
Health : Sex is Fun. Sex is Adventurous. Sex is Good. What About Safe?

What’s on the horizon for us sexual beings who walk on the wild side? The age of bookstores and bath houses dwindle in the age of apps that help us hook up and get off.  We sort through grocery lists of stats, and hope the one we pick to meet is sane, courteous, and lives up to all his profile specifications. We meet in public settings and throw them off by wearing the blue shirt instead of the red we mentioned; we send them to the vacant apartment across the hall; or we pull up in the Toyota when we said we drove Honda, all for the sake of safety as we screen our candidate for hot butt naked sex.

Safety becomes a real thought once we remove the barrier of distance and/ or anonymity. What happens when all the clothes are off and it’s about to go down?

There’s a blue pill that is becoming a game changer in our worlds of sexual adventure… Not that blue pill naughty boy. (smile) It’s the other blue pill. The one called PrEP or pre-exposure prophylaxis, and what I really mean is there’s an FDA approved pill called Truvada® that is currently being used as PrEP.  The pill is prescribed to HIV negative persons as a form of protection against getting HIV. It is 90% effective in preventing the development of HIV in the body, but does not protect against other sexually transmitted infections.  It can be prescribed by most providers, it’s covered by insurance, and there is co-pay and other financial assistance for those with limited or no insurance.

If you’re a sexual adventurer who happens to be living with HIV and haven’t checked in with a provider in 12 months or more, it’s time to get re-linked. HIV care is important for keeping a suppressed viral load; it keeps you healthy and happy, and protects against transmission to your partner. Oh, and guess what hunty!? There are HIV care re-linkage programs with staff specifically there to help you navigate and connect with healthcare providers whether you have insurance or not. You can even get access to programs for financial assistance, housing, and other needs. We can enjoy our nights of unbridled passion with peace of mind knowing our viral load is undetectable. Who knew dropping a load was so important. (giggles)

No matter how we do it, when we do it, how often we do it, or who we do it with, let’s do what’s necessary to enjoy sex with less worry.

Protect, Respect, and Get Checked.

For assistance or information on PrEP or Re-linking to Care please contact:
The Houston Health Department
Phone: 832-393-5010 or click here 

There are 10 comments

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  1. TiredOfIt

    PReP s a scam by Gilead. You KNOW 99% of the guys on that shit are going bareback. According to FDA Phase III trial data filed with the FDA (a government document,) Truvada alone only improved your chances of not getting pozzed up by the usual vectors by only 51%. Take a poz load from a top who’s not on meds, your chances are 1 in 64 of pozzing up, per latest stats. You take Truvada PReP, your chances are 1 in 125. That means you take 64 loads, your chances of the next one pozzing your up are exactly 1 in 2. That good enough for you? NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME, or anyone with half a brain left.

    • JaysSN

      Full disclosure : I’m not on PrEP yet for a few different reasons. But I don’t use condoms. Ever. And haven’t for years. So yes, setting aside the fact that you don’t mention where you got your numbers and that they’re most likely entirely made up, these odds seem fine to me. A huge improvement on the odds I and many other men are starting with.

      • TiredOfIt

        Scientific efidence contracts your sex addiction, so it’s all “made up,” I suppose. You’re just like the Frump voters…”Don’t confuse me with facts!” Go pull up the FDA Phase III trial stats filed with the FDA BY GILEAD THEMSELVES…51% decrease in infection rate…that’s it, no more The 99% figure comes using PReP WITH A CONDOM. As for infection rates, the professional standard of likely infection vectors is well established and easily gotten by anyone with half a brain. Ass fucking with a poz top is 1 in 64…that is FACT. But, your sex addiction problem is just like potheads’ phony claims that “pot is harmless”, when their hippocampus of their brain is so rotted they can’t add 2 + 2 and they hack, cough and wheeze their way through life worse than cig smokers. YOU have a PROBLEM, but, then again, so do MOST gay men these days.

        • JaysSN

          Child, one of the reasons I’m not on PrEP is that I haven’t had anal intercourse for about a year and a half. Tell me more about my sex addiction, oh wise one.

          Now, if you want to state things as “facts” you have to back them up. You’re some random dude on the internet, so I have no reason to accept your claims as true. Include links for credibility.

          My point remains – it’s much, much more effective than nothing at all. Surely even someone so cognitively impaired as yourself can grasp this, yes?

        • JaysSN

          Oh. And not that this is particularly relevant, but pot is literally safer than water. (Not necessary as water is of course, but water can kill you.)

          And sex addiction doesn’t exist.

    • Michael M

      Yes, Big Pharma is going to shove it’s poison they call drugs down our throats and suck up all of our money as fast as they can. Oh, and then the real kicker is that we will end up dead from their so-called miracle drugs much sooner than we would have anyway. So, like George Carlin I say “Drink up Shriners” and enjoy yourself till it falls off and our bodies just plain give up the ghost.

  2. TiredOfIt

    Way to go, “Dave”…another blatant ad for Gilead to have the US taxpayers PAY for these sex addicts to spread HIV far and wide by promising them free PReP while 99% of them are going bareback, giving them only a 51% better chance of evading the bug. What about the OTHER risks, like HepC (now almost as big a problem as HIV), HSV, HPV, antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, and all the rest, some of which can eventually kill? Oh NOOOO, can’t do THAT, you’ll kill off your sponsor’s intent…to poz up as MANY gay/bi men as possible and avoid working on a cure (they’re not, go read any pharmacological journal to see for yourself…..or better yet, ask ANY infectious disease specialist!) so Gilead’s stock just climbs ever higher by virtue of a guaranteed captive market for their damaging ARVs. So, “Dave” and A4A…just how much is Gilead Life Sciences PAYING you people, anyway?

    • Dave

      Honey, we don’t get a single penny from Gilead, I wish though. But we partnered with great people in the health community to provide informative blog posts on how to protect yourself from HIV and other STDs, as A4A is not a health specialist. But we believe that knowledge is power, so we try to give you guys as much information as we can so that you can decide what to do.
      Have a great weekend

  3. Haveabig14ya

    @TiredOfIt you must have funked your math class. You need to go back again to study how odds works in Stats. Might want to focus on Dependent or Independent Events when you pull out your pencil and paper. Because what your odds comments on them are completely wrong!

    I clearly you get your the type of person who would never get a vaccine for yourself or any kids. Also the type who is running around with tin hats. In addition, that big companies are all running a scam. While it is true some are and the cost of these pills is way too high in my opinion, that does not mean there are some great benefits to taking it.

    So go back and take off the tin hat, along with your pencil and paper to figure out what is true and not just personal gut feeling on your part.

  4. Mike

    Wow! Do you only get stereotypes answering your blog? There was no moon landing and trump was wire tapped by Obama. PrEP has been way more effective than anyone hoped. No point in pointing you to relevant and independent research that shows PrEP is effective. I decided to take it.

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