
Health : PrEP Study Shows No HIV Transmission



After two and a half years of trials, a new study has found no new HIV infections among a group of people on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Francisco tracked the health of over 600 people who were prescribed Truvada to prevent the virus in a real-world setting.

These average age of the study participants was 37. 99% were men who have sex with men and no one in the study contracted HIV.

The study was published Wednesday in Clinical Infectuous Diseases, a leading journal of studies on infection disease.

“Our study is the first to extend the understanding of the use of PrEP in a real-world setting and suggests that the treatment may prevent new HIV infections even in a high-risk setting,” he said in a press release. “Until now, evidence supporting the efficacy of PrEP to prevent HIV infection had come from clinical trials and a demonstration project.”

It is definitely a good news, but don’t forget that PrEP doesn’t protect from other STIs! 30% of participants did contract at least one sexually transmitted infection within six months of the study’s commencement. This number jumped to 50 percent after one year. So keep the rubber on! It will maximize your sexual health and will protect your zizi!

Have fun!


There are 50 comments

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  1. MistrFistr

    You believe this, and I have a bridge I’ll sell ya. GILEAD’S OWN FDA PHASE III CLINICAL TRIALS SHOW OTHERWISE. Per those stats, barebacking on Truvada® PReP lessens HIV infection through the anal intercourse (OK, fucking) vector by only 51% if rubbers aren’t used. That lessens your chance for infection from 1:64 with a known poz partner to 1:115…NOT good enough for me. Now…I’m a Kaiser member. I know their ID specialists pretty well. They ONLY prescribe Truvada® PReP to homosexual/bisexual males WITH the proviso that anal fucking be between MONOGAMOUS COUPLES AND with use of a rubber. OK, fucking with a rubber with a known poz top gives you a 1:1300 shot at pozzing up the bottom. Add Truvada®, and now you’re looking at approximately 1:2750…pretty good odds. (Hell, I wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to get that much dick for the rest of my life!) But saying that it’s FOOLPROOF is a lie. Obviously, the author isn’t telling the WHOLE story, being on PReP himself…I’ll betcha a dollar. Plus…those side effects are a bitch…ask anyone who’s been on it long term…and I know PLENTY.

  2. EB

    This would be more informative if we knew if the HIV+ partner was undetectable or not. If he was, then of course there was no transmission, PrEP or not. But if there was no transmission with a partner (top, for a more likely chance of transmission were it to actually happen) who wasn’t on medication, then that’s a bit more reassuring.

  3. SeanS

    Only a moron would still be having sex without condoms these days. Of course, if you’re in a monogamous relationship, then have at it. Forget HIV. Anal warts, herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, etc are all reason we pillow biters need to continue to “wrap it up”! Remember that campaign? I sure do. Don’t let porn actors and directors tell you what’s cool or safe. They are getting rich as hell producing the trash known as bareback sex. Get a freakin’ clue, guys. PrEP is worthless if you treat yourself as a community cum dump.

    • blog

      SeanS that is very immature comment to be honest. My girl friends almost always fuck without condoms and they are not called cumdumps by society but because we are talking about gays in this case, they are whore? I agree that people should wear condom but PrEP is a great invention to protect yourself from getting HIV

  4. Ettienne

    This is great news. I have been on prep with no side effects. Recommend it to anyone who has access. Now time for a cure for our poz brothers. I am going to enjoy sex with a little less anxiety going forward.

  5. 55btmguy

    That is good news for all, I know I am scared of getting hiv but will admit I do love to swallow loads and it feels so much better when a guy unloads in my ass compared to a guy cumming in my ass with a condom on.

  6. radman444

    People should be aware that pre-ep is truvada. it is usually prescribed for most post hiv infected patients. Long term side effects can be severe such as la or acidosis. Potentially fatal. People be aware of the drugs used and how they apply to your situation. There is no miracle drug.

  7. Bufguy

    Mistrfistr or should I say mr know it all. I’ve been on atripla for 7 years now. 2 of the components in atripla make up truvada….NO side effects. So stop spreading lies on the side effects. They effect a minority of people. PreP is a great breakthrough. Between universal treatment for those infected with HIV and PreP, HIV may eventually eliminated. Now for the cure!

  8. MistrFistr

    SeanS got it right, as did Kaiser-Permanente…NO BAREBACK, unless you don’t mind 1.) eventual HIV infection, 2.) side effects of the meds that only partially control HIV, 3.) possible anal cancer from HPV infection, and, one of my faves, 4.) HCV infection, which loves the same infection vector as HIV….bareback fucking. Don’t tell me I am “Mr. Know-It-All”…I DO know it all when it comes to this; I was cured of HCV as of last year on an onerous regimen of Sovaldi and ribavirin…the side effects were horrid, but not NEARLY as bad as anything involving AZT/peg-interferon-2alfa. Benn there/done that as well, and I DIDN’T WORK. So, yeah…I know of what I speak, Bufguy. So does Kaiser-Permanente, the biggest health care organization in the world. WISE UP!

    • blog

      MistrFistr: why so mad? This is a peaceful blog and you come here and yell at people with your capital letters… This study just came out and we just wanted to share it with our community, that’s all.

  9. MistrFistr

    For the record, I will NOT be going on PReP…period. Morris Kight said in 1982 at a rally, “We WILL defeat this disease THROUGH OUR BEHAVIOR.” Right then, right now. Anytime you see ANY government official (Is that YOU, Ms. Kuehl?) or a hookup site promoting PReP, it’s time to “follow the money.” Gilead’s business model for HIV mirrors that of SmithKlineGlaxo’s for cancer…”Don’t cure it; it’s a HUGE revenue producer!” We’ve been screwing around with HIV for a full 36 years now. IT’S TIME TO KNOCK IT OUT IN OUR OWN COMMUNITY! You do that by being smart about who you bed down with and HOW. Yes, there will be various OCD types who’ll take ANYONE/ANYTIME (I know a few, and they’re all poz), but, for chrissakes, USE THE BIG HEAD FOR A CHANGE!

  10. MistrFistr

    “Blog,” this is a hot button issue, not some conversation item one would have during a tea dance. I’m not “yelling” at anyone in particular…I’m making a salient point. Guys (ESPECIALLY the younger ones) are calling PReP a “vaccine” already, and the headline of the blog entry says “no HIV transmission.” Due to the miniscule attention span of people these days who grab a headline and run with it, it is vitally important to include the qualifications of the K-P test subjects, which include patients instructed in mandatory condom use AND monogamous couples, which you sort of fluffed off, but did advise to keep wearing the raincoat at the end. PReP is very effective…IF you’re monogamous and wrap up the weenie. Other than that, you’re flying with Gilead’s own FDA submission…51% better that just plan BB with a poz partner. Those are NOT good odds. Then again, as EB said, the data doesn’t include whether the poz partners were post-seroconversion medicated or pre-seroconversion non-medicated…a BIG difference. So no, I’m not “yelling” at anyone. This is life and death…not a tea dance.

  11. Slikster1

    There also has not been one documented case of transmission from an undetectable person without prep either. But this is just data and NOT meant to infer any resulting change in behavior. Data is not “good” or “bad”- it is just data. It is when it is perceived and qualified that we make poor choices. Im more cautious of those using it or dismissing it while grandstanding on some moral high ground. I’m all for making whatever information there is available and making my decisions for myself. Thank you for posting this on the blog

  12. nspire3551

    According to the study and Dr.’s, there has been a double digit uptick in other STD’s among guys using Prep indicating that they are still serious issues to consider. Also, the use of Prep demands that the individual be closely monitored with blood work and Physician follow-ups. While it’s good news, there is no rational reason to go back to having unprotected sex unless you are in a monogamous relationship.

  13. Eric

    MistrFistr, your info is not accurate! Guys are going to have unprotected sex regardless of what information and options are out there. It’s just how it is, the rate of HIV infections is up substantially in younger age groups…. PrEP isn’t a magical pill but it’s effective in preventing HIV in people who are going to maintain risky behavior anyway. If you break the original studies down, it’s clear in stating that it’s only effective when used properly and the study numbers that reflect HIV+ results during use were by those who chose not to use it correctly.

    Sure, PrEP isn’t the answer but it is a partial solution to an issue that is not going away anytime soon and your fear tactics aren’t going to change anything except potentially talk someone out of PrEP who actually needs it. Everyone I know has hooked up bare at some point or another… that hot guy that you were just totally so into, that way too drunken night taking a guy home from the bar, that time the condom broke right as you (or the other guy) came (and argue how condoms rarely break all you want, it’s happened twice to me and many times with other friends)! The fact of the matter is, SHIT HAPPENS! And if you can protect yourself from that affecting your entire life, what’s horrible about that?

    I take PrEP with no side effects and I have for nearly a year… Since I’ve lived in TX (about 5 years), I’ve known personally of 8 people who have contracted HIV in my time here (as in after I moved here until now–they didn’t have it before) and there have been 3 guys I’ve done something with (whether all out intercourse or just a little jerking/oral) who’ve become HIV+. One of my close friends who’s huge on safe sex has contracted HIV. I’ve had a close call before and that feeling of waiting and getting tested and waiting more (since the instant test isn’t always conclusive) isn’t something I enjoy. PrEP takes a lot of that anxiety away, gives me something to fall back on when accidents or stupidity happen.

    You don’t have to use PrEP! It’s not for everyone and that’s totally fine! But you really need to talk it down a notch and realize it’s not your place to make everyone else’s decision or judge them. And you’re right, it’s time to knock HIV out! But that’s not going to happen without medicine and that’s just how it is. You’d have to be a moron to think otherwise! Just like teaching abstinence in school has been an abject failure in every district where it’s solely taught.

    BTW, I highly doubt you know many who would admit to being on PrEP for any extended period of time because people don’t usually bother sharing that information with people who judge so harshly! But you’re wrong, most don’t have any real side effects, they are pretty rare. Truvada as PrEP is first generation type of thing! Future PrEP treatment will be even easier on the body and with less chance of complications…

    And, were you aware that an HIV+ person who is medicated and undetectable isn’t very like to spread the virus? The fact of the matter is that current generation meds are working and they are working well. They aren’t a cure, but neither is stupidity and ignorance!

  14. Nick

    MistrFistr, I’ve heard so many people spouting your argument, but the solid fact remains that you cannot change peoples’ minds, their behaviors, even through outreach. We know this, this is fact. Therefore, PrEP is a new way to fight this battle that we are losing despite so much social work on the topic.

    There are a lot of things that we need to change in the USA (and in the world) through education and behavioral changes, but people CHOOSE to not change. That is the way of humankind and that is also our weakness.

    The sooner those of you accept that, the sooner we can have you fighting in a war we can WIN instead of posting pointless shit on a blog for a hookup site.

  15. Bob

    In the study it says pretty much what you’re saying Mistrfistr, however, that number correlates to individuals who take PrEP, but don’t follow the regimen regularly…in other words, the medicine cannot be detected in the blood at the time of the blood test. Individuals who stayed the course and stuck to the regimen, their chance of contraction was only 90%. A stark difference. Now, they do not say whether the HIV seropositive individual is undetectable or not, they just say that the individuals with whom the other men were sleeping were positive. So the study does show that there is a large amount of resistance afforded with the use of PrEP. Of course they do mention to use condoms as well to prevent against the other STIs that many of these individuals ended up contracting.

  16. Jose

    So even taken PReP ,you can still go out and fuck around bareback, everybody saying it the cure, that it’s OK,& here I thought having more toxic Med in your system is a good thing. You can go still drive and work heavy machine, you only get sleepy a little bit. But that’s OK. it’s so simple now take PRep before every sexual encounter, must go good with poppers too, remember to take it with a few beers / cocktails & hard liquor, Guess taken some Viagra too in case you can’t get it up ,Don’t forget to enjoy a good party take some “E” add Molly & Tina some 420. Sound like a great 60’s ,70’s 80’s party I’ve never got to go too. But we live in a world where everybody’s responsible “NOT”, we want to be part of the crowd, Hook up , do Groupsex orgy’s,sex in bath-houses, back-room bars , if the Government pays for it, we can take as much as we need, we’re Gay, this is how people think of us.

  17. oldstoner

    I have to agree with wrapping it up anyhow. Whatever heightened pleasure one gets from barebacking isn’t worth the risk of HIV or any other diseases known or unknown.. period.

    It’s not worth the risk of diseases, side effects or expense.

  18. Hitekjock

    Ya…and what they DON’T reveal is that, in the same population, incidences of OTHER STD’s – Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Cylamedia, Herpes, HPV…etc, increased DRAMATICALLY!

  19. headsupguy

    The article is behind a pay-wall, so most of us can’t read it. Unfortunately, almost everything in our modern world is influenced by politics and/or money. We can’t even trust “science” anymore because the findings of so-called scientific studies are influenced by the funding sources. For decades, the tobacco industry has funded “studies” that concluded tobacco use has no harmful effects on human health. Carbon fuel industries have underwritten “research” that shows there are no ill effects on the environment and climate by burning coal and petroleum products.

    Who funded this Kaiser Permanente study? If it was the maker of Truvada, we should be skeptical of the study’s findings.

    Regardless of this study’s funding source, nobody should base life-altering decisions on the results of a single study. Taking a PreP does not give one a free pass to be reckless with his sexual practices. At best, PreP is backup insurance in the event of condom failure. Likewise, condom use is good insurance in case PreP is ineffectual.

    As for a HIV/AIDS cure, we have to acknowledge that Big Pharma is disincentivized to find actual cures for diseases when drugs that merely manage the symptoms continually provide massive revenues and profits for the companies that make the drugs.

  20. PALL

    MistrFistr is bang on and articulated it quite nicely…I have friends who have died and some who are still leaving with HIV. The idea that some guys are so narcissistic, hedonistic and base, as to put their pleasure for bareback sex, and take HIV meds on a duaily basis instead of a condom is so disheartening and frankly disgusting. I would never knowingly hook up with someone on PREP.

  21. JaysSn

    SeanS, you realize that some of the diseases you listed are caused my skin to skin contact, not body fluid, right? As in condoms won’t do a thing, and you don’t even need to be fucking.

    MistrFistr, HPV? If you haven’t been vaccinated and you’ve had more than a couple of partners you almost certainly have HPV.

    Hypochondriacs are fun.

  22. Eric

    In the end we all end up dead. Take the drug don’t take the drug, that is your option, same with wearing condoms. Educate yourself on any drug you put in your body. Great thing these days called the internet, shockingly it can be used for more than porn and fuck sites.

  23. Derrick

    I agree with mistrfistr… I don’t believe anyone’s status (poz or neg or whatever) so no barebacking for me, prep or no prep. I wont ever take that risk on my life.

    Of course porn actors, escorts or people in serious long-term serodiscordant relationships should absolutely use it, but it never aint worth the risk for casual sex; never!

  24. thatguy

    Nobody cares what you will or will not be doing after insulting people like that MistrKnowNothingAtAll.

    This PrEP sounds far from a magical wonder drug but its better than nothing for those who simply like bareback, if the risk of hiv is real for them.

    Seriously somebody just delete his posts they don’t offer anything positive to the blog just more hate speech.

  25. jace98502

    good question why dose this site permute barbacking shame on them for doing so that one boy whu rick you life to e that’s not the risk that they have not pere4fect perp yet guys so if were me I would not taking the stuff they have said exaaclty what bad side effects are

  26. Lee

    Gilead’s own web site for this med includes the following: Truvada is to be used WITH a condom as a PrEP. Truvada according to Gilead own wed site is not to be used in place of a condom. Truvada is not intended to be a large population PrEP, i.e. the silver bullet protecting one and all against HIV infection. Truvada side effects include potentional liver (you only have one of these) and kidney (you have two of these) damage.

    PrEP is used as a means to have bareback sex. Pure and simple. How many guys have hooked up with some one on PrEP who says: I kewl, I don’t need a rubber: I’m on PrEP????

  27. TC Wrangler

    I agree the way inwitch we speek about Prep is what is dangerous. The young people of today have never seen the horrors of HIV and what it did to our community in the 80’s and 90’s. Killing off all of our friends and scaring the hell out of the rest of us. Because of the break throughs in med people have learned to live long and happy life’s today. But don’t be fooled it is just as much a killer as it always was and maybe more so. We talk about Prep in half truths expanding on it positive roll in dealing with preventing HIV. We do not say it clear. Using phraes such as the new condom give false impressions of how safe u are are. I have noticed that people are not as educated as we once become. We worked had to spread education about this killer and in doing so reduced its numbers. Now we see HIV on a up swing again and I am afraid we are heading for an explosion if we are not careful. People are getting rich from the sell of this drug. Same as they did with AZT and don’t care who dies or lives. Let’s be honest if something as wonderful as Prep truely prevented u from getting HIV then every doctor in the world would know about it. Prep may be a step in the right direction but its just that a step. Not a reason to throw away ur life.

  28. Mitch

    I was between 0-10 when AIDS was killing people in the 80’s I wax between 10-20 when HIV was being treated buy drugs many of which had horide side effects. But I was not sexually active and not admitting I was gay. In 2000’s I was between 20-30 started having gay with protection but always freaking out that I might get HIV but celibacy was not an option the first time I had a dick up my ass I was hooked the same with my dick up a guys ass. The fear of HIV was and still is there I have and a few scares find out guys I topped got HIV the saying that it was only me they had been with only to find out after I come back meg that there was this one guy and once it had been a guy I taken it bare with 6 months prior her if the moment codom was forgotten. To mstrfistr we are not saying or telling people to go bare. I think we agree that condoms and talking with a partner is very important but adding a proven effective PreP drug to the mix just strengthens are protection and maybe brings a day when HIV is put on the list with polio just a little bit closer.

  29. Jay mibourne

    There will never be a cure…the only way to make money is to keep you on prescription drugs the rest of our lives. Other than polio..can anyone think of any disease that has a cure…not thst they cant or dont exist, its just in the best interest of pharmaceutical companies to never release a cure to anything..its all about the dollar people!

  30. blackone2

    To me it’s all about personal responsibility. Take the steps to take care of yourself and others. Prep is a tool. Using condoms with others you don’t know is another tool. I can not demonized anyone for liking “bareback”. Although we can’t procreate as men having sex with each other, the biological urge is still present just like straight but I bet they don’t call it that.

  31. blackone2

    Additionally, at least are aware of risk which gives us power. Straight people still believe the are not affected which make them a higher risk.

  32. SciGuy

    I find it ridiculous that many individuals and couples are using this as an excuse to be more promiscuous. I understand that we all have needs, but what ever happened to other means of self-fulfillment. Do we really need to always have immediate gratification and take on risking behaviors? Surveillance studies around the world show that over 50% of resulting deaths each year are as a result of individual behavior. If you need further elaboration, I invite you to visit the many surveillance websites and journals worldwide. I am not just some know it all but an actual researcher. Though I appreciate the dissemination of research results I feel these are a little skewed without sharing all the gamet of facts here. Along with what others have said: what were the status of each respective individual(s), viral load/undetectable, etc. Not to mention details to their study are unavailable to the average person less he pay them a viewing commission. Additionally considering the number of participants: it’s not at statistical significant levels to aledge their claim of percentile effectiveness. It can greatly reduce the odds but to make it seem as though it invalidates one’s need to worry about protecting themselves.. I see as ethically wrong and only feeding into their bottom line. Having said all that I feel each individual has the right to choose so long as they educate themselves. Some facts that are important to note are that even with condom use you can contract HSV as well as HPV (genital warts variety). Without a condom well those can include all the typical plus a plethora of STIs. I just wonder how we got to a point where we value sex more than love.. Behavior is the key here choose love and we can change the progression of HIV. That and for goodness sake get to know the people you’re involving yourself with before you hit the sack and protect yourself because no one else will (except maybe your family).

  33. thereal1

    I like safe sex just for reason only, I WANT TO STAY HEALTHY…I honestly believe is very irresponsible on how the gay community spread STDs beside HIV, bareback sex is as irresponsible as gay men on PrEP evil! I do believe in no glove no love! Stop believing all that crap about being safe and undetectable as well, once you contract the virus in your system you will always have until they find a real cure

  34. John

    I’ve been using nothing but condoms for the last three years (before that too of course) and I achieved the same results as PrEP.

    The little bit of extra protection of PrEP sounds good, one can never have too much protection, but I don’t like the idea of gay people and or insurance companies being gouged by the makers of PrEP price-wise.

  35. JJ

    Not sure people believe that UNDETECTABLE is better or that someone cannot get HIV from a person who is undetectable. That is a lie. Undetectable just means it doesn’t show up in blood tests but IT DOES show up in semen. Therefore, having sex with someone who is undetectable means you CAN get it. Check out the CDC website. It’s all there in black and white.

  36. CaptainSolo

    I am seen someone I know since 2003, he is someone I like very very much. We have been on and off as he works and travel a lot. I have to be honest he is the only man so far I enjoy having sex he is amazing.

    I did choose to have unprotected sex with him, because I am negative tested in June and because he takes prep. I have talk to him about being honest with me because I don’t want to get sick, and he promised he is safe. And because I like him so much I told him he can call me anytime at any time when he had the needs for sex and I would be there for him.

    I do understand why people want to have sex with out condoms. It is a beautiful thing when you are with some one special. But the nerve wracking after it is not fun. So I think I will be back to using condoms even though I like this man a lot. I do want to have a baby my own baby someday and I don’t want to ruin that.

  37. CaptainSolo

    BLOG, undetectable still transmissible. Undetectable stand for “that person blood cells are higher which will keep him healthy” it is still transmissible.

  38. CaptainSolo

    People should actually find out when prep came out and see their state or city health forecast and see how HIV and other stds had increase. That’s why I am scare. I check the numbers in NYC ans trust me they speak for themselves, I don’t think prep is so safe as they make it sound.

  39. Hunter0500

    I’ll respect a guy who puts in his profile that he’s on PrEP, but it’s not something that makes me want pursue him. In fact, it makes me take pause about him and STDs in general.

  40. Michael

    I have been taking Truvada for about five months now. I haven’t had any side effects and I am enjoying sex more because I have less anxiety about contracting HIV.

    I am glad I made the decision to take this medication. I get tested every three months for STDs and HIV which is the CDC’s recommendation if one is sexually active.

  41. MarcoPolo

    Saying “undetectable guys are still transmissible” is like saying “condoms still cause transmissions.” Numerically correct but practically wrong: it doesn’t happen in real life. The HIV Partner study has proved this: in several years with multiple thousands of sexual encounters between serodiscordant couples, NOT ONE transmission has occurred.

    When you contract HIV, you’re not going to get it from someone who is undetectable. That’s just a fact. You’ll get it from someone who is poz and doesn’t know it or poz and lying about their status. So frankly, there is less risk having sex with someone who is known to be undetectable than with a stranger who you have to take at his word for being neg.

    Condoms have the same “transmission” rate statistically as undetectable guys. Nothing is 100% statistically effective except abstinence. So by all means, spread fear with “undetectable is still transmissible” just don’t pretend that using condoms with someone who just tells you “yeah I’m neg” is significantly safer. It isn’t statistically, and in real practice it’s much less safe. Let alone barebacking with someone just because they say “I’m neg” like many guys do.

  42. SouthernboiSB

    Can somebody please tell me (if there are any) the difference between “HIV+” & “undetectable”?

    To me, that’s like saying “gay” or “bi” because you’re sure as Hell NOT straight.
    So, in this case, you’re NO LONGER HIV-…………….correct?

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