
Health : A Condom That Detects STDs



A condom that changes colour when it comes into contact with STDs has been invented by a group of school children.

The ‘S.T.EYE’ has a built-in indicator to detect infections such as chlamydia and syphilis, turning a different colour depending on the strain of bacteria present.

Three students at Isaac Newton Academy in Ilford, Essex, wanted to “make detecting harmful STIs safer than ever before” without the need for invasive tests. The 13 and 14 years old kids are definitely smart! I don’t remember being aware of what STDs were when I was their age.

Good job guys!


There are 11 comments

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  1. Leo

    It’s about fucking time! If I had this a few years ago, it would prevented a nasty outbreak of chlamydia that cost me a friendship and saved a couple hundred bucks that it took to see a doctor.

  2. Stewie_Griffon

    If this condom “…turn[s] a different colour depending on the strain of bacteria present”, does this not defeat the purpose of safe sex? The colors would not change color until after the deed has been done, unless the condom goes on a hygienically dirty guy who has not washed his crotch and has residue on his penis.

    On a side note…13 years olds testing condoms!?

  3. Jay

    Dave, it’s just an idea/concept at this point. The boys have not actually invented the condom, but kudos to their insight and creativity at such a young age!!

  4. V

    A fuckin joke? Says the guy who probably has an std. Anyway, this could work pretty well if it could get an accurate reading from precum. if you have to actually cum then it wouldn’t be as effective. Either way it could still be a nice to check for yourself rather then going to a doctor and waiting for results.

  5. seth

    It may not tell you till after the deed is done but it will send up red flags for both parties involved and stop useless spreading of stds. If i found out i had something with guy a id get it taken care of before guy b just saying; not spread it to 20 people before i got tested. This is where i feel these will help the most

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