
Sexuality : Premature Ejaculation

Here’s some pretty uncomfortable questions for you guys.


Do you always or nearly always ejaculate within 60 seconds once you’re in a guy?


Do you find it hard to delay ejaculation all or nearly all of the time when you’re having sex?


Do you avoid sex because you’ve answered yes to the previous two questions?


If you’ve said to all three, you’re more likely than not to be suffering from premature ejaculation, which the Mayo Clinic labels as one of the more common sexual dysfunctions in mean, as one in three men have admitted to having experienced it at one point in their lives.


And not only is it common, it’s also much more easier to treat than most other sexual dysfunctions. We’ve compiled a list of things that you guys can do so you can last longer and spend more than just a minute with your man — or whoever it is you’re spending the night.


  1. Get out there and have more sex

According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the most common causes of premature ejaculation is anxiety about one’s sexual performance. To get over that anxiety, one simply has to follow that old but trusty axiom: “Practice makes perfect.”


  1. Do some Kegels

            As it turns out, Kegels isn’t just for women, it could help you guys out too! It’s simple. All you need to do is to use the same muscle you use to stop peeing mid-stream, which is your pubcoccygeus muscle that helps control ejaculation. Clench it for 10 seconds then release. Doing three sets of 10 reps per day is meant to help you control when you ejaculate.


  1. Jack off before you get off

            You probably did this when you were a teenager, and it’s still as effective now as it was then. But if you’re no longer the sprightly teen you once were, there is one new thing to consider — your post-orgasm refractory period. The older you get, the longer it’s going to take for you to get it up again after an orgasm. So bear in mind that you may be trading in premature ejaculation for erectile dysfunction when this is the route you take.


  1. Condoms may be in order

And not just any kind of condom. It’s a oft-used complaint that condoms dull the sensations of sex, but that is going to work to your advantage if you suffer from premature ejaculation. If normal condoms don’t do it for you, brands also sell specialized ones that have a numbing agent, which could help you last longer.


  1. Talk about it

As we said in tip number one, performance anxiety is more often than not the cause of premature ejaculation. If you’re more open to talking about your fears with your partner, the two of you can lessen the anxiety surrounding the act itself and help you enjoy it for longer.


  1. Take deep calming breaths

            You do this whenever you’re anxious about something, so why shouldn’t it apply to this situation as well? Deep breathing helps our brain release endorphins, which creates feelings of well-being and reduces stress in the body. Make deep breathing a habit so you’re relaxed, and do it before having sex if you’re still feeling anxious.


  1. Get into edging

            In case you don’t know what it means, edging is when you delay your orgasm by stopping whatever it is you’re doing that’s getting you so turned on. You can do it by pulling out from your partner, or squeezing the base of your cock. You can try it out first by yourself, so it doesn’t end up being another source of anxiety when you’re actually doing the act.


  1. Maybe it’s time to see your doctor

            If after everything you’ve done, you’re still prematurely ejaculating, it may be time see a physician about this. They could prescribe antidepressants for you, which a study has shown has helped lengthen sexual performance by at least two minutes. They can also prescribe you a topical agent that desensitizes your cock and helps you last longer.


Have any of you tried out any of these tips? Which ones worked best for you? Do you have any personal practices that has helped you last longer when it comes to sex? Share it with us in the comments section below!

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  1. IMightWantU2

    I’ve found it beneficial to get the 1st orgasm out of the way via orally which usually allows the guy to have better control over his 2nd ejaculation when he’s drilling my ass with his cock.

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