
Dating: What Not To Put On Your Dating App Profile

Valentine’s Day is almost here. If you’re not in a relationship already, you’re probably on a dating app either looking for Mr. Right or Mr. Right Now — with varying degrees of success in finding one or the other.

The thing to remember with dating apps is that it’s like any first time encounter with a stranger, where first impressions last. If your profile isn’t up to snuff, you’ll probably get passed over for someone else.

Since we look out for you here on Adam4Adam, here’s a list of some of the things you shouldn’t put on your dating app profile if you’re serious about getting into a relationship or at the very least, getting into someone’s pants.

1. DON’T have an old photo of yourself as your profile picture. Sure, you thought you looked really hot in that photo from a year ago and you feel you’ve kept in shape since then. But that photo may not necessarily reflect exactly how you look right now. Just imagine having to deal with the disappointment you’ll see on the other guy’s face when you’re photo doesn’t match up with the reality. If you put up a recent photo of yourself, you signal your honesty to the other person, and you can at least be moderately sure that the other person likes you for you.

2. DON’T go on and on about yourself in your profile. Yes, it’s tempting to list down all of the qualities that you think would make you a great catch. But a guy who’s been scrolling through rows and rows of profiles and photos either won’t have time or the inclination to read through a novel-length profile that outlines everything about you — from your favorite color to your hopes and dreams. Keep your profile short and sweet, with just enough information to keep the other guy wanting more. This way, the two of you will have something to talk about when you finally meet face-to-face.

3. DON’T send unsolicited dick or butthole pics. Unless asked to do so, keep pictures of your privates to yourself. Add shots of your abs there as well; if you look at any gay dating app they’re all replete with shots of sweaty abs and selfies from odd angles. You’ll just look like everybody else and end up being overlooked by anybody scrolling through.

4. DON’T share private information like your mobile number. Adam4Adam’s Safety Tips page already has this tip, but it bears repeating. Don’t share any information that could identify you or could be used to run a background check on you if you’re not yet comfortable with the guy, and definitely don’t put it on your profile for everyone else to see.

5. DON’T put up any extreme opinions in your profile, especially about politics and/or religion. More so now than ever before, loudly expressing a political opinion can get a lot of feathers very, very ruffled. While you should definitely stand up for your political principles, a dating app isn’t the place to do it. Keep it to yourself for the meantime, because if you end up having some chemistry with the person you’re chatting with, you’ll end up sharing political opinions eventually.

These are just some of the tips we’ve come up with to boost your chance at dating app success. Do any of you guys — especially the ones that have found relationships through Adam4Adam — have any tips for those still looking? Share it in the comments below!

There are 23 comments

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  1. Ethan

    I had a feeling number 5 would make it to the list and I have to disagree. Sure if it’s just to fuck who cares. But if it’s on a dating profile, that’s kind of important. There have been recent studies that in reason years political views come before religion and race when selecting a partner. I’d much rather know if my potential partner is an alt-right bigot or a crazy liberal before knowing if they were a top with a 6″ dick.

  2. Dave

    A few more “donts”
    Ok to mention what you look for but don’t mention what you don’t want
    To say ; I like fit , black guys around my age seems reasonable, but to say; No fat dudes, no one over 40 and no Latinos, comes off as mean or hateful and can make a group of men feel bad about something they can’t change ( except being fit)

    Another is don’t brag about your looks , or how good you are. You come off as arrogant and more times than not, it isn’t true. It’s in the eye of the beholder not your mirror.

    Last one is put a pic on your profile and fill out completely. I Understand discretion and some of us are not comfortable with putting a pic on the net. That being said you can put something up that is cropped to keep identity hid. If you can’t then put a very detailed description and fill out complete profile.
    Profiles with nothing but a screen name and maybe one sentence like “checking it out”
    is a waste of everyone’s time. I’m sure you get sick of all the silly questions if you do have a profile like this. ….

  3. JAKnMY


    • Capt. Obvious

      JAKNMY, if you don’t find yourself sexy, why would you be on a dating/sex app expecting someone else to?
      Your all caps explosion of text is stupid. Just say YOU don’t find some people attractive.

  4. JC

    Far better to say what you want, rather than what you don’t want, even if it’s qualified by “just my preference…” As if that erases any thought that you are a bigot.

    If you list “friendship” in your profile, as one of the situations you seek, do you really mean it? Because if you reject people because of race, weight, age, religious or political beliefs, etc. you may be passing up a person who you could have a great friendship with even if you don’t want to end up in the sack with that guy.

  5. headsupguy

    Dave alluded to an important “don’t” in his follow-up post. I avoid profiles under screen names that pay the owners big self-compliments. Screen names containing “handsome,” “sexy,” “hung,” etc. As the expression goes, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Everyone is attractive to someone; it’s just a matter of those two people finding each other. A person who has a need to tell the world how attractive he is really hasn’t “sold the product,” but rather, told us how vain and self-absorbed he is.

  6. Jake

    I know this isn’t the place for this remark but just want to say something on it. Why are bots or trolls from all over the country/world permitted on this site. They sure aren’t looking for anything real and when one of them contact me I just read their profile and laugh. They all in the end are suspended anyway. So Dave can’t you work on something where we can check a box where people can contact us within so many miles from where we live.

    • Dave

      hmmm, I dont think no. Our new app will be ready soon (hopefully) and you guys will definitely prefer the app than the website. and it will show the distance… So you’ll be able to delete easily if too far.

  7. Tommy

    You can have a blank profile and still find what you want or a profile full of details.. Ultimately truth be told, what’s obj your profile only matters to you, not to any one else… I skip profiles with more than 5 lines… I even message guys with no pictures, because it’s about the connection.. scroll down to see if they are top verse or bottom..Even dudes who are bottoms have a hard dick picture I their profile… Can’t teach common sense to people, so why bother teaching someone the profile etiquette of a hook up site… When I message someone who is looking for friends, dates, or what ever else, I unlock my pictures.. My private pictures are My face, body, dick, ass… to To find out dude wants more pictures… the game keeps going… 🙂

    • FreeSpirit

      I also used to be perplexed about bottoms with pictures of their big dicks in their profiles but then I realized that many “tops” are dick-lovers. Some tops even state in their profiles that they prefer big-dick bottoms and one New Jersey top, some time ago, even put on his profile that he did not like small-dick bottoms! Hence, big-dick bottoms put pics of their dicks to attract these “tops” and, in the process, gain an edge over the less well-endowed bottoms.

  8. Capt. Obvious

    There’s no reason to not put your political or religious opinion in YOUR profile on a DATING app.
    What’s the point of fostering chemistry and conversation with someone you have an ideological conflict with? You’d just be making it worse. The notion that you should give everyone a chance despite knowing right off the bar they exhibit qualities you don’t agree with or can’t deal with is how people end up stuck in situationships that could’ve been avoided with honesty from the getgo.
    If you support racism or sexism or that other stuff, let me know off the bat. Can save us both time because I won’t be interested and I won’t entertain it.

  9. soft & fluffy

    Dave said ….

    “Profiles with nothing but a screen name and maybe one sentence like “checking it out”
    is a waste of everyone’s time. I’m sure you get sick of all the silly questions if you do have a profile like this. ….”

    More and more people are logging on in my locations with this BS .
    Profiles with nothing more than a weight and an age and ‘HMU’ , or ‘Just ask’

    Do holders of such profiles really get sick of the questions ? Well if they do they sure don’t seem to ever change their profiles !

    I was recently messaged by the holders of one of these useless ghost profiles and when I politely asked how well he makes out around here with such a profile he responded with a lecture about how great of a guy he is and it leads to ‘wonderful conversation’ with other people and he gets laid left , right and centre .. HAHAHA .. NOT ! !

    Then the little immature cunt blocked me before I could respond .
    I hope one day his piles hang like grapes and he can’t even find a finger .

  10. JaysSN

    I also disagree with #5. I don’t want some unstable, self-loathing republican anywhere near my bed. Plus, how else could I say I’m not “Trumpster-diving” when I go to the South?

  11. Mike

    I think a thorough police is best. I’m a small bottom and have no interest in a well endowed guy. I like to be able to see upfront that the guy would be more than I can handle.

  12. Ftt

    Don’t have sunglasses on in your main profile picture, it indicates you’re hiding something. Don’t have your dog or cat in your main profile picture, it indicates it anybody you date will be playing second fiddle to your pet. Don’t use the words divorced or widowed anywhere in your profile, it indicates that you are looking for sympathy sex, and that the person that is viewing your profile is going to be compared to you’re divorced or widowed partner, that’s not fair to put that kind of pressure on a new guy

  13. okzebra

    use an old picture, show your junk, use short sentences, and describe your sexual role in bed — that’s what A4A men are really looking for. it’s just a trick for most of us so let’s be honest about it. As for the others, well, this is good advice. But, this is free so you get what you pay for.

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