
Music : Skrillex And Diplo Featuring Justin Bieber


Have you heard the song “Where Are U Now” from Skrillex and Diplo (Jack U) featuring…. Canadian singer Justin Bieber? I’m not a Biebz fan but this song is sooooo good! The song was released as the second official single simultaneously with the album on February 27, 2015.

The first single from the duo was also a good song and featured the wonderful Canadian singer Kiesza. The title of this song is “Take U There”, you should also check it out if you like “Where Are U Now”.

Watch the video of “Where Are U Now” after the jump – it is visually very well done – and let me know your thoughts on it!


There are 37 comments

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  1. MistrFistr

    Oh good Lord NOOOOOOOOO!

    I have enough trouble keeping losers like Taylor the Swifty and Nicki Minaj-à-Twat away from me, and now THIS? UGH!

    ..and people wonder why my all-vinyl ’70s-’80s sets go over so well….

  2. Keith J

    To quote the late, great Bea Arthur as Dorothy Zbornak.

    “As a child during the Depression, I had to have my teeth extracted by a shoemaker. That was more fun than this.”

  3. Hunter0500

    Bonjovi released a new CD last month. And the Pretenders did in February. This for those gay guys whose music favorites run outside of Justin Bieber-ville.

  4. RithmR

    Are these dudes posting these comments actually born during the depression or ever during the Cold War era? If so that is obvisouly the reasons why they do not think the production of this song is awsome and why they think it’s terrible when in fact it is the unofficial Song of the Summer of 15′. Jack Ü without a doubt was the best CD release of this year with the combination of worldy sounds futuristic arrangements and undiscovered beats and rhythms. Adding Justin was the right move since his youthful voice speaks not only to my generation the Z generation (born between (1989-1993) to the millenniums (born 1995-2000). All I gotta say is that the world belongs to the young not the old so if you are over 40 I’m sorry this is not your world it is my world our world and if you cannot adapt then you just gotta go to a old folks farm and stay there til you die.

  5. Brad

    Instead of yet another Bieber topic (didn’t we see his skinny butt here a few weeks ago?), couldn’t we focus on something much more important like the speculation on the size of Daniel Craig’s dick or whether the recently single Jon Hamm will choose a man this time (Jon, call me!).

  6. Chris - (TChristopher1)

    I agree with MistrFistr above….it seems like almost everyone today has lost the ability to make good music….it’s all either rap crap or something strange like the video above. Any time I try to listen to something made after the 90’s, it’s a total waste of time…and the dance music scene today is a complete zero except for a few things that come out of Europe.

  7. Richard

    Justin Bieber. A product of the internet. His voice is so enhanced in the studio it’s pitiful. Have you guys seen on YouTube how his voice sounds without the tricks. Also Selena gomez, Taylor Swift and miley Cyrus among others. They cannot sing it’s all a lie. And people actually believe these people have talent. Where are the real singers like Judy Garland and others. Yes I’m a gay man and I like Judy Garland. Only real men like Judy Garland. She could sing unlike the no talents we have today. America in 2015.

  8. Aaron

    It’s visually interesting. I saw Pikachu! I think the various world drums and that flute sound is different and kind of appealing. I don’t mind that Bieber sang it, his voice suits the song. They don’t need to alter his voice as much but that seems to be something a lot of people do these days as some effect. It’s cute. A nice song. Not life changing but not as bad as a lot of mainstream music.

    I did laugh at the “the world belongs to the young not the old” comment with anything over 40 being old. If the world belonged to the young, the young would be running it. But most of the diretors, producers, politicians, teachers, musicians, writers, world leaders, etc are over 40 or in their late 30s. The young have sooooo much to learn haha.

  9. Alexander

    Umm did you see the I hate gays and I hate black in that background message it goes by super super super fast… why would you post this discrimination on a gay forum. F Justin beiber.

  10. Peper84

    I get the whole concept of why everybody hates Justin Bieber it makes total sense but one cannot deny the fact that the young star has made over 200 million dollars in less than a year we are sitting here bitching and complaining about how we feel and how lucky he is as a person and as an artist but the reality of it is gentleman he’s more successful than most of any of us I’m not trying to start an uproar I’m just stating a fact do I value his success yes do I see that he has talent No but overall you must be doing something right

  11. SexNCandy

    RithmR — totally agree

    OMG YOU GUY SOUND LIKE A BUNCH OF BITTER OLD MEN, I was just waiting for the word “whipper-snapper” to appear in one of the comments… And you know what gets to me even more is the $h!t you talk about J. Beiber (who I am NOT a fan of but I DO like this song), yet I bet most, if not all, of you are looking for 20somethings boys to bone on this site. This is one reason you don’t get them.

    I don’t like some popular singers, yet I can turn a blind eye to my feelings and focus on the music. If a song is good, then it’s good. And his is a good song, otherwise it wouldn’t be doing so well. Case closed. And food for thought for the ODBs in here.

  12. headsupguy

    I am not an angry old man. I am a man who was brought up in a home where we were encouraged to seek out the best. In art. In music. In the things we use to live everyday life. And especially, in the people with whom we associate. The best is not necessarily the newest, the loudest, the trendiest or the most expensive. The best adds value to life and stands the test of time. As an adult, I have maintained those values, with a few unfortunate exceptions that proved disappointing in the end.

    Bieber is not the best. Not even close. He’s a manufactured product. He is not talented. He’s cute. At least pre-adolescent girls think so. He’s not creative, unless you count the havoc and chaos he creates at the parties he attends and the hotels he stays in.

    To RithmR, Dave, and anyone else who feels a sense of entitlement: The world, in fact, does not belong to you. It’s not yours until you’ve earned it. Those who show no respect will receive no respect.

  13. Jason

    The world belongs to the young and not the old? Baby 40 is not old! Who the hell do you think set this world in motion and paved the way fighting so you can be where you are? You will be 40 before you know it. I hope you age horribly too. Lol
    That could have been anyone singing that song. It doesnt take talent to have your voice computerally enhanced. True artists dont need that crap.
    Now im not saying he doesnt have talent. Ive seen his utube videos. . I like the song, am I impressed with his singing? No!

  14. RithmR

    Totally agree blog master. And these fools are like expect for some songs from Europe. Calvin Harris David Guetta Afrojack ALL FROM EUROPE and have major success in America! Obviously these men need to get with the times and keep holding on to the past. That can be a hindrance if you want to have longevity in this community.

  15. Art

    Ok, outside of the close-ups on his lips, ears and neck, how can I get those minutes of my life back? BTW, to the twit that thinks the world belongs to the young: As you are, I was. As I am, you will be.

  16. bobo

    The subject has cause more controversy here then its worth, but I,am sure most guys wouldn’t mind hopping in the sack with Justin bieber hehe 🙂

  17. step up

    justin bieber
    cant stand the punkass,ever watch him sing?
    the kid must have something wrong with his cock he cant sing with out grabbing his cock,or maybe the damm thing is rotten off! got to be some infection going on in his pants.

  18. Hooddick83

    @sexncandy. To put a few things st8 of what you said. First to say I’m old and bitter because I dislike he’s music sounds like a bieber fan to me (I’m 28 BTW). Music is like being attracted to someone, you either feel it or don’t. But talent, everyone, sorry, most people can recognise. He lacks some serious talent. And to say most of us are chasing 20 year old twinks is a sweeping generalisation.

    If you can’t sing a note, but look like a model, which most of us dont. 2015 is the best time to get out there, get your auto-tuner and put out an album. What he represents in music weather you can sing or not, is that being good looking and social aware, weighs out more than being just simply a talented musician. Ps… To say and I quote “I bet most, if not all, of you are looking for 20somethings boys to bone on this site. This is one reason you don’t get them”. I don’t know how you know what I’m not getting, but your wrong. I do well 4 my self, and I’m pretty sure most us non j bieber non-fans do alright as well.

  19. NOLAT


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