
A4A : Top 6 Resolutions for Gay Men In 2016

Whether you get into resolutions or think they are total bull, the New Year represents new beginnings, new possibilities and the chance for a new you. And no matter who you are or how last year was, everyone has room for improvement. So polish those dancing shoes and get ready to pop some bottles. It’s time to say goodbye to 2015 and resolve to get it right in the New Year.

These are the six resolutions all gay and bisexual men should make.

Cut negative people out of your life

This year, don’t sacrifice your own peace and wellbeing just because you are too nervous or intimidated to drop the hammer on toxic relationships. It isn’t about the quantity of friendships you have, but the influence they have on your life. If you have someone who is always bringing you down – and we all do – cut the chord and make room for people who inspire you instead.

Get into yoga

The focus on fitness is far too often centered on how you look and not enough on how you feel and how healthy your body and mind are. This year, put down the weights for a little bit and take some yoga classes. The practice of yoga is not only good exercise, but also a physical and emotional stress reliever that you need. The restorative nature of yoga will lead to a more centered you in 2016. Plus, it never hurts to be more flexible.

Make more time for your family

Whether it was the one you were born into or the one you created, your family is your greatest resource and your strongest source of support. But in the chaos of your daily life, the ones you love most can sometimes take a back seat. Make a commitment to schedule more time with your family and invest in the ones who make life matter. Set a reminder to call your mother or plan a re-occuring dinner date with your siblings. No matter what you do, make this year count by making your family feel like the priority they are.

Commit yourself to service

Maybe it is raising money for your favorite charity or volunteering at the local LGBT youth center, make 2016 less about you and more about how you help others. Get involved in your community and establish connections with the people who are trying to make a change. If you do not know who your city council member is or what services are provided for the LGBT population in your area, this is the year to get informed and do something that helps out your fellow man and woman. By doing work that benefits others, you will definitely be helping yourself.

Trim that damn beard

It is officially time to bid adieu to the gnarly beards of 2015. No one is saying that you have to be completely clean-shaven, but the lumberjack fantasies are as dead as the bits of meat still stuck in those untamed mops. This year, show off a more polished look by grooming your facial hair and maintaining that mug. A sharper appearance can translate to confidence and competence, and those wild whiskers aren’t doing you any favors.

Post positive for social change

Facebook is not the place to sort your dirty laundry and posting pics of your food is so last year. In 2016, keep those posts positive and use your social media clout for the greater good. Your social media has an impact on the folks within your circle, so find people, ideas or organizations that you believe in and make the most of your page. And by showcasing a more positive presence, people will have a greater appreciation for you, both online and in real life.

Tyler Curry at HIV Equal

There are 34 comments

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  1. Richard

    Negative people will come into your life if they have to use a bull dozer, I have no family. Yoga is so now the thing to do among young, gay men, please. I trim my gotte once a week plus very particular about my grooming habits. Stopping nasty people starting trouble on social media? Ain’t gonna happen. Theres always a bitch in the crowd. I know I’m expected to write a post thats all sweetness & light.

  2. Hunter0500

    All great points! Well except one. My facial hair is well appreciated by my buds when I use it on them. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon because some supposed Grooming Police feel entitled to make a decree that “it’s officially time…”

  3. Kirt28202

    Kind of hard to cut negative people out of your life when you work with them everyday. Does that mean to have them fired?….lol. My resolution for 2016 is to lower my age by 10-years like everybody else on here. Have a Safe and Happy New Year.

  4. Matt

    Cutting negative people out of your life is a bit “drama”. The better way is to realize that you don’t have to take in anything you don’t want to. There are negative people in my life and I have detached from them, but they don’t realize it. Cutting them out would beg the question from them as to why I did it.

    I’m saying no to yoga. I’m not even remotely interested in doing pseudo-exercise with middle-aged divorcees. Yoga is al trendy trendy and soon will be played out.

    Time for family = good

    Why does service automatically have to be for the LGBT community? That (i.e. automatically focusing on LGBT) feels like a preachy, judgmental something or other.

    Clean shaven is always better.

    Instead of being positive for the sake of being all fluffy bunny in your posts on social media, I’d say be authentic and seek to speak with depth. Shallow narcissism is already rampant.

  5. joey

    Resolutions to me are just someone else’s idea of what a person should be, it is just another ritual people try and have good intentions on doing but at lass they break the commitments they make to themselves. People are basically who they are, personal change is hard thing to do. If you try any change at all, pick 1 or 2 to start out with, and see how it goes for you.

  6. Leo

    Finally, a list of gay new year’s resolutions that aren’t some pathetic attempt to better their lives by “finding a boyfriend”. That doesn’t always make you happy and you have to work at the relationship.

  7. Alex

    1. I am a negative person sometimes, its a fact and I’m not ashamed of it. Nor, do I think that negative people are bad and need to be isolated away from the positive people. A battery wouldn’t work without the negative and positive for example, just like our social circles need.

    2. Yoga sucks, I wouldn’t waste my time or money on it. Tried it.

    3. My family is DEAD (literally all passed away). Its rude to assume that everyone has a family to spend time with, but thanks for the sad reminder this time of year.

    4. Charity isn’t always a good thing but some people need it. But, not mandatory to be a good person. That’s a pretty outdated attitude.

    5. Really? That’s a personal choice. I don’t like a huge beard either but get off the high horse on telling others how to look. Its called fascism.

    6. Social media is just plain narcissistic drivel anyway. I gave that up and left it to the 14 year old girls it was meant to exploit.

    7. Make your own resolution, these are just silly. Try making a positive change for yourself YOUR way. 🙂


    • blog

      Alex : are u PMS-ing?
      I hate this, this sucks, not this, why this, this is stupid…
      Maybe you should try to be more positive, it’s resolution #1

  8. Einathens

    Why are these resolutions targeted toward gay/bi men? They seem rather universal to me.

    Cutting negativity out is a great idea, but it’s been presented here with some rather judgmental language, and that minimizes it for me.

    My resolution for 2016 is to backhand everyone who doesn’t know the difference between irony and sarcasm.

  9. John D

    All great ideas but two really stand out. Dumping the negative energy in your life is one of the best skills I ever developed. And thank you about the beard. Most of us are not in high school anymore and people who feel compelled to do whatever eeryone else is doing usually end up being negative energy. Mostly because the insecurity that motivates them do what everyone else is doing also manifests when they are with people who don’t do what everyone else is doing. I’m half Italian and could grow a killer beard in about 3 days. I don’t want one and am tired of people telling me I should grow one. Maybe it would annoy me less if I took a Yoga class.

  10. redfish7

    It’s one thing if you lie about your age and you can get away with it because you do look young for your age, also, quit using your high school pictures for your profiles and then you say you’re 35, you’re 30lbs heavier as it is, and bald no less,

  11. jonnynct

    Keep the facial hair, but please stop shaving the pubic hair. Having a hot guy that is smooth, hairy or in-between is great! Having a guy who looks like he did not go through puberty downstairs is not. The worst is s hairy chest and stomach and then no pubes.

  12. bartenderboi

    Boy Richard, you sound like a happy, positive guy with whom to spend time.
    Here’s one for ya…lose the bitter attitude, cuz it seems you’re “That Guy” this article is referring to in suggested Resolution #1″.
    Happy, healthy new year 2016!

  13. mike

    maybe some of those “negative” people are suffering from depression and everyone would benefit more if they were helped rather than shunned

  14. Alex

    Actually, if you read your own writing #1 is about dumping people from your life that are negative not about being more positive yourself.

  15. Osei

    – Feel good about yourself.
    – Never let anyone pigeon hold you into doing anything.
    – Give others the benefit of doubt, until you know they are not worth the effort.
    – Educate yourself on three social/political/legal point of view that differs from the way you currently think.
    – Read three current non-fiction books that will make an impact on your life and the life of others.
    – Donate $250.00 or 10 hours of your entire year to one charity.
    – Laugh at yourself.
    – Try to find the goodness in everyone.
    – Be kind and try to do something nice each day to someone new (a simple good morning – how are you may just be enough).

  16. Lonnie

    It seems like your article was based on your own resolutions and doesn’t appeal to an audience that may be open rather to suggestions than being told what they need to do .I smile,I am courteous to others and try to pay it forward when I can .

  17. Willie

    My New Year’s resolution is to find more big black cock to sucked n to fuck me deep n hard then slide it out right into my mouth n coat my lips n tongue

  18. Don

    Why must a perfectly good, positive list have to be ruined over a shaggy beard resolution? What is the purpose of it? It does not fit into that list of resolutions of spending time with family, community service, etc? A better resolution such as avoidance of drugs, a cut in alcohol intake and being proactive with one’s health, etc., would far more suit this list.

    The shaggy beard comment is pointless and inane. It serves no purpose but to fill in space and to express the writer’s own personal annoyance.

  19. Shades

    Lol! Those are a gay’s New Year’s resolutions ? right !
    A gay guy’s New Year’s resolution are more likely like this.

    1. Hit the gym to look sexier than all these bitches
    2. Get a boyfriend who will pamper me and I can get all these bitches jealous
    3. Suck and ride as many dick as I can before I do #2
    4. Party hard every weekend and drink all that I can before I start doing #1
    5. Take more nude pics, pics for the Christmas gifts I get, every martini and lemon drop I have, every slutty moment I have and hashtag the jizz out of each pic to get to as many people as I can
    6. Hit 100 mil more followers on instagram by 2017

  20. Shades

    For the record, I have absolutely nothing against people who want a nice body and work hard at it or people who do not want to date and be in a relationship and just want to have casual sex. My 6 NY Resolutions were more like a monologue a gay guy is having and the way he is wording and is perceiving his resolutions.
    I met 4 incredibly sexy guys this year that I was intrigued with…not through a hookup, but in birthday parties, gatherings and school. However the differences between 2 of them and the other 2 were staggering. 2 of them work out and had good jobs but were very humble about it. They are not on social media and do not feel the need to be on there and fish for compliments and seek likes and followers. One of them was taking an MBA course this semester with me and has 2 jobs (one of those campus jobs, none of those full time that need commitment) and he still finds time to work out. He barely mentions it unless you ask him about it. I was pretty damn impressed with him and really strive to be like him. The other guy is a make up and hair stylist and runs his own salon from 8 to 6. He too works out…every damn morning at 5, but unless you ask him he doesn’t mention it. He has an instagram page….that is almost empty.

    The other 2 on the other hand. Jeez! Every day you get at least 3-4 pics of them at the gym with silly ass captions like “The moment you notice you’re the ugliest in the gym and everyone else is hot”, accompanied by a dozen hashtags. The other posting one selfie after another. All 4 of them have good jobs by the way and on the outside really look like they’re on the same field (good jobs, independent, work out), but my goodness the difference in how they hold themselves and present themselves. Seeing this contrasting image this year was pretty eye opening.

  21. Shades

    Osei: I just read your list ! I like the one about giving people the benefit of the doubt. That’s how I feel I like to do things, eventhough I get screwed over, not big time however, and you end up knowing for sure that this person is not worth your efforts. 🙂

    Reading about viewpoints that differ from yours is also a great suggestion !

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