
News : Donald Trump Has 20% Of LGBT Vote

When you think of voting blocs that will go out to the polls to support Donald Trump come election day, the LGBT community isn’t exactly the first one that comes to mind.

After all, Donald Trump is running on a Republican platform that defines marriage as “between one man and one woman”. His running mate, Mike Pence, signed into law Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Law and personally believes in the effectiveness of conversion therapy. And recently, the Trump campaign’s “Family First” benefits plan came under fire for not including gay men or single-parent men.

Despite all of that, it still looks like Trump still has some pull in the LGBT community. An NBC News poll showed that while Hillary Clinton had 72 percent support among LGBT voters, a surprising 20 percent would still vote for Trump.

Both candidates fared worse than the candidates in the previous presidential election. President Barack Obama had 76 percent of the LGBT vote according to NBC’s exit polls, while Mitt Romney had 24 percent. But what’s changed since then has been the climate around LGBT issues and concerns. Same-sex marriage was legalized under the Democratic administration of President Barack Obama, and is widely regarded as a huge victory for LGBT rights.

That could still change after the first presidential debate held last night between Clinton and Trump. While LGBT rights did not come up during the debate, various outlets have given the first round of the first of three debates to the Democratic candidate. CNN, Public Policy Polling, and even with Republican pollster Frank Luntz’ focus group.

What do you guys think? Has the debate changed what you think about Trump or Clinton? Which candidate will get your vote at the polling precinct come November? Share your thoughts and comments below and remember to stay polite with other users that have different opinions!

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  1. Don C Shaver

    Trump definitely has my vote!! It’s an easy decision for me. The bottom line is — if you support an eventual strict socialist form of government vote for Clinton. If you love your many freedoms and way of life, if you are a constitutionalist and cherish our democratic capitalistic form of government, you better vote for Trump.

      • Shirley

        @tiredofit wow nice personal attack, you’re quite the nice person are you. Cant handle a differing opinion from yours? Too busy smoking meth in your far-left eco-chamber, try opening a window for once. All the intolerance you are spewing out must be making your head explode! There are gay people who will vote for trump instead of hillary (who takes money from muslim countries that want us all dead).

    • Ray

      How can you be a gay man and vote Trump? I don’t understand. He chose a running mate famous for degrading gays and supporting policies to try to brainwash gay people into being straight. He has done NOTHING for the gay community. He has no reason to support you, once you cast your vote. Remember those freedoms you mentioned? Kiss all the newest freedoms good bye if Trump gets to the white house. I can only hope your vote is not the deciding factor & that Hillary will win. But if she does not, look out… as your rights are tossed out a window faster than you can find a date.

    • Wetwilly

      A gay man voting for Trump, is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders. Trump is a draft dodging, tax avoiding, commie loving piece of human excrement. No Patriot can vote for him. We veterans cannot vote for him. The concubine he is married too, you know, his mail order whore, is a commie spy. I pray some patriot sends a drone to end such nonsense.

      I’m sure gays voted for Hitler too. Didn’t go very well for them. Remember history!

    • Tom

      Voting for Hillary then? Amazing how many gay men claim to like being told straight up how it is, and yet this sniveling tramp lies more than a host on a mattress

        • Shirley

          @Tiredofit, careful your intolerance and hateful bigotry is showing. stop drinking the kook-aid and try changing the channel once in a while. critical thinking, is clearly not in your wheelhouse of skills. just because someone prefers traditional marriage over gay marriage doesn’t make them a bigot nor does it mean they hate gays, grow up!

  2. Eric

    We’ve been fighting for equal rights for decades. Why not have the equal right to be so stupid as to support an obviously moronic buffoon for the position of the person who can blow up the world. Armageddon has a new name and there’s a trump sign on it.

  3. Tom

    It’s not about your cock! This is a riot, he will help your wallet anything more than that is really up to you. Don’t rely on some pantsuit tramp telling you that you need her for your success and happiness. She could not make a dollar if she had 2 dollars! Go figure out your own prosperity and wealth, let a businessman fix the broken mess our politicians created

    • Dennis

      How very amusing. A man who has multiple bankruptcies is going to ‘fix’ a broken economy? Do you really mean what you said? Because that’s about as out there as you can get.

    • Shirley

      you’re right, not about my cock, its about keeping my head on my shoulders. I’m terrified about islamic extremists coming to this country unchecked and unopposed. Her foreign policy decisions and conduct is riddled with screwups, stupidity, and weakness. Hillary clinton takes money from these backward places in the middle east, lies about it, and is strangely silent about them killing gays.

  4. Barbarona

    It doesn’t completely surprise me, because there are very wealthy gays who want his tax breaks, those who make money by exploiting and hurting the other members of their community, who own bars, escort services, porn producers, and greedy landlords, etc.

    • TiredOfIt

      I know a few wealthy gay guys in the LA area…NONE of them are supporting the Frump. But I take your point. I think a lot of these Breitbarters came in from Facebook.

    • Tom

      Spoken like a man who only knows how to have a handout. Go get yours and quit blaming others success on greed. It’s all dedicated to what you go and get. Stay home and play on your laptop and don’t frequent the damn bar

    • Robby

      I didn’t know 1 in 5 gay guys across America I chat with are greedy landlords, porn producers, pimps, and serve alcohol. I thought they would have said something about their careers of hurting gays who walk into a bar and ask for a beer. Oh my goodness…. What a gay, greedy, republican bunch.

      • Shirley

        @ robby lets ask Hillary Clinton why she took money from foreign governments such as saudi arabia who kill gays, christians and jews? she doesn’t even speak out about it, she doesn’t have my vote.

  5. Darryl

    It’s not shocking to see that 20 % of Gay People support Donald Trump. What they don’t seem to understand is what Trump is about. His only interest in the office of the Presidency is to acquire it like it was a piece of property. Then he can use its power to benefit him and his family. And when he screws things up, he will never own up to his responsibility, or worst blame other people. He’s already doing it now.

    • TiredOfIt

      PERFECT! That’s his modus operandi, and belies his cocaine habit. Most coke and methheads do business in exactly that fashion…”me first, screw everyone else.” Remember too, he’s buddy-buddy with Putin, whose oligarchs in Mother Russia have bailed him out, time after time. Why do you think he’s hiding his tax returns?

    • calvin

      everything you said actually applies more to shape shifter hillary , funneling her foundation and make more millions . and change nothing or make things worse.. my vote is for Jill Stein..
      to choose between trump and hillary is liek ” should cut off my right arm or left arm ‘ ??

    • East

      I guess You don’t have a clue about what direction the USA is going Down! The policy king and Your next queen Are turning Freedoms into Socialism and want sharia laws!! That means Execution of LGBT. I Wood much rather keep my Head on my shoulders, and keep the rest of US alive. And Not with Clinton’s polluted drugs.
      It really Not that Hard to Think about who’s out to kill us all.

      • Brink

        My goodness. This election is making me realize how dangerously warped peoples brains are! Never thought such ignorance was possible even when facts are present. Please go check the facts; not Fox News please on who has misused foundation funds?

        • David

          yep check the facts, which are certainly not on MSNBC or CNN, both shamelessly shilling for Clinton daily, theres a reason why its know as the “clinton news network.”

    • Chic

      Use power to benefit me and my family- like the Clintons? $500,000 speeches to Wall Street, multi-million dollar donations to my ‘foundation’ from governments that behead gays, owning a multi-billion dollar foundation that spends less than 10% on charity, this is Bill and Hillary at their finest, all on the taxpayers dime.

      Trump won’t allow Obamacare to do what Hillary wants, become a budget item where the amount spent on public health can be restricted. Oh, why pay for expensive treatments for gays, they’ll never pay enough taxes for us to get our money back, she says. The lady in this race wants to bring in a few hundred thousand young men who have no skills, who believe in Sharia law and think gays should be killed. I can’t figure out why you think only 20% will vote for Trump, nobody wants a President who brings in people who thinks you should be murdered.

      • Calvin

        OK Tone it down a little “le Chic the freak” .. I am definitely not big fan of That shape-shifter , war monger corrupt racist pro apartheid criminal hillary, and for sure not pro that bag of orange vomit lunatic trump either, but you are stereotyping and DRAMATIC on your stance about immigrants or refugees , it is insane and reflection of ignorance to say all refugees from Syria or muslim refugees are out to murder gays , that’s like saying all gays are pedophile or child molesters, which is very stupid.

        Again said before , and say it again, sad day for democracy, when Americans are ” forced” or “pushed” to choose between Lucifer and mother Satan.

        Nowadays, seems that President is SELECTED and not elected, from what I see its already done deal, no one will get away with all these crimes and corruptions and still stand for election, the establishment has spent too much on her for them to lose.
        As a voter , very limited or slim options left, and I am not falling for the ‘push” to pick between two evils” .. my Choice ” Jill Stein” may not win , but at least its a choice I can live with , voting for a person and not a party, its not sport team I am rooting for, its the “best” person out of a bag of shit, and hope this will put seeds for alternative parties in 2020 elections.. Call it wasting my vote , but at least I am not wasting it on corrupt candidate.

  6. JoeyGuyNextDoor

    This is an easy answer. 20% are affluent white males who have nothing to fear but loosing money and white male prestige if Hillary gets elected. They never had to fight for rights, never were bullied in private schools, their “clique” is other uppity monied queens. GAY does not apply to THEM, only to mere mortal faggots. No mystery here.

  7. Mike

    His Highness Obama was strongly against gay marriage too in 2008 – “as a Christian man, blah blah blah, God involved, blah blah blah”. Then he flip flopped to pander for votes in 2012. And he fooled enough idiots into thinking he actually cares. News flash: he only cares that he got you to vote for him. And let’s not forget whose husband signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law. I’d far rather hold my nose and take a chance on Trump – a guy who actually knows how to run a business and knows how money works, than another 4 years of Obama shit dragging this country down just because she knows how to lie with a straight face.

    • Billy Boy

      Hi Mike. I can understand the President being against gay marriage initially. As a matter of fact, as a gay man, I too was against it as were many other gay men that I know. That was something ingrained in our culture through some screwed up religious beliefs. I belief that experience and exposure should have an effect on us and our ways of thinking. It is a fool who holds to his beliefs in the light of new information. So yes he changed. THAN GOD. I am a veteran who served in the Air Force under fear of being “caught.” Thank God that is gone now too. I cannot hold every once held belief against a person. Our Constitution still has the wording that I am only 3/5 of a man. So should I be anti American because of that? I refuse to willingly go backwards by voting for someone who will tell you in no uncertain terms he is looking out for his own best interests. I love this Democratic process because we are all allowed to vote as we please and I trust you will do just that.

  8. Coach

    A Trump presidency would definitely make for a safer LGBTQA environment in America. Clinton’s immigration and refugee policy will encourage more Orlando-like events.

    • TiredOfIt

      These Trumptards are either 1.) Breitbart shills trying to tilt any blog they can get their hands on, or 2.) gay methheads. The meth freaks in the gay male community number FAR more than they’re supposed to.

  9. Mark124

    I have never believed in the popular christian belief that the world will come to an end in a very short time. I.E. as in my life-time. But, I do believe with all my heart that of “TRUMP” is elected president? I will live long enough to see the end of the world. “TRUMP” is like “PUTIN” and to me they are both UN-STABLE and INSANE with power!

  10. Drew

    God help us if this racist pig gets elected. He’ll start WWIII just because someone questioned his many lies. Its sad that even 29% of theLGBT community can be fooled by this moron.

  11. Seven552

    Trump said :” I’m not going to change”! So if he gets elected and screws up like many us know he will! Trump is going to say you know who and what your were voting for. Many people better pay attention. Trump is a stone cold liar! You can show him video of himself doing something and he’ll said he didn’t ! Case in point , the sniffles during the debate. He said he didn’t have the sniffles , it was the mic! Check it if you don’t believe! How juvenile ! And that’s a small thing! Watch him lie and keep moving! He’s worse for America! He’s a liar !

  12. TiredOfIt

    Any gay male who’s enamored with Frump has to be a methhead, and we have MORE than our share of those. This is a plant by the Breitbart cokeheads…pay them no mind. EVERY statement before this one is a COMPLETE fabrication. Here are some facts: As seen in the Sept. 27 debate, Donald Frump either did some lines of coke (the big SNORT, then sniffles, then guzzling water…CLASSIC) or some Adderall. He’s a drug addict, as was Adolf Hitler. Frump is a failure as a businessman. He got his “profit” by cheating contractors, suppliers and employees. Frump is anti-labor…ask any rank-and-filer who’s worked for a Frump property…and I have. Breitbart now completely runs his campaign. Andy Breitbart was….what else? A COKEHEAD. There are B&W photos of Frump sitting on a sofa at Studio 54 powdering up his nose…they’ll be coming out shortly. He’s set to take about a 4 to 7 point polling dip once the credible polls taken during and after the debate are in…watch for them. Also, ORC’s instapoll taken right after the debate? Clinton 67, Frump 23. DONALD TRUMP IS A NO GOOD, LYING PIECE OF SHIT. Vote smart, VOTE CLINTON!

  13. brian

    this is sad trump getting 20% if that is the case do you all know Mike Pence is the VP he thinks all of us are subhuman he shut down a entire state for his belives pleae rethink your choice

  14. BryBry

    Gas prices down… Republicans did that? NO!… Unemployment down.. Republicans did that? NO!… Average income up… Republicans did that? NO!… Black men being shot by police and Bad Cops being let free because they can’t stomach that a Black President has done better at President than the previous guy that put us all at risk, monetarily, figuratively, and realistically… And do we really want to return to that world where a man can smack a woman on the ass, drink himself blind at work (I’ve seen it happen), tell racially insensitive jokes and then blame the recipient of the humiliation for “not getting it”… Do we really want to return to that?… NO!… HILLARY HAS MY VOTE!

  15. Joe

    Trump! I find that most people who are pro Hillary have absolutely no assets. No money in the bank, no 401(k) etc. Hillary is both fake and a liar. The Middle East is in a shambles. She wants to turn this into socialist State and continue Obama’s old legacy honoring black lives matter etc. If she’s like that we are doomed as a country.

  16. dik

    Hillary takes money from countries that throw gays off buildings and kills them in other tortuous ways just cause they’re gay. vote your conscience

  17. George

    I’m as gay as they cum – 31 y/o – partner of 7 years …. I simply cannot vote for HRC. Nope. I’m smart. Hold an MBA – own my own business … Look after my M&D – nice house – Happy boy.
    Cannot handle an extension of the current administration and burdensome restrictions and stupid policies.
    Wake the fuck up, y’all. Hillary is not your friend and does not deserve your precious vote.
    Hell, my 90 year old – life long Dem is voting for DJT. No, he does not have dementia. He’s sharp as a tack.

  18. Jay

    This is why Blacks dont feel welcome on A4A. The man has filed bankruptcy 8times and dont pay taxes. I watch privilege whites comments voting for someone who hates Blacks wow. No wonder why pics in blogs are always white men. I am verey educated study law, work in law firms and you are very very misinformed. He doesnt respect your mothers, wives, sisters, Hispanics, Blacks, Gays and has business in Mexico and China which does his ties which I had. He is on his third wife. And his running mate hates gays and blacks. Im glad you did this post because we know A4A is not a place for color but a place white racism. Lets Make America White Again? Wait it never was white. White took land from Native Americans. And you disgrace the first black President. Hold up your nose and vote proud for Trump. Hate is real. Blacks not welcome here at A4A. We will spread the word and A4A can eventually be Great (White) again.

  19. Wayne

    Ok you Trumpsters do us minorities a favor just stay in your all white clubs. Sad that you want to fuck someone whom your leader feels is subhuman. Enjoy your life under him and prepare ww3

  20. Cole

    Trump all the way! The democratic economic policies have failed time and time again for the past eight years. The Government cannot give anything that it first does not take away from another. This country is in debt almost to a point of no return. We must get this country back on track for prosperity before it’s too late! I’m not sure if Trump can do it but I am 100% sure that Hillary cannot.

  21. Tommy

    Voting for Trump here. This country and it’s problems are bigger than gay “rights”. Sick of all the same Government year after year. Hell I am gay and I don’t believe in gay marriage. Get over it and get this country back to where it belongs.

  22. Glen

    Trump knows how to run a business by screwing people. He is the most dishonest business man, with no scruples. I fear for this country, and the world at large, if Trump, who is so cozy with Putin, were to be elected.

    • Paul

      And If you are Married like I am ,, if you are out.. if you enjoy the things so many have worked for, to have equal rights. Countless hours days Years. Vote for Trump
      When they take that away, Label you , hunt you down. Black bag you
      and nobody ever sees you again. Because your Gay… You got your wish come true.
      You say it will never happen ? Many Said we would never have Equal rights. Germany said it would never happen . Now you wish to turn your back on Gay people ?
      Good Vote buddy !

  23. Chris

    I’m a gay male and I’m voting for DONALD TRUMP for President !! So are all of my gay and lesbian friends!!! He’s really our ONLY Hope for economic recovery , JOBS… Well paying jobs, the kind that people can actually buy a home, rent an apartment, buy a car, take a vacation, save some money, raise a family on…remember those ? For prosperity, safety and security for America so we don’t become Europe …Vote TRUMP on November 8th !!!!!

  24. Robert

    The real question is do you want change or the status quo? Trump is change Hillary is a so called politician, who hasn’t accomplished squat. She has broken more laws than many who’s life’s have been up rooted and destroyed or put in prison. It’s time for a change from a politician to a business professional. Granted he is no saint but he says it without holding any punches. While she lies every time her lips move.

  25. TripleRipple

    Yup- I’m a capitalistic pig. A shrewd business owner who owns firearms!
    Hillary? No thank you.
    Let all the little youngin’s vote for Billary and see how all the free programs add-up – and who’s going to pay for them.
    Under Clinton – if she raises taxes – I will cut jobs at my companies! I will just automate and outsource all functions to where I’m a virtual employer.
    As a Jew – you really want Hillary who cozies up to the Palestinians? The Palestinians who want my race and people wiped out? We went through that under Hitler. This is the same Hillary who supports the the nuclear deal with Iran – and all the Isis thugs running around the mid-east causing mayhem?

  26. Billy Boy

    Perhaps she has lied, we have all lied in our lifetimes. Mr. Trump lied and said he won the debate according to the CBS poll (which was never conducted). When my sons were simply applying for student loans I had to produce my tax returns or it was game over. Now he wants to run the country and won’t submit a return. REALLY!!!
    As an African American gay man, I have developed over my lifetime a keen sense of people’s intentions. He say’s he is not a racist because he invites a Black or two to speak for him. How many people do I have to kill in order to be considered a murderer? Only one! Just because you don’t discriminate against EVERY person of color does not negate the fact that you do it to many.
    Why would I support a man who has earned the support and respect of the KKK? They like him for a reason. And as he said in the debate, the fact that he hasn’t paid federal taxes doesn’t make him un-American, in his own words, it makes him “Smart.” SMH.

  27. calvin

    don’t forget she (hillary) was also oppose to gay rights for years , on at least 8-6 times , and only came around to support them cuz it suited her political career.. just like she was supporter of segregation and Goldwater girl when she was a republican back few decades ago. supporting privatization of prisons and jails and encouraging in investing in them , while she was sending “super predators ” young men of men of colour to prisons.

  28. Rav4me

    Those who understand politics and the complicated art of compromises needed to move the civil rights we cherish forward know the Clintons moved the ball forward and opened the door a crack with Don’t ask policy that allowed gays to legally serve the nation that would bear the fruit of being equal in the army later on. DOMA set the stage for the Constitutional issue settled by the court with judges apppointed by Demo President. President Obama played the game of masking his support of gay rights getting elected the ultimately effortlessly showing his support by always including us in speeches as being a part of the UNITED STATES. See how LBJ fooled racists and got civil rights act passed.
    What is obvious is the Republicans have stated they want to take away these newly achieved right. What Gay person would vote for any leader of a party whose stated goal is to take those rights away. Just plain ignorant

  29. M

    The LGBTQ community forgets HIllary/Dems support radical Islamic countries (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, etc.) which are against homosexuality and enforce death penalty on LGBTQ. These countries are also against women’s rights. A bit hypocritical to me.

  30. Randy

    Trump has my vote! How can anyone elect Hillary! She’s not honest, she’s a liar, deceiving, she’s all talk and hasn’t done anything for middle class American! If you want the same old shit that Obama has given us then vote for Hillary !

    • Paul

      Has she really lied ? Or is that what they would like you to think ?
      Benghazi GOP Witch hunt, At our Expense, Millions of our dollars for political gain.
      Email bullshit, Every President has erased Hundreds of thousands of them
      FBI Cleared her,, GOP Beats a dead Horse
      brings it back to life and beats it again !
      Propaganda thats all it is , at our expense .
      The biggest cost of this Election will be our Equal Rights,,,
      Don’t say it won’t happen, Everyone Said Equal rights for LGBT people would never happen,, This will just set us backward. Donald Trump Hates you because you are Gay or the color of your skin, or the god you worship… there is no mistake about it. if you vote for this Hate Monger, bigot. Take a long look in the mirror and Tell me what you really are ? There mite be more in your closet than just being gay !

  31. Frank

    Not surprisingly, there is no refuge here from the degradation of factual reality that is the only basis of Trump support. That individuals could continue to rally behind the narcissistic, race-bating, misogynistic, and dangerous (in particular regarding hallucinogenic ignorance about foreign policy, and thoughtless statements that could create wars) statements made by Donald Trump during the debate is a sorry testimony about the state of the electorate. LGBT issues aside, Trump represents a debasement of American democracy.

  32. Dennis

    I respect everyone’s right to vote for the candidate of their choice. Do I consider *EITHER* of them to be a viable or a ‘good’ choice? No, not at all. I consider it a choice of which poison is worse. That’s the only reason that Hillary is possibly getting my vote. Personally, I was fully behind Bernie, but that’s how it goes.

    • Calvin

      Dennis , I was too behind “berine” the sell out and caved in for the Bitch, but I am not voting for a team ,. or party simply cuz my values and conviction line up more with the democratic party , its about the person who is running and their integrity. I would rather NOT vote , than voting for someone who has no integrity, but I am voting for Jill, she is the closest thing to sell out shamed ” bernie’… and yes that is not a waste of vote.. that whole argument of voting for alternative or independent. parties is a waste of vote or vote for trump is a shallow argument and scare tactic invented by democrats… going forwards , I know I know that bitch Hillary is already selected for becoming next president and this whole election marathon with trump “acting” , including this forum is just a show and part of the play.

  33. debubby

    All you people preaching about tolerance don’t realize that it goes two ways. If someone doesn’t tolerate your sexuality you should tolerate that and accept them. Pity them if you want. Take the higher ground. We as a society will have actually accomplished something when we’ve learned to accept each others’ differences and look past them.

    Trump would certainly not be my first or second or third or tenth choice to be President of the United States. But compared to the competition, Trump all the way! Our government is getting more and more corrupt by the day, and the career politicians that we continue to elect year after year are to blame. Many hope that an outsider like Trump can turn things on its head and clean house. I believe country here depends on it. This isn’t about gay or straight or whatever, see the bigger picture! We who live in the United States are Americans first.

  34. FBC2

    Hillary only panders for the LGBT vote. She is on record at least 5 times since 2002 and the latest 2012 of opposing same sex marriage. She could care less about gay people, she just wants the votes. This last 8 years has killed me financially, I can’t go another 4 to 8 years under the same economic policies.

  35. Marty

    I don’t think a4a has any right telling guys who use their site how to vote. Some of us still believe in God and don’t like LGBT to undermine and ridicule those beliefs. It’s called freedom of religion. Donald Trump is tolerant of all gays and he and Mike Pence bring diversity to the table. It sounds like a4a wants all men to become gay and embrace the gay interpretation of scriptures and make homosexuality and its idealogy mandatory for all citizens.
    I have a real problem with that. That’s a police state. If you are gay, you must vote for Hillary or else go to prison or be punished or be reeducated or whatever!

  36. wulFF

    how can any gay man or lesbian support a closeted lesbian who is ashamed of her homosexual identity.
    please wake up before it’s too late!

  37. Hunter0500

    Trump has a good percentage of the vote from gays because there’s more to his platform than just gay issues.

    Hillary, undoubtedly, has a good percentage of the votes from gays. There’s more to her platform that just gay issues.

    Surprise! Many gays are concerned about many more issues than just their sexuality.

  38. Chic

    In 2000, when both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were against gay Marriage, Mr. Pence supported conversion therapy. Times change. Let’s look at 2016, when only one Presidential candidate wants to bring a few hundred thousand immigrants here who believe gays should be murdered, who do not believe in rights for women, and who will be supported with $20,000-$40,000 of taxpayer dollars every year.

    Only one candidate, Mrs. Clinton, supports Saudi Arabia, where gays are beheaded all the time. She claims to be for gay rights, but as a lawyer was famous for helping rapists get away with their crimes. She is paid $500,000 a speech to talk to Wall Street investment bankers, she’s never had a non-government job but is a multi-millionaire from ‘lucky breaks’ in the stock market.

    Trump faced down the City of Palm Beach, who didn’t want him to open his club in the 1990’s because he insisted Blacks and Jews would be able to join. He spent millions on lawyers and the club accepts everyone. Trump hired a woman president of his construction company at a time when the industry was <1% female.

    Only one candidate was threatened with prosecution for looting the White House treasures when she moved out. In the end she had to give the stuff back. She's not out for us, just wants our votes. I don't buy it.

    • LEO

      Chic you’re absolutely correct about Hillary raiding, historical artifacts and treasures, when she and President Clinton vacated

      Yet again Hillary lied about their thievery, when leaving,
      1400 Pennsylvania Ave.. Both Bubba & Hillary, thought they were ” ENTITLED ” to all the treasures, which they stold from,
      ” OUR White-House””.
      Then she had the audacity to break and damage, our countries, “NATIONAL TREASURES”, upon returning them to the Whitehouse.
      Yet again, both Hillary & Bill denied destroying these artifacts.

      Hmmm, food for thought, perhaps
      Hillary & Bill have an arsenal of hammers to destroy government property. Just like they did to the dozens of iPhones and Blackberrys, when she was “Madam Secretary”.
      I’m embarrassed to say I voted twice for President Clinton, both he and Hillary are lying scoundrels, who left the White-House penniless, and were loaned money by, Terry McAuloff to purchase their mansion in Chappequa, NY located in Westchester County, one of the most elite zip-codes in New York, and the USA.

  39. Rob

    I am a gay white male, probably considered upper middle class in most states. I am fiscially conservative and socially liberal…live and let live. I am, despite him being a total ass, voting for Trump.

    For those who think all rich white men with a bit of cash are the only ones that are voting for Trump, it’s all lies. I worked my ass off to get what I have. I worked three part time jobs while working myself through college. I worked throughout High School. I bought my own school clothes during that time too. I also helped pay for groceries and such since I was 10 years old (mowing lawns, babysitting, etc.). Nothing was handed to me. Menial labor was fine as long as rent was paid. I saved money and eventually bought a house. I have no debt and try to pay as I go.

    This is scary times. My hard work will be taken away if Hiliary makes it through. Socialism has failed through out the world. Check out Russia and Cuba if you don’t believe me. Our country is rapidly turning into a third world country. People don’t want to come here to integrate, they come here to take. Oddly they think they have the right to do so. They DESERVE it! If all social and public services were denied to them, these people would mostly likely stay in their own country.

    I also live in California. We are being taxed to death because of immigration. They come in poor health and typically without a dime but can oddly come up with thousands of dollars to pay their coyote smuggler. Apparently they are abused in their country but they all appear to be well fed with clean clothes and jewelry. I see this every day in a major Medical Center where I work. They expect free everything, including health care. They get money for rent. Pay nothing for utilities and get free food. More babies mean more money. None of them are required to work for anything.

    What really pisses me off is when I see a illegal immigrants here proudly flying their countries flag in the United States. If their country is so great, why leave? They don’t want to be an American. They want to be a Mexican in America or a Pakastani in America or…fill in your own word here.

    Like it or not, America is a business that has to make business decisions. If it doesn’t, it will fail. Vote for Trump if you love America. Vote for Hiliary if you don’t. This doesn’t have anything to do with sex or being gay or any of the other hubbub.

    Think about this too…most of the people coming here have strong religious beliefs (Catholics, Muslim, Russian Orthodox, etc.) that have a history of hating and hurting gays. They will soon have the right to vote. They will take and take and take. Then they will vote to kill and kill and kill. They are the Trojan Horse and were letting them in.

    So…having no better choice, I am voting for Trump. He’s an ass but he’s an upfront ass. An American will at least know what their getting. I do love his slogan…”Let’s make America great again.”

  40. Ben

    I’m gay and voting for Trump. I agree with him on many of the issues that are important to his campaign and think he will be much better with the economy than Clinton. I think it’s best we switch back and forth every election or so between the 2 parties. Let the Dems fix the social issues and let the republicans fix the economy.

  41. Bri

    Lmao. Romney, who comes from a religion that has a long history of LGBT oppression, had 24% of the gay vote. Cut to 2016 and Trump, who by comparison is more gay friendly, has a mere 20%, that’s hardly somethingfor him to brag about.

  42. nailman

    I am so amazed that some think that Obama has dragged the country down. It is in the best shape in 16 years both economically and socially. Racist and sexist are some reasons for supporting Trump as far as I can see. And ignorance of how his economic proposals would actually impact the country.
    Anyway, were he elected the same people who ran the country for Bush would be right back there. War anyone?

  43. Andy19806

    The parallels between Trump’s campaign now and Hitler’s in Germany in the 1930’s are scary. Read up on that time and see the parallels. It is the official position of the Republican ticket to ban gay marriages and support “conversion therapy” and a President Trump will be appointing supreme court justices likely to overturn the right to gay marriage. We need to be very afraid of a Trump victory

  44. Shan

    Guys do you REALLY want to go back to 1980? I dont.

    Trump will probably cut funding for HIV meds and research, fill the Supreme Court with conservative judges, overturn same sex marriage, overturn Affordable health care act.

    Hillary will just keep letting things run the way they are.If you care about your own health and the health of your friends, vote Hillary.

  45. Ethan

    Anyone that supports trump should check out their morality and should question their sanity. A man who has many bankruptcys, failed businesses, has continuously ripped off his workers and contractors, ( all shown with proven to be true facts ) is nothing but a miserable failure of a businessman and a human being. Just wait until trump’s supposed trump Foundation, charges being filed, facts come out. It was nothing but a cookie jar he used to defend himself against lawsuits. A cookie jar trump used to donate other people’s money to charities and used his name so people thought he donated the money, etc. etc., etc,.. Why people continue to praise him as a Good Businessman when every true, proven, without doubt, fact shows him to be just one great con man in debt by the millions just shows how gullible some people can be. It also shows their ignorance of the facts of trump’s hidden racism and bigotry. If trump were ever to come to power it would be the gay community fighting for their rights again. trump has the far right and not so far right “christians’ licking his arse. How many pledges trump made to gain their support, one can only guess. I and many others do not want to live in the days of fear and open hatred again. A vote for trump is a vote against our community, against your individual self, and against our Great United States .

  46. Peet

    There are actual gays who advocate for conversion therapy………………..

    Some of you are as stupid and brain washed as you are damaged………..

    • LEO

      Whomever fabricated this asinine talking point, that Trump will abolish healthcare for gay men is absolutely ludicrous.
      Its like saying healthcare is being abolished for our beautiful innocent special needs citizens, by a presidential candidate..
      We need to do homework to dispel rumors and get the facts.
      Have a wonderful weekend Ron.

  47. Chris

    Sadly Trump has been more upfront with the American people then Clinton. Even if we disagree with Trump at least we know where he stands on the issues. Clinton has done nothing but lie and flip on the issues for votes, So if I had to decide between the two I would go with Trump. We cant have Clinton as president if we cant even trust her that she has our best interest at heart. So I hope we all make the best decision for America in November.

  48. pete

    Pete, I’ve been voteing since 1980 and I’ve never been scared before. but i am this time. I’ve tried talking to some one I know who’s going to vote for trump, he got violent on me. the stupid SOB,

  49. Another independent

    Trump repeatedly lies every 3.5 minutes, his daughter blatantly copes a famous Italian shoe designer’s shoe design 100%, and his eastern European wife copies other people’s speeches. Definitely the type of people i want our young people to look up to

  50. DadLuvsTwinks

    I think that after the current administration, which Hillary was part of, had Omar Maternity in their sites and did nothing to prevent it. Americans want to be safe from these backwards misogynistic terrorists. Pragmatic immigration is a start. LGBT is making a lot of changes to society and have made significant gains in legal standings. Trump won’t reverse anything. He leans left socially and right economically. Don’t be fooled by Hillary. She’s just pandering to us.

  51. Joe

    Just means a lot of gay people are racists — period. I can understand voting AGAINST Clinton, (we all do) — But voting FOR Trump, you have to be at least a little racist. Anyone on this site would not be surprised as we get racist profiles all the time from ALL walks of life.

    The group that should be one of the most tolerant groups continues to disappoint.

  52. Leon

    Do you know who owns Hillary! ? SAUDI ARABIA. And if you don’t know about their government /laws /beliefs —you’re just another stupid, club-going, non-researching stereotype. HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT A WOMAN WHO PROMOTED A LAW ( PASSED BY HER HUSBAND ) WHICH FORCED GAYS TO FIGHT FOR MARRIAGE RIGHTS—-FOR NEARLY 20 YEARS!!? Americans really DO have a short attention and memory span. Also, Hillary continued these anti-illegal immigration & anti-homosexual marriage beliefs….WELL INTO 2012. And—once again—the Saudis OWN her. Geez….some of you are so uneducated outside of “top” or “bottom”.

    Trump didn’t support gay marriage. …but he didn’t pass a LAW. THE CLINTONS ALSO PASSED “DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL”, FOR GAYS IN THE MILITARY. And Bill Clinton is NOT Hillary’s housekeeper —-he’s her husband! !! So, by default—voting for her gives the Clintons a 3rd term. Side note : Google images of: TRUMP & LIBERACE….TRUMP AND ANDY WARHOL….TRUMP AND ELTON JOHN.

  53. okzebra

    I just have this horrid lingering sense that many of the LGBT voters backing Trump also have profiles that read “white only just my preference” on a4a, are wealthy and benefit from his tax plan as if money were all that matters despite the inequality that makes life so much harder and miserable for many of Trump’s poor voters, or, worst of all, are graduates of the “thank you sir may I have another” school of beatings society has given us since the civil rights movement tried to expand equality to all for all. Just my preference.

  54. Tom

    so I am neither a Democrat or a Republican I am a “Constitutionalist Conservative Libertarian Republican”, in that order. Now before you get your titties in an uproar over the word Conservative, you need to know the definition of a Conservative and Conservatism…

    Conservationism is a way of understanding life, Society and Governance, conservatives believe as the founders believed in the dignity of the individual, that we as human beings have the right to live and live freely and to pursue that which motivates us; not because some man or some government says so, but because these are god-given natural rights.

    Over the last 8 years we have had a President and an Administration ignore the needs and wants and desire of the American Citizens. We are told LIES from the liberal media daily. Perfect example is the ECONOMY – they report a unemployment rate of 5.6%, when in REALITY that number from the very same agency that reports unemployment rates is at 9.7%

    ObamaCare is Collapsing
    Economic Growth rate of less than 1%
    Businesses closing, moving to other countries or out of state(s) for better tax rates
    A system of government programs that redistribute wealth
    More legislation and more regulations that just inhibit growth.

    If Hillary Clinton is elected NOTHING with change, we will continue down the path to a poorer people, if Donald Trump is elected then maybe SOMETHING will happen to avert further economic disaster.

    Neither choice is good, my candidate didn’t get nominated, Newt Gingrich.

    We now have a generation of cry babies, snowflakes, spoiled brats, and we wonder why Amercia is in the position that it is in.

    • LEO

      WELL SAID Tom !
      The debt that Obama racked up during his two terms as President, is greater than his 43 predecessors combined.
      Americas debt is out of control, once the ” Obama Bubble” implodes, our great country will incur a depression far worse than the 1920’s/ 1930’s.
      It’s time the lawmakers from both the Republican & Democratic Parties, start working together as one in The House of Representatives and the Senate.
      I’m a proponent of term limits for both The House & Senate.
      Like our Presidents our lawmakers should be TWO MAXIMUM -4 year term limits. By doing so it would force our elected officials to work together, for the best interest of all of us Americans.
      Moreover, term limits would reduce the govermental corruption, which had been on an increase for the last five or so decades.
      These lifelong politicians go to DC, earning a decent salary, then after a few election cycles, they become multi-millionaires. Awarding contracts to their spouses, children’s and ” Start/Up” company’s which is all part of the DC CORRUPTION.
      As far the 2016 presidential election cycle goes, it’s appaupling reading the vile comments made towards each other in this blog posting. It’s disgraceful seeing grown men, of the LGBTQ community carrying on, with name calling etc. State your position, and agree to disagree.
      Based on that men, vote your conscience and what issues are important to you. Prioritize your issues then vote for the candidate whom supports the majority of your issues.
      Good Luck to all, God Bless OUR elected officials and CANDIDATES at our local, state, and federal governments, our servicemen, servicewomen, and “OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”

  55. Joe

    Any one who votes trump is a sad excuse for an American. The man is evil. He would destroy the country if not the world. Pure ignorance is anyone who thinks otherwise. To be gay and vote that way shows you are a self hating fool! For no reason ever should trump/pence ever be elected…ever! #NEVERtrump

  56. ben

    This is probably the most disgusting open forum the blog master has posted. Not only are gay men going after each other for their political beliefs, but you are all calling each other’s candidate ugly names. Hillary isn’t a tramp, and Donald (although he is definitely an opponent of the gay community) isn’t retard or a retard. This is why I hate being gay sometimes; there are no discussions or debates, just aggression and slandering

    • LEO

      AMEN Ben.

      There are many bigoted, racist comments on this blog, which is so unnecessary. The HATRED among each other’s viewpoints is doing a disservice towards the HATERS candidates.
      #GROW UP MEN

  57. TiredOfIt

    Dave, is this blog showing up on FB or other open blog sites? You attracted a TON of Breitbart shills with this one. If you don’t know up there in Cannuckia, Breitbart is the far-far-right news scam site founded by cokehead Andy Breitbart. They’re not running Trump’s campaign. They were caught two days ago tampering with online polls.

  58. Good-Bye Hillary

    The most important issue is keeping our country safe, that’s why Trump is getting my vote.
    Hillarys grandchildren will see how wonderful Grandma was when they come to age, and see all the ” LIES” she’s made during her entire political career.
    My all time favorite was a spiral landing in Bosnia, while under enemy fire, and dodging bullets on the tarmac with then teenage Chelsea.
    This woman would sell her soul to the devil, then lie about it.
    Good riddens Grandma. Hang up your pantsuits and enjoy your grandchildren.

  59. justgoaway

    I hope like hell that most of these people are plants. I have a problem with anyone who can’t see what an idiot Donald Trump is. The republicans have had 30 years (as the Donald points out) to find something illegal that Mrs. Clinton has done and prosecute her for it. Guess what? There is nothing. Republican Congressional committees can’t find anything. Special prosecutors can’t find anything. Do you know why? There isn’t anything. If you truly believe that she is what Donald Trump and his supporters say she is, then i feel sorry for you. You have no capacity to reason. On the other hand, if you’re in here spouting talking points, as I suspect many are, then go home, you don’t like us gays anyway.

    On the other hand, maybe Trump is gay. He’s being trying to give it to America up the ass for years now.

  60. JJ

    All of you who voted for Trump are self hating lunatics with your heads up your ass. Especially with Pence. There is no leaps of logic you can do to get out of it. Self hating morons. Plain and simple.

  61. TiredOfIt

    The figure actually turned out to be higher than 20%. I’ve yanked ALL economic and political support form the LGBTQIwhatthefuckever community….period. I’d disgusted by these nearly 40% of gay voters who voted for the Orange Shitgibbon…because they’re either stupid, drug addicted (mostonly on meth) or both. My generation fought the battles and got beat up and arrested so that we could enjoy equal rights as we do today….and this current generation of self-absorbed cell phone addicted morons just flushed all that RIGHT down the crapper. Fuck you, gay community of today….no more support from me!

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