
Gay Stuff : Gay Social Media In The Workplace

(This post was written by a member of A4A. If you’d like to submit an article, send it to blog at adam4adam dot com)

On my lunch break the other day, I had a friend of mine checking his A4A for messages and it came up in conversation why I wasn’t checking mine. I told him that I didn’t like to check it at work cause I was afraid of getting in trouble at work for being on there, thinking that they would consider it porn (let’s be honest, some of the men on here look like they came right out of a porn video).

Several years ago, someone I worked with was released from the job cause they were using the work computer to be on a4a. This was before cell phones and tablets. Ever since then I have been to scared to get online during work hours for the same reason.

At work now, I use my iPad when on break and lunch so if I was to get online, it would be easy for others to see what I am doing and the same is even true for my iPhone as well.

So my question is, do you check your gay social media sites at work either using work equipment or your phone or tablets? Am I being too cautious or reasonable?


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There are 44 comments

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  1. SuperFed

    To answer your question from I use gay social media apps from time to time ato work. I do this when I am off company time like on a lunch break. The company cannot monitor nor prohibit what I do on my own PERSONAL cell phone and/or tablet. I use my own data not WIFI, just in case so they cannot say that I am looking at porn on company grounds. If it was a company one, I can understand like the work computer it belongs to the company and therefore monitored. It should not be used for personal reasons like getting laid or finding love. I’m sure the company would have done the same the guy was straight he was on Ashley Madison or Match or Ok Cupid. If the company did not fire anyone who were using those sites. The guy may have a case against his employer. Yes, A4A is a little more lax about pictures and some the guys on here post the most raunchiest pictures but it is apart of the gay culture. Sad but true.
    To answer your question in the simplest firm yes it is ok to use A4A at work but only on own time and own data. NEVER on company time, WiFi, or Electronics.

  2. lookin4now917

    Nothing wrong with being on gay sites at work as long as you are using your own personal device. I’m on a4a now while at work. And I’m not on break yet but I am still careful either way.

  3. einathens

    Does not one else feel that you’re at work to work, not to play?

    When I’m on the clock, my phone is powered off and in my locker. I check it on break then turn it off again.

    Drives me crazy when I walk into a shop and the clerk behind the counter is face down in their phone. Many don’t even look up and say hello. If I have to wait more than 30 seconds to be greeted, of if they tell me to hang on, I turn and leave. And then I call the 1-800 number or log onto the website and leave a comment.

    I do the same if the clerk is attentive and professional, but that is becoming more rare.

  4. Sigii2

    Where i work it is an immediate dismissal offence wether using company assets or personal on or off company time
    U use my personal phone at work but if caught i would be fired iaw policy


  5. Franco

    Yes, you are being too cautious. It’s your electronic equipment that you bought with your money so you can visit any site you want. If someone happens to look on your tablet and sees something they shouldn’t, it’s their own fault for looking, not yours.

  6. WB

    Not only is it inappropriate to be conducting personal business on company time, but it is really annoying to those NOT at work who are looking to meet someone who is available. If you are not online and available to chat and/or connect then don’t log online and set your profile as “online-for right now.” You’re just wasting everybody’s time.

  7. Liv4luv

    Work is for work. My company has a policy restricting use of office equipment and sites for business purposes only. I use my cell to check my personal business. Never want to be accused of bringing down the system because of a virus either. Don’t do it.

  8. Gregg

    I do use gay social apps at work – but I dont use them connected to the company WIFI – I use them on my own time during a break etc.

    While I do this I know there is a risk – and the risk being that many of these social apps have a ‘proximity’ capability built in and you can see the people around you. Im worried about being judged (by someone else who is gay) based on what is in my profile – so i try to keep it clean if I know im going to go online near work during business hours.

    The thing that I think I have most to worry about is the closeted person who can see me on there – but they dont have a picture of themselves on their profile. They might be scared / worried about being found out that they are gay – and if they are in a position of power or above me might feel threatened by the fact that I am so out – and they are not.

    Good thing my company has a LGBT protection.

  9. DavidLand

    We seem to be so free to do whatever these days, but if you value your career, you will check with your own Human Resources department. ASK if they have a policy about personal cell phone social media. If so, what is the policy and be sure you have the complete policy in writing from the company. The past has made me very suspicious. They won’t enforce policy unless they decide to, and then it’s too late. They can be selective and get away with it!

  10. JustAGuy

    A number of factors go into it, and my responses cover all personal web activities – a4a, facebook, twitter, personal e-mail, etc. First of all checking any personal sites on a work owned computer is not a good idea, regardless of what site. The company owns that computer and you really don’t want to mix business and personal lives. You must assume all activity is being tracked. On your own device, it matter what kind of work you do and how private you can really be. If you work in retail with the public, it is generally not a good idea to fiddle with your phone in front of customers. If you in an office setting, how private it is? If there are people all around it also probably isn’t a good idea – and it is definitely not a good idea if you are using the company’s wifi. As someone above mentioned, being in a bathroom stall and using your own data connection is probably the safest way to check in.

  11. Richard

    What’s more important, your dick or your job? How are you gonna pay your bills with just a dick? I kmow, I kmow what you’re thinking guys. Funny boys. Anyway if you have to check social media at work and you can’t leave it till you come home its bordering on an addiction if not a full fledged one.if I was your boss you’d stop or you wouldn’t have a job.

  12. eniathans2

    Keep that fired up all day! What a bunch of bs about locking up the phone. Obviously some people like to have jobs where their is no freedom to think. Get the job done and exceed expectations. if the app is on take a peek…it could be your next cock trying to knock in your hole

  13. MistrFistr

    I speak with some authority on this issue, as a practitioner in the field of Labor Relations on the labor side for over 30 years. DO NOT USE COMPANY TIME OR FACILITIES TO DO YOUR PERSONAL WEB BUSINESS, whether it be email, hookup sites, Facebook, AOHell (does that even exist anymore?) or whatever. That is, per case law, “theft of company time and or facilities.” This is why you have YOUR time, while the company has THEIR time. You have YOUR phone and YOUR home, they have THEIR office or plant. Doing this on the job puts you at risk for termination in all 50 states, even if you have a union contract backing you u, although having a union contract does shield you from lack of due process. Again, WORK is WORK. Lining up some dick is on YOUR time and YOUR dime, NOT the company’s. OK, Dave…let’s see what you do with THIS!

  14. SoCalDude

    Terrible idea! It’s company equipment, and you’re risking being fired for sexual harassment. They likely block sites or monitor usage. This is a really bad idea!!!

  15. turnup4what

    When I was on a shared plan no…once I got my own data plan yes but not during work hours. If I went to the restroom OE before work I do. Yes I use my job WiFi..saves me data. If it were to be an issue I could say my friend uses my phone from time to time and forgets to log off. Though when I sign on Adam its to check a message then log off. If not I go to a shady internet cafe to look at all my messages.

  16. Jason

    I also use my own data as there isn’t any wifi offered at work. I think a job could say something if you were looking at something that could be offensive to others, whether it’s digitial media on your own personal device or printed media. I sometimes check for messages on bathroom brakes a well.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. Keep them coming!


  17. SoCal4NSAfun

    On our work network, certain sites are blocked, A4A is one of them. I check on my phone using my own connection on my break or lunch.

  18. Hunter0500

    You’re working. Unless you’re on break or lunch, you should not be surfing, on gay websites or others.

    If you are provided with company-paid devices (phones, laptops, tablets, etc.), unless specifically deemed otherwise, they are for company business. If you have access to company-provided interet access through wifi or any other means, you should not be using it for surfing.

    The provider can, and often does, monitor what its devices and accesses are used for. They pay for it; they have the right to do so; they have a right to terminate you for not working while being paid or for the theft of device or access use.

  19. Tha Doll

    You’d have to be learning disabled do to use your work computer to check A4A.. That ranks right up there with assaulting a coworker and theft….hope you have your resume up to date.

  20. Koolkid

    Honestly using any inappropriate media site shouldn’t be used in any work place. However if that what you want then go for it. I personally wouldn’t display that at work there are a lot of wondering eyes these days.

  21. JC

    Just using your own device to cruise for sex, or even shop at JCP, is only part of the story. True, it would be worse if you were using the boss’ device, but read on…

    If you’re “punched in,” or if not on a time clock you are nevertheless supposed to be working–you have no business doing anything online that is not strictly work-related. If you get caught and are penalized, it’s your bad. Live with the consequences.

  22. Xavier

    I don’t work in a customer service position, so yeah, I check mine at work. Only during breaks/lunch, and only on my phone. You definitely don’t want to use your work computer or, worse, your work email, for anything other than work. But taking a bathroom break, or depending on your layout, if you can take a walk during your 15, is probably best in this case.

  23. Corporate Man

    You are right to be cautious. Some will fire you for looking at porn even on your own device. Yes, you get breaks but there are still rules about what you can do on company property. Think of the little old lady and the heart attack she would have seeing some of the ads!

    I would check it I’m the bathroom stall or in more private places.

  24. Kirt28202

    If you are at work, then you should be working. If your job allows you time to play on gay social media, then you should be worried that your job will probably go overseas. If your company is hiring, then have them call me, I want a job that allows me to look for dick and ass while getting paid.

  25. headsupguy

    Technically, the A4A parent site is not social media; it’s a hookup site. Those multicolored squares pinned to the left edge of this browser window represent social media. This blog site falls somewhere in between.

    With that established, my answer to the original question is “yes, I check in on A4A during lunch on my personal iPhone. My visit is brief, to check for messages. I do use the company’s wifi, but the company is small, and one of my many hats is IT Manager, so I’m not too worried about being busted. My boss doesn’t know that I know he visits straight porn sites on his office computer. But he owns the company, so he can do what he wants.

    When I worked for a large company, I never NEVER checked in at A4A, because I knew their network was monitored closely. Occasionally, tracking software was secretly installed on computers used by employees who were suspected of wasting company time surfing the web or hanging out on Facebook.

    So … if any member here is using company electronics to visit this or any site or service that is not directly work-related, including FB, you should stop now! This is becoming a high-priority problem for employers and they are enacting and enforcing policies that will allow them to discover your activities and fire you for breaking the rules. You will have no defense. You’ve been warned.

  26. chad

    I work a professional job without “breaks” per se, and I’ve gone on A4A a couple times with my personal cell phone, in the privacy of my office, during quiet periods.

    I won’t go on Facebook on my work computer out of principle, but people do and it’s tolerated as long as it doesn’t detract from work. However, I would never, EVER go on A4A from a work computer. I don’t think there is a much of a question whether it would be considered porn. Even excluding the profile photos, the advertisements are hardcore pornography. As I type this, I see a picture of a disgustingly large penis and an animated image of a man riding a dick. That is utterly inappropriate for a workplace setting, and I would frankly fire any employee I saw using a website on a work computer.

  27. Jeff

    Let’s turn the tables a moment. If you were running a business you’d want your employees tending to your business and not there’s on company time. It’s only fair. I rarely use the company’s desk top for anything on the internet. Since my work depends on incoming phone calls there can be times when we are busy or not. If the phones are quiet no one minds a personal device being used as long as you put it down when the work comes in. In those moments I use a tablet and the WIFI, but never to go to social media.

    You never know how much might be monitored or if someone suddenly comes by and sees what you are doing. I value my privacy too. Save all that stuff for your break time or after hours. It only makes sense.

  28. Al

    Thumbs up @Einathens. I totally agree with you there. It’s rare that I touch my phone while on company time. Suffice to say, a4a doesn’t factor in until lunch. And at that time I browse the net on my Android phone, not on company equipment nor on company WiFi.
    A4A does have porn like images on some profiles, so I tend to use a text-only browser while I’m away from home.

  29. TB

    I don’t think you should. Especially if anyone else can see what you are doing. You can’t open up A4A and not see some sort of X-rated content. And why call it “gay social media” when we all know the truth about these sites. If you are at work, you should be working and not “looking”

  30. SayWhut?

    A local casino offers guest WiFi but you can’t use it for A4A – they use a content-based firewall that considers A4A “pornography/dating”. I haven’t tried to access A4A using their hotel’s WiFi but in the gaming area it’s not gonna happen.

    I’ve been on a few other provided WiFi systems that blocked A4A in the more generic “dating” category

    It’s always safe to assume that any access is monitored and logged and I suspect repeated attempts to connect would result in a MAC address ban for your device(s).

    As for use while at work, I manage employees that cannot seem to leave along social media while on the clock. If I could dismiss them, I would as it seems the rest of the workers have to pick up the slack left behind.

  31. Matt45342

    Sorry ….. work is work and in my opinion as a worker, a company owner and as a SHAREHOLDER – no social media in the workplace…..a4a is a hookup site and porn …. I’d fire any employee immediately gor using a4a from work … and especially on work equipment. Wanna play at work? Start your own company and do whatever you wish.

  32. rparktop

    Business on work computers.

    Gay or straight social media on personal devices only

    If you can’t wait till lunch to check your messages maybe a little too much time on fb, a4a, or any of the other social media sites

  33. AM45217

    Working in a healthcare setting for which I do, they have all social media sites blocked on work computers and adult social media sites like A4A, BGC, etc are blocked even on personal devices because it’s porn still. No your not being too cautious, because those sites are tempting to try and get a quickie in on a lunch break on or off premises. And you definitely don’t want to be caught using work equipment for that especially if they can easily track you. Pretty much your at work to work, not socialize. That’s what lunch breaks are for. Jobs are too hard to come by today.

  34. Marko

    I have no beef with checking my accounts on any sites while I’m at work, but there are rules to it.
    My device.
    My ISP.
    My time, either lunch or on my breaks.
    My privacy.

    I would accept and except being discharged for using the company dime and the company time to check what my boss considers to be porn. And while he’s not gay friendly, he’s gay tolerant. But looking at cock shots still offends his moral self righteousness, so the “it’s a dating site” doesn’t fly.
    I only smoke when I’m on fire, so I step out of the break area over a another smoke free table, whip out the phone, check out the mobile device and check my email accounts. On those rare days when I’m setting up a hot fuck feast and my co-workers see me constantly checking the phone, I just tell them I’m in a bidding war on E-bay. Some how that fails to offend anyone

  35. theimateam

    Eh, people need better jobs, ones without managers who think that just because you’re there means there is work to do. My position can’t be exported, and when there is work I do it with aplomb. When there isn’t I find some sweet dick and pass the time.

  36. michael

    I think you are being very responsible for not being on social media at work. I do not like my employees constantly checking their phones. I pay them to work. If they go to bathroom or break that’s fine. That’s their time.

  37. Willow

    I have vowed sites at work on my on phone and tablet using my own wifi while at work. I would never use my work laptop because it is grounds for being terminated. While viewing different sites, I make sure I am alone sites such as a4a do have phonographic images and some of the I profile images are not appropriate. Other employees at my job are on these sites while at work. I have seen a director online on a couple of sites during the work day.

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