
Music : Singer Sam Smith Comes Out



Sam Smith came out as gay. The British pop sensation said that his debut album, In the Lonely Hour, is inspired by the love he had for a guy. It is not a big news for people who had been following his career, but some tabloids claimed he was dating model Daisy Lowe, Smith then publicly stated their relationship was platonic. We can actually even see Sam having a moment with a man in his latest video “Leave Your Lover”.  What,s most important is that Smith is happy and has no problem talking about his sexuality. He said :  “I’ve made my music so that it could be about anything and everybody— whether it’s a guy, a female or a goat—and everybody can relate to that. I’m not in this industry to talk about my personal life unless it’s in a musical form.”

Listen to “Stay With Me” after the jump when he appeared at SNL!



There are 18 comments

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  1. Tony

    Congradulation!!!!!! Sam is a very talanted souful singer and I’m glad he’s standing in his Truth. He’s an amazing singer and he plays for our Team. Yeah!!!!!! God Bless Him. And the song “stay with me” is a great song.

  2. RithmR

    First heard homeboy in Fall of 2012 at TOMORROWLAND EDM festival were Disclosure premiered Latch w/Sam Smith and thought his voice worked perfectly with the beats and sounds. 8 months past by and Naughty Boy drops La La La w/ Sam Smith. Totally fucking hot track and bump it for my 25th birthday party that year. Toward the end of year was working on a Tor Network and stumble across Money On My Mind, no EDM just str8 good beats and Sam Smith voice echoes thru my MacBook and I become a true fan. Searching a song For Valentines Day I work hard to find one and low and behold STAY WITH ME!!! HIS BEST TRACK YET!!!! Also find JUUN When It’s Aright w/Sam Smith!!!!!


    Cheers To A Dope Human Being ! As a fan of him totally proud right here!!

  3. Shaun

    Ok while it’s very exciting that such a great and upcoming singer is gay, but I had heard he was out and gay before I even heard his music and that was over a month ago. I am a little confused.

  4. BearOKC69

    Hadn’t heard of him before this post and based on the clip, not impressed at all with his singing performance…words seemed slurred and vocally weak…how did he land a gig on SNL?

  5. Hunter0500

    Sam has been around a while. Good music. Many people probably won’t be surprised by his announcement. Most probably won’t care. “Coming out” just isn’t the big deal it used to be (a good thing). For him, he has settled the issue and can move on.

  6. NoNameq

    Literally just heard of him 3 days ago when listening to Disclosure’s song Latch on YouTube. Must admit to have been impressed then. And I also thought to myself that this dude is gay.:) Good to know I was right.

  7. BearOKC69

    Blog: that’s what I’m talking about…watched it again and the high notes were strained…like I said vocal performance (at least in this clip) was weak…being able to hit a high note here or there is great, but all of the notes that lead you to it are important as well.

    I personally can’t sing but can appreciate those that can and excel at it. Unfortunately, this guy doesn’t have it. If you are going to be a singer, one should be able to sing. IMO

  8. Moby

    I had never heard of Sam either until now. Watched the video. Beautiful song. Beautiful performance. Kind of reminds me of another talented gay Brit singer who was at his peak three decades ago – Boy George.

  9. chance

    not that i think sam is a bad singer i think he has a incredible voice , but BearOKC69 the ablility to land an snl gig isnt that hard as long as you have a decent following. And the have been monumentally talentless acts on snl *cough* lana del rey *cough*

  10. mik

    Nice guy . A little green around the gills , HAPPY HE CAME OUT . For all those that dont or cant , He is a friend of mine , I did the snl show he was on .

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