muscular gay man” or “tall, dark, and handsome” stereotype.

Personally I think we are drawn to faces that are nice to look at. It is part of human nature. But what is good is that each of us has our own idea of beauty and what must be good looking in my eyes might not be in yours. In any case, what does being beautiful mean to you and is it important in a relationship? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

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  1. Matt

    Wow. Great subject….My thing has always been, even going back to when I dated women is the body. I know this may seem strange but I love a nice body no matter what the face naturally look like. I love to see a slim body porportioned man or woman dressed nicely with matching colored attire. I like the guy to be well groomed and clean from head to toe. If he have facial hair it must be trimmed neat. When I’m having sex it’s the body that turns me on not the way his face looks.. I know the most gorgeous guy on here in my area. His face is stunning. He’s a lite skinned african American with cole black neat short hair. His eyebrows and mustache is cole black. He is beautiful. Also he is 5’7 and weighs about 270 sloppy pounds. Everytime I see him he been wearing different color over sized sweat suits. I know losing weight is not easy but if this guy lose 100 pounds this guy would be stunning. His personality is fabulous and very educated. I dam near starve myself to keep my weight down. I have scales in my bedroom and mirrored closet doors right in front of my bed. I go for the body as opposed to looks…

  2. anonimatovato

    I’m also a face guy. Like you said, he doesn’t have to be perfect, but he should look and dress nice.

    And yes, even when it comes to finding men here for fun, face is important too, not just his body.

    He has to be a nice guy too.

  3. Luigi Nonono

    How a man dressed and carries himself and “takes care” of himself has nothing to do with real beauty. Real beauty comes from inside, from having integrity, character, heart, sensitivity, caring, all the good qualities that make a relationship desirable and worthwhile. Physical attributes are just window-dressing. And being in good shape only means belonging to a gym. Such guys are often narcissists, egomaniacs, control freaks, shallow, empty, soulless androids for whom no one is ever good enough, because they are never good enough.

  4. E

    Quite honestly I like the look of interesting looking people. The Brad Pitts and Ryan Reynolds of the world are great to look at, but I’ve found that they are quite shallow and don’t have time for it. Honestly I like a little belly, or a crooked smile, or wild curly hair, short nerds, glasses, etc, but I’m a butt man, I can’t date a guy with a flat ass.

  5. James

    I like guys with a nice big round butt, clean shaven, and although I’m white, I’m somewhat attracted to nice looking black guys.

  6. Locksley

    “Beauty, really is in the eye of the beholder.” These days as an older seasoned; having gained some wisdom/experience in life thus far; as a very tall dark and good-looking/handsome, striking, man myself. I’m just as concerned about the beauty of his Spirit = will/soul, “is he as good on the inside as he looks on the outside.” I want some of exactly, what I myself, bring to the table. And I’m quite firm about that. If, one or the other is significantly, more physically attractive than the other, someone, is going to be hanging on like crazy-insecure, jealous at everyone who looks at him, quite a mess. I’ve met some really handsome men in my life, that as people, they really should never, have been born. I’ve met some other men, on the other hand whom, physically, weren’t all that, but loveable people; beautiful on the inside.

  7. Ed__

    I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The redneck/blue collar look is more my liking. A baseball cap and flannel shirt beats a coat and tie. I like to see a few extra pounds on my guy. Not belly down to knees fat but a tummy bulge makes me want to rub my cheeks all over it. I don’t like anything shaved and a slight man smell is a definite turn on. A nice smile is a eye catcher and innocent confidence seals the deal.

  8. Mike

    I think that it’s human nature to be drawn to physical beauty. Beauty being definitely subjective. As a muscular African American male I been both shunned and admired from the most unlikely places. For example one of my sober ,masculine, muscular, tall, white, straight, male friends kissed me deeply because he said I look beautiful to him one night. And a guy who I would consider very physically undesirable was offended that I even looked in his direction.. So we all have something that gets our motor going and for most people I’ve encountered it’s the physical

  9. Jack

    Of course… it’s an essential requirement during sex. Let’s the face of the guy in the pic as a good example. Who doesn’t want to shoot their cum all over his face and watch it slowly trickle down while’s looking at you with a sparkle in his eyes and a that suave smile. And of course you want to clean up all that cum on his handsome face with with your tongue. I couldn’t imagine doing the same thing with someone who’s not above average in the looks-wise.

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