
Member Of The Week : SataiTuck

Hey guys, I’d like to present you SataiTuck.

He is one of our member for quite a while and recently he was telling me that he has been single all his life, so I thought about sharing his profile with you guys. He definitely has a killer smile, right?!

SataiTuck lives in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He likes cars, hot men (who doesn’t?), muscles, working out, eating out, intimacy, helping others. He really seem like a cool dude.

Check him our on A4A and send him a note!

If you’d like to become the “member of the week” send me a message with username, interests, age , hobbies, what you’re looking for etc… at blog at and I might feature you next week!



There are 18 comments

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  1. muzyqman

    Dave – if the guy had been single all his life and he was 48, I would have more sympathy. But a 22-year old who has been single all his life? What? 3-4 years since he came out? At his age, single is good. He needs to learn a lot more about what kinds of men are out there and what he likes and wants before he worries about still being single.

  2. Asshole

    Plus he has a Dumb Screen name what does this mean? I would forsure Report him if he contacted me. I bet you will have him suspended in no time.

  3. egar2plz

    Dave I just wanted to say that I thought it was very sweet of you as well as thoughtful to look out for a fellow gay brother :). We should all take a page from your book and do something kind for each other more often 🙂

  4. December17th2013

    I’ve never experienced love in my 23 years but I’m not sure that this is prudent. Maybe he needs to go out more? I’ve met some great guys out in the real world.

  5. Antwan

    Story of my life haha. I am 22 as well but it depends where you live. Geographically where I am located its hard to find men so I’d suggest to move to a bigger city or closer to one!

  6. Srehturts

    I have to say that I agree with prior posts! 22yrs old…. Having been married in an unauthentic life I can’t say that I have been single my entire life, but I can say that I have never been loved by a man! I was in love or so I thought once since coming out nearly 6 years ago. I do not feel sorry for this kid who has the world at his finger tips. Besides he says he’s only looking for friends! In this community he’s probably going to be single for the rest of his life because for some reason gays are the most judgmental, self serving, dishonest group I have ever been associated with. My life was much simpler as a “straight” married man, and that’s saying something!!!! I’m still happier living my authentic life single or not.

  7. Drew

    Dave – I really like the whole idea of a “Member of the Week.” Its fun, interactive, and from a social media standpoint its a compelling idea. However, it seems really weird to have to nominate oneself. Not that this has motivated the previous Men of the Week, but nominating oneself seems either needy, egotistical, or both.

    What if you asked men in different regions or states to vote for someone from that place? Or something like that. Just a thought

    Keep up the good work!

  8. Joe

    His profile also reads that’s he is looking for friends only, after you read the entire paragraph. He is adorable as hell and looks to be a sweet guy. I agree with muzyqman, he is only 22 and the “whole life” thing isn’t that long for him…he needs to just get out and try other means of dating instead of relying on just the computer (if that’s what he is doing) but sounds to me like he just came out and that he hasn’t even tried going out to a dance club or whatever else is up there in that part of Ohio. He hasn’t experienced enough in life from the way the profile has you thinking. The last sentence or so in his profile needs to be changed because if seone is truly interested in him then he may put them off from talking to him because of the whole “looking for friends only” that needs to be removed. He will get a lot more responses then.


    I agree with Muzyqman. Looks like the kid has a lot going for him so he should have no problem finding love. ALSO sometimes being in love sucks too.

  10. David

    Taking a look at his profile, he indicates he is only looking for friends. He is cute, so if he’s looking for more, some profile editing might be in order.

  11. Gay Tony

    Does he live in a small town? If he lived in a bigger area, he wouldn’t be single at all.

    He’s a blonde twink/otter. Muscle guys love (almost exclusively) blonde twinks/otters.

  12. Fairprince

    Not sure why I am still single I live in the Caribbean and it’s not easy to hook up with guys here for proper dating pity I keep myself looking good total bottom here my profile is sweetbamc maybe you can feature me thanks

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