
News : Ivanka Trump Faces Backlash for LGBT Pride Month Tweets

Photo Credits: Marc Nozell

Donald Trump may have been quiet regarding LGBT Pride Month but the presidential daughter Ivanka Trump was not.

Ivanka welcomed the first day of June 2017 by posting a couple of celebratory tweets “wishing everyone a joyful #Pride2017.” The tweets which she also posted on Facebook drew backlash from both the LGBT community and the Republicans alike and some netizens didn’t bother mincing their words at all. Take a look at Ivanka’s tweets below.

Some of the responses expressed doubts about Ivanka having LGBTQ friends or having one at all.

Several netizens on the other hand, reminded her she supports politicians the likes of Mike Pence and her father who—earlier this year—rescinded federal guidelines on bathroom rules for transgender students. Whereas Pence is known for being against marriage equality and transgender rights and once upon a time, he also suggested the withdrawal of federal funds for HIV/AIDS research and put it on gay conversion therapy programs instead. And of course there is Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a bill which Pence signed into law when he was still Governor of Indiana.

Others were more succinct, even injecting humor but are nevertheless equally blunt with their message.

But it wasn’t just the LGBTQ community who was displeased. Supporters also expressed their disappointment, and some of them even went as far as dragging the bible as well as God’s thoughts in their line of reasoning.

But other supporters thanked her as well for being supportive.

Anyway, what do you think about Ivanka Trump’s tweet regarding LGBT Pride Month, guys? Do you agree with the others who said her words held no meaning as she is a supporter of her father and Mike Pence? Why or why not? Share with us your thoughts in the comments section below.

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  1. Matt

    And all those tweets against Ivanka just make LGBT people look mean, hateful, and vindictive and therefore not deserving of respect.

    The better choice would be to say nothing, not to get flaming hot with rage, and throw drama.

    Politically, the LGBT community is its own worst enemy.

    The hatefulness, intolerance, bigotry, and bullying by gay people sometimes makes me wish I could turn straight. The hate has to stop somewhere.

  2. vincenzo

    Ivanka is a phony politician…news? absolutely not..C’mon girls..pick and choose your battles. you all throw down like nobody else and you know that..Hold another night charity event…bingo or lip synch…raise the funds to make a optical difference. the backlash to LGBT rights is cuz u have gotten so far and you know it..dont hate..aplreciate..put that tongue and that swinging booty away and take out your money and your fist. fight the power by kicking it between the legs…then sashay away!

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