nyc adam4adam

News : NY a Safe Haven For LGBTQ

As reports of racism and xenophobia rachet up in an America with Trump for president, the state and city of New York has declared itself a safe haven for all the people now under attack from a public emboldened by Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric.

In an email sent to members of New York’s Democratic Party, New York’s Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo reassured them that the state of New York “is their refuge.”

“Whether gay or straight, Muslim or Christian, rich or poor, black or white or brown, we respect all people in the state of New York,” says Cuomo in the letter. “We won’t allow a federal government that attacks immigrants to do so in our state.”

Cuomo’s email comes after New York City’s Democrat mayor Bill de Blasio declared the city a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants. The declaration is despite Trump’s threat to cut off federal funding to cities or municipalities that pledge to do so. For the uninformed, sanctuary cities limit their cooperation with the federal government’s efforts to detain and deport undocumented immigrants. This could prove to be a thorn in Trump’s side, as he has made immigration a centerpiece of his administration.

Just a few among the racist incidents that have happened since Trump’s election into the highest office in the land include a black woman being told to sit at the back of the bus, a wall in Durham spray-painted with “Black lives don’t matter and neither does your votes”, and kindergarten students being told that they’re going to be deported.

Neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer has also called on its readers to “troll these people and definitely get some of them to kill themselves.” “These people” include the LGBTQ community and other minorities.

Trump has also appointed known anti-LGBTQ “traditional marriage” defender Ken Blackwell as the head of his domestic transition team. Aside from believing in “traditional marriage”, Blackwell is also a senior at the anti-LGBT hate group Family Research Council and also believes that homosexuality can be cured.

How do you feel about the situation of the LGBTQ community and other minorities under a Trump presidency? What do you think of the actions the state and city of New York are taking? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

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  1. michaeljdragon

    Yes, this an has said some terrible things. Surrounded himself with some terrible people. But we, as a community, need to watch what WE are doing, how WE are reacting. We need to show that we are reasonable ADULTS and act accordingly, not like spoiled children. We must set an example for others to follow, folks. Otherwise, we would give credit to the hate spread. We need calm, peaceful, but constant progress FORWARD, not back. We are men, not little boys, right? Please show it.

  2. Cole

    You guys are getting yourselves all worked up over nothing.. Donald Trump has never had any issues with the gay community –In fact, he employs thousands of them. The laws are already in place, he’s not changing or doing away with anything concerning us. — Stop worrying!

    • TiredOfIt

      Really? Why did he pick Pence as a running mate? A con to drag in more church nutters to vote for him? (Likely….) He was on the stump during the campaign yelling that “Gay marriage? GET RID OF IT!” Or did you miss that day?

  3. Jack

    I really find it hard to believe trump has any issues with gays. I mean seriously he has how many resorts and hotels , do people really think he doesn’t have a lot of gays working for him? He’s not a xenophobic person either he has issues with Islamic terrorists coming to this country. Honestly I find this article playing right into the bullshit the media spewed during the primaries and the final leg of the election.

    • Timothy

      Totally agree. Trump actually spoke quite eloquently about protecting the gay community from Islamic terrorist shortly after the Pulse nightclub shooting. There’s nothing “xenophobic” about protecting America from terrorist. A temporary ban on Muslim immigrants till we figure out how to stop the attacks on our people is a good thing! Deporting illegal immigrants who work under-the-table and do not pay taxes; often milking our Welfare system as well, then sending much of their earnings out of our country, is a good thing. Less illegal immigrants means less people on Welfare, more jobs for legal citizens to get off of Welfare and a nature increase in minimum wage.

    • TiredOfIt

      Obviously, you people never followed the campaign very much at all, and just cherry pick a couple of statement he made when he was dragging his butt in the polling.

  4. Mark

    America is falling apart, Trump being voted in as president shows that! When I saw that Trump was winning I got a bad headache. When I saw that he won, I literally wanted to throw up. I almost called into work. What the heck is wrong with people. Hatred, Lies, Racism, Discrimination, Anger, Filth…….. I see the truth and I am disgusted as a human being. Not because I am gay or because I am Hispanic, but because I know right from wrong.

    • TiredOfIt

      I’m an amateur statistician, and I was processing credible polling numbers all through the election. I have an essay written about how Nate Silver, 90% of the pollsters out there EXCEPT a very few academics, screwed this up, and it’s simple…the alt-right and church nuts used a “stealth” campaign against pollsters, giving false statements. Add to that Frumpy’s Putin connection, and you have a true recipe for disaster. But hold tight…Frumpy won’t make a full year in office; the GOP regulars will impeach him at the drop of a hat, and he MAY not make it anyway….we may see more “faithless electors” in this cycle than anytime in US history.

  5. Chris

    I was so glad to hear of New York stating those kind words. I am very un-easy about my (OUR) freedom here in the United-States with “TRUMP and PENCE” in our highest offices! I have never felt so aware of my fears in my entire life as I do now, because of the unknown. Remember how HITLER started and look what he got away with. All “LGBTQ” persons really need to rally now, before it’s to late! I fear the end of our freedom as we know it! I am 61 years old and this is very SAD!

  6. TiredOfIt

    Frumpy backed off of his anti-gay marriage tirades already…AND ratcheted down his deportation scheme. The church nutting right wingers aren’t smart enough to be angry yet, but they will be. Now he has to keep that Nazi Pence under control. Doesn’t really matter….if Allan Lichtmann, professorial political historian at American U. is correct (he WAS correct about the election, by the way…one of the few), Frump will be impeached by the GOP establishment’s operatives in Congress before the mid-terms. THEY want Pence in there to keep the church nutters in line. See? All you have to do with right wingers is give them enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves, every time!

  7. Jeffrey

    I think it’s awesome the concept of a sanctuary city. Not heard of this before. If it makes the world a little bit safer for oppressed and profiled persons, it’s a great way for a democracy to continue to be true to its calling and to protect its most vulnerable.

  8. Wayne

    What you expect? Some of the people reading this Voted for Trump…. that’s why I will never date interracial ever again. Sad some you only see someone as a sex fantasy, but secretly hate them

    • TiredOfIt

      Back up, pal….you blacks are JUST as much to blame for Frumpy being “pre-elected” as the dumb whites like you saw above. Hell, 20% of blacks were going for nutjob Ben Carson early in the primary race!!! So what happenes when Frumpy gets the nod and goes to election? 50% of blacks in Philly DID NOT TURN OUT TO VOTE. Milwaukee: 40% DID NOT SHOW UP TO VOTE. Houston: 50% DID NOT TURN OUT TO VOTE. LA: 18% DID NOT TURN OUT TO VOTE. Same with the Latins…their turnout for CLinton was DOWN 15% nationally from ’12. You wanna place race baiting? Let’s play race baiting!

  9. Matt

    I’m with Milo 100%. The DEMONcrats have done nothing for me as a gay man. They demand my vote and then do nothing for me. Trump is far better for gays,

  10. headsupguy

    Quote: “This could prove to be a thorn in Trump’s side, as he has made immigration a centerpiece of his administration.”

    To clarify a fine point, Trump’s administration won’t begin until 01/20/17. He has made immigration a centerpiece of his election *campaign.*

    We should remind ourselves that Trump won the election because of the obsolete Electoral College and an ongoing policy of gerrymandering by Republicans who control “Red State” governments, and in turn, the election process in those states. Clinton won the popular vote, and might have won the election if so many Democrats had not been disgusted and disaffected by the toxic campaign atmosphere and stayed home. This gives us hope that the majority of U.S. citizens are not the rabid haters who showed up at the polls to elect a profoundly unqualified candidate. We hope that the U.S. will not become a nazi state that tracks down and persecutes persons who are not white straight males.

    It’s my hope and prayer that the Democratic minorities in Congress will obstruct Trump’s agenda at every turn in the same way that Republicans mindlessly blocked Obama throughout his administration. Further, I hope elected officials at state and municipal levels across the U.S. – regardless of party affiliation – will follow New York’s example and do what is morally right, regardless of Trump’s perversion of the federal government. If Congress cuts off funding to those who make the correct choices, the withheld funding can be used to pay down the national debt they’re so worried about.

  11. Timothy

    Being gay doesn’t make me a minority. I understand that there are less homosexuals than heterosexuals, but as my sexuality doesn’t define me; I am not a “minority”.

    • headsupguy

      Sorry, Timothy. Actually, it does make you a minority. In our modern parlance, a minority is any group numbering less than the largest population segment AND subjected to discrimination because of the characteristics that define the group. You may believe that your sexuality doesn’t define you, but your sexuality, by definition, makes you a member of a minority group. The only way you could be considered not a part of the minority is to stop being gay, which is no more possible than to stop being black. Pence has yet to learn this.

  12. TiredOfIt

    Today’s gay community is obviously politically clueless, as witnessed by statement made in here to the effect that Frump isn’t THAT bad. Bullroar…the guy’s a disaster area. But it’s not really a big deal…I agree with Allan Lichtmann of American U., who correctly predicted the outcome of this election (one of the few who did who have any credentials at all), and Nate Silver is really just an office clerk (his description.) Lichtmann said in his prediction of the Frump win that he wont’ last a year in office, because the RNC and GOP establishment much would rather deal with Pence, as he’s a party loyalist and is easily controlled, like Ronnie Ray-Gun was. NO one can control Frump because of his mental problems. So, watch for the Articples of Impeachment to show up sometimes in ’17, and THEN you’ll wind up with the homophobe Pence as POTUS. THEN come back and cry to me. Oh, but there’s two more niggly issues…1.) Frumpy is due in Federal District Court for the Southern Region of Califnrnia to answer to charges of fraud and racketeering re his Frump U scam…and Judge Curiel dismissed yet another attempt by lead counsel to try to continue this past inauguration Day, which would give Frumpy executive clemency. So, he gets into that, then there’s that appearance Dec. 16 in NY County Supreme Court to answer to civil charges about screwing a 13 year old girl, and continuance has been denied on that one, as well. That’s the same day that the electors meet in their respective states to vote…and we may have the largest number of faithless electors in US history that day. Get the popcorn ready, and try to wise up about politics, because you clowns cited above obviously have NO clue that you’re about to enter the Fourth Reich if this asshat isn’t stopped.

  13. eric

    “less homosexuals than heterosexuals” . . . . that makes you a minority ! ! !

    The more worrisome issue is that the people who voted for that man (I refuse to speak or type the name) are now feeling they are in the right to commit acts of hatred and local terrorism because their candidate won after spewing for the the hateful rhetoric he (they) did.

    It’s good of New York State and NYC officials to make the statements of support they have, but how do they intend to back them up? Will they be on the streets around the gay bars to protect those who are leaving? Will they be on the sidewalk as the Muslim and Black Baptist gatherings let out to be sure there are no shots fired or bombs thrown? Will they be around every public school at night to stop the painting of more hate mongering such as what has already taken place? Step UP officials ! ! !

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