
A4A : Want to Write For A4A Blog?

Hey guys, did you know that it’s been 6 years that we started the blog? 1500 posts were published, 67,000 comments from all of you were also posted. It’s crazy. I just can’t believe it!

I’m writing this post because I’d like to know if some of you would like to become regular bloggers on A4A blog? We are actually looking for users that have strong writing skills and inspiration to write for the blog. Whether you are a health specialist and want to educate others through health related topics, or have good imagination to write fictional sex stories, or want to express your opinion on different subjects under the “Speak Out” category, or any other subjects, make sure to get in touch with us at blog @ or by sending us a private message on our Facebook page!

Whether you want to write once a week or once a month, or just one time, we are open to all types of collaborators!

Thanks guys!


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  1. Matt

    Hey Dave,
    This is something that is rarely talked about. Personal hygiene in regard to sex. I was chatting with a dude I met on adam and we decided to meet halfway and chat in his car. We parked in a Royal Farms parking lot. We were very much attracted to each other and the conversation was great. It was as if we knew each other for years. I’m a avid football fan and we liked rival NFL football teams so it was fun talking to him. Only problem was his breath was really bad so I took the initiative and told him I was going in the store and that I would be right back. I got two bottles of water, gum and hot balls. Lol. I returned to the car and nonchalantly reached him a bottle of water and he smiled and politely said no thanks. I asked him if he wanted a stick of gum as I opened a piece for me and he shook his head no and said I’m fine man, thanks. I was getting fustrated because his breath was really bad Dave. I then smiled and said hot ball? He said nah and began another conversation. I turned my head to the window as we talked but I could still smell his breath. He is very attractive and have beautiful white even perfect teeth. After a while I asked him if he wanted a soda or something and that I would get it for him. He looked at me and told me that I was so kind but that he was fine and that he was having a great time talking to me. He have the prettiest lips and perfect mustache and goatee. Unfortunately I had to make up an excuse to leave because I always been very sensitive to bad odors and I couldn’t stand it any longer. I love to kiss and I mean passionate kisses and no way could I kiss him. So Dave how would you have handled that situation? Ask guys have they been in situations similar to mine…..I have in the past did sniff test on guys before oral sex ( eating ass included) and decided not too after they fail the sniff test. Lol. Guys wash your ass and brush your teeth and gargle right before sex. It makes it so much more intense and pleasurable.

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