
Hottie Of The Day : Rapper The Game… And His Big D!

Rapper and actor The Game offered up a Halloween treat for the world to see last Thursday night, posting a selfie onto his Instagram of his muscular, tattooed body and of course, his huuuuuuge peen, barely hiding under his briefs.

Yesterday night, The Game recreated a similar photo, now holding it and saying “I mean if I’m not your #ManCrushMonday, then who da fuck is???”

I can certainly say that he was my last night’s #MasturbationMonday subject before going to bed!

See the photos below!



I mean if I’m not your #ManCrushMonday then who da fuck is ??? Ok so this is my 1st time bringing the hashtags to Monday but you know what… I love you & you deserve to #GetWetOnYoWayHomeFromWork #ifYouOnYourWayToTheGymTurnAroundAndGoBackHome #YouBoutToWorkUpASweatPunchinThatMonkey #AndPutThemToysAway #WeGoinOldSchool #JustYouAndThemFingers #NowPutOnUsherConfessionsAlbumAndLetItPlayThrough #GetCompletelyNaked #PropThemPillowsSoYoureComfortable #IfYoHairFreshlyDid #LayYourScarfFlatOnThePillowAndLayGentlyOnIt #NowSpreadThemThighsForMe #LickYourIndexAndMiddleFingers #NowTouchThatPearlTongueAndGoCounterClockwise #Slowly #iSaidSlowly #DontMakeMeSlapYourHandAndMakeYouStartOver #KeepYourEyesClose #NowReverseTheMotionAndImagineMeLickingYourLegsStartingFromYourAnkle #ImBoutToCatchAUberDowntownToThatPussy #YouBoutToGetItAteLikeGroceries #ButOrganicGroceriesCauseImOnAStrictDiet #NowWhatImBoutToDoNextMightTickle #YouReady #YeaYouReady #NowBust #AndSayMyName #MEATPRINTPAPI #DropsMic ✌🏾️

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on


Let’s just assume, I thought today was Friday or #ThrowDatAZZbackThursday #WhoCaresWhatDayItis I say it’s #FineNiggaFriday because I know you gone be double tappin this mothafucka til tomorrow anyway……#SoGoneTagYaGirlfriends #ScreenShotIt #LickIt #PullThemPantiesToTheSideAndGetReadyForThe #HalloweenEdition #CuzHalfYallScaredOfTheDickAnyway 👻👻 #WhereverYouAtInTheWorldDatPussyBoutToBeWetYouHearMe #iSaidDoYouFuckinHearMe #OkThen #TakeYourIndexAndMiddleFingerAndMakeAGun #ThenPutTheGunInsideYouAndPullTheTrigger #EaseItOutAndPutSomeOfThatStickyIckyOnThatPearlTongue #TiltYaHeadBackAtAn80DegreeAngleAndSpreadYourLegsFarAsTheyGo #ThenLickYaFingersRealSlowAndGrazeThatPearlForMe #BackAndForthRealGently #CloseYaEyes #AndImagineMeSlidingInThatThangRealSlow #AndAsSoonAsYouGetReadyToBustYour1stNut #iPullOutAndGoDownTownAndCatchItWithMyTongue #ThenISlideBackUpAn…… Oh shit the Patriots game on, gotta go ladies !!!! Oh’ & my boxers 🔴🔵 #ThatsHowIDocumentary2 😂😂😂😂 #MEATPRINTPAPI #DropsMic

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on

There are 83 comments

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  1. 1versfucker

    Nice meat for sure. Looks lie someone barfed random tats all over him. tats can be hot if planned and placed to flatter you: shoulders, arms, legs. Stomach tats, face tats etc are so unflattering. Post nudes of him when you find them!

  2. Hunter0500

    For me, interest came to a halt with the tatoos. His body, his choice of course. Nominating himself as Mr. Oh So Hot was a turnoff.

  3. Dida

    It’s OK I see he’s not for everyone but n the words of Monica he’s just right for meeeeeee. I’ll take the d all day everyday

  4. Marti Grey

    To each his own!… He is a rapper,his lyrics and his tats tell his story…put a shirt on him and move on. Sexy! is what its called. At least he isn’t greased up and bent over!…

  5. Maurice

    I hate a jealous hoe, I bet all of you who said that he was ugly or had a negative comment would be the first to hop on his dick. Basically if you don’t have shit good to say then dismiss yourself from saying nothing, assholes.

  6. mocha

    He’s a great example of an overly tattooed piece of street trade. For sure not someone to bring home to Mother but good for some serious bedroom time

  7. BBC

    People who’s says the tattoos are a turn off you must be old
    And racist …he is sexy as fuck!
    Tattoos are sexy and represent his life & his story

  8. Posty

    The bulge made me get one, but the tats are entirely way too much. A few tats are hot on a guy, but waasaayyyyy too many. Then the language, well now that’s a whole new subject.

  9. realtalk

    All these racist white folk are disgusting, I’m sure if he was some pale skinned tatted up dude, all of you would be drooling.

    And to the filthy worthless faggot that mentioned nigger-speak… I hope your redneck cousins give you the Mathew Shepard treatment!

  10. Truly Offended

    So is anyone going to say anything about the blatant racist comment 2 comments up from me?

    My comment got deleted on a previous post for being honest about the site update, but this person can blatantly call others niggers? Please prove me wrong Dave and moderate that. One can express dislike without using racial epithets.

    Thank you.

  11. Beacon

    I can’t stand him as a rapper and I can’t stand him as a person. I really really hate everything he stands for. He makes every blackman look bad. It also makes me sick that some of you think he is hot. I can’t stand some of u.

  12. that bitch

    If u don’t like the tatts then sod off. It definitely is a generation thing the geriatric population on here don’t like the tatts and some of the younger ones are racists.All in all you cunts really need to shut the fuck up especially if you have nothing nice or relevant to say and judging from the same type of comments that are coming from the same ppl in each of the blogs comment section you definitely have NOTHING to say..PS stop hating bc you can’t have that dick..jog on!!

  13. DckdwnTop

    Lol, smh!
    Not everyone is everyone’s type. I think the main thing shown and talked about was his D—. Now all that bashing about his looks and so fourth… Thats why these apps are filled with so manyBROKEN MEN. Lol…

    I didn’t know he had Obama on his chest. He looks good as a thick boy and I’m not talking about his junk… Lol

    I’d lock him down lol

  14. Ivan

    I think he’s okay. Not one for tattoos on the face, but everywhere else is fine.

    And Matt45342- the fact you even had to use that word says a lot about you. I’m pretty sure you aren’t much of a catch either with your use of racial slurs. Fool.

  15. Creole69

    I wear a suit and tie everyday but I’d love for him to be my secret top daddy. He doesn’t have to be wall street savy I will bring that to the mix. All he has to bring is exactly what you see.

  16. Modelcitizen

    Straight, gay, bi, rapper, poet, black, white…..get off the damn labels. The question is do you think he’s hot? yes or no not why but do you. All the rest tells us more about you n your ability to read.

    Yes I think he’s hot

  17. MistrFistr

    Dave…you are INCORRIGIBLE! As for the others, we can see the older ones, tempered as we are by trials and tribulations of the not-too-distant past, are sane and more refined. The kids are bat shit NUTS. More reinforcement of my beliefs…. Hey, kiddies…why not get a job as a prison CO and then you can bend over for shit like that daily? Oh…that’d involved getting up to go to work every day. oh WELL!

  18. shardy

    Thankfully, what is considered sexy and or
    attractive is all ultimately subjective.

    With that being said,
    “The Game” is an truly ugly individual
    on the inside as well as the outside.

    Typical and basic homophobic moron,
    as is the trash that enjoys his forgettable
    music and “talent”.

    I’ve seen so many other effortlessly beautiful
    men in Instagram, when i see this pic,looks as if
    though a giant terd stood upright to take it’s tired
    and redundant selfie.

  19. YesLawd

    lord these “i normally dont do black guy” comments. and he is very intelligent. Some people use internet grammar, on the Internet. with it. and the guy saying thats all he has going for himself. he has a degree, a career, and huge bank. excuse me while i dig out my race card. apparently you need to beca scrawny white boy with smooth body and oiled up to impress these critics…. His tats also tell a story, but whatever. rant over, goodnight ^_^

  20. Randy

    I am a 59 year old white male and I think he is sexay as hell. Love the tays and love the bulge!!!! It is called masculinity!!!!!_I would ride him all day long.

  21. headsupguy

    It appears that this guy was blessed with a great skeletal frame and a larger-than-average dick, but not much else.The coverage of tattoos helps camouflage his underdeveloped biceps, forearms and abs, but the tats distract from his shoulders and pecs. We can’t see in these photos, but I’m betting his legs are also underdeveloped, as most amateur bodybuilders’ are. If Agostina Leneri is his personal trainer, he needs to fire her and get someone who knows what they’re doing in the gym. This guy was not blessed with a handsome face, but he’s not doing anything to help that. He needs to put down the weed, get some sleep and develop some self-respect. Note: thug arrogance is not self-respect.

    To those of you who oppose others who are critical: no, we’re not jealous. Dave presented this guy as a desirable sex object, and we’re responding to the offering with rejection.

  22. Marko

    Lol, I love the vast opinions posted here, the extreme hot and frigid cold mix. But hey, as gay men we above all others embrace being different so it’s all good. As for me, he’s not my cup of tea. IMHO: The tats are not telling a story anymore, they have morphed far beyond that, into nothing more then a distasteful form of body graffiti. His command of the English language is nothing short of “Goodly” and I rest easy knowing that at any time, all men can be big pricks no matter what, but the intelligent ones are harder to find and are always keepers.

  23. Truebottom4ever

    Why do all the black guys always make it a “race” thing, you guys are the ones that say it not everyone else.
    Maybe if you were more educated in society and not be so offensive then things can change. Clearly this idiot and his markings are a message of ignorant pride, we all know why obama became president, because of a community that has never voted finally did. Even if a guy with a 14″ cock had tattoos like this guy, I would never bottom for. Why would I let some ignorant black guy fuck me? Or any guy with stupid irrelevant markings. This is why I’m so picky with black men. Stop assuming, showing offensive and dark pride, righteous acts of stupidity! It’s all so tiring and is why there is so much hate!

  24. Truebottom4ever

    Also the “n” word seems to be a highly ignored, misplaced hypocritical word that within a culture that was used as hate, is still used? How can this be? Apparently the black race still says it, so I guess it’s ok?

  25. andrew

    The game tattoos are a turn off but would I suck his dick if I had the opportunity the answer is YES! I am guessing the guys saying they are not into the game are probably not into black men. But I do sense sone thing nasty in the comments by some guys here.

  26. Top Gun

    @Truebottom4ever I don’t even need to be black to say that that wasn’t an objective nor educated plight. I can’t speak for black guys but I imagine some of them make it a race thing because guys like you take it way TOO far. Death metal is a predominately white genre which was built on the culture of devil worshiping and rock music, which promotes violent outbreaks such as mosh pits and public burnings; Which could equally be labeled as ignorant and righteous, but I guess people have better things to do than to talk shit about an entire race on here. Pathetic!

  27. Allen

    Yuck! Gross! How is he hot? I don’t see it at all. This is absolutely disgusting. His tattoos and bad grammar makes him look pathetic. Seriously, you need to get your eyes checked if you think he’s hot. I’ve seen better. Way better. He is not even close to hotness.

  28. Luv024T3A

    He is a sexy mothafuckin thug I wouldn’t throw outta bed for selling crack. for real I’m n love with that coco. He probably would b down to fuck too only thing is I wanna hit his ass!! He ain’t hott enuf to give up these guudss but he still could get the DICK

  29. Luv024T3A

    He is a sexy mothafuckin thug I wouldn’t throw outta bed for selling crack. for real I’m n love with that coco. He probably would b down to fuck too only thing is I wanna hit his ass!! He ain’t hott enuf to give up these guudss but he still could get the DICK

  30. Truebottom4ever

    @TopGun, such a pity that you would have to call yourself “TopGun” when you sound more like a disgruntled homosexual, be a man and don’t fall into apathy like a shred old woman. And @BBC stop assuming, so I rest my case

  31. Black Top

    This is the main reason for the racial divide in the gay community and also one of the main reasons most black guys I know WILL NOT date white males. To many of us, a white male is still a white male and will mirror the behavior of his racist heterosexual counterparts. This pic was a hot or not post. I don’t think it was a post asking for racial slurs and how you don’t like black men. Trust me, we aren’t checking for you. Most of us prefer our own ! Please believe that !

  32. Black bottom

    Im not offended by the comments saying he is not hot but for that idiot the used the n-word. I appreciate that gay men have different tastes. I am not offended when a nonblack guy says he is not interested in me. Why? Because I love myself first and the only people this has an affect are black men with self hating issues. I dont overhype you guys because I know that there really is nothing special to overhype about. You guys come with your baggage same as black men. You guys are just better at hiding it. As for this I agree is not really hot. He used to be though. In my opinon, he ruined his nice little body with working out. When he was thickand didnt have all those tats, he was so sexy to me.

  33. Mike

    I love tats, but people who tat up their necks, faces, and hands are a pass. It shows the world that you don’t have a normal side. Its no different than having 36 piercings in your face. You look like a freak and I wouldn’t want to be seen in public with you, let alone romp in the sack with you.

  34. Pop

    Some of you are jealous because y ‘ all never find him to service his cock we all know what we like tats body and fat dick .. stop all those racist comments against him

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