
Gay Stuff : Do You Shower Before Sex?



(Photo credit : MEN)

To my surprise, many of my straight friends don’t shower before sex. My friend Marilyn was even laughing at me when I told her I was showering before and after having sex with a guy. She and her boyfriend apparently never shower before sex even after a long day at work. Ewww!

I don’t know you, but I take a shit at least twice a day, I pee at least 5 times a day and I sweat from the crack, balls, pits and feet all day. If my boyfriend would get home after work and would want to have sex with me, he would definitely have to make a pit stop in the shower before pounding my hole. I would not feel comfortable getting rimmed and all after a hot day. Unless you’re into smells and shit, but that’s another story….

What about you? Do you shower before sex? Why?


There are 167 comments

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  1. joey

    I’m like you on this one Dave. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with anyone going down on me before I shower, and I for sure won’t do anyone if I smell funk. I’m not a pig, unlike some men who ask you not to shower before they get there paws on you. YUK! Oh and I don’t care for a guy that is all cologned up as well, a little cologne goes along way, I hate being out in public and the whiff of someones cologne sticks around 5 hours after they’ve left. Soap and water is my preference of freshness.

  2. goldenloverinmym

    Dave i’m like you i’m a sweathog being a ironworker/welder I get quite rank after a hot day and I wouldn’t even consider getting naked for pleasure,now after a session in the gym with a guy and we are going home and play that’s another thing altogether.even in the cold weather I still shower twice daily and if I have a date planned will shower again…Dean

    • Henry

      I´d be very very happy having you in my bed right after you finished working, before you shower, in order to clean you all over with my toungue and lips, smelling you all the time.

  3. kooldad

    I take a shower before I meet up Plus when I get to his place, it is a very intimate way to get to know him and relax of he is nervous,. After we are done if we are spending the night together then we go shower again then sleep maybe lol. I

  4. Alphonse

    Not shower! How gross! But to be honest some of our people don’t shower either. I had a guy come to my hotel room one morning, and the first red flag was that his clothes were dirty. He immediately took off his clothes and sat on my bed, AND LEFT A SKID MARK!!! I told him to get dressed and leave. He couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I pointed out the skid mark, and he got dressed and left. I was so embarrassed to call housekeeping to change the sheets. I ringed them out before they came, but almost vomited from the experience.
    Shower guys!

  5. Andy

    Hi Dave and everybody else. I agree 200%. Nothing worse then getting into it with your partner and your going down to suck his cock and eat his ass and this terrible smell wafts out at you. For me its a complete turn off and has ruined the planned action. Conversely, if its clean and your are into him its super hot! Thanks, Andy

  6. marc

    Of course I shower before and after sex. What are we gay men? Animals? Forget that line of thought. And when I am at the gay sauna for a few hours, I might shower 10 or 20 times, depending on just how many men I’ve sucked or been fucked by. More men, that I have met, are more turned on my a clean rather than a smelly body.

  7. Southvalleyboi

    I think it’s different for a straight couple… I know I shower before and afterwards as well… Because like you said… We sweat and use the bathroom and everything and then our bf/partner/hookup wants to rub their face in it and eat it like a hungry man and I wouldn’t let him if I hadn’t showered.. And most tops don’t shower or clean down there before either! *hint to all you tops* most bottoms don’t like to smell or even taste old urine or sweat on you when we’re down there… Anyway.. I’m with you on this and Ive never posted a response before and I felt compelled to side with you on this! Ha!

  8. John

    Definitely must be clean from any feces or long-term stenches, but a little sweat can be very erotic. Like if we are both clean then go out for a short run and have some fresh sweat on us. Oooh-la-la! The thought of it turns me on right now! 🙂

  9. ShowerPlease

    Shower is a must. I hooked up with an escort once who had not showered. Now, I’m paying for his services and his asshole stinks of shit? Oh no. I did do anything further with him and he wondered why. Well if you shit and haven’t showered and cleaned it since, that is a def turn off, unless you’re into scat and I am NOT!!!!! I don’t like pee smells on a dick, either. EW. And I wouldn’t want any guy to plow my hole unless I know it’s clean in there. Who wants to removed their cock from you hole with dookie all over it??????

  10. Stankonia

    Of course good hygiene is important, but sometimes I love to smell my man after a long day at work. Like catnip, I can’t resist.

  11. Cole

    Haha it’s probably different cause two guys are gonna smell much worse than one. But yes, please shower boys. At least the important parts

  12. Chris

    If you’re just gettin your dick sucked I don’t think its a big deal to not shower right before. As for anything ass related then yeah a shower is necessary.

  13. Hunter0500

    Like everything else with mansex, it’s up to the two guys. Usually, being cleaned up before time on the workbench is the plan, as is being a considerate, reciprocating gentleman. Sometimes due to the particular time of the get-to-gether they could agree to a “cum as you are” scenario. Hell, your gonna be getting sweaty and nasty no doubt anyway! If one of you is a bit ripe at the getgo, there’s always and option for a session of pre-playtime in the shower. For me, if the man is a long time quality bud, him always being primped, preened and smelling sweet isn’t going to matter a damn. I’m just glad to have him in my paws.

    In the end, isn’t it about opening your mouth and communicating about what expectations are or what the particular level of cleanliness is? Hell, if a bud says “we’re meeting after work, I’ll need to clean up,” I’m gonna respond “I can help you with that!”

  14. John

    I’m surprised by how many guys must shower before sex. None of my sexual partners have showered before sex or required me to. The one exception is that I won’t rim someone or get rimmed unless we have both showered, but that rarely occurs anyway.

  15. Dylan

    Hey Dave,

    I’m on board with the rest of you guys. Like to be clean. I shower 3/4 times a day. I was hooking up thanks to adam4adam in Boston and in my profile says “high rise construction worker” (it’s true, someone’s gotta build um). So I go over this guys apt and he opens the door, I step in and he says,”I’m very attracted to you! But this isn’t gonna work?” I said,”I don’t understand?” He said (as he held the door for me to leave),”I’m really attracted to you but you smell freshly showered, you’re a construction worker, you’re supposed to be sweaty and stink! I couldn’t hook up with a clean smelling guy at all. I love the musk.” I wish he would have said something, I showered just to meet him. Some guys love the stink.


    Btw…two days later I worked ot, and I paid him a visit. He did like the musk.

  16. muzyqman

    I don’t mind a mild “man smell,” but I won’t even undress if a man “reeks.” If I know I’m meeting someone just for sex, I always shower just before I leave the house. If I’m meeting them at the end of a workday, I like to shower when I get to their place. If they join me in the shower, soap my back, and move on to ass play and sex in the shower, I think that’s definitely cool. I also like to know before meeting someone how they feel about cologne. I don’t want to put even the smallest amount on if they want to smell me in a more natural state (but not reeking!).

  17. bottom2be1

    I am a total bottom and I will not do spur of the moment fucking or planned unless I have showered. I also demand that my top shower when I get to his place. Sometimes we shower together and I let him wash me to insure I’m at his comfort level of clean.

  18. Ed

    ALWAYS!!!! Never meet anyone without showering first. Lost a few “meetings” because he wanted it “right now” and I said I had to shower first. Always insist on a little “heads up” before meeting anyone, so I can jump in shower before the meeting. Will go anywhere on a guy if he’s freshly showered but “no where” if he’s not.

  19. Rob

    No bigger buzz-kill than a shitty ass!!! Hell, even if I’m topping, or just getting head, I not only shower, but I even hose out the basement too! Because hey, ya never know when company may wanna visit the cellar unexpectedly 😉

  20. Trip

    My motto is “Wash that hole or ya getz no pole”. Dirty ass is gross. Nothing worse than putting that condom on, then pulling out nothing but a brown plum. NASTY!
    I don’t mind gym pits though, but dudes, use soap and water & wash those stinky feet & sweaty, shitty ass. No one wants to fuck a funky bottom.

  21. pageboy50

    It’s a requirement to clean up before any kind of contact. Visited with a guy and I asked it if he wanted to shower…he said no…. I went ahead and had an experience with him….but never again and next time something like that happens I’ll have bigger balls to refuse and call off the whole encounter. I can understand if you meet someone and it is a spur of the moment thing in a car or woods, etc. but I still try to be as clean as possible. I don’t understand the whole “I want to smell your funk!” thing….gross and inconsiderate and a good way to pick up something you don’t want. YOU”VE GOT IT RIGHT ON THIS ONE DAVE!

  22. Voyeur_Noir

    YES!!! a shower for me and at the very least a bird bath (or Hoe bath as my Granny would say) for him. I don’t mind manly scents, but prefer if they were fresh and not there all day And while we are on the topic…a little mouthwash goes a long way too!!

  23. Wellhungehiteguy

    Ok, 99% of the time I shower before and after sex. Sometimes I jump in after taking a dump. Just my preference. Im a hairy man and my ass, nuts, pits, chest and back sweat big time. BUT, I have been asked not to shower after a workout because these individuals like a musky crotch. Not funky but musky. They tell me the mix of man smell and deodorant makes them nut bigger. Personally I only like clean and fresh showered. Although I remember one time laying on floor getting ready to 69 and when his slightly musky nuts hit my nose I shot a load. He was already sucking my dick but didnt take me long.

  24. cwranger

    I shower before meeting someone or before they arrive and they must be clean too if I going to suck and uncut or rimm him. Afterward it depends.

  25. Sean

    Like the good majority on here, I always shower before any rendezvouses or massage. I also expect whoever I hangout with do the same.

    One thing I cannot stand is smelly penis, armpits, and behind.

  26. pharaohs

    Got to be fresh if you want this Dick, being funky isn’t where it’s at. The pleasant you smell the deeper this Dick will go so shower Boy’s in my book it’s a must.

  27. Mitch

    I do prefer a guy that showers but I don’t demand it right before sex. I mean as long as they did it that morning and there day job is not construction or some sort of heavy physical activity Im okay with a little man musk. I only require a shower if I’m gonna rim his hole then I want his ass to sparkle. I have a friend that like man musk he is a bottom and does eat ass but he like a little musk when his getting fuck. He says it just intensifies the fact that it is another man fucking him. I personally can’t go home and shower before sex because once I’m get home I can’t leave. I shower and scrub with a brush every inch of my body in morning I work at a desk job and don’t sweat much. If I work out before sexy of course I shower at gym when I’m done. I suppose yes shower is good but I’m not a person that says you have to shower 3.5 sec before we hookup. As long as you not nasty and you day job doesn’t involve crawling they sewers or mucking out septic tanks I’m fine.

    One hot experince that cums to mind is a couple years ago. Kid had just turn 18 I checked license. Streamers were still up. His family went to visit family lets him stay home. He wanted to do it firsttime with someone he wouldn’t see everyday so it wouldn’t get wierd. Any way he had been alone for a couple days summer so no school and he had not showerd for a couple days. He seemed cleaned but his body was salty. But it was okay. Because he was a virgin soft flawless skin. He had never been touched because everytime I touched him he flinched the same way I did the first time someone else touched my dick. It was hot we meet a couple more time those times he was showered but I didn’t mind the i showerd teen.

  28. Dave

    All depends with me. I always shower but not opposed to having sex with a guy that showered earlier in the day and has just been hanging aroud the house all day. I don’t mind some man smell. But not man stink. But unlike the guys in the pic I do not like shower sex. Now taking a shower together and moving to the bedroom is hot.

  29. DDM

    I prefer to shower before sex every time. Sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in the moment but I feel very self conscious unless I know I’ve recently showered. I feel like I have a strong aroma, and for some reason guys seem to love it, but it only makes me more self conscious. When a guy tells me that he loves the way I smell, I’m kind of grossed out. I’m surprised how many men are willing to just go for it, even when I tell them that I should probably shower. But I’m kind of a germ freak, so there is that.

  30. MIchaelCT

    I’m a shower fanatic to begin with 3-4/day. My ex and I were always on the same page when it came to showering. Now that I’m single, I find alot of guys these day are content to marinate in their own juices. Especially, the younger ones.
    Some guys even get offended when you ask them to be showered before meeting.

  31. ChruckGuy

    I didn’t read all of the comments but the 12-15 I did read all said to shower first and I totally agree. Now, I will say that I shower before going to meet a guy and won’t necessarily shower again before we play, but if either of us need one, I’d suggest we take one together. It’s a great way to play be for we get to the bed and also to make sure our partner is clean in all those nooks and crannies 😉

  32. grant

    It dont got to be right before we do it butif you’ve been active for more than a couple hours you gotta shower. I dont mind a lil sweat and smell of a guy, but not that overwhelming smell of an eight hour day at work. That smell on u may turn me on initially but once we get naked its a lil too much

  33. cyalljockin

    I always shower before sex because im a bottom, but my bf doesn’t like me to wear deodorant he like my natural smell. I don’t mind a little man musk on him either though. And most of the time since we are so exhausted after ward we fall asleep and shower in the morning. Which turns him on again and we know where that leads, another nut abd another shower lol

  34. Jayybird

    When setting up a time for a trick, I phone or text. I ask the guy to wash his bottom and douche but don’t wash his underarms nor use deodorant. A face full of deodorant tastes bad. I like a guy to smell like a man and not like flowers and perfume. I also ask him if he wants me to use deodorant and no matter what the age, they say no. Just another point of view.

  35. hygiene

    Shower is definitely a must. So if the first one doesn’t work out when you still got your clothes on. You can move on to the next one. Or the next. Or the club/bar. Only enough to shower again if you hit those busy nights at the bathhouses. I know I did it when I was really drunk and didn’t want to drive. So I showered and slept there too. You know some guys who do this. I was just bold to just say it.

  36. RS

    not only do i shower i make sure my ass is squeaky clean, even though i am a top but i love to get rimmed and who knows when i find the right guy and chemistry i might want him to make an attempt to fuck me ! !

  37. CTMeanie

    I left a LTR because my bf, an alleged power bottom, refused
    to shower before bed/sex. I suppose it was his way of saying he
    wasn’t interested. I got the hint and kicked him out!

  38. Daniel

    Ewww that’s vile. Unfortunately for some people it has become the norm, which is why my house was built with a totally separate spa bathroom, including booty cleaning equipment. If I like the guy, I can throw him in the shower and help him recover from his social faux-pas, if I don’t like the guy I can just send him home.

  39. Sexy Guy

    I met a guy to come over to my house, he is so handsome and atlethic built with six pack, and blonde hair all over, which it turn me on. He is tall guy a man of my dream, when we go to bed awww he smelly down there which its gross, big turn off

  40. Rey Guerrero

    For my experience, I would shower with my man beforehand to get to know his body. I mean utilize the shower as sort of foreplay moment.

  41. Hot Mouth

    A shower is a must I am a married bi and want both of us clean from others before and after . I respect others and my self . If I kiss someone their teeth need to be brushed and white and their cock just as clean to get a great bj .

  42. Adam

    Ewww is right. Shower before and after sex. Foul order is a big turn off and a deal breaker. It shows a lack of concern for your play partner too.

  43. Scarpien

    I’m with you. I gotta smell Spring fresh before getting it on. And the guy I get with better be fresh as well. It never ceases to amaze me how many bottoms don’t shower before having sex and have to audacity to want you to eat them, etc.. As I’m slowly making my way down there the instant I smell anything other than freshness I immediately take a detour.

  44. Barboi

    For me sex starts in the shower. I can’t say I’m saving water but we are nice and squeaky clean and tastee and ready for the main course here, or there, or everywhere… Then its back to the shower for a wind down…

  45. Pierce.mn1

    Depends on the man. Some guys like scents, but since I take good hygienic care of myself, I am pretty clean anyway. I love sex in the shower, too. Had more than one great fuck in there!

  46. nick

    Me and my boyfriend never shower before. Unless one of us took a shit. But a sweaty hole is AWESOMENESS!!! No need for spit. But a shower after, yes. Unless we fall asleep. But I never wash his stink cum out of my asshole.

  47. Chris

    im a total bottom, i feel i have to be fresh for my top, i mean, it’s kinda inconsiderate to have shit goin on him. I kinda like SOME must on my MAN lol, it turns on but the smell of shit is such a buzz kill

  48. BottomsUptown

    Back when I used to hit the bars/clubs regularly I found that I had better luck getting laid when I hadn’t showered. So I usually didn’t. And I still got laid regularly. I didn’t have much receptive anal sex back then though. Now that I do I always clean my ass out before a date or hook-up but I don’t necessarily wash head-to-toe unless my guy specifically requests it. I like some man-scent when I have sex.

  49. darryl

    You know to be honest, I always shower before sex, and I would want my Man to smell clean and fresh. But we all have been in situations where you are hot and sweaty, and you’re not in the bedroom. Like at the Club on the dance floor in a huge pile of Mens shirtless, or just in their underwear. Don’t tell me you’re holding your noses. Or working out at the gym, and you don’t shower right away. A slight funk without it being stank, smells very good. I think it’s called Pheromones. It’s something that can’t be made, it’s a natural scent that’s pleasing to the senses. Next time you’re close to a guy take a slow inhale to get a whiff of him. Or let someone smell you. Trust me if it smells good, he will or you will do it again.

  50. Mical

    Shower is a must, I am amazed at how many guys walk around with Body Odor that would burn your eyebrows off. I have no tolerance for stink any longer, since quitting smoking my smell has kicked into high gear. I now spray the locker room with body spray . If they can offend with BO, I am more than happen to return the favor. Squeaky clean or nothing.

  51. bsb1016

    Bathing and/or showering is strict requirements in my book for several reasons such as: before I go to work, after I work out in a gym, before I go out to dinner with friends, before I go to an important engagement after work, before I go out to a bar, and definitely before I meet someone special that could possibly lead to sex. You only get one chance to make a first impression; therefore, do not ruin your chances because of body and butt odor. If I am clean, I expect the person I am meeting to be clean as well period with soap and water minimum. Scrub thoroughly all parts of the body especially the private parts and you butt especially down in the cracks. Also wear fresh clean clothes especially underwear for those who wear underwear. Oh I almost forgot deodorant after you shower would be appreciated as well. Basically good hygiene such as a clean body, fresh breath, good personality will get you some great sex with me. There are too many diseases out there and I don’t want any of it.

  52. BearOKC69

    99% of the time…NO

    Why? Because no one can be ready 100% of the time. While I can understand if it is “too much” for someone, it is perfectly natural. I have had so many guys absolutely freak if any they get any “mud on the tires”. Honestly think they expect to find rose petals up there. LOL

    It IS a shit hole after all and it comes with the territory. Sometimes “shit happens”. Even if flushed out where nothing but clean water is expelled, depending on the size and/or skill of the fucker, and the amount of time since the cleaning out, something could and probably will work its way done.

    For that 1%, I may do it if a guy feels strongly about it. But there have been many times that I have gotten prepared and then they are a no-show. So I got all cleaned up and no where to go. Most of the time when it happens, then I have someone who is into the natural mansmells too and then I am not prepared for that. “Sorry dude, I am fresh-from-the-shower-clean”.

    That said, as a “natural” bottom, IF any shit gets on a guys cock when fucking me, it is my duty to make sure he is clean after.

  53. T.BOMB

    I also have to shower before having sex. No one likes to have a stinky partner especially if you have planed for it, hookups or a friend is usually planned and you shower before the fun and games. But sometimes when you and your partner just get the urge, we all know if there is not a shower around your not going to just kiss and make plans for later the urge and passion takes over and you just go for it. I know most of us have done this once or twice without showering,

  54. hj

    Actually I don’t shower, not before and not after. I usually just clean my ass and my dick. I had a boyfriend that was always taking a shower before and after. His dick was smelling shower gel. I told him, I m gay I like dicks that smell like a dick and not Axe shower gel. ..

  55. goldenloverinmym

    hunter 0500-i agree 100% with you ,Rob n Trip I agree,PJ Stein that’s what I was saying work out with your lover n omg it hot then that’s not being rank that’s 2 hot men

  56. Tony

    I always always always shower. I wash everything from top down. I love blowing a guy then rimming him before we fuck so I expect the same from my man.

  57. Jason

    I think it depends on the type of guy, but in general almost all Americans shower pretty frequently so common courtesy is a shower at least once a day. If he is really toned, sexy and hot then I can definitely stand that slight musky manly scent on a guy. But def no stink. I am very driven by pheromones, so if all I can smell is soap on a guy, soap doesn’t really get me throbbing, but then again neither does stink..a daily shower works just fine for me.

  58. jocko

    I shower but prefer my partner does not. I love the smell of a sweaty man. Pits, crotch, ass, love ’em all sweaty and smelly.

  59. Rick

    I always always shower before and after sex….I had an experience once where I met this guy and went to his place….amazing bubble ass and couldn’t wait to pull those panties off with my teeth….but as I’m pulling down those panties a faint smell of booty stank…killed my erection….I think the guy figured it out when I suddenly stopped…lol

  60. David


    Let’s cut the crap out, pretending to be all perfectly adhering to a showering regimen before and after sex etc. It just DOES NOT always happen. I’m not in anyway advocating for dirty risque sex on any level but all I’m saying is that sometimes there is just not the time and the convenience … like guys fucking drunk after meeting at the club.. Who showers under those circumstances. In most hookups, guys do NOT have the luxury of showering and that’s a fact. The bottom-line is that if you maintain proper hygiene in your regular personal life, as in a bath every day and attending to all your nether areas, you should be good to go if you ever get lucky after work, or after the clubs etc. A bottom might need to do a little more checking to see that everything is okay down there or perhaps take a quick douche, but most tops should be fine if you’re a naturally clean person! So let’s just cut the [email protected] pretentious lying out! Most of ya’ll would fuck in a park or airport bathroom if you could get away with it so stop the bull$hitting!!!

  61. terry

    Definatly take a shower before and after sex always been that way with me and i require any partner i’m with to do soo as well. It’s just nasty not doing that before and after

  62. Rano

    I can’t imagine if a person before shower its gross and very smelly i want a clean and good smell not sweat unwash cock and smelly ass and bad breath

  63. AJ

    I can’t even imagine not showering before and after sex. True, a little bit of swear can be erotic, but these guys who want rank cracks and funk and the smell of excretions? Fuck, what’s wrong with you?

  64. Roger

    So…..this even has to be discussed?
    HELL YEAH, you better damn well smell like soap and water before we get going. I was always under the impression that getting all hot and sweaty was part of the attraction WHILE we were involved.
    Heavy breathing and effort, a little sheen of sweat and then…..if these a naturally generated bit of smell of the man….HELL YEAH.
    Snuggle up a bit and enjoy it…..cause you had a blast together and deserve the reward.

  65. Shaun

    It really just depends on how long since your last shower/how sweaty and dirty you’ve gotten. When it comes to it I do like sweaty pits and balls, not urine. As for ass if I’m eating it I like your hole to be washed. But with fucking I prefer men not to douche. Shower is fine, I am not into heavy scat but I don’t mind if a little bit is involved. It’s ass sex! I guess it may also depend on you and your bowel habits. I know my ass well. But a shower after is necessary

  66. Kevin-Chicago

    Definitely a shower is a must before sex, and definitely the guy I am sleeping with better shower and clean himself before coming over, it’s one thing to be into the deep musky man scent, but down right funky, skunky smelling bodies that smell of shit are a big turn off for me.

  67. Stylus

    Masculine musky smell of a man is sexy. Stinky man is a turn off! I shower before sex, it’s a confidence thing. The guy I’m with does not need to be ‘fresh’ but does have to be clean

  68. TrizzyTroy

    Three words…..Before, During and After. Showers are sexy errotic and hygienic. Not knocking the smell of good sex, I love the smell of my bae all over my sheets for a couple days after some slap n tickle. Now if its a hit n run like a nooner at work, I might like the smell of him to linger after. But u cant go wrong cleaning ya house when expecting company.

  69. tee2

    if I’m funky and sweaty of course I would take a shower! And if I’m going to hook up with somebody I would take a shower and would asked him to clean up as well….but my boyfriend would think I’m crazy if I tell him before we have sex to take a shower… that wouldn’t work. we have spontaneous sex all the time and we love each others natural body scent that doesn’t mean we’re dirty because we don’t shower before sex! and if you guys never have fun spontaneous sex then you guys are boring…and smelling like soap does not necessarily mean you’re clean and I will leave it at that. I am all about natural body scent… that’s what makes us attracted to each other….the natural smell or pheromones…not Cologne
    or soap!

  70. Chil_Cruise

    Straight people don’t have to douche and shower before vaginal sex because they don’t HAVE to. I think it’s pretty mandatory for gays unless all you do is oral and/or hand jobs. It’s the anal aspect that requires cleaning up, unless both guys have a scat fetish. This is the one main thing that I hate about being gay. We can’t just fuck in the elevator, join the mile-high club or fuck in the office in the heat of the moment. Or even just fuck straight after getting home. Plus, everything is pre-screened and pre-planned the way we ask each other if we’re top or bottom, what we’re all into and see if we’re a match before we even meet up. There are, of course, advantages to this practice as a lot of straight people tend to be in sex-less relationships because they’re not REQUIRED to talk about sex initially unlike with gays but, on the downside, they get to enjoy more spontaneity with sex, particularly with the penetrative kind.

  71. Jeffrey dixon

    Its different 4 straight peeps, a guy can stick it in his woman, blow in 5 & roll over. As a vers guy, if i am going to get fucked, i make sure i am cleaned out. Even after this, i sometimes discover i am not fully clean. Unless your fetish is the “brown word”, most gay dudes are pretty thorough about cleaning out when they bottom. When topping, it occasionally happens that the bottom isn’t clean, i dont make a big deal out of it. Instead, i send him 2 the shower.

  72. Del46

    I shower before and after having sex. My partner must shower before having sex, that breath better be fresh, that ass has got to be clean, and uncut guys…that foreskin better just as fresh as the rest of the body. I’ve made exceptions for tops on there way home from work. Fortunately, they didn’t reek at all, no repulsive mansmells and reasonably clean.

  73. Jack

    Yes, showering before sex is a must. I’m a runner and the odors that I’ve smelled have been terrible. Makes me go flaccid right away and they can’t understand why I stop. For the that spent the night, showering isn’t a big deal. I love morning sex and there’s nothing sexier than waking up and topping the guy that I slept with after topping him the night before. Showering isn’t mandatory then.

  74. Slyfoxx

    I’m not into scat so a dude would have to be cleaned out – but as for smelling like 0 kinds of soap, cologne and deodorant –

    For me that’s a turn off. and any guy that would require it is not a guy for me. I like the scent of a man after a hard say sweating. or a few days unshowered. it’s my personal pref. I wish i met more dudes into it though

  75. LoveSeeker2014

    Um yes I am into cleanliness and I prefer taking a shower before and after sex …before to get clean and after to keep clean and keep the romance going!

  76. Thomas

    Straight people who don’t shower before sex…good god, no wonder so many STD’s get started that way! Nasty, nasty. Always shower before sex, wash my hair, brush my teeth…you name it. Presentation is everything, and if you don’t care enough to make yourself smell and look good, that’s saying to the other guy, “I don’t give a fuck!” Not what you want to communicate on your first encounter, or your second, third,… If a guy smells like sweat, piss or shit, that is NOT a turn-on to me. Cannot imagine anyone getting turned on by it.

  77. jszm

    duh. warm soapy slippery wet showers with bodies writhing together is in itself great sex. showering is the first act, not a preparation for sex! it’s my favorite!

  78. MistrFister

    Is this serious??? What gay or bi dude DOESN’T shower before AND after sex? The former’s to present yourself as good as you can be to your partner; the latter’s to clean up the lube, cum, sweat, pee, dookie and whatever happens during. I know there are scent pigs out there who don’t like this, and they’re a special case, but by and large, it’s been second nature to me since I was 8!

  79. cd

    I always shower before. I let the guy know I am not into smells and expect the same. The say smells turn me off. Shower after also. Sometimes shower tigether. I kinda drop the soap for one last piece of fun.

  80. Aaron

    ewwwww…straight people are so gross, haha.

    It is just a given. Because we fuck each other in the ass and because we’re getting naked at all with one another, we need to look and smell our best. Likely we’re going to get all sweaty and stuff during the event but why go into it smelling gross? I work all day so I do not feel sexy when I get home until I’ve washed the day off of me.

    There are a lot of guys in the area I live in that don’t bother showering and it’s horrendous. Especially if they’re keen on getting fucked. You should educate yourself on anal douche and general cleanliness before presenting that to someone who wants to have sex with you.

    Shower. Just do it.

  81. Almost9Hard

    Definitely always shower before meeting a guy. Some dudes don’t care, but I definitely can’t stand getting naked with a dude and not feeling my cleanest fresh. It’s funny, but once I am in a relationship, the day that farting in front of each other is permissed, so is sex w/o a shower (although we are still clean and smelling pretty good…soap and water, please…nothing but a light cologne).

  82. Duketurner48

    Personally, I like showering before, after and sometime during sex. A nice, clean body is always more appealing to me than a dirty, stinky one and I always try to be considerate of my partners.

  83. Yankmanfl

    Definitely shower before sex or nothing will happen. I shower off even if I am topping the guy, I like that clean fresh scent. I agree with the majority. I love to rim, but one whiff of a unclean hole and I won’t go near it, can even affect the bj and the intercourse. I have lost a hard on, just from a whiff of crap! Now after sex, not as apt to take a shower. I clean off, but may not shower, I like the sexual scent of after sex!

  84. bobbylvc

    Shower!!! I was going to top a guy who was not clean – it turned my stomach completely – I think men need to learn to shower – a little man smell is ok – but i do mean a little – I even wash my junk before I go out if I have been reading stuff and am aroused –

  85. Dale

    Cleanliness is a must! I’m bisexual and both sexes must be clean before I go down on anyone.
    I always shower prior to having any type of sexual encounter. I use toilet paper and baby wipes after I take a shit but still don’t feel comfortable when rimming is involved.
    If I detect any type of body odor on myself or another person then no sex will happen until everyone is freshly showered.
    When anal is involved and I detect a shit odor, the sexual encounter will come to an immediate halt.
    Now on a different note, if the person is clean but has too much cologne or perfume on or the smell of soap is too powerful, sex will not happen. My sense of smell is powerful and strong smells are a turn off for me, especially cigarette smoke.

  86. Dawgboi

    It’s a must that we shower before and during sometimes and after sex….body odor from anywhere from head to toes must be on point always!

  87. mustang41

    Yes a good cleaning is a must! My lover teases me because I take so long to clean when I bottom. You bottoms out there need to clean yourself before bending over. Nothing pisses me off more and turns me off quicker than “Striking Oil”!!!!!!

  88. Bill

    always shower before sex, will suck balls, rim, taste my partner all over, as long as clean and not smelly. I shower, and expect my partner to do so as well, together is always fun

  89. Douglas Dean

    I’m a licensed massage therapist so I take showers more than most people as I don’t want to offend the people I work on. Every once in awhile I’ll post an ad offering a free massage for the kind of guys I like and for the most part 99% of them come in shower fresh. A few I’ve had to send to the bathroom to wash off the cakey white underarm deoderant. I find that type of underarm stuff repugnant. It also doesn’t mix well with lotions or oils.

    The 1% though, WHEW. I had one guy a couple of weeks ago come over, STUNNINGLY hot, wanted to skip ahead to the sex instead of the intimate foreplay. So I start the massage at his feet and when I get up to his ass and it naturally starts to part, all of a sudden ODOR. Literally made me start to gag. I hustled him up off the bed sent him into the bathroom with a towel and an ear syringe. If he wouldn’t have been ungodly hot I’d have sent him packing.

    Guys check yourself if you fart after douching. You might have sharted instead.

  90. Ryan

    I love manscent.Love ripe UC cock and if I fuck an ass and it is not 100% clean I dont freak.I would like to play with the boys from Spartacus..dirty and horny.

  91. mochaman1

    I shower before getting busy because I want to present a clean body to the person Imam going to have sex with. No traces of the day left on my body

  92. Athletic sweat can be a big turn-on

    There are exceptions to many rules, including rules about “always” showering before sex.

    One of my favorite times started with a sweaty summer tennis match.

    We were both soaked when got back to my place for drinks, chat, and then we helped each other out of our sweaty gear. He surprised me by putting on my sweaty shirt. That was sexy. The sweat on his back tasted great to me.

    Yes, we eventually ended up in the shower together, but our jock sweat made things hotter for us.

  93. Drivetrain

    Hell yes a shower is a must before having sex. As a bottom I will not even go there if I know I am not fresh and clean. Showering together is always hot and can set the mood for a wonderful time between the sheets.

  94. Ken

    I must shower before I have sex because I am not going to have anyone call me dirty. Besides, I don’t want my partner to be dirty, and can’t ask him to be clean if I’m not.

  95. Curlyhunnty

    Yes I love showering I’m a neat freak when it come a to cleanliness smelling and being actually clean my man won’t get none of this body unless he showered like I did plus I don’t do anything that smell funky hell naw

  96. Terry

    It depends on the sex.
    If I know my partner is down to fuck me and if there’s a chance of getting rimmed, definitely, I’m going to shower.
    If someone is just dropping in to get their cock sucked, then I’m less likely to concern myself with it.

  97. SEAN

    I get asked not to sometimes….But if I have a sit down session in the bathroom hell yeah I do! I dont want the reputation of being a Funky Buddha!

  98. Jerry Spaniard

    I read about half of the posts above. Quite frankly, I have a strong suspicion that someone with an agenda has made more than half (or maybe damn near all) of the posts above. I mean, like 99% emphatic agreement that showering is “a must?” … amongst gay men? I happen to like a man to smell like a man, and I’ve seen dozens of forums and blogs where countless men have been into the same, and even to a much larger degree than I.

  99. chip

    Only when i have sex with a man. As stated in the blog. But with a girl. No need to. I dont know, just feel like i need to shower before having sex with a man and no need to with a girl.

  100. Jay

    I’m more interested in the guys here saying they shower 3-4 times a day. Who has time for that? I can understand in the mornings before work, and after a workout, but why else? Unless you are working a job that requires you to get dirty, twice a day seems the max.

    I honestly do not understand…

    And to answer the original Q, it is a necessity.

  101. Zipliner

    Not only should one shower before sex. One should also CLEAN OUT !!!! Especially if you want anything to go inside you. Also EVERYONE should get a tongue scraper.. Floss .. Brush and mouthwash .. Bad breath is just as nasty as BO. Some people have really bad garbage breath.. Also don’t eat spicy foods of garlic it’s nasty!!! Get your nails trimmed and a pedicure too and exfoliate your dead skin.. Just because we are guys doesn’t mean we have to completely ignore hygiene and let ourselves go

  102. cowboydave

    As far as a shower goes, it would be nice, but if your outside on a nice hot day…. . BUT if you want some fun with it, there is a song that says it all… ‘you gotta wash it girl’ I won’t rimm a foul tasting ass! honest sweat is one thing, not cleaning up before leaving the house is another thing.

  103. S. Lee Keels

    The HOTTEST, married landscaper paid a visit one day. His ass was SO dirty and there were visible dingleberries present!!! I think he expected to be rimmed!!! It was not especially easy sucking him off, but he was so hot I could not resist. If it were to happen again I’d insist on a quick rinse before we got busy. Gross!

  104. karl

    I’ve had this conversation with a number of straight friends. We pretty quickly discovered that the guys who shower before going to bed with their wives or girlfriends get more sex. Duh. Dave’s point about dirty assholes is right on. As we don’t use bidets, you gotta clean that shit off your hole if you think anyone is gonna get their nose within a foot of it.

  105. JR

    I agree Dave showering before sex is a must! Some guys I’ve met before have there balls and butt cracks smelling like raw onions. That’s nasty and a turn off for me!!!! So yes I definitely prefer a guy to shower (that includes me) before we meet.

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