
Speak Out : Gays And Religion

For gay people, the subject of faith can cause an uproar of emotions.  A lot of us laugh at the Christians with the picket signs at the Pride Parades, or just shake our heads at any gathering of the Westboro Baptist Church.  The idea of religion (whether Christian or other) can be a point of contention with many gay people who have been bullied, attacked or had relationships suffer because of religious people.  As I said to God once a long time ago, “It’s not you I have a problem with, really…it’s your people!”

The problem a lot of gay people have is that we do find ourselves, generally, searching for what lies beyond this physical world that we live in, but also find ourselves cast away from those who might give us answers.  The idea of a loving God isn’t absurd, it’s just the expression of that God by His people that seems to mess up the message.  In order to just get to “God loves me” we have to go through a spiritual Tough Mudder course of bigotry, hypocrisy, anger and holy curses just to get to the misinterpretation of scripture, then the misapplication of the misinterpretation…and by the time we get the end it’s almost like “THIS is religion!? You can keep it!”

I had a vision once, if you believe in these things.  If not, let’s just call it a dream.  In this dream/vision, I was crawling toward the Throne of God on what I imagine was the end of my life.  My leg was cut open, probably broken, too, since I was dragging myself across a crystalline floor.  The floor was beautiful; glass mixed with fire…and I was bleeding all over it.  I finally got to the Throne and God (I imagine it was God, for who else would be sitting on a throne in Heaven? Besides Judy Garland, obviously, and it wasn’t her) stepped down and hugged me.  “You made it,” He said.  “I knew you would make it”.  There was no mention of me being gay, or anything bad that I’d done in my life…no recap of all my mistakes or terrible decisions…just a hug that came with the impression that it wasn’t the culmination of actions that validated my life; it was the fact that I kept trying.  If I fell, I got back up and kept moving forward.  If I got knocked down I pulled myself up and kept going, even if it was just a small step.  In the end, I was broken and crushed and bleeding all over God’s beautiful crystal floor…but what mattered is that I believed and kept moving.

See, one doesn’t have to make it to the end (whatever “the end” is) leaping and jumping.  Not everyone’s life is like that.  Sometimes we get beaten down, and for gay people that reality is a little too real and the actions of people can really damage a person’s spirit.  The fact that gay people believe in anything is sometimes a great marvel to me.  Religion and faith are not the same thing, and it’s that difference that makes religion destructive and faith so powerful. Faith is defined as believing in something when you can’t explain it, prove it or see it.  It’s “the substance of things hoped for…the evidence of things not seen” – in other words if you can explain it or prove it…well, it might not be faith.  The power of faith is belief.  It’s “I believe you will succeed even though right now it looks like you’re a hot mess.”  It’s “I believe you will find love even though right now you’re in a toxic environment”.  It’s “I believe that people can be good even though right now everyone is pretty much a douchebag.”

Just because Christians or any religious person has told you something, don’t believe it.  When you’re at the end it won’t be a jury of Christians telling God (or whoever) about how great or not great you are.  It will be you and God (or whoever)…and what you believed, how that belief helped you live, how your beliefs enabled you to treat your fellow person…it’s these things that will matter in that moment.  During December we’ll see a lot of nativities, birth of Jesus movies, “Keep Christ in Christmas!” signs and so on, and your experience with religion might trigger some unwanted emotions…but remember: In the end, Toothless Tammy calling you an abomination on the corner isn’t what matters to God.  What matters is your heart and what you do with it.

Like Shepard Book said to Malcolm Reynolds in Serenity, “You don’t have to believe in God…but believe in something!”

Written by MakeMeABird on A4A

There are 63 comments

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  1. htbutt

    I take the most important thing you wrote is to have faith and keep moving. The Westberry church picketers, you wont see in heaven, theyre filled with judgment and Hate. Jesus himself ate, and traveled with the prostitutes, and tax collectors, who were the lowest of the low in that time. He ministered to the poor, sick, and lost. I strugle with this every day, but there are two things that I hold dear. “no one comes to the father, but through me” (jesus)
    and “he who believeth (faith in jesus) and is baptized shall be saved. Faith, Forgiveness, and keep movin on, as you say.

  2. Adam

    God and religion are not the same thing. Religion is man made and man controlled. It’s a business. It has very little if anything to do with a belief in a God. It’s all about power and money. Most people who affiliate themselves with a religion are ignorant of their own religious traditions and hypocritical when it comes to practicing what they believe. Gays are created by the hand of God and given special talents. Gays should never waste their time looking for validation from man made religions. They should focus on their own belief in a God and be true to themselves and the gift God gave them.

  3. Glenn

    I’m a Gay Christian, which at times feels like being a bisexual — people on both sides yelling “Screw you, pick one or the other.”

    I always explain that, as a Christian, my faith is based on two simple things:
    1) God is Love (1 John 4:8)
    2) There is no distinctions like “male and female” because we are all one (Galatians 3:28)
    3) As Christians, all we’re asked to do is love everyone (Galatians 5:14)

    So, yeah, there are a lot of people who identify as Christians, but that doesn’t make it so. There’s also a little something in the New Testament about judging others, so I avoid it, just as I wish they’d spend a little less time judging gay people.

    But ultimately, I agree with that last statement. You can believe in that infamous spaghetti monster, or nothing at all. What matters to me personally is, do you behave as if you’re the center of the universe, or that all people on the planet are equal, so you shouldn’t do something to them that you wouldn’t like done to you. And you can call it the Golden Rule, Karma, or Newton’s Third Law if it pleases you.

  4. EJ

    I grew up baptist, and when I was old enough switched to pentecostal. I found that faith much more real and accepting in different walks of life. Although I recognize that I am gay, it has never stopped me from practicing my faith. I know there is a loving God, he recognizes that I am not perfect, none of us are. Your relationship with your faith is just that, yours.

  5. Robert Wilmot

    I have no problem with Christianity. I was raised in it but it’s not for me.I’m a pagan. I prefer to believe in nature then a single deity that rules the whole universe from his huge throne in the clouds

  6. nathan

    No apologies here….christian here by choice….but open minded to all persons of faith. Openly man. A dad..a granddad …Gandhi once said…the sad thing about Christianity is so few practice it. .jesus was the picture of tolerance…the only time he judged was in over turning the money changers in self righteous churches
    …a great documentary to view.. A fish out of with all the versus addressing same sex relations. I highly recommend to all searching individuals.Gods only law is love

  7. Dennis

    AMEN! religion is a sore subject for any conversation, we all have our own opinion. We are ALL created by God and He makes no trash. I read the book “Our Family Outing”. By Rev Joe Cobb and Rev Leigh Anne Taylor. Very up lifting book for bi and gay. Rev Cobb is a minister at Metropolitan community Church of the Blue Ridge, Roanoke VA. Great read. I will not do it justice to put in pointers for it. Research it. I have been so close to taking my own life at times feeling so unworthy of being a part of this society. I seek counseling, and I have some great friends that listen. God is always there folks. Don’t let anyone ever take your religion or your belief away from you. You are a child of God regardless of which lifestyle you live or what color you make your hair. HE STILL LOVES YOU

  8. Jason

    “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but…will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” – Marcus Aurelius

  9. Kelly Quinn

    Kudos my friend. You gave a great explanation of religion vs spirituality! Jesus Christ died other cross taking on the sin of the world for EVERYONE, that includes gay and breeder alike. Numerous times in the Bible we are told that God is no respecter of persons. I know that I never made a conscious decision to be gay, I was born with the desire for other men, God created me gay. Let the religious fanatics worry about their own eternal life, after all Jesus message was that we are to love everyone as He has loved us. Being gay we have an additional cross to bear, but we will be judged by we do with what we have been given .

  10. Oh my god

    God no exist , no evident of God , nothing to proved , human disappoint life or oether ways , and want to believed something in God … Too bad human made up all different kinds of religions to POISON AND BRAINWASH . Think carefully all relegion said and the ways they dos is two ways . I don’t belive any kind of God and religions,,, just living of our life and respected people for love . Make love not war . We don’t need religions

  11. PJ Stein

    Religion is like professional sports teams. Everyone has a favorite. I choose Rugby not football/NFL kind.European teams fit my sensibilities more closely. American religious freaks have invaded every nuance of our society. Absolutely no spiritually or conscience involved in their actions. The religious society is as corrupt as the government. Its all about the money. Pimping Jesus, and Praise the Lord and keep the money flowing.

  12. muzyqman

    Not being any kind of Christian, I come to this discussion as something of an outsider. But it seems to me that while the religions right (which I believe is neither religious nor right!) has decided that it is better to hate than to love. And since they are shouting louder than any other legitimate (or so-called) Christian group, we tend to feel that what they say is what all Christians believe. I hope this is not true. Otherwise, the crowd around the Throne of God is going to be made up totally of Jews, Hindus, Moslems, atheists and agnostics (just to prove He/She/It is all-forgiving).

  13. HunterL

    Wow, give a person a platform, and they will spew. I understand everyone’s musings. However, it’s not about an opinion or proof; it is a question of faith, and faith is belief when we have no proof — I cannot SEE the wind, but I FEEL it none-the-less, I believe in many things I have no proof of [Grandma loves me, people are basically good, I will one day win the lottery, and someone here will want me just for my wonderful mind & personality 😉 ].

    As for me, I would rather bet HE exists and be right, then disbelieve and be wrong. Respect each other, my brothers – HL

  14. phil

    I’m a practicing Southern Baptist, a Republican, and I’m gay. All humans deserve an eternity in Hell. The point of Christianity is that Christ payed the ultimate price for us. That is the message of the Gospel.

  15. marc

    I am a proud pagan. If I didn’t live in such an isolated remote area with such a sparse population, I would probably join a Wiccan group. Happy New Year, guys — the best to everyone in 2015!

  16. Edward

    I am active in a very straight christian church. I have responsibilities in the church but I have hidden the fact that I am gay. God directed me to it about 10 yrs.ago. I’ve listened to the leadership of the church sentence gays to hell.I ask God why am I here. He tells me one day I will show you.My belief is like Martin Luther Kings – One day we shall overcome!!

  17. Bedeude

    Raised Presbyterian, but slept through most of church. Converted to Buddhism in 2006, makes more sense to me that suffering exists in the world and we all create it.
    Also, Siddhartha Gautama never said anything about homosexuality. He just believed that to reach enlightenment, becoming celibate was necessary regardless of sexual orientation.

    It’s a non-theistic (no belief of any god) religion, if you go by the original Theravada teachings (which I do).

    The other major branch is Mahayana, and depending on which teachings you go by, it can incorporate different deities, usually based on where it is practiced (China, Japan, etc…)

  18. MYFL

    God (and religion) were/are creations of humans to try to explain what we didn’t understand/don’t understand YET. As a humanist/atheist, I have left the masses of sheep that follow the Christian brain-washing. It’s time for more of us to really free our minds and concentrate on doing good without god (or religion.) Morality is not based on religion, but what is the right thing to do.

  19. Forrest

    I’m an Atheist.

    I feel comfortable saying that. I’m an atheist because I don’t believe a belief in a higher being is necessary to be a good person or live a good and productive life.

  20. 1Mightymouse

    As a Bi Christian man. I (as well as all of us) have seen the hypocrisy within the church. Just because a car is parked in a garage doesn’t make it a garage. The same applies… just because a person goes to church doesn’t make them a christian, the devil goes to church and knows how to twist the word accordingly. Some Christians have caused some real pain to people.
    On the other hand, there are some honest to God Christians who love everyone regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, etc. Unfortunately, the bad outweighs the good and that is what people see. Jesus said, “let anyone who is without sin be the first to throw the stone.

  21. DDS

    The problem with Christians is that they choose the bible verses the suit them. For example the bible states, in the Old Testament, a man who lies/sleeps with a man, as he would a woman is an abomination. BUT, the bible also states, in the Old Testament that wearing clothes of 2 different materials is an abomination. They use only the versus that they think help their cause and forget about the rest. They use the Old Testament as their “weapon” against homosexuality. In the Old Testament, you had to follow ALL the laws not just one or 2. It was very hard to live a clean Jewish life, if you followed the laws of the Old Testament.

    In the New Testament nothing is stated against homosexuality. Jesus didn’t say anything about it. The only thing he said about marriage is that if one divorces a spouse and the spouse remarries, then they are living an adulterous life. But you don’t hear Christians condemning divorce.

    If the bible is about interpretation, then one can interpret Jesus telling his disciples “come, let’s be fishers of men” to mean “lets go find and be with men.”

    There is so much to talk about with this that it would take pages and pages. Hopefully, this opens dialogue.

  22. David

    I grew up as a member of a Methodist Church congregation in South Central Pennsylvania most of my childhood was fairly easy. However as a teenager growing in the South Central region of this state was living hell in itself. Two ages where I seemed to question everything I knew was both at 13 and 18. At age 13 it was the F word and 18 it was sinner leaving me to go completely secular for almost a decade.

    What changed was someone telling me that people can bring you down but don’t believe the words or hype. The truth is now she was right and so many people who cared for me were right also. My advice would be very straightforward, Don’t be so quick on turning your back on your beliefs and losing your faith. This is important because I am speaking from experience personally.

  23. Oh my GOD

    Argue That God Does Not Exist Step 4.jpg4Show them morality does not require any religious belief. Many people believe that without religion, the planet would descend into immoral chaos. The reality is that the majority of heinous crimes committed against people on this planet across all of recorded history had their roots on religious beliefs, but the ability to distinguish right from wrong does not require any religious beliefs. In addition, animals who are incapable of understanding our human concept of religion show clear evidence of understanding moral behavior and distinguishing between right and wrong.
    Argue That God Does Not Exist
    Challenge their religion’s roots. Examples of this might include (if challenged by a Christian) that the “devil” was not present in religious texts until the nomadic monotheists ran into polytheists and borrowed the idea.
    Argue That God Does Not Exist Step 6.jpg
    Point out that religion, throughout history, has been used to control the masses, rather than enlighten them. An example of this includes the Christian crusades, and the present day suicide bombings of Muslims. Are (insert any faith here) really that different?
    Argue That God Does Not Exist Step 7.jpg target the religious texts. In the case of the Bible, often entire verses, stories, and anecdotes were falsified for the sake of making a point. Even the concept of the “holy trinity” is a fabrication created not by any god, but for political reasons by a zealot named Theophilus of of Antioch in 412 AD. Exploit the plot holes, inconsistencies and illogical and impossible things.
    Argue that something can either exist or not exist. If something exists, it can be scientifically quantified (measured and evaluated relative to its mass, energy, location, capabilities, and other qualities). For example, scientists have quantified millions of items ranging from from dark holes in outer space to tiny atomic particles (such as the recently discovered Higgs Boson). If something cannot be scientifically quantified, it does not exist (in the real universe).
    Spiritual entities such as gods, devils, heavens, hells, angles, the tooth fairy, etc. have never been and cannot be scientifically quantified. Therefore these spiritual items do not exist (except in the imagination of religious individuals).

  24. Elder Roosevelt Mosby, Jr

    Please consider joining my face book group, Gay Christian National Retreat, We are trying to have it August 19 thr 23, 2015. We are changing the name to The National Gay Men of Fathering Gathering Collective. We are creating a National group for people who have faith in a Higher Power!

  25. Alvin & the Chipmunks

    Was Jesus paid to preach? NYET. Should churches pay property taxes,,,,,HELL YEAH. Should your fed tax dollars pay 3 billion a year to Israel who holds Amerikka financial hostage, HAIL NO. Churches can go to hell, they are man made, all tied into society….Why don’t more churches speak out about all the damn military interventions/aggressions of the U.S…why don’t they stick up for gays….on and on puke..the church buildings should be turned into museums, or grain storage units, like just after the Russki Revolucion… and..p.s…Oregon did not grant the rights of gays to marry, THE FED COURT DID…Oregon is still repressive, controlled by the Unions, media, churchianity

  26. Centralflbttm

    I was raised in the Catholic Church but am an atheist and have been for many years. I’m not sure what drove me away from religion, although I suspect that my eighth grade Sunday school teacher who molested me on an overnight church retreat may have had something to do with it, as well as my growing realization that humanity developed the idea of “god” or “gods” to explain things that, at the time, they could not understand or explain (thunder, lightning, eclipses, etc.) and quite frankly when I see how religious people act towards homosexuals, I am glad that I woke up and got away from religion a long time ago.

  27. Genog

    Why can’t you believe in yourself? Why does it have to have miraculous, magical references that for some reason do not happen to you or me? If you need magical stories to get through life so be it. I just find it disturbing that others seriously expect people to ride along on their fantasy.

  28. Brad

    You’re on the planet earth, welcome. I am humanity and I created all the gods, but I, myself, am not a god. I created gods because there were times when I felt scared and alone. There were times when I grieved. There were times when I felt awe and wonder, yet didn’t have the answers I so desperately wanted. But most of all, there were times when I wanted to control other people. And of all of these things, it was in my desire to control that the creation of the gods was most useful. You may have been a necessary evil, but humanity is growing up, and the time has come to put away childish things.

  29. mocha

    As a Minister of Gospel boing gay has nothing to do with my spirituality. My walk is between my Lord and I. I have been in vocational misty for almost 40 years and my work is saving souls. MY God uses me each day to proclaim his word to all people. I have only experienced any sort of bigotry only once I my life. And it was from a pastor who had three illegimate children, consider the source. The hatred and often self hatred is man made. These beliefs will to hinder me from performing the duties that have been ordained by the Lord. If you are a non believer that is your right but do not question someone’s personal faith walk

  30. tim

    first of all there is no misinterpretation regarding gays in the bible. its very clear. if it sais white no matter how you stretch it and look for a deeper meaning you cant make it say black. these bronze age people who invented all this stuff were homophobes. period.

  31. Mmblonde

    I think religious people are mentally ill … All the crap in the bible is BS … Grow a pair of balls, live a good life, be kind to yourself and each other….I did hear a song on the radio last Sunday called if you don’t believe in god, you can go to hell…. Laughed my ass off on that one!

  32. I_Believed

    “The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding. It seeks to annihilate rather than to convert.

    Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue.

    Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.”

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  33. JUDAS



  34. YoungbloodG

    That’s a nice vision/dream you describe… But, as the wise man said, “No hell below us; above us only sky.” Or, as Abraham Lincoln is reputed to have said, “I care not for any man’s religion whose dog & cat are not the better for it.”

  35. Oh Really?!

    I find that general society is pretty stupid, but so are many gays when it comes to God and religion. I believe in God and pray all the time, but I dont attend an organize church, not because I’m worried about being attacked or shunned, but because most church-goers are a ball of contradictions. That said, while most gay people are always whining about equality and how much they have suffered at the hands of other people, gay folks can be the some of the most judgmental, evil, tragic souls on the planet. Sooooo, while we would like others to change to somehow make us feel included, or worthy, we could stand some of the same medicine. I get so sick of this argument when all you have to do is look around in the so called gay community and examine all the bullshit we take part in that involves isolating and marginaliing other gay people! Get over yourself.

  36. Denn

    I see no issue with being Gay and Christian. I see far too many ‘Christians’ who can’t be bothered to read and study their own Holy Book, who cherry pick the passages that support their stand, etc.

    I see a *HUGE* difference between Christ’s teachings and Christianity.

    Am I *personally* Christian? Nope. I was raised that way, but found my own path, that is spiritual, rather then religious. Does a great deal of my own belief system and path resonate with Christ’s teachings? Yes it does. Does it match with Christianity *cackles* Hell No.

    I’m happy with what I have, and I can respect what others have be it religion or spirituality. It’s a PERSONAL CHOICE. What I can not, and will not, tolerate or respect, is those who shove their beliefs down another person’s throat or use them to justify violence of any sort.

  37. pharade

    I was brought up in a Catholic family. I attended services every Sunday. I even was an altar boy until I was 18. I switched from being a Christian to Wicca. I am not denying the Christian God or Jesus. But I don’t follow the Catholic Church’s beliefs. I just chose to follow a different path than most. Wiccans/Pagans are the least judgmental group of people that I have been apart of. Contrary to what some believe, Islam is actually a very peaceful religion as well. With most religions you will have your extremists and those extremists will interpret their Holy Book in a way that will suit their own political and personal views and try to force them on everyone else. I have met people who are both Christian and followers of Islam that are very kind and generous people. They would go out of their way to help you.

  38. ERexShawn

    I’d rather be conned into believing that Cody Cummmings was really having penetrative sex in those videos than be conned into believing some dude knows what happens after we die. Plot twist: probably nothing happens after we die. Same as nothing was really happening in those videos either.

  39. David

    I was raised Baptist. It was hard for me to accept God and my life style. Over the years I became sensible to what I really believe. Do right by others. Do not judge and pray. For me this is the key. I cut out the church because I feel that some people go for the wrong reasons thus poisoning the congregation. We all know what happens when there’s a bad apple among the bunch. Finally, I believe that my relationship between me and God stays that way. Its simple and it has helped me through a plethora of problems.

  40. Hunter0500

    Religions have treated gays no better or worse than any other identifiable group over time. No special drama here other than that which the keepers of the gay “brand” wish to fuel in their attempts to keep hate alive and well.

  41. TDL1989

    I absolutely love this article. It speaks to the heart of the matter–that what other people think isn’t what defines a man. I’d like to addend that it isn’t just faith that keeps the faithful going, but specifically faith that God, in His infinite strength, love and mercy, will continually pick us up again and push us forward whether we like it or not. As a gay Christian, I have to recognize that it isn’t my strength that carries me forward. If it were just me, and only a general, vague-ish faith that you describe up there, I would have given up long ago.

  42. Atheist

    I have always found “Religion and God/Jesus?” to be a farce! If you believe in Darwin and evolution, it is truly hard to believe a fable. Science is the only proof, and there is no proof of God/Jesus. And, with so many religions on this World of ours, who is to say who it right? Religion came about upon the fall and failure of the Roman Empire to control man. The “Good Book” is re-written when the current functions and beliefs of the World change. Heck, Catholics are the biggest hypocrites!! In my younger days of 18-19, my BF and I were too poor to rent a hotel room, and lived with our parents. So, guess where we slept together? At the Catholic Rectory next to the Church. And, by the way, the Priest in charge was sleeping with his BF that was 20 year younger then he. He used to tell us that 65% plus of the Ohio Priest are gay. Yet, Catholics think they do no wrong, after dealing with my Mother’s Second Lt Colonel Army and Very very Catholic! Truly a pain in the A$$.
    Since I am a retired Professional Jet Capt flying B-727s and various corporate jets/turbo props. One of the things that truly shows how corrupt religion is today. We shared a hanger with the church of Rod Parsly of CMH. He and his TV shows would “beg” for the viewers to send $49.95 for Rod to pray for them! In the mean time, at the hanger, Rod and the buddies were loading up the jet on all of those poor people that were fooled, to take the jet bear hunting, and fishing. What a crime.
    I could go on, but God/Jesus/religion is used to control man and make him feel guilty. Look at the Muslims and how a whole class of young men will sit there rocking back and forth chanting. Religion is truly a brain washing of man.
    Of course, this is they way I personally see the world and IMHO…..

  43. green dot

    take comfort
    you are alive now in this moment and therefore alive forever.
    eventually all claim their right to heaven.
    can you resolve being gay and a being of light?
    of course you can.
    can you resolve being a human and a being of light?
    same thing
    gay people are already on track to resolve the masculine/feminine duality and are therefore already more spiritually mature from birth.
    we should realize that we are leaders…not sinners
    on earth as it is in heaven,

  44. Mesha

    I’m a Transgender and I DEFINITELY believe in *JESUS CHRIST WITHOUT A DOUBT!With that being said YOU YOURSELF have to establish a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the HOLY SPIRIT!When I didn’t know any better that KILLED me for someone to tell me I WAS GOING TO HELL FOR BEING GAY!Now,IN THE WORDS OF JINC MONSOON “WATER OFF A DUCKS BACK!Because I know him I have established that PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP!And guess what?IM PROUD TO BE GAY!AND JESUS CHRIST LOVES ME!

  45. Steve Marando

    this is a story of a young man who is a transgender who was rejected by his church and family and what he had said before he died after being hit by a truck on December 28 2014.

  46. Brad

    Google the image of the Hubble Deep Field and Ultra Deep Field. Here’s a reminder of what you’ll be looking at when you do: The Hubble telescope was aimed at a patch of dark sky which we thought was empty. It was aimed at this spot for 10 days. The image it returned to us is one showing thousands of galaxies way off in space and time. We thought nothing was out there, and we were wrong. If you have any sense of logic and intelligence, this image will place things into proper perspective for you. We’ve only one shot at this gift of life, and we may choose to live it intelligently or….otherwise.

  47. HunterL

    Just TWO observations:

    1. Many of the BLOG topics are about how men on A4A, do not respect each other. Look back over this current blog; some people have shared their stories, some their opinions, and some write diatribes about how stupid the rest of us are. Again, shouldn’t men who have dealt with others’ ignorance be better at listening/discussing others’ beliefs without being offensive?

    2. Mostly what I read about here was CHRISTIANITY [The good and the intolerance]. I know gay buddhists, muslims, jews, etc., so, where is that discussion? The topic was Gays & Religion. Perhaps our exposure as ‘good’ or ‘normal’ members of society has constructed those changes, as others have said, religion is man-made – so why not contribute constructively to the discussion [and reconstruction of belief] . Things are changing, the current Pope has spoken DIRECTLY to the gay community, while addressing intolerance, corruption, abuse, and greed in religion. He is only one religious leader, but imagine a world where we respect each other. I may not agree with what everyone has said here, but I am blessed to live in a country where you can say it, or believe it … Now, if only we could STOP disrespecting each other while we discuss it?

  48. Owen

    As a person of faith, I choose not define what/who God or the Creator is; I love the fact that this conversation is happening. While I would say personally my path is Buddhist or pagan in nature, I don’t shy away from Christian theology. i find that my being queer doesn’t mean that I can’t enjoy the teachings of the prophet Jesus. Being one who walks a path this is divergent from others is the gift that I feel we as the ‘two spirits’ can draw strength from. I’m currently studying religious works in school and start at a seminary college next fall. When I applied to the program I was honest about my faith background and sexuality. Though my major at the school is Deaf Study (I’m working to get my BA in ASL interpreting.) with a minor in Religion. The school was thrilled to have me, they feel that a diverse student body benefits the program. Point being, not all people who would fall under the label of Christian are narrow minded and fools. Yes there are those that carry hate for anything that is outside of the box that they feel is the norm. But the hate that they carry in my view is not the love that God has for all of us. I also don’t feel that God is some bearded guy, akin to Santa on a throne in the sky passing judgement on all the things that we do. I feel that God, the Creator or how ever you choose to view him/it/her is a being of Divine love. I can’t see why any force of love would make me to be something that she/he/it would hate. In so many of the worlds myths God sends us his son (Jesus) or sends part of itself to take human form (Hindu, and various Greek/Roman and Norse gods have done this) or the idea of self sacrifice such as Odin, Isis and other Gods giving something of themselves to save, protect or otherwise benefit mortals, that I can’t understand or even comprehend the idea that God would hate or punish or view us as a bad thing simply for loving one another. As LGBT folks we are still created by whatever made all of mankind, and I feel that we are loved just like everyone else. And anyone who holds hate in his or her heart is not really following any teachings of any guru that I would give the time of day to. Jesus said to love one another as I have loved you, that for me is all I need to know.

  49. Michael

    God loves all…key word LOVES all. Jesus is the Savior and by the free grace of God we can can accept Jesus as the Savior and have eternal life. God created man and all that goes with it. He looks after all of us. Religion is not JESUS nor is it necessarily Christian. My vision of Jesus is that He was and is a beautiful being, loving and is no respector of persons. We are all equal. Those that use RELIGION as a format for hate are the very ones that never have accepted Christ or know Him as their personal Savior. Try it…ask Jesus yourself. He loves all of us and is waiting to love you too.

  50. Michael

    My question is …why can’t gays get on the same page and love one another…there is so much hatred and devisiveness, games, etc. We give our own community a bad name and it is EARNED !! Sad…nothing but sluts for 80 % or better. Those that lie about their “status”. HIV undetectable is not negative…can’t keep the pants up…lies..and alienation for those that don’t fit the created “image”…the straights have us right where they want us. What a joke !!

  51. Atheist


    I understand your frustration with those of us that are poz. I do disclose, and in Florida it is a Felony not to disclose status prior to sex with an individual. So, NO ONE LEGALLY HAS TO DISCLOSE THEIR STATUS ON ANY WEBSITE, OR ANY OTHER PUBLIC FORUM. I disclose on a public forum(A4A), in order to hopefully find another poz mate. This is what rubbers are for!! Michael and others! It is your job as an adult to protect yourself from others, as you would for any other STD, theft, or bodily harm. This is what rubbers are for and have been proven to reduce the risk of HIV. So, if you are neg, and playing BB, then you are just as guilty as the person who may not even know they are poz, or on the other case, one that is lying and not admitting the truth to themselves and others. These are usually guys that are under 40 from what I have found in my experiences in life. This is due to the higher sexual activity.
    I have been poz for 23 years and always disclose! Neg guys want to blame the poz guys for not disclosing…….well, as a neg adult male, it is totally your responsibility to protect yourself from others. Not the person inflicting the pain. Not saying it is right or wrong, but you, Michael and others, are the last source of protection for your own wellbeing. Stop blaming others.

  52. Jerome

    People confuse the Spirit of God with the Bible. You won’t even be able to get God’s message from the Bible without the discernment of the Spirit of God.The can be no confusion because if you have the Spirit of God your message is for you and for you only. One person may get one messege another person may get something else.God is the only and final Judge.

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