
News : Anderson Cooper Responds To Pastor Accusing Him Of Having A Gay Agenda


Anderson Cooper has responded to the pastor who accused him of having a ‘gay agenda’. Pastor Larry Tomczak claimed that Hollywood is trying to turn kids gay and that Cooper is responsible for forcing boys and girls into embracing an ‘immoral’, ‘unnatural’ and ‘shameful’ lifestyle.

‘I’ve never actually been to the secret meeting where the gays plot their agenda, though I imagine the catering is quite amazing,’ Cooper said.

‘But thanks to someone named Larry Tomczak, my eyes have been opened. I don’t know what a gay lifestyle is, like I don’t know what a straight lifestyle is. Seems like all the gay people I know, just like all the straight people I know, live all different kinds of lives. I know gay police officers and doctors, gay marines and ministers, even a couple of gay TV news anchors believe it or not.’

Religion really starts to piss me off. From muslim extremists killing gays by pushing them out of a building to Christian pastors saying crazy things like these….Can everybody mind their own business? Jeez!

Check out Anderson’s video below, it is amazing, I love this guy!


There are 33 comments

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  1. joey


  2. bflobear

    You have to love Anderson Cooper….smart man makes great points and makes us all look better than we probably are. News anchors (plural)…who do you think? David Muir?

  3. tall_btm

    It is unfortunate that pastors pass on what they are taught instead of doing their own research to find out WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? And then there is the congregation that blindly follows the pastor instead of following God (which the pastor is supposed to point to). They need to get off the milk and get to the meat of the Bible.

    There is nothing in the Bible that says God is against Homosexuality. It doesn’t even say it is immoral. Especially when read in context (you cannot read the Bible with today’s interpretation of words).

    There is a movie entitled ‘A Fish Out of Water’ which illustrates many of these points.

    Christianity (true Christianity) is not a list of do’s and don’ts’s (that would be the milk). The Bible says to love they neighbor (and thy enemy as thyself (many don’t love themselves). The next big lesson is Know Thy Master’s Voice (God’s), and yes, if you listen you can hear Him and He will direct your path. Disobedience of God IS SIN (listen to His voice). See, now we are getting into the Meat (no vulgarity jokes please).

    Anderson Cooper took the high road. Let people live their lives and let their lives be judged by God, not anyone else. The pastor was wrong on so many counts (but now I digress by judging him – sorry).

  4. Aaron

    This doesn’t surprise me at all. Larry Tomczak oversaw the church my family went to in El Paso, Tx. They publicly humiliated gay church members and told the congregation to have nothing to do with them until they came back to Jesus and became straight. It was horrifying. I’m embarrassed for him. I was surprised he was still pastor in at all.

  5. M

    He probably just shouldn’t have made any acknowledgment at all. It’s the attention that these little reich-wing trolls hunger for. But he did do a good job of it.

  6. MV

    Yoooo if you’re gonna mention Muslim extremists pushing gay folks out of buildings, then let’s also talk about Christian extremeists Book Haram slaughtering 2000 in Nigeria and Israel committing war crimes against the West Bank and Gaza.

  7. Brian

    Who is this pastor to be judging anyone? He is not God. Anderson Cooper is the best in the business in my opinion,he is professional, but still human about his job. Even if that hypocritical preacher was correct in his accusation, it still would not change my opinion of AC. I have followed his career for almost 10 years now, and he has never done anything that could be perceived as either unethical or immoral. He is definitely one of the few on air persona who is real, and truly cares about people. All I can say about the hypocritical minister is to get a life of your own, and get out of everyone else’s!

  8. Reality Check 2014

    Like many other anti-gay pastors, ole Larry will be found in either a park, or public bathroom , on his knees (or all fours), taking it hard, in the name of Christ. Religious hypocrites crack me the hell up.

  9. Allen

    Muslin and radical crazed Christians need to be stopped and eradicated off the face of the planet! Their evil tyranny has got away with horrendous shit for centuries and its time they need to be dealt with once and for all! Starting off with pushing muslin crazies off of sky scrappers first and behead them as well. Give them fuckers a taste of gay militancy! Do what Alexander the Great would do to those bastards! Also give the same persecutions to those whacked out radical Christians whom are fucked in the head as well! Haven’t you people evolved yet!? You crazy buncha trash! I like to see a natural higher being with celestial might come and wipe you all out!The world would be a better place without your evil!

  10. Walter

    Yep I been to those meetings. We gays have an agenda.. Its to take the world & make everyone gay. Those we can’t convert, we throw them in a volcano just for our entertainment(gotta love a smartass) & yes the food is delicious & the decorations are to die for(sorry, had to be a smartass again).. Seriously? An agenda to make kids gays? Is there a machine that makes kids again that gays have or something? The pastor has no idea how stupid he sounds. People like him is why there out married men who on this website cheating in their wives, because those men can’t be honest with themselves & god without feeling of being prosecuted by the their church or the fear of going to hell. Last time I checked, one of the commandments was thall shal not lie, which also means to yourself & god. Maybe this pastor needs a lesson in compassion, cause Jesus gave compassion to EVERYONE not just the church people(don’t get me started on them, bunch of biggots,hypotics, & uncle toms)..

  11. Richard

    How many gay pastors and church employees I have met is amazing. But still choose to marry a woman. This pastor sure is spending alot of time thinking about my gay brothers and sisters. Seems someone maybe is gay and does’ t realize it.

  12. Confused

    Why do people announce that they’re gay or tell the world they’re fucking their cousin like that stupid fucking rapper with tattoos all over his and then tell everyone to stay out of their business? Dumbasses need to keep their personal shit to themselves. Can’t you be or do what you want without being “proud?”

  13. angus

    I never really watch Anderson Cooper or Ellen Degeneres. I don’t care who anyone sleeps with. I like men and women, so whatever you want, MAZELTOV!! That having been said, St paul is pretty clear about gay sex.
    Roman I
    22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and to birds and fourfooted beasts and creeping things.
    24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves.
    25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.
    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense for their error which was meet.
    28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not fitting,
    29 being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity. They are whisperers,
    30 backbiters, haters of God, spiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
    31 without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affections, implacable, unmerciful.
    32 And knowing the judgment of God, that those who commit such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but have pleasure in those who do them.

    The point is that St. Paul doesn’t make homosexuality a “special sin” worthy of more opprobrium that adultery or fornication, it is the same. Modern liberal Christians take his meaning that sin outside a monogamous faithful relationship is sinful. If that’s the case then we are all sinners, but then I bet you guys knew that already. It is however factually inaccurate to say the Bible does not condemn homosexual acts. It does.

  14. Randy

    I don’t need some self centered pastor telling me who I can love and have sexial realtions with. And yes Larry, it is always a male. That’s where my desire is. I am not going to let these assholes dictate their ancient beliefs on me. Deep down my guess is Larry has some curiosity as to how it would feel putting his minute dick on a guys ass.

  15. PugsRule

    Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon. Both out. Both news anchors.

    I’m a huge fun of all of the double entendres Anderson uses. Great writing. Fun stuff.

  16. Fact Checker 1

    Re: MV — Maybe Book Haram was a typo, but your post is all wrong,
    BoKo Haram is not a Christian Group. From the BBC website. (that’s British Broadcasting Corps not a bunch of Big Black Cock Newscasters)

    “Nigeria’s militant Islamist group Boko Haram – which has caused havoc in Africa’s most populous country through a wave of bombings, assassinations and abductions – is fighting to overthrow the government and create an Islamic state….”

    My point is not to engage in a whose worst Christians or Islamists but to have your facts straight before posting

  17. Brad

    Why do we continue to acknowledge people who do things like this the pastor and cooper not are just attention hungry. Ignore them don’t help further their cause. Let their if irance fall on deaf ears and they will crawl back in whatever hole they crawled out of. respond to them and they continue to speak louder.

  18. DW

    Please don’t be completely ignorant, and be on their level! Religion has nothing to do with it it’s the uneducated people behind it! Gay people bring a lot if this on theirselves! We don’t even respect each other, so why should we expect straight people to!

  19. NyouDreams

    Praise You Mr. Anderson! I’ve always thought his broadcast manners were above average and most often find he makes me think beyond his commentaries.
    I’ve found him attractive even before he came out…Not just his looks but his camera presence and personal presentation. Now I alse believe he is close to brilliant because of the tactful and well thought out response that doesn’t show Gays in a negative and Ignorant manner.
    Mr. Anderson please continue to represent your views honestly and factually and thanks to CNN for standing with him.

  20. bo Jangles

    Anderson Cooper is an idiot. I’d like to know exactly what the pastor said, verbatim, and the context within which he said it. I find his “news” “reporting” to be nauseating and uninformative.

  21. George Vampus

    MV’s comment with respect to Israel’s “crimes” against the palestinians shows him up to be as big an asshole as the reverend.

  22. Dennis J Daniels

    To Anderson Cooper
    Your remarks should of been said a long time ago. But this time you have and more or likely it is some one that is jealous for what you have. And your right doesn’t matter weather your straight or gay its about who you love and you are as a human person. You but it in words that no other then you could of. Thank you for that. It was very well done.
    Thank You again
    Dennis J. Daniels

  23. Dennis J Daniels

    Also in case no one realizes this and this is the word from the bible and true to that. God loves you for you regardless. It is said more the a hundred times, all god ask is seek him and be true. Its that simple, and doesn’t matter what religion you believe in. Just seek him. All is forgiven if you be you and be real and help every one out that needs it etc. And if any one wants to argue this then take it up with the man above. It is just that simple. Forgive but do not forget. But to forgive and mean it means more then you realize. It means peace be with you. So let us have peace on this earth with all nations and with each other. Djd

  24. crankyd

    that’s nice, Bo Jangles, that you think cooper is an idiot. But i’d love to know IN JUST WHAT CONTEXT would you find the statement…

    “having a ‘gay agenda’, Hollywood is trying to turn kids gay and that Cooper is responsible for forcing boys and girls into embracing an ‘immoral’, ‘unnatural’ and ‘shameful’ lifestyle.”

    …to be somehow acceptable?

  25. HunterL

    LOL, AC pranking on the pastor is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel, however much the good pastor begs for it.
    I needn’t remind anyone from the dithers sounding off here that we are many, quick to judge. At the core of most faiths mentioned above; are beautiful ideals, often misinterpreted and enacted upon by fools. Fools represent no one except themselves.
    As for A4A, tell me you haven’t found AGENDAS here?! I have received rude emails/been preemptively blocked because my profile states:
    ‘Friendship first, please do not contact me for sex.’
    I respect the fact that others want what they want, I respond ‘hello’ when hit up by photo-riffic phalluses (phalli? lol), but as several have pointed out here, AC may represent us at our best. Let’s be worthy, be proud and loud (or don’t be), but get it together gentlemen; disparaging others, especially our brethren, ultimately hurts ALL of us in the end.

  26. Chocolatepie50+

    It is a simple answer, actually. It states in the Bible that we are not to be judges towards others. The only who will judge in the end is God and He will judge not on who we are but what we do with our life. If we constantly judge others and do no good works or constantly complain about others and don’t try to care and get along with others then we have missed the point that He wants for us. Jesus loved everyone and died for everyone and judged no one. That is the point, period.

  27. NslashA

    As somebody that is not only a proud homosexual man, I am also a proud, sometimes outspoken, atheist. I would never deny a person the freedom to worship whatever mythology they want, so long as others are not forced to worship it if they do not believe, and it does not interfear with the rights of other who do not believe. I love when Christians quote the bible as “facts” (yet can provide no evidence to how we can conclude the bible is the word of God, without using logical fallacies like circular reasoning and appeal to popularity) for their arguments, when many of them have not read the entire book, and love to pick and choose what commandment they believe God still cares about or doesn’t care about anymore. This Tomczak guy believes that being homosexuality is an abomination, but does he eat things from the sea that do not have fins? Does he wear fabric woven of two different kinds of fibers? Has he ever shaved or trimmed his beard? Does he make his wife live outside in a tent while she is on her period? Has he ever eaten an animal that has cloven hoofs? Has he ever eaten meat and milk at the same meal? These too all are abominations according to the bible and the people that purpertrate such abominations are supposed to be put to death, just like homosexuals, but Mr Tomczak knows that God doesn’t care about those things anymore, but he still really hates gays, now let’s all go to Red Lobster and get shrimp covered bacon cheeseburgers! My philosophy is that I am sick and tired of Christians trying to legislate their morals. If you do not agree with abortion, THEN DON’T HAVE ONE! If you do not like gay marriage, THEN DON’T GET GAY MARRIED!!! But stop telling the rest of us how we have to live our lives because of your belief structure. Freedom of religion also means freedom FROM religion.

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