
Health: Syphilis and Porn


Syphilis and syphilis testing have been in the news a great deal this past month, and the thanks for the media buzz goes to increases in infection rates and an outbreak among performs in the adult industry.

Porn Valley’s major studios stopped production on August 20th following a syphilis outbreak.

The production black out has been part of the industry’s compliance with the Adult Production Health & Safety Services’ (APHSS) call for a production moratorium. The STD testing organization further responded by immediately treating all performers with antibiotics, infected or not. Leaders took that route because a performer could be infected with syphilis and it would be undetected for 90 days under the tests used at the time.

After a two week ban on production the L.A. County producers are scheduled to resume filming Saturday.

Production will resume, in part, as the result of a switch in the Syphilis test that is being used to test performers. The STD office has found a test that can determine if someone has been infected within 14 days, rather than 90.

The test, an Anti-Treponema EIA Screen, is marketed under the brand name Trep-Sure, and is a sensitive ‘lab-run’ test, not available in most clinics or private offices.

A change in the frequency of testing is also underway. The industry previously mandated monthly HIV testing  for performers, but had scheduled twice-a-year syphilis testing. As direct a result of the syphilis scare performers will now be tested for both HIV and Syphilis monthly.

Syphilis is not limited to adult performers and is of particular concern to sexually active gay men.

Syphilis remains a major health problem for gay men in Canada, and the US, particularly in Southern United States and in urban areas across North America.

With many areas experiencing increases in infection rates that are similar to the 18% rise in California in 2011, it is more important than ever for all gay men to get tested.

Looking for more information on syphilis or a place to get tested?

Try this link




There are 16 comments

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  1. Vanessa V

    It is so worrysome to have sex these days. One can get anal warts just by rubbing someone else cock against a butt, no intercourse. One can get herpes just by kissing or rubbing even without intercourse. And one can get syphillis without knowing it.

    How can I have sex these days. I guess I will just use my hands.

  2. Alex

    If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times… everyone is so damned worried about contracting HIV that they post their status as negative (as if we can believe half of them ANYWAY!). By doing so, they think they don’t need to use condoms. But…as usual, they think with the below-the-belt appendage, and fail to keep in mind that in addition to idiots and liars, there are also other diseases, and not all of them fully treatable, that are just as devastating. Vizt, e.g.: syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, hepatitis B & C, to name at least some of the “biggies.” Goes to show, you can’t teach people to act responsibly if they aren’t willing to listen.

  3. Anthony

    Could you do a blog entry about herpes. I have herpes and almost every guy i have tryed to date in the past 5years has not been willing to date me for me all they see me as is HERPES.

  4. Brian

    They need an oral test for Syphilis like they have for HIV. They also need to make it a home test. Some people do not like giving blood and some people do not want to be tested at a doctors office.

  5. Steve

    Wow it’s about time the conversation broadened beyond HIV, it’s not the only sexual disease. That is why I choose not to answer the HIV drop down because someone can be HIV negative but STD positive

  6. William Austin

    Tests sells Vaccine! So if a test has a High Positive More Money is made ! More Testing more tcauses more Positive results selling more vaccine! Remember the medical industry is all about making money! Always get a second or third test.

    Advertising & Press Release sells Testing: More Money!

    A percentages of vaccine will cause the disease! Fact! Then they will sell you a Medicine ! More Money

  7. Commenter

    Gay men are inundated–including by sites such as this one–with images of unprotected sex that are presented as the hottest thing going. And then we expect those same men–younger, inexperienced men in particular–to make different choices in their personal sex lives. When will the studios that produce unsafe sex videos–and the organizations that promote those videos (A4A included)–start to show some semblance of ethics and some extent of concern for our community’s well-being? Money isn’t everything.

  8. Josh

    I am HIV- and have a simple blood test done via blood donation, when the take your blood they take a sample to test to make sure 100% that you are clean, but i haven’t donated blood in a while cause i have been to busy helping my family i have the occasional hook-up but always use a condom even if i have to double it i will take all precautions to not get infected with any disease… But i am going to goto my local health clinic with whom i know i can trust to get a professional test done, i hope it shows that i am still neg.. i am getting all the tests for all std’s and orally conjugated diseases

  9. Jay in Chicago

    But yet we still have too many folks who seem to think the only way porn can be enjoyed is if the actors in each scene fuck raw and without a condom. So much for that nonsense answer the other blogger Dave about ‘Oh the actors get tested regularly’ when I and others pointed out that raw fucking gets too much glorification in porn when the discussions were about HIV. Yet we want to continue wondering why so many guys have this invincible can’t happen to me attitude in regards to having sex with no condom. And the answer isn’t to walk around scared to have sex or do specific sex acts. Just make smart choices about what you do if you are going to have sex. That means get tested regularly for what’s out there, actually learn how different infections are transmitted instead of the word on the street falsehoods, and be responsible for your health by insisting on you or the other guy wearing a rubber and the other measures to protect yourself and others because this foolishness of doing everything under the sun and then running scared from the guys who have the gumption to be honest with you is going nowhere and just perpetuates the problem. And I don’t know what was supposed to be the purpose of the tirade about vaccines by the one guy but time to come out of fantasy land and realize STDs are very real.

  10. William Austin

    You can’t truly trust a Medical Test that the main goal is to make money! So is testing valid! Many Medical Tests are not effective, other than making money

  11. Africa

    Americans, americans, americans… Don’t wait until its too late to realise the importance of health issues. Currently ur tax payers money is being re distributed in developing countries like Botswana and other african, asian and South american countries to try and contain self inflicted STDs all because of ignorance and too much baseless knowledge individuals tend to brag about. You are a world power nation yet ignorance has become the order of the day to average americans. Pls join hands and fight STDs as Gay men, be responsible. Let’s not blame porn production companies and their promoters because site like this are for the informed over 18yr olds. So we know better and yet we still want to put some degree blame on to the next person. That’s total irresponsibility. The outbreak of Drug Resistant Gonorrhoea should not be taken lightly. Act while u still can and make a global difference pls.

  12. Jay in Chicago

    Bill Austin, I don’t know where you get your testing done but I get mine done at a very reputable hospital where the main focus is looking after every patient’s health and NOT making money. Nor do they try pushing unnecessary vaccines on anyone and leave it up to you to decide if you need to get the standard ones. So my original thought on your argument stands. Now if your medical professionals aren’t looking out for a patient’s best interests in your area the way you think they should, you do have the option to speak with your local medical boards.

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