
Watch this ! Gay caricature… you need to see that !

My friend/collaborator Stephan found that movie online yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. That is the most amazing and hilarious cartoon video caricaturing 2 gay guys discussing sex and HIV like we often do on hookup/dating sites! Educate yourself guys, and open your mind ! Cheers !


There are 13 comments

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  1. Dave

    What a great video! I am sure this discussion has occurred in similar fashion. It actually made me stop and think about my actions. Nice job posting.

  2. Gr8t4t8

    ROFLMAO. Great piece. ( Pun intended.) I believe in having protected sex at all times. However, like the character who turns down the positive one because he’s positive, I’m just not comfortable having sex with a guy I know is pos. I understand about protections and viral load and how it is and isn’t spread but being with a positive man creeps me out. I know that sounds shallow or harsh and offensive but it’s the truth. I believe in protection, limiting my partners and getting tested regularly. I’m negative and plan to stay that way.

  3. Scotty

    Priceless, educational and very accurate.
    Reality check. Assume everyone you are with is HIV positive and act accordingly.

    Excellent post.

  4. RicanCutie

    I’m in shocked after seen this cartoon,it makes so much sense and unfortunately is the Reality of meeting on web sites and hooking up randomly without even knowing the person.This shows u can’t trust anybody until u have prove of their status.

  5. N4MANT

    Thanks for posting this video. Hopefully, this helps those us to make wise decisions about having SAFER SEX by, protecting ourselves and being more educated on the positive truth of HIV.

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