
Watch This : A Relation Between A Cup of Tea And Sexual Harassment

Video: Copyright ©2015 Emmeline May and Blue Seat Studios

Few weeks ago, we talked about “being consentant” when having sexual relations with someone. It is important that both guys want to have sex with the other one, because if one is not, then the other can press charges. Sexual harassment is not only happening in heterosexual couples but in gay couples as well.

I love how this video compares having sex with having a cup of tea with a friend. If a friend asks you if you want tea, you can decline, you can say yes or you can say yes, then decline when the cup of tea is on the table in front of you.

Check out the video and let me know your thoughts!

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  1. Bob from Texas

    Not exactly like a cup of tea. Most folks will at least take a sip and smile before rejecting the tea as unpalatable.

    Maybe consenting to the tea with sugar, with cream, with lemon, and/or other additives… so it’s just the way you like it… then complaining because the lemon made the cream curdle and that tea with that person is never very good.

    Heck, after trying it I now realize that I didn’t want tea with that person in the first place and just said I would to be polite.

    Morning after tea remorse?

  2. David "Buzzy"

    Well scripted and filmed, funny how we can complicate a simple “consent scenario”. Ain’t no gray area in this..Thank you, Dave!

  3. usir

    Still disagree with this video ..cause many of us here still make tea in the hopes that we feel good and now we really don’t care if the other likes it or not …Therefore ask for lemonade

  4. marcus spottfly

    the problem with this video is that it does not distinguish between high tea and afternoon tea. in my humble yet modest opinion, i must say that high tea runs the risk of having a consent issue as when someone is on the T and being high, the chance of one knowing what one is doing is considerably percentage wise much lower. most of the folk i enjoy afternoon tea with have pinky issues. i know what youre saying. stick in your thumb and youll put out a plum and say oh what a good boi am i. well, that old adage just doesnt play well in this days of tight holes. men, please start using a quality lube to loosen those holes up before entering with massive digits. ive gotta get back to brewing my lipton orange craving.

  5. normadick

    Sometimes i think i want tea, but then i might see them put it in a dirty cup, or made in messy kitchen, then i don’t want it anymore – i always am polite and respectful letting them know i changed my mind, just don’t like it if they then try and make the case for me to drink it anyway – nah, not gonna happen

  6. R

    That was well -said, just about the clearest, plainest explanation I have seen. Using an example of something that can be a situational enjoyment, or a specific enjoyment, or a flavor-limited enjoyment, was ingenious. Even more ingenious, was the use of something that removes the personal desire and urgency, as sexual libido often adds the selfish aspect to the equation. Ideally, sexual intercourse is a shared exchange, which is why it was called intercourse. We just say sex, which focuses on the genitals, usually mine, since if I didn’t feel the hunger, I wouldn’t try for the goodies, right?
    This reminds us that just because we want it right then, doesn’t mean they want it right then, and even if they do, they might not like our flavor or ant number of things. Shared fun is mutual. And a true gift is freely received as well as freely offered. Any pressure obviates pleasure. Taking advantage is taking, not sharing, so that obviates the intercourse part.
    I like that presentation. It uses manners as a mirror. If I’m sincere, and he says no, I’m glad he’s happy, in this case in his comfort zone at the time. I only get unhappy if I really wasn’t interestex in his enjoyment, but just wanted my needs met in the moment. Best way to judge it is trade places. If I don’t want it, I know it. Nobody can make me eat or drink or skydive if I don’t want, so sex is the same. If he doesn’t want it, he of all people should know it. You know how most things go when somebody talks you into it. You look back later regretting it, usually, or you don’t do it again because you knew you wouldn’t like it, and didn’t. Same with sex. And I honestly don’t want sex with someone who doesn’t have the self control to decide for themselves. A partner with ideas is more fun, always.
    Anyhow, excellent piece!

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