
Watch This : Chris Hemsworth Gets Wet


Last night Chris Hemsworth was invited to Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show to promote his latest film Blackhat. The sexy Aussie actor engaged in some watersports with Jimmy. The People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive played Water War and lost to Fallon, who drenched him with 5 glasses of cold water and soaked him with the water canon at the end. And you thought Hemsworth was sexy shirtless, but wait until you see him wet with his white shirt on, it is quite something!

I have to admit that Thor’s actor is definitely my man crush. I would definitely like to get into some watersports with him too…. 😛

Check out the video after the jump!


There are 15 comments

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  1. hunter0500

    Can’t oggle over either one of them. They’re straight and are, therefore, off limits. To oggle is as disrespectful as them, or any other straight guys, chastising gays as “homo’s” or “fudge pushers” or “faggots”, etc.

    Some gay guys need to grow up, find some level of integrity, and treat the very respect they demand they deserve as a two way street.

  2. John in STL

    AWESOME…..Jimmy has brought new LIFE to late night hosting shows….KUDOS.
    OMG, CH is breathtakingly gorgeous…..Jimmy is very good looking too, once in awhile we can get a glimpse of his package in those pant soots.

    Has anyone noticed Matt Lauer on TODAY hangs to the right in his boxers / dress slax…..yummmm too.

  3. Hunter0500

    January 14, 2015 at 14:25
    hunter0500 another weird comment from you. Because we are gay we can’t find straight men attractive? WTF?;

    There’s no WTF the about it. It’s hypocritical bullshit to disrespect straight guys and demand to be respected for being gay in return.

  4. PARTYSIZE1955

    While I def enjoy some of Fallon guests, the skills as an interviewer are lacking, the fake laughing, constant giggles do not allow his guest to speak intelligent conversation. Hemsworth rocks without speaking thou, a fine looking hunk of man.

  5. Dusty

    Hunter0500 I think you’ve had a rough day. Just sit back and relax and take it all in. And i think your confused on the definition of hypocritical. And who says their off limits. They could have an urge to sleep with another man. Who cares.

  6. moderntragedy

    Hypocritical, disrespectful…whatever. All I know is, if Chris Hemsworth hot. And at some point in your life you jerked off to thought of a straight guy, wether you knew it or not. (Hunter)

  7. htbutt

    Theyre in show business. I enjoyed watching them, and they made me laugh and smile. They both look like a lot of fun. whats wrong with that?

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