Rick Owens : Runway – Paris Fashion Week – Menswear F/W 2015-2016

Fashion : Penis Is The New Black

Rick Owens : Runway - Paris Fashion Week - Menswear F/W 2015-2016


World renown fashion designer Rick Owens sent models “bare cock” on the runway for his fall 2015 collection. The bisexual designer who is known for his eccentric work, went further than usual for his latest collection. Models were wearing garments with porthole over their groin with no underwear on. Some were even scooped high enough in the front that the audience was gifted with that surprising full-frontal eyeful.

The designer said “Boys with their dicks out is such a simple, primal, childish gesture. Let’s not forget a bit of cheerful depravity.”

Will you embrace this trend for next fall? You might freeze in the snow though….think about it!

Your thoughts?


(For all the pictures, click here)


There are 63 comments

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  1. tommy kent

    I think he should have been a porn director not a fashion designer. For publicity he has gone to far in fashion. Come on it’s fashion not adult porn show

  2. zzz

    How pointless? Why did he bother? Can he sell even one piece? And if he does, how presumptuous of the wearer to presume that anyone else wants to look at or smell his dick. Why couldn’t he have just made skirts and dresses that work for men’s bodies? We still don’t have that. Or comfortable underwear. Or pants that are easy to open for sex.

  3. Stephen

    First off, I’m no fashionista. Never been, no desire to be. T-shirts & jeans/shorts for me always & ever. The fashion world perplexes me. Seems about as lame as lame could be, but the one pic you have up there is just about the stupidest, lamest thing I’ve ever seen. Just fUcking stupid! To each his own fer sure. & I love seeing as much dick as I can, especially a nicely outlined bulge, but whatever it is this guy is designing it is just plain lame. That’s my feeling & I’m sticking to it.

  4. Pierce.mn1

    The clothes themselves are rather pedestrian and dull, but exactly where does he think people are going to wear clothes with their dick out? I doubt they will sell, not even when they’re discounted at Marshall’s!

  5. MrMack

    For me since I am attracted to men this does absolutely nothing for me. I really enjoy looking at a naked man penis and hairy ass but, these models are dressed in a more androgynous way. So feeling that way I cast my vote as a no.

  6. Trendy

    Fashion gone too far and horrible . When their ideas are amateurs and trashy . They can’t think anything else . They should be introduce these fashion to lady gaga , she would loves it

  7. Tall_btm

    It looks like the back is open too – quite the breezeway.

    On a more serious note, where would one wear such an outfit in public? Isn’t it still considered indecent exposure, for which you would be arrested? This must have taken place in Europe where they are much more relaxed (and that penis does look very relaxed).

    Chaps make more sense anyway, which means this designer is actually ‘behind’ the times.

  8. ed

    What a repulsive collection of clothes made even worse looking by a bunch of ugly models with the exception of 2 or. As far as the clothes themselves the linen department in a Walmart has more style and imagination. The clothes are not only uglier than the models, they simply aren’t functional as clothing and look like a bunch of draped pillow cases and some sheets with oddly placed holes. Who buys this shit? We need a modern day little boy to tell the emperor to take the clothes back off if this is what they are going to look like. There is more style in a your local Tractor Supply work clothes section than there was at that fashion show by that designer.

  9. Mitch

    Can I get a big ol humongous WTF. They still call this fashion. Nobody body in their right mind would wear or buy that crap. Fashion showed shild be renamed “Clown Apparel Gala”.

  10. PeetC

    Don’t be so hard on this designer! If you think about it===we’re all talking about him right now==isn’t that the goal…. Keep in mind also that a fashion show is like performance art; no one actually expects real people to wear these garments, that’s all toned down and modified for professional store buyers. What it does is get the designer noticed. Personally, I found the collection highly conceptual, nothing I had ever seen before, very unique. Will I fork over thousands for these garments—not unless I had a brain tumor 😀

  11. jon

    I am with Stephen. I love to see dick, but nothing hotter to me than the bulge, first and formost. Seeing, bulge, touching bulge LOL. All about the bulge. Then down to the bare skin.

    To each their own, and i don’t judge what another person is into, interested in, or is turned on by but if I wanted someone in a dress or skirt, id look at women. Just my personal preference. Lets see your bulge stephen 🙂

  12. David

    When I think Men’s fashion – I think of handsome, masculine looking men dressed in very tailored, elegant clothes. Clothes that look like someone knew what they were doing, clothes that look like they are well worth the hefty price tag. All I see here is Hefty, Hefty, Hefty. Garbage bags aside…….I don’t see the fashion statement here. As for the models…….well………all I can say is – bless their hearts.

    • blog

      Rex: I always hated Rick Owens.
      This labels is sold in all the BEST shops worldwide and my brain tries to understand why.
      I LOVE fashion, I worked in fashion and still do, but this, I hate.
      I’m a classic guy with a twist. I like simplicity. A nicely cut jean or chino and a nice shirt, sweatshirt or t-shirt and I’m very happy.
      My sweatshirt might be all grey with one black sleeve though, get the idea?
      My favorite designers for me are : Neil Barrett, WooYoungMi, Alexander McQueen, Marc Jacobs, Acne, Carven , Paul Smith

  13. Jay

    So, the point of his fashion show was to expose cock? The “designer” could’ve done a better job by just having the models walk out stark naked with nothing more on them than specially designed helmets for each of their cockheads – or maybe a drape to hang on the foreskin of those guys who are uncut. Honestly, the androgynous Jedi Master look is not attractive and no man (masc or fem) will wear that shit.
    What a waste to time and fabric.

  14. Chris

    Hey Fashion ‘NOT’ istas. I got to agree with Mitch wholeheartedly… WWWWWTTTTFFFF?????? This is absolutely ridiculous, profoundly silly and strange things I have witnessed. Are are these people (Models, designers and Participants Completely High? Why? Why? Why?? This is just an embarrassing Joke. Pillowcases for all. I didn’t want to say it, but the “Models” are just plain Fugly. And, lastly, that is one disgusting penis on the cover Model. LMAO

  15. hugablebear

    To preface my comment, I design theatrical stage costumes. What the hell is this, I wouldn’t put it in a show I designed. Is this the new apocalyptic wear after the next world war? I guess I will stick to stage costumes and leave the high fashion to somebody who has lost their mind. Unwearable, unflattering, and useless.

  16. Greg Burton

    The clothes are hideous as are the models. I’ve seen better clothes at Good Will. The models are “just plain skinny”, and even though I’m nothing to look at, I don’t think these guys are either.

  17. headsupguy

    This is not fashion. This is a no-talent, coked-up dabbler spending a whole lot of someone else’s money to indulge in a drug-induced delusion that he’s playing some kind of outrageous joke on “the fashion world” in a desperate plea for attention. Anyone who attended that show and didn’t point at Owens and laugh hysterically was probably just as high as he was. None of the shapeless wads of fabric Owens “designed” could even be described as garments, much less fashion. Of more interest to me is the vacant, soulless emptiness in the eyes of the models. You can see so plainly that these boys have given up all sense of personal identity and self-respect just to get modeling work. I know this is a job requirement, but I’ve never seen it so visibly apparent on models’ faces. So sad.

  18. crankyd

    This is flat-out retarded and little more than a very base publicity stunt.

    …and here I am commenting on it, so i guess he wins.

    But it’s still quite stupid and not at all appealing on any level.

  19. ed

    Ya know the guy is a piece of shit as a designer when a room full of fags all agree his work is shit. I think the designer needs a new drug dealer.

  20. JC

    Wear this out in public and you’ll likely be arrested.

    He should design some form fitting kilts that guys can wear with no underwear. They don’t need to be (ugh!) plaid. LOL

    Kilts allow guys to be modest … or not! This garbage doesn’t offer a choice.

  21. Bill

    First who would dare wear it in public?
    Plus it looks like the open-crotch-barwear-for-extras section in the Star Trek Wardrobe Department.

  22. Imback348

    why, just why? I’ve always thought “high fashion” was goofy simply due to the lack of anything being remotely practical or marketable other than one or two elements of an entire show, but now we have “fashion” that would get you arrested. To the earlier commenter that mentioned wanting a skirt or dress designed for men; have you ever worn a modern design kilt or a sarong? I wear a kilt very often and would even more if I could at work. They’re extremely comfortable. Heck a kilt is now my go to backpacking wear. I’ve worn a sarong on vacation and thought it was great too just not my style outside of the beach.

  23. chuck

    This is NOT FASHION…I think it looks ridiculous…besides that get a guy with a decent looking penis…or was it just too cold on the runway????

  24. Ethan

    With or without the glory holy in the pants it’s ugly. Most of the designs look like burlap sacks.

    Plus the models are super tiny. I guess it’s hard to find an attractive runway model with a good sized cock.

  25. Sparks811

    Over it. Reminds me of Mean Girls with Regina’s tit cut outs.
    Not flattering clothing no one cares but everyone has an opinion

  26. terry

    As someone else said, it is all about getting attention, and it worked. Frankly, have never heard of this designer, and I like to think I am fairly current and aware of what is going on in the world. Other more well known designers, such as Alexander McQueen, have made quite unwearable clothes as well.
    I really doubt that any of us will being wearing this stuff to be considered fashionable.

  27. truck365

    Uhhhh look at those horrible looking things
    And the clothes are just as awful!
    I like looking at dick
    Just not any of those guys dicks please stop !
    Next !

  28. Steve

    Cannot remember seeing a more homily group of “guys” and the “clothes” are hideous…who in the hell would buy them or wear them…

  29. Puds

    Where the hell do people come up with such trash ? Were would anyone wear this crap? Looks to me like we just need the basic jeans and tee shirt again that everyone can wear no matter what their shape or size.

  30. papapat

    An artist may need to shock to sell art, but this is a fashion designer, who, I believe is in business to sell clothes that people actually want to be seen in public adorned in. These are the worst fashion photos I’ve ever endured, on models looking direct from rehab. Why would a single person ever want such clothing, or even emulate those models? Having the “courage” to design and display such atrocious garments may work well with the fashionistas in Paris media, but what a freaking waste of time and resources, as no clothing sales resulted. Failure.

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