
Health: Possible Universal Antibody For HIV-1 Discovered

Huge advances have been made in the fight against HIV in the past few decades, and it looks like another huge step has been taken as scientists have unveiled a new universal antibody that could be used to fight the virus.

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, a team of scientists led by Li Ka Shing of the University of Hong Kong revealed a promising new universal HIV-1 antibody candidate that could radically change HIV treatment and prevention. Li and his team of scientists believe that this new antibody could work even longer than antiretrovirals or even PrEP.

The team invented a “single gene-encoded tandem broadly neutralizing antibody,” called BiIA-SG, which is effective against multiple strains of HIV and also promotes the elimination of dormant infected cells. There are at least 60 known different epidemic strains of HIV-1.

If BiIA-SG is successfully developed, it could dramatically affect the economic burden suffered by those undergoing HIV treatment. The scientists share that further modifications are being done so that the drug concentration can be maintained for weeks or even months, which would mean that those undergoing treatment would no longer have to take a daily pill.

This news follows other positive developments over the past few months with regards to HIV. As previously reported here on this blog, New York has hit a record low of HIV diagnoses. That report followed a declaration by the Centers for Disease Control last September that HIV can’t be transmitted if it’s undetectable.

How do you guys feel about this new development on the HIV treatment front? Are you feeling hopeful about it? How would it affect you, economically, if you no longer had to take a daily pill for treatment? We’d love to hear thoughts in the comments section below.

There are 25 comments

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  1. Luigi Nonono

    Gene manipulation is dangerous, probably unethical, and the wrong approach to fighting disease. Sometimes we are meant to suffer and to die. We are not humanoids.

  2. Descartes70817

    My Triumeq is covered for zero cost so my expenses are for tests and other treatments. Since I assume the testing regime would be the same for this possible antibody, and since I assume the new treatment won’t be covered by insurance I’d say my treatment costs would skyrocket.

  3. Father Hennepin

    There’s no news that will ever say it is okay and safe to be a total slut and sexpig. There will always be stds, and new viruses will appear. Live for love, not lust.

    • TheOne

      Most ignorant comment ever. Just because someone has an STD it does not mean they got it by being “a total slut and sexpig.” Go educate yourself prick

  4. taijitu

    I would first like to remind the good father (Father Hennepin) that there are many people infected with HIV by another means besides from a sexual encounter. Funny when we are thinking about a person’s life or their quality of life that you would go there. But I totally respect your right to your what I would call a very narrow-minded opinion. On another note, I am very excited to learn about ANYTHING that can help fight this disease. And I realize in 2018 there are still a lot of people with the opinion that if you are infected it is your fault. Most of these people have never made a single mistake in their life. So, of course, they should feel that people infected with HIV are getting what they deserve.

  5. Rand

    After reading the first three comments here, my first impression is to state that Luigi Nonono’s assertion is incorrect. Gene manipulation is not dangerous, in responsible hands, and has been conducted for centuries. My reason for commenting herein, is not because a potentially universal antibody to HIV-1 has been synthesized, but rather to contest the CDC assertion that those individuals who test as HIV-1 “undetectable” are not contagious. This simply is NOT true. The most accurate means of diagnosing HIV infection is through the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique which amplifies DNA (or in the case of HIV retroviruses, RNA) from small samples. The traditional samples amplified, however, are blood samples. So when a blood sample is tested for HIV infection via the PCR technique, if the result is below the detection limit of the instrument, then the diagnosis is an HIV-level that is “undetectable.” Well wake up and smell the coffee! HIV is not only present in blood, but also in other bodily secretions. The bodily secretions involved in man-to-man sex include those of the testis (balls), Cowper’s gland (bulbourethral gland responsible for precum), and the prostate gland. Most of the spertatozoa (ejaculate) is from the prostate gland which could be loaded with HIV environs that a blood-based PCR blood test did not detect. IMO, the HIV “undetectable” designation with respect to non-transmission is a rank fallacy, the CDC statement notwithstanding. To any and all who are reading this, I am a biochemist by education an profession.

    • FutherResearch

      Four human bodily fluids are capable of transmitting HIV, all are blood based: Blood, Semen, Vaginal Secretion, and Breast Milk. Also, I am concerned with those that get angry because someone comments on concerns regarding STIs… I do not believe it is a judgement call to be concerned about one’s own health. I have friends, who because they are on a PreP regimen, believe they don’t need to be cautious in regards to other issues. One has just finished with a bout of Syphilis, so while you CAN behave any way you wish, there are other infections and diseases that could easily be avoided with some forethought. Lastly, I am always concerned when I learn that my tomatoes that do NOT spoil after three months in the fridge have been genetically modified with scorpion DNA, or that spider silk can be reproduced in large quantity from goats milk … It is great we are capable of such discovery, and a bit unnerving because we do not yet understand the long term implications of ingesting such modified [GMO] foods. I believe HIV was accidentally cultivated in the natural progression and misuse of scientific animals while testing human blood-born illnesses in monkeys. Instead of the appropriate destruction of the test animals many were sold for further studies and food sources, leading to the spread of retroviruses in humans. Ethical study and treatment means following protocols, and not making profits nor EXCUSES …

  6. BlkBootist

    That sounds very good. But I don’t trust them. With what’s going on in the world today, I think it’s an elimination ploy. In other terms, I think it will probably suppress those rarified gene’s in humans which create brilliant minds. It’s like suppressing the dna of the body which makes access to the soul accessible creating dumb and lethargic humans. If You think this has nothing to do with that, then keep sleeping..

  7. Lamar

    Someone’s got to come up with something, ’cause promiscuity is still the number one killer of a great many things, many are not finding tangible as it relates to personal responsibility, let alone loving that special one ’cause no one is really special to anyone, mostly. Sex, has become nothing more than another kind of consumerism, like being chewed-up and spit-out, slid-into and pulled out of, north-end or south-end, take your pick, next!

  8. Hunter0500

    “If BiIA-SG is successfully developed, it could..”

    As the father of a child (now adult) who has a life threatening, life long illness, “if” and “could” only bring disappointment. Until the doctor says “we can”, it’s all just marketing for someone looking for investors. My child should have been cured decades ago based upon many many similar but rounds of “if” and “could”. A4A should cease advertising pipedream$ and report only protocols which are proven and available.

  9. R

    This development, if successful, may provide a platform for further medical progress. ARV development, to combat HIV, actually enabled the curing of Hepatitis C, which formerly was treatable but incurable.

    Much of innoculation therapy involves manipulating micro-organisms. Treatment of deadly diseases does not automatically make everyone a slut. There are HIV sufferers who got it from accidental transfer, birth inheritance, condom failure, any number of causes. We need to get off our stigma horses and be glad of every medical advance. I know any number of cancer patients who never smoked, for example. And I resent anyone who implies that HIV is somehow the deserved fate of certain people. That train of thought by misguided, self-appointed “religious” people destroyed the early anonymous testing system which actually was slowing the spread, and delayed research funding by critical years, which could have halved the lives lost, at least.

  10. Carlos

    Y’all are all so serophobic and awful. Just say you hate people with HIV and move on.
    Also fucking Christ Descartes, like can you just look slightly outside of how it affects you directly? You make it sound like a new possible treatment for HIV is a personal affront to your wallet rather than being happy new treatments are in development for other people that might be resistant to current drugs.
    Y’all have no empathy and use every available opportunity to further marginalize HIV + people.

    • FutherResearch

      I am cautious, and concerned with my own health. I do NOT hate others and I am fully aware that those living with HIV and other issues are HUMAN.
      I only “hate” when in these BLOGS many seem to make blanket statements which are unkind to our brothers and our community. It is a good reminder that WE ARE ALL LIVING WITH OUR ISSUES and we should bear the burden of respect for one another. If any group should think twice before denigrating others, it is those of us capable of loving other men … We should be the first to remind others to return to the table and to open a thoughtful discussion.

  11. Thomas Trescone

    Luigi Nonono… question for you….do you have HIV? Because if you do not, you have no right to make such a callous, insensitive remark.

  12. Okzebra

    Oh please the old love is better than lust is just another reflection of hetero-monogamy morality. One can have both in non-hetero world.

  13. Kamikapse

    Will this be the new Prep that we are supposed to cheer for as the ‘Holy Grail’ of eternal whoredom without any responsibility?

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