
Gay Stuff : My Amazing Boyfriend…



(photo : Hot House)

Profiles online sometimes contain the statement, “I Have an Amazing Boyfriend” which suggests the question, “then why are you surfing A4A?”

An amazing boyfriend would seem to imply that the profiler is happy with his lover, but he is actually getting bored!

Can we all agree that maintaining a hot, steamy relationship takes work by each partner?

Sexual stimulation is a key factor that requires both guys to think of activities and romantic settings where they will stimulate each other. Besides the venue, (bedroom or otherwise) sexual arousal is easier if both guys desire to enjoy and please each other.

Sometimes a clothing purchase (jock strap, G-string, etc.) may be a big hit with your lover! Other times you may just have wine and cheese—maybe whipped cream and jam atop a hard cock. The latter can be especially hot just before a major fellatio event. Out-of-door settings can be exciting too by having a sexual tryst in a wooded area.

If you spend a little time considering how to excite and surprise your lover at the end of a work day, or the beginning of a weekend, hot sex can be fantastic for both of you without surfing to spice up a hum drum existence.

A4A members, what are your suggestions for spicing up a hum-drum relationship?

David M in Texas

There are 25 comments

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  1. chef bardot

    i have a fabulous group of boyfriends and yes I agree it takes a lot of work to keep our relationships fresh. I credit patience, a great workout ethic and my simply wonderful pasta salad infused with tequila and rosemary. those men cant resist me.

  2. 1versfucker

    An ‘amazing boyfriend’ is cool with his partner (and himself) having fun with other guys, if that is what adds to the partner’s happiness.
    It works differently for every combination of couple and is nobody’s business to judge otherwise. Just be up front and honest with each other.

  3. Enzo

    What’s amazing about a boyfriend who wants to hold you back from living life to the fullest? An amazing boyfriend is someone who loves you, has wild sex with you, and understands how strange, restrictive and unnatural it is for us to never have sex with anyone else. Guys that want to selfishly own me are sad and have probably been raised by women.

  4. Thad

    I don’t want “an amazing boyfriend.” I have too much fun with many “boyfriends,” okay fuck buddies, whatever you want to call them. The more, the merrier.

  5. Wayne

    This lifestyle has too many game player to trust someone to be in a relationship although it would be great to be in one. I’ve ran into couple who want 3some or couple who allow solo play with others. I guess this adds to society not taking us seriously.

  6. Alan

    “amazing boyfriend” usually means sugar daddy…..but playing the field even when “partnered” is a learned gay trait. Who doesn’t want to explore different cocks and asses,,

  7. Kirt28202

    I have seen this in a few profiles over the years, but my rule is, if they state they are partnered, then I don’t hookup with them. I’ve actually tested some by accepting their offer and then they stop talking to me. Some just need that assurance that they still have the looks to attract another man. If a third partner is needed, then I am done with the relationship.

  8. joey

    ENZO: If wanting a man all to one self means being rasied by women, then wouldn’t wanting several partners mean the guy was rasied by DOGS? Just stands to reason…

  9. darklamp71108

    I am into monogamy. For me, an amazing boyfriend would be someone who is open to the idea of marriage. I would not dream of holding someone back from many sexual partners if that makes him happy. He just would not be the one for me.

  10. Neil

    Yes, it takes work to keep the “amazing” working. However, to comment on Wayne, straights have swing clubs and lots of extramarital adventures as well. Some are, but most ment are geared for the hunt by biology. I think that is fine, to embrase the inner hunter. Everybody needs to relax and enjoy

  11. nicelyaged

    I used to be on here when i was single. It was to meet men for friendship, possible relationship and hook up. Since I’ve found a special man and we have been together for over 3 yrs, I kept my account on here but changed it up. Now im ONLY looking to make new friends since my bf and I are kinda new to the area and dont have many gay friends to hang out and do stuff with. My bf reads my conversations on here (since i have nothing to hide) and we discuss about new guys wanting to meet to establish a friendship. Several men have become upset when i tell them that im only looking for old fashioned friendships (no sexual benefits) and they have said not very nice things to me. Recently there was one who insulted me because i would not hook up with him and told me off for being on this what he called “HOOK UP ONLY SITE” I have never been insulted the way he did and unlike the other men who were not nice to me, i decided i just had to report this one in particular. I hope that this makes sense to someone out there who is on here looking for the same thing. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!! 🙂

  12. Jim

    @Enzo “…Guys that want to selfishly own me are sad and have probably been raised by women.” I have also concluded that part of the great emasculation of American men which has occurred over the last half century is attributable to just this fact: a disproportionate number of boys are being raised by single women, women who have failed at marriage and at keeping a man; and consequently, the boys are internalizing a feminine approach to relationships. For after all, the feminist rhetoric screams that men and women are identical, ignoring all the biology involved.

  13. Carl

    Wow, I sure wish we could all stop judging each other’s relationship choices. My partner and I of 15 years have always had a polyamorous, open relationship. I’m always happy to talk to people who are genuinely curious about what it’s like and how it works (unlike monogamy, we don’t get lots of info when growing up about other kinds of relationships). It works great for us BUT I don’t judge people for whatever other kinds of relationships they are looking for or currently in.

  14. par

    My amazing partner was just that….amazing…for 32 years up until the day he died.

    Infatuation sex….wild sex…gave way to something better after about 2 years. People either work towards that and let it happen, or they eventually split up…gay or straight.

    Sex became an expression of something way deeper than just fun….though from time to time, we still engaged in some pretty wild stuff.

    Sex became a way of expressing deep love for one another. It became gentler. No one else could give me that…and I preferred it to “fun” with one night stand. I never had an inclination to stray.

    At my age, I’m not much interested in sex anymore. Would just like a companion near my own age whom I admire, respect and love….and who likes to cuddle, but if he got horny, that’s o.k. too. I probably wouldn’t initiate sex, but don’t really know for sure.

  15. Hunter0500

    Spicing up a relationship can well involve factors other than sex. It’s a matter of the partners’ expectations/desires. Guys who feel that satisfying relationships MUST include amazing never-ending/ever-changing sex are missing the boat. They’re holding a shortsighted view of the world.

  16. okicowboy

    Nicelyaged – yours is the same as mine. My partner and I are here to make new friends and if something else develops from that..a FWB, then so be be it.

  17. Pat

    Happiness isn’t constant laughter. It’s a feeling of well-being, peace with oneself, contentment with life, and feeling that life is really good..

    Happiness lasts for pretty long periods….interrupted only by an illness or specific situations. Reward for the gratification of a thought is usually short-lived…quickly replaced by feeling like crap again unless there is already a sense of well-being…happiness. People get the two confused.

    Often what we “think” we need or want to be happy gets in the way of it…because it doesn’t feed into manifesting the feelings required by others and ourselves to have it..

    Thoughts of what we need to be happy can oppose happiness…can oppose obtaining a sense of well being and contentment with life…. or get in the way. Go by feelings…especially contentment and comfortableness. Gravitate to whatever and whoever feeds into those feelings. Those feelings are every individual’s road map to happiness and a successful relationship.

    One of the best marriages I know of is between a man who “thought” he couldn’t stand black hair, and a black-haired woman whose hair and chubbiness initially turned him off. He got off of his own B.S…… dated and married her… all of the other elements were there.. They are soul food for one another. Happy. Gays, being human beings, are no different.

  18. Pat

    Addendum to above: Constantly pursuing happiness, when it’s so easily obtainable, is a fool’s folly. Chances are, most have already met their amazing soul mate…and ignored them.

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