
News : Teacher Fired After Calling A Student “Fag”



A teacher and photographer in Sweden was fired immediately after calling a student “fag”. The teacher from Helsingborg was asked to take pictures of the new classes earlier this month. “Fag number one, you can stand over here” he said. The principal took immediate action and fired the man on the spot. “He did not respect our values ​​and offended a student. As an adult, you must think about what you say to students.” said the principal.

Good job principal, let’s not tolerate this kind of words in our society!


There are 45 comments

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  1. Soft & Fluffy

    Interesting , considering all the Swedes I know are very liberal and ‘forgiving’ .

    The correct action if you ask me . Hopefully it will be the last time he ever calls anyone a fag.

  2. PAisBoringAsFK

    People are a little too damn uptight with words, whether it be nigger or faggot. There is a reason for the word faggot. And a lot of gay men fall into that category. Annoying, bitchy, think their better than everyone else, especially other gay men. The new generation of out gays are worse than ever. The shit we all have to go through in one way or another our entire lives for being gay, you think we as a community would befriend each other. Not the case for the most part, so much hatred and inner fighting amongst the gays. I use faggot all the time, it’s a goddam word, just get over it, or don’t act like one.

  3. Curious

    Where’s the news link to this? It’s hard to believe someone would just do this in front of their boss haha. Though good swift action from the principal!

  4. Jerry_2012

    I agree and understand the discipline but why aren’t we concerned about disciplinary action when a student calls someone a “fag” whether it is to a student or a teacher?

  5. Bimwmlooking

    It’s funny we gay it bi men can call each other a fag and nothing is said. Just like blacks calling each other nigger or nigga.
    But some one outside our group do it then it’s wrong.
    Should we all not show the same respect or shut the fuck up.

  6. alvon

    That’s nothing…….let’s boycott all the anti-gay churches all around the world….its worse than getting called a fag, when the crackpots tell you God is calling you a fag!

  7. Darryl McCants

    Yep there was no other option. His Teacher should have known better to begin with. Words do matter, and I’am sure the Student feel good about what was said.

  8. james7890

    It happens in public and private schools in America all the time they should be called names like that maybe then it will teach them that society still does not like homosexuals, or gays.

  9. Dickliker

    I agree, we need to be more tolerant and less judgmental and hateful. Unfortunately this happens even within our community. Too bad it does…

  10. M

    …what I expect from a red-state in-bred teacher, not in Sweden! Amazing! But what I expect from their administration for such ignorant and completely unacceptable behavior. Would that our schools were run so well!

  11. TL

    But yet our side tolerates words attacking people of religious faith. I guess the bottom line is we don’t practice what we preach.

  12. Rob

    While I agree with the firing of the teacher for disrespecting a student by calling him “fag”, I am reminded of our 1st amendment and our freedom of speech. Yes, this is Sweden we’re talking about, and they don’t gave the same constitution we do. But that being said, should the same thing happen in the US if a teacher did that here? Freedom of speech wasn’t designed to protect what you agree with, but rather what you DON’T agree with. Otherwise what’s the point?

    To put things in perspective, should the same type of punitive actions be taken against a gay person for calling people conservatives “Nazis” because they disagree with the gay agenda? Isn’t that JUST as offensive, especially if that conservative happens to be Jewish?

    I think a person should be professional in their occupation, so yes, the teacher crossed the line. But in a person’s personal life they have a right to be as offensive as they like, even if I don’t like it. After all, nobody has an exclusive right to NOT be offended.

  13. John Doe

    Back in the 90s when I was in high school, I had a teacher who made the having us entire class write something on a piece of paper and turn it in. It was an odd random phrase and request, as he was the Spanish teacher. When pressed for a reason why we needed to do this he stated, “Someone left me a gay note and I wanted to see if it was “John Doe”. I of course was mortified but said and did nothing. Looking back I really wish I had the courage to do so.

  14. Jay

    Why is not okay for the principal to say this, when the word is uttered in gay bars all the time? I understand it was a child/minor, but let’s consider this “f word” to be just as bad as the “n word.”

    Tired of the double-standards in the culture.

  15. Michael

    That’s just plain ridiculous…losing one’s job because of a comment? Is the whole planet becoming as trite & pissy as the U.S.? We have become the poster boy for overreaction & iintolerance and frankly, its embarrassing. Punishment, perhaps, fines or penalties, OK, but losing his job? For a comment?? Unconscionable! Maybe the kid WAS a “fag”..
    While its hardly a term of endearment, I suppose, I learned long ago in grade school that you choose to be offended or insulted; NO one can effect that except the individual, certainly not someone spouting off verbal epithets!
    As humans, we all say and do dumb things from time to time..its part of who we are as a species & not likely to change… Forgiveness & tolerance, not reaction or indictment, are hallmarks of a deity-inspired lifestyle –which obviously is only paid lip service to and not espoused as a real possibly…

  16. bsb1016

    I don’t know what possessed that teacher to call a student an inappropriate name instead of a person’s name. Anyway, the teacher got what he deserved and that teacher needs to look in the mirror and reevaluate his calling and his self respect. Treat all individuals young and young at heart the way you want to be treated.

  17. JC

    Kudos to the principal. Way to go Sweden. This is how it should work in the US, but most of us know of too many teachers and principals who instigate (or tolerate) anti-gay hate.

    I know we have freedom of speech in the US. But does it extend to hate-speech? Especially from an adult to a child? Especially in a school setting or other public space?

  18. tickled

    Best news I’ve herd in a long time …i guess that teacher will learn to bridal that tounge ….hahahaha i think i will go to the bathroom and enjoy this 😉

  19. Hunter0500

    But OMG! isn’t it just ever so much MORE important that Legendary designer Oscar de la Renta has died at the age of 82! OMG just everything that every gay guy would need to know right this VERY moment over some guy’s either stupid slip … or stating the, DUH, obvious (depending upon the dynamics of the school situation)?

    Really, are either of these items really “OMG! newsworthy”?

    Condolences to Mr. de la Renta’s family, of course. And thoughts and prayers to the school that now as to sift through a nightmare of political correctness.

  20. John

    As much as I don’t like the word or how it is used in any manner, i believe its important for kids to learn how to deal with things like this so they’ll be more prepared for when they’re adults. I’m glad the teacher was fired, but what’s going to happen when that kid grows up and someone calls him fag or something worse? It’s going to be a little harder for him to handle. But then maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he will have a little more confidence growing up.

  21. Lowell

    IDK,think I woulda preferred that that word had no power and wasn’t offensive and wasn’t given a second thought,oh well,maybe next year.

  22. dm

    He deserves to be fired just for being a complete idiot and not realizing that there’s just some things you shouldn’t say to anyone.

  23. Garrett

    Ridiculous. A person losing their entire livelihood just because he called a kid a name one time? Maybe a reprimand would have been in order, but not a firing.

    Would you like to be fired because you made one mistake?

  24. Ron

    Yes, lets ban words and terrify people into the “correct” way of thinking instead of educating and having open honest discussions. Its way easier and has that 1940s Germany feel good vibe as well!

  25. Really

    When someone calls you a name, it’s not about you, it’s about them! We give words the power to hurt us. if we would not have a reaction then it would stop! You can call me whatever your want, because I am secure with who I am!!! Teach I children to deal with it.

  26. b

    Right on to that principal; the LAST person a child should have to worry about hearing antigay slurs from is an educator. All of you wanting to bemoan that teacher getting his just desserts, all of you in this thread making with the same tired-ass tirades and sarcasm about political correctness gone too far that the Faux News ilk DOES every time this nation gets one step closer to full equality under the law for YOUR look-at-ME-daring-to-bash-cissyfied-liberalism-but-that-doesn-t-make-you-any-less-GAY asses– GO HAVE A FUCKING SEAT AND DON’T YOU DARE HAVE ANYTHING NEGATIVE TO SAY ABOUT HOMOPHOBIA COLORING YOUR LIFE SINCE YOU WANNA WHINE ABOUT PEOPLE NOT HAVING THE THICK SKIN TO SHUT UP AND TAKE IT.

  27. crankyd

    Good Lord, you faggots that argue to protect the teacher… SERIOUSLY? What is WRONG with you?!
You REALLY think that gay-bashing is okay because YOU dealt with it in your childhood?
Didn’t it hurt?
Would you really wish it on someone else simply because you endured it?
Or maybe being able to call out shitty treatment from bigots is really what any group needs to able to do?
Seriously… you “suck it up” faggots make me want to go on a killing spree and stab you right in you shitty gayfaces until you all die in an ocean of hiv-tainted blood.
And then shit down your faggoty-assed neck-holes.

  28. NslashA

    I think the more important thing here is that the guy was trying to be insulting to the kid. I think the guy should have been fired whether he called the kid fagot, retard, or any other clearly insulting term. He was there as a teacher and one thing teachers need to teach is civility, but not just teachers are responsible for teaching this lesson. When children see parents, relatives, and even adult they don’t know, use derisive terms, make fun of others, or single out other individuals, and then bully them it’s gives kids a “free pass” to do it to their peers, especially if the kids see that not only did he bully someone, but he got away too cause somebody like the principal was there, saw and heard everything, and did nothing. I think the matter of which word he used to bully this kid is rather trivial and may overshadow the real problem.

  29. Freedom

    People really need to think before they cite freedom of speech, for starters this is in Sweden or whatever, and secondly Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from punishment for being an asshole, just means no one can tell you not to say shit and you can’t be thrown in jail.

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