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Speak Out: How Do You Keep Yourself Hot At 50?

A few days ago, the Internet went wild over Chuando Tan, a former model whose Instagram selfies went viral. And why wouldn’t it? Tan is attractive, muscular, and definitely bucks the stereotypes often associated to Asian males in the Western world.

But what really gave those selfies an added oomph was the fact that Tan is 50-years-old yet has the body and looks of a 20-year-old. If you need a refresher, look at some of his photos below:

Happy like #TGIF ✌️😜 Shot by us #chuandoandfrey @frey_chuandoandfrey Model @elliott_law_ @avemanagement #aveboys

Une publication partagée par CHUANDO – Official Account (@chuando_chuandoandfrey) le

Guess what ! There’s no better reason than to be in a Birthday suit today 😂 🍾🎉🎊🎂 #celebratinglife – 3rd MAR 20:00

Une publication partagée par CHUANDO – Official Account (@chuando_chuandoandfrey) le

According to Tan, the impressive physique is the result of hard work. In an interview with him and his photography partner Frey, he outlined a typical day for the two of them.

“We believe health is very important and it opens us to all possibilities! Hence, we usually start our day by exercising before anything else, then after, we could be at the shoot, or having a meeting with a client etc.,” he shared.

Tan’s physique is certainly impressive, but we’re pretty sure that Adam4Adam has its own share of silver foxes who still look like they’re in their prime. We want to hear from you guys! How do you keep yourself hot at 50 and beyond? Any exercise or diet regimen that you swear by? Share it with us in the comments section below!

There are 42 comments

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  1. Kevin

    Best way is to start when you are 20. Eat healthy and stay active. It is very hard to start late. But you can start at any age.

  2. Randy

    Being hot at 50 for most is a foolish objective. It’s similar to calling yourself boi in your 30’s or 40’s. The objective should be to be fit, healthy, groomed, successful, and mature at an age appropriate level. Younger guys find me desirable because of those qualities; I exclusively date guys in their 20’s and 30”s and can fuck them and then give them advice on life, career, investments, etc. Each decade of life brings values, and experiences; don’t run from them, embrace them.

  3. dls245

    I’m 54 yr old single straight acting gay male, who is a firm believer of eating healthy most times, working out 3x’s a week and have fun by yourself or with others, is the key that keeps me feeling good about myself. It’s a combination of good physical and mental health.

  4. william

    Makes sense that old people like to keep hot. A lot of them have moved down to Florida, or Phoenix, or Palm Springs where it is hot all the time. 😉

  5. Dave

    Exercise, exercise, exercise !! I swim 10,000 yards/week, run 30 miles/week, and lift 3x/week. I’m 5’8” 160lbs. In better shape now than when I was in my 20s. I also use good facial products (Cleansers/Moisturizers/Eye Creams). And hanging out with guys under 30 helps a lot too !!

  6. jpowerhouse

    I’m 52 and there are three things that keep me looking and feeling younger. They are diet, exercise, and good genes. I’m not into younger guys per se, but it’s nice when they want to hook up. I have a grown son and no desire to be anyone’s daddy. It’s nice when you’re older and some guys think you’re much younger. Additionally, I think being positive, respectful of others, refraining from excessive drug/alcohol abuse, and having an overall positive attitude can make a guy more attractive in many other ways, too. Remember it takes just as much energy to be negative as it does to be positive. I prefer the latter.

  7. Marcus

    I will be 60 soon and I can’t believe how well I look. I was told yesterday by a coworker that I look 48. My main thing is that I’ve been able to keep my weight down over the years. My secret is very very simple. I keep digital scales in my bedroom. Every single day after I shower I weigh myself. If I gain a pound I will simply take it off. Some people go on eating binges and once they get on the scales they have gained a lot of weight. Some people don’t get weighed until they go to the Doctor. I wear the same waist size pants for the last 30 years. Again I simply refuse to wear a size 36 pants. If I have a hard time getting in my 34’s, then I HAVE to lose weight so that I can fit in them easily. The 6 million dollar question you all have is how? I cut out all sugary drinks, cut out cookies, cakes, candy , pizzas, burgers, etc. I cut out bread completely and drink plenty and I mean plenty of water. Once I get back on track and lose the few pounds I gained I got back to eating regularly and have forbidden foods i mentioned above every once in a while. My other secret is that I shave my head and my face is completely hairless except for my eyebrows, so therefore I have absolutely no gray at all. Again my keys guys is to weigh yourself everyday to maintain a good weight and eliminate as much gray as possible with dye or cut it all off.

  8. Olderhot

    Me? I turn 70 this fall. I still exercise, still watch my diet. It is way too hard to get back in shape once you let things slip. I no longer work at bulking up but focus on flexibility. I do weights 3 times a week with lower weights and higher reps, and cardio 3 times a week. I hit the treadmill more than outside running to avoid the uneven pavement. Intervals is it, whether I’m running or swimming.

  9. Vincent Martinez

    Sexy by definition, is what you think sexy is. I was always sexy but did not know it until I took control of my life. Loosing 100 pounds, being sober for 8 years and a new outlook on life changed my physical appearance but gave me confidence, and that is when my sexy came out so to speak. I’m don’t have chiseled abs or rock hard pecks but I am happy with the way I view myself. I maybe 53 now and loving it as I have more energy and sex then I did when I was in my 20’s.

    • LEO

      Congratulations guy!!
      Loosing 100 lbs is a major accomplishment, in addition becoming sober !!
      After my 40th Birthday, I suffered the worst hangover of my life, it literally took me three days to recuperate. From that point forward my drink of choice became Club-Soda with a wedge of lemon and lime. It’s been 10 years since I’ve had a drink, and I don’t miss it whatsoever.
      Now, looking back it’s my utmost belief someone slipped something into my cocktail ten years ago, which was a contributing factor to my three-day hangover.
      One word of advice to everyone , keep your eyes on the bartender, when they’re mixing your drinks, and NEVER leave your drink unattended.

      Again, Congratulations to you Vincent on your accomplishments. Now that’s Sexy and Fabulous in your Fifties!

  10. Michael

    At 53, my eyesight stinks. My hairline is a mere image of it’s former self. I became unexpectedly single very late in life. Those things I cannot control. Everyday, I get up at 2:30am, go to the gym and workout like a maniac. Spin and Yoga too. Strict vegetarian diet. All things within my control. I started taking better care of myself in my 40’s when I saw things starting to go South. Yeah, I get tired and sore sometimes. But, definitely worth it when my 28 waist Levi’s are falling off of me.

  11. David

    Never give up. It starts with how you take care of yourself inside and out, body, mind and soul. Eating right is 80% of the battle. Everything in moderation. Exercise regularly. Get a good night’s sleep.

  12. Wayne

    The gym is my medicine at 62 I workout on monday, wednesday and friday. Tuesday and thursday is reserved for those four and five hours rides unless it raining then it’s cardio day at the gym. Not trying to impress anyone, just making sure no doctor get me hooked on their drugs

  13. truthseaker

    Speak out, why do so many men on A4A lie about their age, then aggressively pursue guys one-half (1/2) their age and then cry about the results? I see the same thing when men go cruising, there they are ignoring someone in their peer group sitting right next to them, while they they drool over some youngling that they have no chance with. The best part is when they claim the young guy has a “attitude” when either the surprise truth is either they never bothered talking to them correctly or better yet they are not even bi or gay! guys if you are 50, then own it, dont lie, you might actually get compliments for looking so good. guys if you are 70, then own it, dont put 45 on your profile, you aren’t fooling me, even with the just-for-men hair color. how about being your “authentic self” for once and not a facade of lies, imagine how much more successful you will be.

  14. Dallas

    How to be sexy at 50? Be mature and act your age. There is nothing wrong with growing with age. How not to be “hot” at 50 is to be 50, and act like your 20, dressing like some circuit queen and shoving everything up your nose and “relating” to kids half your age. That’s a whole lot of mess that people in the 50’s should be happy they have passed and moved on to a more meaningful life. Those who try to live in the past, are unhappy with their present.

  15. Chic

    Well, it seems you’ve confused ‘fit’ with having a very well toned body. Fitness means so much more, maintaining a healthy mind and body mean different things as we age.

    Hot, sexy, healthy, desirability, independence, wisdom, maybe even wealth are part of being fit at 50, mature men got SO much going on!

    At least that’s what my younger friends tell me!

  16. Kyle

    I’m about to turn 48. I run and am in decent shape but not like the guy pictured basically because I like food too much. I have zero desire to starve myself. That said, to me someone is sexy when they are comfortable in their own skin and have a good personality. I’ve seen sexy men with all types of bodies…and I’ve seen super fit guys of all ages I don’t find sexy at all.

    That said, genes do play a big part. I’m naturally smooth and have always had a baby face…I often get mistaken for being several years younger. But my gray hair is catching up and definitely makes me look my age. However I won’t dye my hair…to each his own but I think a head of gray hair is sexy…and I also think an older guy with obviously dyed hair just looks uncomfortable with who he is…

  17. Lamar

    Great genes, I’m 56 and look 40ish, fantastic head of hair and all my beautiful teeth, always had great skin-smooth, naturally athletically-lean. Did say I started out with good genes, yeah, did I ever as a “late bloomer!” Good diet, active, a good and “realistic attitude” about the aging process. I love my greying hair, gives me a distinguished-look. But, I digress, it is a bit easier being black, ’cause we don’t crack as they say, lol!

  18. Matt

    I started “dating” older men when I was 14. I grew up without a father, so part of the attraction FOR ME was a father figure. I grew up without financial stability, so their stability attracted me. I was (am) good looking with a big dick, but I had no self esteem. Believe it or not, they helped me with self-esteem. Especially as it applies to older-to-younger relationships, the man may not have to do anything to be hot at 50. He may just have to be himself. I’m 30 now and still love the look of older men who act their age.

  19. HunterWI

    I’m well into my 61st year. No six pack. No full head of hair. No gym, but I am watching carbs, sugar, and fat and I add physical activity whenever possible. I’m regularly told that people think I’m a decade younger than I am. My buds tell me I’m hot and I get hit up by “pretty boys” on this site and another that I frequent. Do I have a secret? Yes, don’t be a self-absorbed, self-obsessed, arrogant ass who thinks the universe revolves around him. Be a respectful, responsible gentleman who values others no matter how our world view differs. Often that means distancing myself from the aforementioned asses without friction. That’s a challenge and is something I continue to work on.

  20. Randy

    56 and loving it!! I eat right, watch my carbs and walk 3-5 miles three times a week. The other days I focus on weight training. Life is a journey–straight forward–you can’t turn back time so why pretend? I am 5’9″ and tip the scales at 160 pounds. I have been wearing a size 32 waist Levis for 30 years now.

  21. Doug G

    At 51 I’ve lost 65 lds since last August no more fast foods I cook for myself and two sons and now and then another guy who I care about very much I’m out to most and like the looks I get when I’m working for a major food service delivery company people find it amazing that I can run up and down those ramps from the back of 36&48 foot trailer work out 3-4 times a week for atleast an hour each time all I can say is enjoy life and be happy I find young and older guys attractive and the young love us older guys cause we have respect for all

  22. oogs

    I”m 326, but most guys think I’m in my early 100’s. I beat off 3 times a week, get 6000 vials of botox inky face, had 4 liposcuctio procedures, 8000 IPL treatments. a butt implant, and take roids.

    wait a min.. I’m only 30 and live in west hollywood

    and ummm there are tons if asians, latinos, black guys, white guys that look amazing over 50.

    snore on…

  23. Hardrock34

    I recently turned 60 and feel absolutely fabulous. I was never one to chase younger men as I find men in my age group very desirable. My 60 is not my father’s 60. I keep myself well groomed and well dressed. The body is not that of a 30 y/o but i have no problems with my social life. I’ve beenseeing a 40 years old for over 7 years and there are no complaints on either side. A good majority of my ‘boomer buddies’ are good looking well dressed, and secure financially and emotionally. Those characteristics constitute ‘hot’

  24. Kevin

    Can you please expand on “bucks the stereotypes often associated to Asian males in the Western world?” What stereotypes are you referring to?

    • Aaron

      Erno Laszlo – I’ve used it since I was 15. I am 62. Last week someone commented on being older than I am. The commenter was a 50 yo male. When I told him I was 62 I had to pull him off the floor. The other thing to slow aging is stay out of the sun. It’s the number one thing that will age you the fastest and its damage is rarely reversible.

  25. akckinkybtm

    Good genes play a big role. Diet and exercise certainly do help, but many of these “hot” guys have genes that certainly make it easier to look that way (full head of hair goes a long way…I’m lucky in that regard, and even though I’m not as fit as I’d like, just having the full head of hair with very little grey, means many guys think I’m 10 years younger than I really am). Genetically, I’m sure his genes make him eager to exercise and be active and probably helps with his metabolism. His personality type probably helps too (which is also set by genetics…for the most part, probably)

  26. bjjj

    I’m not hot, I’m in my mid 60s, somewhat overweight, mostly bald, belly, wrinkled, and a cock that doesn’t work like it used to when I was younger. My BF is in his mid 50s, and showing his age as well. Neither us care that were not that hot looking. But there is a mutual attraction between us. We still sexually get aroused, and enjoy doing all kinds of things together. It’s mostly about love and affection for each other, not always about looking hot.

  27. Richard

    Definitely genes help. Good habits are better though.
    1st- Eat well…all the info is out there. Get rid of white carbs and you’ll be a winner. Look into natural supplements that keep our insides strong.
    2nd- Workout for happiness. I read magazines like Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness now incorporated into Men’s Journal. I find new workouts to try an adapt. Constantly changing it up to keep my workouts fresh and interesting. When I find a workout or a particular exercise getting old, I change it up and find something new that works the needed muscles.
    3rd- Workout for conditioning and flexibility. It’s interesting since I stopped working to build muscle I have more and better definition. Meaning, change the the “why” in your workout.
    4th- Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize- trust me it works.
    5th- Be on the right bus. Meaning you can get on the negative one or the positive one. It’s your choice yet why would you choose the wrong bus. There’s a glow that manifests when you choose the right road to travel. Getting on the right bus when some dilemma happens, making it your go to choice and then you’ll see it becomes a good habit. People will want to be with around you.
    6th- Embrace change and newness. Discard the mediocre. As I get older I realize that time is a bigger factor than when i was younger and I’m not going waste time on things that mean nothing to me, to the people i care about and move to things that benefit me, them and the world itself.

  28. R

    Am very fit for my age at 69 and I’ve worked out most of my life off and on. Have a shaved head a moderate hair on my body which is usually trimmed. Never been “heavy or fat”, but did loose my hair by the age of 22 and still sleep sometimes with guys in their mid 20’s. Most recently, hired a trainer, 25 str8 guy to correct some things. He had clients after me one day some young kids and they could not believe my age and I’ve heard that most of my life. Had a great diet, but its even better now with the trainer here in Las Vegas. Just take care of where you live, workout, and eat healthy. While you don’t need to have a “model” body, should at least strive to be HWP.

    Don’t understand how some people can become so F……huge………
    Be the best self you can be!

  29. AndrewG

    I am 50 and don’t feel like 50. If you want to be hot at 50, do resistance training. It is said that bodybuilding is the fountain of youth. Not only will resistance training raise your testosterone levels, it’s good for the heart and organs. This coupled with proper nutrition, will keep you hot at any age,

  30. Benjamin Button

    I was blessed with the genes… but there’s also a lot of maintenance that is required throughout life. I was the hardgainer as a kid and young man. I HATED that! All those juvenile “skinny” jokes. If FAT jokes are considered rude then why aren’t the skinny jokes considered rude as well? I’ve fought all my adult life to build a little bit of muscle and now, well into my sixth decade of life, taddaaa! “overnight” it’s happened. When asked my age no one believes me. They would guess at least 15 yrs younger. Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! I’ve been blessed with a metabolism that doesn’t hold onto much of anything so I eat whatever I want, as much as I want. I workout 3-4x wk and do road bicycle to fill in the gaps. A fit lifestyle is it’s own reward. You owe it to yourself to get off the couch and get moving. When this body is done, it’s done.

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