
Stories : My Adonis

It happened a few days ago! While visiting some friends, their house guest came into the room unannounced and my eyes were immediately drawn to his magnificent body. I immediately felt that he was my Adonis! (For those of you unfamiliar the term, Adonis was a demi-god of beauty and desire in Greek mythology.) Once we were introduced, I felt a strong aura around him as conversation began and I learned his name was DAKOTA.

Dakota is 25 years old, 5 ft. 9 inches tall, slim waist and a physique to die for! He was sporting a goatee of reddish brown hair and wearing a tee shirt through which the outline of his nipples protruded. As we were getting acquainted, I suggested to everyone in the room that it was near lunch time and offered to get “carry-out” lunch for the entire group—because I was definitely feeling the emotional impact of Dakota in my presence within “touching distance.” Of course, the next statement was to ask him to accompany me to retrieve lunch. He agreed and we went to a nearby Subway and ordered lunch.

As we were traveling in my car to get the food, I further learned that he is single, bisexual, and when he was only twenty, had a year-long relationship with a female lover eight years older. Since that time he has broadened his horizon and has been enjoying sexual activity with males and females. He is currently working as a sales associate at a local gym. When I asked if he had considered being a trainer at the gym, he replied that the manager preferred to have him on the front line selling memberships with his “eye candy” appeal.

I don’t know what may happen in the days ahead, but I can definitely say that I would especially enjoy having him in my life long-term!

Have you had a similar “Adonis” experiences?

David M in Texas

There are 11 comments

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  1. joey

    Oh David M I don’t envy you, you didn’t mention your age difference, but I assume you are some years older then your Adonis is. We all have had those sort of fantasies of having our own Adonis in our lives, but I can assure you, he being mid 20’s, he has a lot of wild oats to sow and even if he trys to have a relationship with you, he will break your heart wanting to play with others in his young wild horny stage of life.
    Good Luck buddy, I wish you the best.

  2. Sidd

    Why has this become the David M in Texas channel? I thought Dave from Canada was the blog guy. But lately it’s been all this other guy telling us how to interact, what to like, how to post, and now stories too because he must be the guy to listen to about all things gay. My post will probably be censored but I’m just about done reading this blog since its been turned over to some random member, like we would care what he had to say on any and all topics. Wtf?

  3. Ralfael

    My Adonis.

    His name was “Adonis” Who names a child Adonis? Apparently this guys mother did. He was hot enough to wear the name. 25 years old, ruggedly handsome, not an ounce of body fat, every muscle perfectly defined. It was hard not to stare at him. He showed up at a neighborhood BBQ with one of the neighbors.
    I didn’t like him right off the bat. He was cocky, sarcastic, and seemed to be the center of attention. That was my job. Who the hell is this? We were all drinking beer and smoking dope. Everyone was pretty lit. I made it a point to get his name wrong and kept calling him Madonna.
    It wasn’t long before we were in each other’s faces.
    Next day when everyone had sobered up. I met him again this time over coffee. Turns out he was pretty cool. We became good friends and enjoyed each other’s company. I still called him Madonna, but it had become a joke by now. After a month the neighbor moved and I haven’t seen Adonis since.
    But they are out there. I met one.

  4. Michael C

    Seriously?? Another story… I really do like A4A blog in general but these stories, fantasies, porn stars, porn reviews. It just bores me. I love sex but I make it happen myself rather than dream about it. Why not stick to topics like staying in shape, health/diet, spiritualty, love, relationships, hygiene, sexual topics, even techniques. You know, things that are both informative and create good responses and conversations. No offense of course.

  5. Duke

    Why are all these stories about an “Adonis”? Why are there no stories about overweight, plain-looking guys that just want a little friendship and companionship that leads to a satisfying sexual encounter for both parties involved?

    Adonises don’t really come along that often and when one does, they are usually so full of themselves they should be classified as “Narcissuses”.

  6. Hunter0500

    All well and good if this is real.
    All well and good if it is the beginning to a porn story.

    A couple of “yellow flags” however …
    – “I felt a strong aura around him”.
    – but I can definitely say that I would especially enjoy having him in my life long-term!

    Both of them head gay guys right down the road to trouble and dissatisfaction. For many, the moment they see a decent looking guy, not only do they want to jump him, they immediately seem to want to set up housekeeping. And the resulting episodes of drama that hinder gays from being more widely accepted begins.

    Agree with Michael on the topics he suggests. It’d be nice if a blend of seriousness and advice could be added to what seems to be evolving into a continual train from middleschool.

  7. Htbutt

    I had one of those experiences, I had a shop in a medium size town near a hotel. During one summer I noticed a muscle kind of guy walk by every day on his way somewhere with a group of people. One of those who always walked with him came in my shop so I asked who he was and what they were doing in town. He was a composer/piano player for a musical that was in town. The two didnt seem to go together. I told him that I couldnt take my eyes off of him, I was completely obcessed. One day he cam in to the shop and walked over and said so we gonna go out?? I was in a haze, turns out he was a power lifter and a muscian. He seemed to have his own gravity field, I still get flustered to this day. He was playing Some Enchanted Evening. I drove him and his group to the bus station and waved them off back to NYC. I wont soon forget that one.

  8. goldenloverinmym

    yes they are out there had a hot and intense sexual relationship with him he had my heart and soul then shredded it and now he’s gone, it was great while it lasted…Dean

  9. Smoothbottom4BBC

    That’s easy, a hot black man who appreciates a good bottom and knows how to fuck likes his dick sucked. CutlerX type ; ) yes

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