
A4A : What’s Up?

Hey guys, what are your plans this week end?

I’m off to Quebec City to see Celine Dion concert on Les Plaines d’Abraham, a huge outdoor concert.

We are a bunch of friends all going to the show. We got ourselves VIP tickets, so we get to drink Champagne, see Celine from very close….and then we might go out to a gay club! I know it’s kinda tacky but we love her, it’s OUR Celine!! lollll

What are you up to? Let everyone know where you live and what are your plans for the week end? Going out? Visiting a city? Cruising on A4A?

Enjoy your week end guys!


There are 18 comments

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  1. shapelessinchicago

    i will be starving myself as usual…well i was in love with this guy for about 5 minutes..till i discovered his fling story…..the sad part is he came on to me…HARD…he texted me around the clock…..then i found out he bottomed for some guy..i’m like…”I thought you were a top?” aye mios dios….anywhoo…he tried to blame me for his bottoming adventure..but the truth is..i had 10 flings bitch cause i knew you were on bullshit. happy holidays…happy birthday…and sorry for your loss.
    love you’s

  2. Pedro V

    I’m from the state of Idaho in the USA, today me and a group of friends are going to a music festival. After we may hit the clubs…. but who knows the night is young

  3. Osei

    We flew into NYC late yesterday and spent today just walking the city – went by the High Line for the first time and had lunch in Chelsea. The weather is awesome, so after resting up, we plan to head back out tonight just to dance. Tomorrow we will see Kinky Boots at 3 pm and then do the 7 pm Dinner Cruise on the Hudson River. Heading back to Florida Tuesday late.

  4. Jaygold53

    I went to the Lil Wayne concert today. Had a great time too. T.I. and 2 Chainz was also there too. Raleigh, Nc here.

  5. Brian

    Hi, just a bit of relaxing and mellowing out for the weekend. Not much of anything at all.

    It was a long 2 weeks with a swollen ankle, so pretty much taking it slow. Ankle all healed up but still don’t want to do anything that would put me right back where I was days ago.

    Enjoying these good days. With a few trips to the store for food and drinks.

  6. Jay

    This weekend I’ll be moving into my home in Jupiter Island, not far from Céline’s house (chez Céline). We’re going to be neighbors.

  7. Brad

    This is in response to shapelessinchicago: I believe the article asks about what one intends to do over the course of the next couple of days. What you’ve shared is probably the same thing you’ve said to each and every dude whom you’ve talked to in the last 24-48 hours. That’s just plain drama and it annoys me enough to take the time to write a response about it. Get a fucking life, get over it, move on to the next topic. It’s as though I ask someone “how are you today” and the response is “yea I slept with this dude, and found out he fucked someone else and I crushed him hard, etc etc etc.” And in the last analysis you dumb piece of shit…..I’m sorry, you’ve mistaken those on this blog for they who give a fuck.

  8. mark

    I am just thinking about a guy he taught a class I was taking this semester he is so hot but I don’t know if he straight or bi or gay. and theres a guy on this site that looks like him a little but no face pic to see if its true but I don’t think its him because he doesn’t respond to me even saying hi. it would be cool if it was but I will just dream

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